ibits At Fair f ■ : . , ; " i f! ' Represented; Ascension Saturday Quality of Article* Praised by Judges Airy'* <*lr Is under way a day lata by of the week bids oartato to brine large numbem of lair (round*. was all that the Judging of exhibit* «a Tuesday afternoon in the various de partments and those who supervised the work were pleased with the num bar of exhibit* ind th# high QUiltty of the articles. Mr. ■. S. MUlsaps. of Statesellls. dis trict farm scent, had charge of the Judglnc of the farm exhibits. In this department a prise of 09 was won by W. a. WUllams. Rusk, for the best bve went to Robert Bartley of In Va Mr Williams' exhibit contained M different articles produc ed on his farm and was a striking lee son on what oan bs crown by the far FARM prizes WON. The »Uver cup given by T. W. Wood * Boa for the bast It ears of oora waa awarded to J R Venabta of Rockford |The tobacco display prim wen >finM u follow*. FM, Robert Thore. route S. 113: 2nd. Kermlt Wood, route 4, M; 3rd. Jamee Jackson. route 4 B Other prlM In tin farm exhibit •wanted Included the following: Boat hun. I. F. Armfleld. Lowgap M; 2nd. A. L. Bunker, White Plain. Bacon, first, A L. Bunker; 2nd. W. B. Williams. Rusk . Beet vegetable collection Mr*. O. B. Webb. Mount Airy. Beet 10 ear* of corn, W. B. William*. *■: 2nd, Howard Blue. White Ftaina, H Beat display hay. J. R. Norman. Kappa Mill. 4. B*at display wheat. M H. Needham, route 1. 16; 2nd, B. A. Needham. route 1. *3. Beat commercial dlaplay of fruit, O. O. Blue. White Plain*. <30; tod. W. H. Bowman. The Hollow. Va.. Hi PANTRY BSPAB1HBMT. Ml&s Ruth Current. illeUlut homa agent, of Statsarina. waa ptiawrt dur lng the fair aad Judged the exhibits In the pantry department. Especially did (he praiae the high quality at the cake* that were exhibited We list be low the winner* of the group (Uvtays: Collection of 13 jar* earned good*: tat. Mrs R. L. Christian, Waatflald. tie; tod. Mrs. B. W. Oatron. Independence, «§■ H6rses Make Low Record At The Fair la a liM Trot TUm of Sill b Mmdrn by WinnT; ML Airy Tr««k b Pniwd by Hor»« Racee at the Mount Airy Mir tot under way Wednesday afternoon after being called off on Tuaeday on ac Bount of rain. And Use raoo mat* t Wedneeday aant a thrill through Uww who know hone raolag and take an hi tereet In It. lor then wen earn fast ram made and horaemen wen delight ed with the time made. In the S:M trot a time of 1:11 wae iii on third boftti And of the veteran horaemen elated that sev eral yean amid paae Man enoh a low mark In a 3:M elaea would again be reached. The winner of thla event wae Brownie Cooper, driven by Stout. Sec ond winner waa Brim Bru. driven by Hatcher. Third winner, Sylvia Volo, driven by Rogera. Seven hones wen ■nterad in the race. Several prominent horaemen and raoe official* are attending the raoee hen awci than being W. W. Smoke of Winston Selem. B. O. Fryer«ou. sec retary of the fair at Spartanburg; Dr. T. N. Speoeer. Concord; and J. O. The official (tarter, Ool C. A Rip pert. of Kenton, Ohio, was' liberal in hi* pratae of the condition ef the track and pronounced it as one of the beat he has saaa tor aoan* time. For several days the track hae bean under the constant care at Llndaay ffolnomb who has seen that It received the pro per <i sggl't and thl/i haa bean a oon trtbuttng factor tc the faet time that Ur being made by the uacw. Arthur Towe Loses An Eye in Affray Typical of the botUr claat of aehook »ow botag built In Worth Carotin* W' " , | Lowgap Consolidated School Example of I Educational Advancement in Sorry Co. - • - TIM Longap caacoadatad school opened tart Monday (or tu aeoond rwt of Work. By Wedneeday it had carolled J07 pupils, 40 of tl»em being In the high tag (ran day to day and It la pradict