T. e LVBN NGPBEB PRESS. 'JBSCHIPTION H i k . re- m Hit.bB. . wfJVf momhs priced: id C"tlt MARRIED. Wednksday Kvknino, Nov. 7, 1900. Several liuii(lrt'(l (lolliirn rhniifrwl hands in KiiiHton on the iVHult of the elwtion. LuhtI All tint money we had on Bryun'n cU'ctioii. The other fellow has it. Foil Sam: I All the pictnri'H of crowing roonterN on hand. We don't cure to feed them till 190-1. Apply nt this office. There wan agood lireiik of tobacco on the KitiHton market today. Price were better than they've been in the pant two weekw. Kev. 'J. V. lllunchard returned yenter day from t'axtoria. (ireene county. He hail been conducting very ucceHful Mcrie of ineetingH there. Yon will be welcomed at the- Metho dic church tonight to hear a lecture on Book of Revelation, with pecial reference to the "White horse und his rider." flov. (!:-'. MesH. Mevvborne & West's bill boards are being covered today with posters announcing the coining of The Ithoda Koyal shows on Nov. Kith. This is one of the largest shows now on the road. .Mr. Oeo. Pate, aged about U years, died this morning at his home near Kinston of typhoid fever. The remains will be buried tomorrow afternoon. -Mr. Pate wns overseer of Mr. A. Mitchell's farm, nnd was an honest andiudustrious man. He leaves no family. Mess. Einstein Hros. have a very ele irftnt disnlnv of the celebrated W. IS. Corset in their first south window. The symmetrical arrangement combined with the magnificence of the forms in use give glowing tribute to the ever increasing popularity of this corset. The display is well worth teeing and no woman should miss it. The Schumann Concert Co will be here tomorrow night nt the opera house. This company is composed entirely of lady artists and a treat is in store for all who attend. Already a large number of reserved seats are sold and a crowded house will take advantage to attend this high class performance. Seats on sale at Flood's drug store. There ia something else about that coon hunt that was extremely worthy of note; Tiac The efficient manner in which the Temple-Marston Drug Co. wielded the aire. Ho didn't fell the tree but he felled all the boys. Long before hegot through his turn all the fellows were rolling on the ground ia ecstasies of laughter. He didn't get out a chip ns big as a ten cent piece. (Continued in our next issue.) The town wfll buy two "more horses to work on the streets, remove the garbage nnd also used by the Are depart ment. The town now pays per month to have garbage carted away. For a little more tlun this amount two horses can be kept and two men employ ed. The streets can be kept in better condition, and the fire department will be greatly strengthened. We learn, also that two men will be employed to sleep at the engine house. The Fkee Press approves of these steps. The chrysanthemum show will be held Thursday and Friday. Nov. 8 and 9. Oh Thursday the door will be open from 3 to 5 o'clock In the afternoon, and on Friday from 9 to 12 in the morning, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and again at nfght, when oysters and other re freshments will be served. Through the courtesy of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows the exhibition will be given in the lodge room of these orders over the store of Cox & Co. The management cordially invite everyone, and give as surance that for the small admission fee of 10 cents, they will witness a most bewildering and magnificent floral dis- Say. Come and see chrysanthemums the most prodigal profusion of the choicest and rarest varieties, grown with the utmost care by skillful and ardent lov ers of the famous flowers. All cut flow era will be for sale and what more appro priate gift as an expression of friendship or affection than a bunch of these autumn beauties? Mies Gertie Dill to Mr. A. H.Webb, Jr.. at Morehead City. A beautiful marriage was solemnized at :.'l. o'clock this morning at More- .. fiend tity- i lie contracting parties were Miss (Jertie Dill, daughter of Mrs. Eliza bethA. Dill, and Mr. A. II. Webb, Jr., both of Morehead City. The ceremonv was performed by Rev J. U. (iuthrie at the residence of the bri le's mother. The bride entered the room on the arm of her brother, Mr. Geo. W. Dill; the groom entered by another door upon the arm of his brother, Mr. Cbas. V. Wept), as best man. Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by the sister of the groom, Mrs. C. K. Wallace, accompanied on a violin by Mr. Leslie Davis. During the ceremony a beautiful violin solo, "Sweetest Story Ever Told" was beauti fully rendered. The bridal party was preceded by five (lower girls, nieces of bride and groom. The room in which the ceremony was pei formed was handsomely decorated with evergreens and chrysanthemums. The couple stood just under a triple arch with a background of palms. The wedding breakfast was served at (i:"0, tho bride and groorn taking tue 7:27 train for Niagara Falls and north ern cities. They were accompanied as far as (ioldsboro by 28 of the bridal party in the handsome parlor car "V ance." Several friends of the couple were at the depot in Kinston when they passed through to offer congratulations. There were more than a hundred hand some and useful wedding presents. Mr. and Mrs. Webb are popular among a large circle of friends. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. 