V KoottoHoottoO(Koooitot08tOM (Origin of wilt iuunuug tmurtj o o o ST By Virginia Hart on. jf tfooOMoookMoxoooaio:to It was the festival wf the flowers. They had come from every clime, and every forest and gardeta, every hill and dell, had sent its representative. High carnival had been held, and this morning, the last of the festival, was devoted to ctory telling:, either history or legend or incident of travel. As the Morning Glory bad not yet spoken some one proposed hearing her, ere she fell asleep in the beat of the day. "I am not much given to talking," the Morning Glory said, "but as you have called upon me you shall hear the history of my family." And this is the story that she told: We were not always morning glories. No, indeed. The time was, if you count back far enough, when my first ancestor .'Was a brown one, living in the darkness I of the earth and dreading the beautiful ught and the warmth of the glorious sun shine which today is our breath of life, for you must know that among the brown ones the light of day is forbidden, and woe to the one that is caught by its rays, for he is mstantly changed into stone. Well, In this long gone time it hap pened that the qneen of the fairies fell ilL No one knew why or how, for such a thing had never before happened, and well you may imagine the consternation that filled the court. Of course the underground people knew nothing of all this, but one night, when they were permitted to come to earth, to travel in the light of the moon, they found how desolate a place it had be come, and then they heard the fairies weeping, and they marveled more and more. The young prince, son of the brown king, determined to find out the cause of the trouble, and, mounting a chariot made of trembling night dew and drawn by eight fireflies, be drove directly to the palace and sought the king. When he heard of the queen's illness, be promised the king that he would find out what had caused it and a means of bringing back her health even if he lost bis own life doing so. That very night, against the will of his father and all the brown ones, for they looked to him to govern them if ever they lost their king, the prince set out on bis quest. Only in the night dared be go. At first feel of the gray dawn he would creep into the ground and lie concealed until nightfall, when again he would set out. He encountered all kinds of dangers, but he never ceased asking every stick and stone, every blade of grass and every drop of water if it could tell the rea son for earth's sadness. Always, too, he received the1 same answer, and he knew that he must go until one should answer as he wished. One night he came to a great fire rag Ing through a wood. "Fire, fire, can yoo say why the world ,is sad he asked. But the fire answered only "I crackle! I crackle!" Then he went on until he same to an avalanche, and to It he said "Avalanche, can yon tell why the world Is sad 7" And its only answer was: "I fall! I fall!" The brown prince was almost In, de spair, but soon he reached a rushing tor rent and asked it the same question: "Torrent, torrent, do yoo know why the world is sadr And to his joy, instead of answering as be expected that it would, "I rush! 1 rush!" the tprront said: "Tea, for the fairy queen is ill." "That is the answer I have been wait Ing for!" the brown prince cried. "And . bow you must yield np the secret and tell . me how to cure her. "The fairy queen has lost her talisman ilc pearl. You must find it, and she will then recover. "lint how shall I find It?" "Go back to the fairy court, the tor rent answered, "catch the first golden ray of the - morning sun and lock it in the drop of dew that lies on the queen's heart. It will; instantly -form into the peail tint lias, been 'destroyed," and the V. queen, will e.rce more beWell Then the h; -owtj. jprince wn$ sad. for he knew' thst if hi caught Hint ray of light, wcue it pave l.fe to the fueen, it would ", be i!tveth to" him.