ad that within tan days mora MO m pUa will have l Iglataril Tha pitaalpil at the school la Mr . T. B Ferree and the (acuity la made up of Mr. and Mia. D. D. thd|»i, Miaa Oanara Love, Miaa Foya Woodruff. and Miaa Buhy Lee Jotna. Thto eohool may be taken aa aa example of what North OaroMna la fe int (or her rural folks and yet in aaaaa particular* it la unique. Per hap* no where elae In auoh a small territory win one (Ind such a tana Juvenile population. The hiiib around Lowgap seem to be tmmlng with children tot beat of all thote chil dren are Kfer (or an aducattod and their parenta are Just as aager that that ware dMdad^beta. 8»wh a thirst (or education ampiy Jurtlflea the wis dom of county and state autaoritiae in tha aotabltahmant of a-- rural schools Mr. J. J. Blair, euperrieor of rural tchffol buildings in thf itttc, snapped the picture of the Lowgap school that appear* herewith. And he baa pro noonoed It one of North OaraSrjrt beet rural school buildings and says un qualifiedly. that that it oocuplee the, moat beautiful stta of any school la the { state. It will Interact the readers of The News to know that tha Bureau of Education of the Federal government North Oarolina for Information on our, rural anhnola Mr. Blair ahowod him the picture of the Lowgap eohool and ; gave him a copy which was later print-: ad la a bullet la on better rural schools j The building haa aevan clam rooms.; an office for the principal and a 11-; brary room. A large auditorium with a slanting floor glvaa a good view of the ataga. Modern toilet farlllttee the building are piovtdad for both sexes A large septic tank at a distance (root the building ptwldea aanitary eewaiaga diepoeal. The building Is provide*. with; running water piped from mountain springs a mile and a half away. This Child sad Grandfather Hart la Car Accident An mrklMrt ooouiiad at the oorner of Otlmer and Oak htmU Sunday aftmew when a oar drim by Lee Hlatt eoltteed with one drlwn by Fletcher Fry Little Irene Hlatt. (If* mn old. m thrown agalnat the wtndahleld of her hlUri ear and wai badly cut about the fore heart a terere gaah be tas made above am eye, her grandfath er A. Z. Oook of the eectfcm between Woetfleld and PUot Mountain who was al*> In the Watt oar mffwad a brofc Mr. and Mrm. Pe Meet en ofiuMfa tacton. D. O., are Innattin here and wm Former Mount Airy CHisoa Dioa in Florida. Word bu bam ncdwd hm of ttm death Tueeday of M. K. rftaaanta at hi* home in Ocala. PI*., following an llln— of mora than two jwn. The body 1» being brought back to U» old bona of |the dacaaaad at Loal^un. H. C., for burial on Friday I Mr. Pleaaante waa formerly a reel dent of ttaia city and at one ttana op erated a laundry here tor a abort time near Slate Mountain. Be ta em-Tired by a wife, who la a Mar ot J. 8 Bray. | thia city, and ana eon and one daogh VANCE HALL GETS FIVE YEARS FOR MURDER OF JOHN KING feature is Um gift of • local Industrial MnL H to pertep* UM ODljr school la Um oouniy ha ring a moving picture mMhtao; Um gift at Um patron* of Um ■vaiybudj takes a pride In keeping Um houes and (round* n*at and Inviting. The ctuaan* believe that •0 much money inveeted by the tax payer* should bo paying dirldaoda. *o they make frequent uaa of Um building aa a oommunlty oentar lor aH aorta of way of UhMtiaUac Um dartre of thl* mountain oommunlty (or aduoaUonal provide them a high school department ao their children would not be obUgod to gat up at daylight and make a long and uncertain journey by bu* to ntk school The authorities did not beUeva the district had wrfleMnt pupils to justify a high school department, so tt was denied. The community thought tlwy knew beat aa to Um number of their children, so they dug down Into their Jaaoi and. relied