8. Herbert, of Kinston, and has many friends here. The Free Press w ishes the happy cou ple an interesting and pleasant trip, and may they find the great sea of life an un troubled one. May their paths bestrewn with roses without the thorns. Just Think of the Good Things You Can Get At You can get Fried Oysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't suit, you can take them Raw. I have had n years' experience in the oyster business, and I know your wants. Come to see me. Fried Oysters, 30c Stewep Oysters 25c Yours to please, J. T. SKINNER SEVEN SPRINGS ITEMS. November (5, 1900. Our young ladies say they don't like "rainy Sundays." liov. C. B. Aycock spent last week at Rural Retreat hotel. Itev. S. II. Isler filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday. Mr. Ferguson, Supt. Rocky Mount mills, visited our section last week. Miss Mattie Uzzell began teaching about four miles from here Monday. Misses Callie Ivey and Sadie Sutton visited in Duplin county Saturday nnd Sunday. Pupils continue entering Seven Springs High School. We are proud of having such a school in our midt and are glad to see its patronage rapidly increasing. A festival will be held over Mr. F. P. Simmons' store Friday night, Nov. 1C, the proceeds to increase the missionary collections of the M. E. church. The pub lic is invited to be present. Buy Your Drugs and Goods from HOOD'S DRUG STORE. t at the Onvx Fountala 10 Special Notices. Butter and Cheese at H.W.Cummings'. For Sale. My Grocery Store. Ilea son for selling, too much other business. M. Pearson. JVIorton's Bakery A SHIPMENT OF GROSS TOILET SOAP Just Opened ! Wholesale and Retail ! DELIVERS Fresh Bread and Cakes Anywhere in the City. PERSONAL MENTION Rouse spent yesterday in La- LOOK! We have now on exhibition beautiful assortment of Jardiniers, irom 15c to ifci.65. Also some lovely palms. Give us a call. THE NEWYORK RACKET CO. KINSTON, N. C. a ARMOUR'S "FINE ART," (Perfumed like "Cashmere Bouquet.") 10c, Three for 25c. A trial will convince you ! JJLadies will please ask for samples. French Flannel... Is the Prevailing Goods For Waists. We are showing it in all the newest shades. Purple, Blue, Rose, Gray and Black. 27 inches wide, 75c the yard. A splendid value. OETTINGER BROS It Pays to Trade' afi The Big Store. Satin Soleil. We have bought a nicejstock '99 Model Bicycles and will sell them for one-half what they cost last year, as long as they last. Strictly High-Grade throughout and guaranteed. , KINSTON CYCLE CO., C. E. SPEAR, Manager, Queen Street - Kinston, N. C. 1 Phone 50. m Brl'k Block. Long returned yesterday from (Ioldsboro, was morning- for Mr. N. J Grange. Mr. J. A "Wilson. Mr. N. B. Outlaw, of in Kinston today. Mr. J. W. Lynch left this Washington. N. U. Miss Bessie Sutton returned home from Raleigh yesterday. Mrs. W. M. Payne went to Dover yes terday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Oettinger returned this morning from Newbern. Mrs. Vienna Dail aud Mis9 Lucy Cox spent yesterday in Goldsboro. Dr. W. T. Parrott went to Dover yes terday on professional business. Mrs. W. F. Button, of near Kinston, left this morning for Greenville to visit relatives. Mrs. J. T. Wooten, of Cadez, left Kins ton this morning for LaGrangeto visit , relatives. . Mess. T. C and E. It. Wooten returned yesterday from a busiuess trip to Ke nansrilfe. Mr. N. F. Barnes, of Durham, who had been visiting relatives near Kinston, re turned boms this morning . ' Mrs. Thos. II. Moore, who had been visiting ber parent, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Cobb, returned to ber boms at Newbern yesterday. . V - ; Mrs. T. B. Yancey and children, Lena, Maude and Est He, left-this morning for Greenville, from there they ,wlll go to Norfolk where they will make their borne. New Designs in Millinery Every Week ! Last today. shipment just in All At Cost for the Next . . Thirty Days. , Avail Yourself ot This " Opportunity. .4 . NOV. 5. 1900.,... ' The SCHUMANN Grand Concert Co. Opera House Thursday Night nov. & All Pronouiiced i Artists. - ADMISSION: .V: Reserved Seats...... i..:..-75c General Admission, .;soc Uuuirea ,.'.,.;......:..... .1 ........ 25c KJ-.Seats 'ca , Ss?3 at HOOD'S Crt'3 Stcre. BfODAKS... Y Not. the cheap, trashy kind but Genuine Eastman KODAKS. A complete line just in also sH necessary materials, etc.,' for de veloping. . "Thb Witchhry of Kodak EY"a little book on the art of Photography given free to all who will call. DENMARK Klff&TOp, " - m ft c. We Want Your Patronage.... And we will merit it by fair, hon. est and courteous treatment, com. bined with the best and purest urags ana lowest prices. We carry, a full line of ; ' Drugs, Sundries, Fancy and ; Toilet Articles and Patent Medi " cines. Cigars v and Tobacco, and .. Soda Fountain . Speciaties. In fact, we , carry everything kept' in a first-class, up-to-date drugstore. s ' ' , DB. G. B. WOODLBY & CO., Prescription Druggists, . - Next Door to The Bank of Kinston, KINSTON, ! - ;N. C" A soft shimmery fabric that, for beau ty in appearance and finish has no equal among dress stuffs for the season. We are showing this goods in all colors and black. If you don't know Satin Soleil, then ask us to show it to you. We will be only too glad,even though you are prompted by cu riosity alone. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N. C FURS! FURS! FURS ! At Quick-Selling Prices! Scarfs Boas, Collarettes, arid Neck Pieces, At $1.79 arid Up. A beautiful line and at prices1 that will suit you. nit TTf M v ON THE CORNER. Cor. Queen & Caswell Sts. .. : Phone 11 r. THURSDAY, f.'OVEDBER 0, 1000, Is the Last Day of ' OUH COST SHliEI C35Cpme and save yourself money. : l!. B. PATH.

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