UNA. AUGUST SSad. IMS. $1.80 VtK YEAR IN EQUALIZATION BOARD CLOSES MEETING AT KIWANIS BANQUET « ' __ Feted At White Sulphur Sprat* Visitors Free With Praise Far City aid County ... to* > toM* I .... ....■ tl ability to pay tax by the number of i of land he owned." he said. "But t* no fair way in which to R. T. k it the hospital! of the board had re i the people q/ Mount Airy this section of the date. Mia* Kelly, only board, recalled the taught in the achoola of this city eral years ago and marveled at prof reee of Mount Airy during the yean that have paseed While in »earton la the city the board (fiatrlbuted MOM* aa a fund to aid the tax district to carry on an eight A large part of apportioned several ago. SunT* special district get ting *18.000. but sinoe that time other districts had been organised and the board heard the claims of theee new districts which are getting a IMjOOO ap propriation at this time Before leaving the city this morning D. 1. Hoffman preeident of the Ki wanla Club, conveyed the over to the quarry and showed the many operations of lntereet In oonnectkw with the quarrying and cut ting of granite. Work Started On Fulton Building. Contractor D. H. Cooke this week began the work of remodeling the Ful ton block on Main street next to the Bank of Mount Airy The fronu of the building* are being imwrt (town to the glaaa and a aecond story will he added to the block. Hie second floor will to built for offloe mow, the stair way In the Johnson Cafe Iwlhllug be ing need for entrance to the new ed ition. The wart; will to poshed thru to oonipletion before the wlater day* arrive. Former RouWa lUturn From T«u Mr. and Mrs Hubert Jones and family who have been mending mm time near AmaqrDa, Texas, where they ago have returned to this section and will probably locate In Winston-Salem where Mr. Jones will follow the barker trade. They spent laat week with re latives near Sparta. Mr. Jones re ports the finest cotton, wheat and other small grain crops that that sec tion of Texas has had in a number of years. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. T. S. Clarkson, Rector Church school — 10 a m There will to ao morning servioe Sunday at the 11 o'clock hour of war ship One Of Oldest Citizens Passes J. D. McCollum Dioa Following Lo»C IM—i Carnn Here ia Early Part of Lifo. In the passing of J. D. McCollum In this city last Thursday afternoon this lost one of Its oldest itr liest Inhabitants and one who vai widely known and had a host of friends. Mr. McOollum's health began to fall about a year ago and for weeks there had been no hope of his recovery of fering from high blood pressure anc1 paralysis. All that Mends and relatives oould do was done for his oomfort ip his last days and a large number of people attended the funeral rites at his hone on North Main street Satur day morning, the services being con ducted bar Rev. D. Vane* Pile* and the taking place in r>-w'*-L- oesne tery. Mr. was born In Chatham County, not far from Chapel Hill « years sgo. and spent his youth In and near Chapel Hill. When a young man he came to this city and soon engaged In hiislnees He married Miss Kate Poy in 1W4 who survives, there being no children. Par the past few years he was manager for the Red C OU Co.. at this place and senior mmiliw of the firm of North Main Motor Co., agents lor the Oakland-Pontiac automobiles. The deceaeed was a great lover of lire-stock and was always to be seen at the fairs of this section, being nailed upon t« act as Judge of the ractng events and the stock exhibit*. He kn*w the fine paints of pure bred stock and took great pride In the grade of stock that was to be found cm his farms dar ing the years that he engaged In farm ing near this city. Besides being survived by his wi dow the rteoeascd W also survived by one brother of Durham, two half brothers. one of the** betag W. E. Lind eey, of this dty and three half-sisters of Chapel Hill. "Cydsas Mnclt" Mooting. About twenty eltlsens, moatly mam bars of th* Mount Airy Evangelist Gtab chartered a bos and attended th* warahous* mooting Tuesday *v*ning in Winston-Salem being conducted by the Rev. Baxter McLendon popolarly called "Cyclone Mack." The visitor* were heartily weloom*d by th* evan gelist and given an opportunity to say a few words. J. H. rolger, R*v. J. U Sprinkl* and othars spok* briefly of the fine work of the evangelist In this dty. adult illiteracy CAMPAIGN CONTINUES to being held i of the local goU on H. H. Llewellyn as] Acorn Store At Bristol Burned! a * UeOw thi the (tortructtoc'yItotamltare to-1 ciMd in the city of Bristol. Twin. Mr. MoOee to manager of the district In which |« located the Bristol star* he at one* toft (or that city to take charge of U>« situation. The informa tion was that the fire originated In another store and spread to others, do ing considerable damage to the Aoorn hniVHng and completely ruining the stock. Mr. McOee Mid the Aoorn building hid just undergone remodel log. the workmen finishing the )ob| about two weeks ago. Revival at Hajrmore Memorial Church Beginning Sunday night Aug » evangelistic services will be held each night at Haymore Memorial Baptist Church continuing through the eve ning of Sunday September t. The pub lic to oordialiy Invited to attend theee services. Ram and Garage Rureed Fire at unknown origin last Friday night destroyed a barn and damaged the garage an the premise* ol A. S. Tow*. North Main Street The prompt ness of the