the money to employ a competent high school teach er. Me has bean on the job throe days with the result that 46 children who have pawil the seventh grade are tak ing advantage ot the courses la the assume that only half of these children would have had thaee advantages If forced to go by bus away (Mm heme for them. By special subscription the school will be run eight month*. Intonated citiasas are now canvassing the situa tion with a view of aaklng for an elec tion to vote a special tax to provide an eight month* term for future years. If anyone has the notion that moun tain people prefer ignorance to enlight enment. let him go to Lowgap and find out bettor. Tinas people live right In the mountains and are proud of It. They deplore their own lack of educa tion and are determined that their children shall not be aa handicapped. On their school staUonam (and by Um way how many rural schools anywhere have their own printed stationeryfi on their stall nwrj tin Lowgap has this motto: "Not even mountain barriers can prevent the iwugisss of a free people CHURCH DEDICATION IN THIS CITY TAKES PLACE SUNDAY MORNING i I Farmers To Attend Winston Banquet Gwtnor Gudoar Will Ad draw GatWinc m Whutot. Invitation to b> the guoet at I main speaker at i btaqutt to to i by tho Kiwani In that city on tto night of Oot. Mth in (he lUMrt S. Lm hotel. Tlw eublect to to dtomwd will to of interest to the termer* of Uw Oov, state's agricultural I aad« to hie audience hie viewi on Ject of farm aid and procreee The Wlnetcn Below Klwanis Club lei taking a lead in the ■oinnl to in- [ tereet the people In I at the fathering to to hold In their city | the ehib ie Invtting a ■roup of felt vtte* to I tj are ▼. O. Taylor, county agent; Dan Hemming* of Doteon; W. A. York, of Round Peak: Veetel Taylor. White Plain*; Oliver p. Kaueer Shoale: i Store Entered and Robbed At Quarry For eome time the store* in the Quarry eection have ben entered at night at different time* and goods of value (token. The etore of 8. J. Deatherage wae the lateet eceae at m robbery thie week. On Tueeday nixht eome one entered the building by way of a window and took several dollar* from the money drawer and a quantity at other rood* Mr. Doath erage had an idea that tto thief would repeat the performance if he were given the opportunity. With thle in mind, he said nothing about hie loee, bat with a neighbor, Mr. J. W. Gen try, he remained ia the etore the fol lowing night. After aO wae qrici and with a tor of iron prised it up and entered tb« etore. Mr. Deather age eeited the man who proved to to a neighbor bov, Sam Thomas, a youth just laaiglay into manhood. The fal low begged Mr. Deatherare to let him i^and make no pi memt'en. While . .. talking the auatter over Grow WlUhft^a, young man ofthe id ana a nlftuTf ox lion I. and demanded that Thom as to given his freedom. Mr. Death era«« and hie neighbor were both at WiUhite were ricioua about the mat ter and were determined that no ar * made. Mr. Deatherage win 6 ■ . Aa the aun aank lit the afternoon Aug. lg. IMS at tJO p. a. neratone laying ahould ! tag a period of great and cooperation, • u Um Proteatant Churchea In a great evangehatic by Dr. Burke Culpepper um! hla mo (ellatle party Into Um atone • which the Rer Mr WUltama I mlnlatry. a Hat of thoae taking thr eeremony Including Dr. and Dr. H. K. Boyer and Elder J. H West, the ourrent the church organa pubUahed at Naah vWe and Oreenaboco and a copy of The Mount Airy lfewa. Dr. K. K. Boyer. than pa at or of < tral Methodfat Church, m a I the new church which la I for ey to When the church waa K. H Koehtltxky gave a Mra. The Rev Mr. WU Mount Airy afat yean the Mrenth year In the work he had -

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