-" Cnt then be remetn- rem! Lis pron:ie, and so instead of go- tag haefcv to . .1:1 underground home and , letting thjs earth perish "asjtrell, as the queen of the fnlries he returned to the court a ml; J old the king what he had J. heard, v "-r'' y"r ; "Then a!! is lost.? said the king, "for i ' cannot you, prince Brown, to die. . Life is as dear to you .a, to any of ns, and so we must suffer and bear." Prince Brown .did aot answer, for' he suddenly felt the gray dawn creeping op, and, being jdptermiaed. at the risk of his own life, to Mve the queen and the earth, be ran to her ; palace, .sand just, as the first sunbeam ' rliaiineml through.' the v wood he ctrrijcUf it and 'imprisoned it in the dewdrop tf her breast, Instantly the " dewdrop glowed with life, and. the queen sat up, benntifr.l and strong as ever. - All the world, too. buret once more into glad ness and bloom, but Prince Brown drop ped to the ground, a piece pf stone. When the Icing told the queen all that ' bad happened, shesaid: ?- .. .." "lie gave his life for mine, so bear me one and all! I cannot restore what he trare. but I will give him life forevcr ia ore. He rhnll climb op to the. sun's ! llirti wrttf.t t ,tu..A l,t J r. .L.I, " vi 11, n uruiUt nUU II I1UU henceforth be his life, and to repay him for his weary wanderings he shall have rest by night." As he ceased speaking the queen touched the stone, and instantly a vine sprang up. with flowers opened to the snnlight. Then the king said: ' And since he brought us joy after the night of despair I give to Prince Brown the name of Morning Glory and to bis flowers the many hues of the sun's own light-St. 1,011 is Star. Many people worry beeauee they be lieve they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but their stomachs are nnaNe to dir food. Kodol Dyspepsia Care digests what yoo eat and prevents the formation of paa which mates tbe stomach press against tb heart. It will care every form cf tr.rst!on. J. E. Coo 3. - WHY HE LIKES MUSIC. A Physician Whose Reputation as m Critic Was Blnated. There's n physician In Baltimore who adores music. His taste, to lie sure, runs rather to "Old Black Joe," "Su wannee River" and such classics, but still any sort of music will do. and he listens to It nil ecstatically and with a properly intelligent look on his face. It was therefore believed that lie had a fine taste for harmony, and his repu tation as a critic was established and grew apace as reputations will, good or bad. The other evening as his daughter approached the house in which this physician lived she heard the strains of "Home. Sweet Home." proceeding from the library. "Fathers at it again." she said to herself softly. "I wonder who lie has coerced Into playing for linn now?" A glance disclosed the foot that he had bribed three street musicians, two violinists and n harpist Into giving him a private recital. They finished the air just as the young woman enter ed, and the physician turned to her with a beaming face. "That 'Nearer, My God. to Me, is a beautiful thing. Isn't it?' lie asked. It was the first time he had commit ted himself on the subject of "tunes," and his glory began to diminish from that moment, for his daughter told the Incident as what she considered an er cellent joke. Now the worthy man savs that he likes music solely ns an incentive to thought and listens to It when he wish es to solve some knotty problem of ar tery or bones, Just as those who suffer from Insomnia go to church and listen to the sermon to be put to sleep. Balti more News. LOOK I We have now on exhibition beautiful assortment of Jardiniere, lrom 15c to Si. 65. Also some lovely palms. Give us a call. THE NEW YORK RACKET CO. KINSTON, N. C. Moore & Hooter, DBALERS IN Silt 4 FANCY GROCERIES Fresh Meats, Chicago Beef; Etc. AV(Q)(olf5) 1 w 01(0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or trans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures vspepsia, indigestion, lieartDura, atulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PrleeSOe. and tL Lame size contains 2M times mall Bite. Book all about dyspepsia ruiiliedfrea Prapartd by 6. C DeWITT A CO, Chicago. J. E. HOOD. Will Close Out My Stock of Shoes and Hats AT COST to make room for more Groceries. Feeding the people is my busi nessI've been at it for 20 years and still keep up the game. Call and get your Winter Shoes and Hats at cost before they are all Sold. V Respectfully, W. A: LaROQUE, - KINSTON, N. Z Market Hocks : 9P n Phone 27. 