people who first gathered on the soens In removing the sedan and delivery truck of Mr. Towe from the garage .saved them from being burned. The barn contained a quanti ty at wood, and feed sacks which made it highly inflammable Mr. Tow* had no Insurance on Um buildings. Experiment In Tobacco Sales To (tic rut tobacco trowing inu af North Carolina, which last year ■old a total at UIMI pounds at an average prioe of llt.11 par hundred, will eomc a new experiment this sea son—|k| Ira Melton Pnm Miaaouri Ob Auto IWtCWi* The ofltn ai this city ton not tat 1.400 mitae keep tturn (ran brtogtog an* Ilk Mellon tram taUaftw. Mo., la Mount Airy far trial on a at larceny of with Arthur York and to vet hie prtaonei who held In MU In the Mta i the trip la ft antral to this etty • tow Maryland. He wh drtrlnc an old ear a Maryland Ueanee tor He had ft art U-Drtre-It mum had fonaerty eoM • aar to the toi and than left the hind aar and i TIM pottoe department at < ha ww LIQUOR LANDS VISITORS INTO POLICE HANDS Ik;':"., al: Quartette FmGakxbabibeTaa Freely Anather Yields 12 Galkaa aa Search , — ■ •. ■■■ ' I Now Sckool For Cotorod! Roai dMtoQaurTSwtiM takm to provide i aew bunding at I ooat of njm. The oootract vUl be tot win to rushed to to ready (or um tl the i Miss Wester Bride Of Dr. Thomas Franklin ton. Aug. 14—Miss Van Marshall Wester became the bride of Dr. Carl Livingston Thomas in a pret ty wedding ceremony perforated in the home of the bride** parents In this place at » o'clock Sunday morning August U. the Rev. R. L. Randolph. ptTtw of the bride offlcliUoi There were no attendants and the altar of ferns and cardan flowers The bride was becomingly gowned In a go ing away oostume of navy blue geor gette with aooesaorte* to saatch and wore a corsage of pink roaaa. The bride la a daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Buchanoti Weator. of Oarollna Teachers OoUsgs, OreenvUle In in* and taught math in the Uun berton High school the past year The groom Is a son of Dr. and Mis. P. R. Thomas. Norfolk. Va.. and grad uatod tron Um dtpartiMnt of the University of Maryland In 1IM Par the paat two year* he has prac ticed dantlatry In Mount Airy where he and Mrs Thomas will reside follow ing their honeymoon Immediately following the ceremony a breakfast was served by the bride's parents after which Dr. and Mn. motored to the home of his In Norfolk. Va.. where they honor gueato at a dinner given by groom's parents. Prom there they bgr boat to Baltimore and other north. the out of town guests for the wire Dr. and Mrs. P. R. Norfolk. Va.. Mr. and Mr*. J. O. Morton. Winston gal—, R. C . Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Thomas. Jr., and Dr and Mrs. J. W. Smlthfleld Judf. Webb To Retire At End of Hu Team Judge Janes U Webb. father-in-law of Gtavernor Oardner and daaa of North Carolina's superior oourt Judges, who ha* presided over court. In N of IN counties of North Oarollna. will leave the bench M the end of hie tens In int. he announced at his heme la Shelby The veteran Jurist, who will then have rounded out a full quarter of a century as a Jurist, will leave the eourt room the sa«s time as the stale's oth sr veteran Jurist. Judge T. J Shaw, of Ore. Thirty-«!* rears ago governor mm ed Umoi OO the edg* Of the ett jr If Mi. arresting R. o. Surratt, ivy lurun. Claud* Omatm and Dm Fam*. all a< Oalax A March at th* oar ihhM i ■Ml quantity at honor and the mm and ear wot* held tar Mat. Ik* ear ta to be cold bat ha vine • aimm am u win hardly brln« mar* than the claim. in the oenter of Um tread. Thli «d the officer* to Investigate Um Sur ratt Mr that they war* holding, and on tha front whaal Umjt found the Ur* ■toll from hi* carafe. Now warrant* ware than issued tor the tour Galax cltlaan* on a charge of lareeagr, to be served *hould they return for their ear. It wm while Policeman Joe Snow wm carnally driving around tha out skirts of tha cltjr about three o~eiook Saturday #nornli* that he iu mtom Arthur Towe. another otttam at Vir ginia To we wm traMhng alon* in a new Plymouth coupe, and tor aa** un locountftblc tlw offl(Hf'l Mh pidon wm arouaed and he called ea Tow* to Hop. A March of the car re vealed two mm* of half •saltan fruit Jan full of whiskey concealed under some tacks AIM In the *eat of the ear the oUtaer found I 8 S. b W. platol. although Towe made no atove to bring It Into um. submitting peacefully to ar rest The nest day he gave bead of *1. 000 tor his appearanM In oourt nest Monday and banded hi* oar out h* putting up a bond of MOO for It. Tow* already rtaarts charged In the eoMt here tar an aaaault on a woman and I* at liberty on a MOO Mod tor that effetue. He I* a real dent of Oana. Va. and a son of Robert TMe Mrs. R. Schafer Returns Home Mr*. R. M»l«, who «m aarlouat? injured In an auto accident near Win ston-Oaiam July M white an route to Chapel Hill, haa lumclently reooretad to return to her home In this city un der the care of a trained nunc The trtp boa* wa* made Sunday af ternoon In the Fenlngar ambulance accompanied fay her mine and her aon* Dr. Henry achate, of Wlnaton Salam and laador Schafer. of thte city. She raated well folk *bv the trtp and to expected to make rapid leuumi now that sh* U at home again. ics cbsam sums at mt. mm sATvmoAT moar Th* Ladte*1 AM loctety of Mt. Betli •1 Moravian Church wtD ftva an tea ■MSSteS 'wto and^te*^ tareamwUljto - ,, ..a. ,i a.. tM ,.aa . j i tveryooay inviLea W. W. Cuter ■»■■■! Baak Truat Oftcwr