» ISM. MOUNT AUtY, NORTH CAIOUN. Tax Books lied Between Officials Tax Supervisor, & To Use Help Fur proval of M by the oom tt was hto i to employ hkon» in the tax Now it I* Mid that hove nerved notice on him that they will not pay any btfto for help em And so the work on the tax books the (oiks My Frank . and to waiting to decide to tot him «o ahead with the wot* in his own way and employ help at his own Oap a few nfchts ago tar-away bayinc of a pack of fox and naturally a serious for it to • i task to pet the books in ready to deliver to the sheriff at the! In the mantime Mr. i an the tax recosda to his it now appears that it will as a result of the hold-up in the Hospital News Va, to Ton Han. who rutd— an to M < F. Falger Refi Kiwaniaaa Enjoy Fine Evening With Galax Club ift at " . I ■■■ of the Rotary Club, who ex to the visitors a word of wel > mepnnrtod to by J H Carloo extended all the of the city to the visitors and id In a word of t W' over the aetata of Mr. the aauiy piaoee of ate for the «n of the UtUe boys, a doU houee which drew the attention of the! aa well aa the little flrls. and the 1 tiful flower (at den which win the treee and rolllnt hills back of the Story Farmer* To Attend Raleigh Meeting Oovernor Gardner ha* called a i lnc of the farmers of the state to i situation la North Carolina aa af foots the farmer Am dileifttii to the of this city. W. I. MittDm of Ptkft Mountain and W L. Chilton of Ararat to ispriaeut Surry lo attend the Pythian Children To Giv* The ohlkbeo of the Pythian at Clayton will give m concert tonight at the city hall at a o'clock. Thto to a zx »ri i of to o( the i dren represent. Ttie price of i toOto for adults and Kc for Every one tocor »i / i. m All parttoe having loved to the cemetery at ttot Church are requeeUd to the oemetery at • o'clock morning July a and aaetot to c tog off the oan«tery. Thto to a which dmld Intereet all with thto church. Mtoi WUlto Taylor Bute to vandfaw thto week with Mtoe Pai|e Howard la CM Officers . G. Hirriiw Hmmrnd — hwl. fmwil PiHlu to It Cwriid On At a gMtm of tfa the >to^^ C|iwh ^Ohri» H M. Pyqr. J. & h. «. H. Uewettyn. Dr KI J. d. tamt uid j. r. | ia(«r. FoUowtaf tlM UMtlnt of the eld a J. O. Hart of the club, J. D. HmM aa On11 H. M. Fay *h The director* mapped out • plan of of t) court aad the ounetmoHuu of a| Surry Baptists Meet at Copelandl from th* churches of thai Surry Baptist Assoclstlon will Oopeland Baptist Church Friday for a three-day miUii. bednnlnc at 10 A. M. The Introduolory www wUl be praached by In. 1 T. report* of the various eoaunlttees will Friday afternoon The pro m. posed of W E Woodruff. U F. Wrenn and J. A. tin. has arrangad a full th* three-day session and a htning Kills John F. Adkinsl John F. Adklns ni kilted by nta( late Thursday afternoon white | te wd of hk ham* five mites from t Airy to' wu a inn—ifi*l fanner and a good o»U- | aen and Ilia untimely r""1**! brln sorrow to a boat of frtenda aa wall aal He la survived by his wife I a Miss Snoddy and tan chll-1 dren. dx fir Is and four bag*. truck a poplar tree | Mr. Adklna waa standing ■piutinc the tree, the cur rant ran down the tree and out a large | ua and hia body waa i when ha waa picked lately after the shock The Rev. X H. | Hall happened to be paaalnt ud reach ed him aa aoon aa ha could atop hia car and tot acroaa the road. Mr. Adklna waa a member of the to- I dian Graves Baptist Church and hia | funeral waa conducted from the church at 1 p. m. Friday, the Hn J. H. offictatlac CdbhwC rrinitilth fiSMf Mrs Dave Phillips. widow, has ninetieth mlteotona and in the event her i and relativea ullarail at the hesne of I Mrs. ad Vsllheas en the Fancy oap| read Sunday where a birthday « waa served ta a (rove near the CONTRACTS TO BE LET FOR WORK ON ROCK and COPELAND SCHOOLS Aw»yWr"rfaUr at Concert Tuesday Night! tt wUl am>0,,"r" *ht at I o'clock This Is ttw Mod series at of the Tobacco People Now On ' Georgia Markets Many of titthacfm ud buyers of this county in now the market* of South Carolina a others buying on the floor | on the ground Just to 1 ii io nMurkst B. L. Brown, of left Monday to spend a low Nashville Oa.. to get a line-up on the market .Before lea vine ha proaaleed to write a letter back to The News about the oondlttooa ha found there. Surry Loses Splendid Citizen. Franklin Snoddy ni born March as. IMS and departed thU 1U« July IS IN, naklng hi* stay on earth •t years i moa. and W dart. Ha laawi a wife, one daughter and ti too* Mid irmndchildren to mourn fe about nine yean ago. Ha haa lived on the (arm | I which he waa bora all Ma life. Hit ti I U» enviable lot and portion of Uw| patriarch of old. He haa declining year* In the plenty created by hie own labon. sur rounded by wile, children, grand-ehil and friend*, an honored and rev hl* early the log the «««>» faom tlee available at that time which ha attended until the age of 14 year* when he took up the duties of life but ha never oaaaad to leant; he waa a profound student all through his life and acquired a store of knowledge that would do credit to a paraon that He has always been deeply lntereet ed In loonl, etate and national affairs I and has kept In doae touch with an of | them until strtoken two weeks ag bar of yean ago and haa lived the I faith. Ha waa devoted to his nmlly and Maude and aver I pathy with tbeee In need and His advtoo and at 1 p. m. with Nov. * Dr. i at the 1 Farmers Meet at Dobson With New County Agent Handsome Priae Offered Golfers Am one of the features of Prather's July Clearance Sale which started this week Mr. Prmther U staging a golf tournament at the Mount Airy Country Club far the benefit of those who play golf. The tournament will be held next Tueeday and Wednesday and will be held under the rules and direction! of the golf pro. Handicap* will be set for the playera and all will be on an even footing at the Mart Play win be for U holes and the per son malrlm the lowest net score will be awarded by Mr. Prattler* firm a WW golf suit made by the tailoring firm of Id V. Price * Oo. This is one of the moet attractive prises yet offered the colters of this oity and the approach**! tournament is already crsatlig much inter eet. Off On F taking Trip to Unr<.IL norroiK Its a far way from the Ufa of the politician to that of a fisherman, but that la just what has liemMild to Sheriff O. H. Haynes He left this city Monday in company with Claude Pttp pin. WUl Monday and Prof L. B. Pea ds People Ready To Help is Work the tcrub cattle to i brod (took. Alroody Mr. Taylor nh ho boo mod enough ood talked with tho Oontry of noor growing of rod otorer tor nil moot ui rooountod o • moot ho hod oorrtod out with tto i inf. rrof. W. B. White. itruetor la tho Dobaoo high volunteered hla help In tho form of tho oounty. and J. W Lorlll. houaoman of Mount Airy, apoke on tho «tudy and analyals of tho aoil In tho county. Ttaia ho aald hod o *ory Im portant boortnc on tho quality of to baoo that la produeed on our farm* W. E. Merrltt. o member of tho board, and a large tanner aa well oa need the Improvement of the soil by growing cover eropa and the ro tation of tho market eropa No offloora of the board won < it being pootponod until the meeting which will bo A tag. I. at 1 P. M at Mml Mr. Pyrae waa nan to tho State Farmer* mooting to hold at naMgh July Mth. Oounty Ageot Taylor following of floe boon ai In the county at ho win bo glad to any aortoo bo can to iWhti to Mo offtae: not oad third Saturdayo tat at eity hall la Mount Airy. •I Fourth Saturdayo at ■ MASONIC PICNIC AT ELK FN TO - BE INTERESTING EVENT; AUG. 1st