4 to 12 a. 1 m.; 4 to BELL & SONS, Headquarters For Pump Material a Specialty. WrShops at same old stand.-a To thePublic ! We, the ui.dersigned, are now ready and well equipped with mill and fixtures and abundant forest, and wish all purchaser m lumber to give us a call befon- r- nying else where. Fully thnnl-ina you all for past favors, we : ; ' con'ni- aance of thesame. 1 .r n;s, stn cash. Prompt Delivery .FROM. FRENCH & SUGG. You can always expect it when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup ply your demand for Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Pickles, Relishes, Sauces, Olives, Country Hams and other articles kept by a first-class Grocery at" rock bottom prices. FRENCH & SUGG. Phone No. 32. if Don't Forget Your Siiectacles. imirn o 1 1 n Shaving and Haipdfressing Parlor Under Hotel Tull. Easy Shave and Artistic Haircata. Competent Assistants. Clean Towels. Children' Hair Cutting a Specialty. TRIAL SOLICITED.- . presh OTSTBBS ?n any style .AT. T B. 19" Above the Saloon. WILMIIGTOI AID WELD01 RlILROi tfONDJNHKD BCHBDULB . trains goxiu boon DATED July 82d, 1900. Z. EDWARDS & SO" , KINSTON, .C. Eye weakness shows itself in va rious ways. Sometimes it appears n the shape of a headache. What ever it may be, we will find a rem edy lor it, and a speedy one at that. We will examine your eyes care fully by modern, scientific meth- 1 y ; ods. We can tell exactly what the trouble is. H. O. HYATT, KINSTON, N. C. Leave weldon.. Ar. Bocky Ht .. Leave Tarboro.. Lv. Rocky Mt... Leave Wilson.... Leave selma.... Lv. FayettevUle Ar. Florence Ar Goldaboro... Lv. ttoldaboro.. Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, Wilmington o 3 k a A. X. 11 60 100 P. M 18 81 105 4 80 5 85 P.M e P. U. 868 9 68 0 52 10 25 11 1i 1X82 i&i A. K US III P.M. too 6 87 710 766 P. M. A. M, 615 667 7 61 0 80 A. M P.M 3 61 8 0 8 80 4 86 6 00 P.M. TKA1N GOING N08TH . B. W. CANADY. H. H. MOSELEV. f eOLD WEATHER The cold weather will soon be here, and we will be pleased to have you call at our store and examine a nice line of Driftwood, Elmwood and Wilson's Im proved Air-Tijcht Heaters. They are neat, durable and economical, both in price and con sumption of fuel. We also have a large stock of COOK STOVES, which we are selling very cheap. Come to see us. B. IV. CANADY & CO., KINSTON, N. C. i A. REAL a RAPHOPME ..FOR. SB 00 " i''. i - . dodnrarfc DarabieCea-stroctjoa. SO BOTHER LIUCH FUN All fn Woaddf Pli im Mt. ' . liigkricerf lalkiofl Itockiaa. ; then accompanied by a Recorder tM iraphopbone can be nsea to make Record 1 ice with Recorder, 47.60- Reproduces : e standard Record. &arf rtttr tmt mot.: i cur nearttt efic. fC3Li?.zu r.:or,ocn,ini ca Dept. so SiW YC1K, Til-t4 romdwf. CH 1CAUO, W Vattuk Am, . T. LOUIS, TTo-rn 0rr 6c WAS" I NiiTON, 019 rVmryfratua Asa FIIIlAr F U " 1 A. 51 CirOTnt S. FALIiM , fiaS. babtman Sb, ECTTALOb S" "" kxk i jjLSU 'Q, rrj Ceaiy St. H - r ' J. W. COLLINS HARDWARE, No. 14, Queen St., - Kinston, N. C. Lv. Florenoe . Lv. FarettertUe. Leave senna. . Arrive wilaos Lv. Lv. Lv. Wi; Haenoj GOiOBboro. Leave Wllaon... Ar. Bockrxt.. Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tartjoro... Lv. BoclcrMt.. Ar. Woldoa sr. 15 (9 nao 1A.M. 0 601 1501 186 P.M. 8 86 8 80 1191 180 82 P.M. A. M 4 60 6 83 10 I 6 0i P. M 786' Otl 1064 11 ss A. M. II 8ii U07 U07 100 A. M. ttsa 1 P. M 700 8 80 887 P. M 1045 1183 P.Mj A M, tssi 13SS P. . Train on the Kinston Branon Boad leavea Weldon 8:66 p. m., Halifax 4:17 p. m arnvoe Soouana Meek at 6:08 p. m., GroenvilJe 67 p7 - Kinston 7:56 p. m.jKeturnliig leaves Kins, ton 7:60 a. m. Oreenvliie 8:58aT marrlviB 5"Ja :18. a.m.. Weldon u& a. m." ahUw ezoept Sunday. ' . H. M. KMSBSON, Gen' t&m &t f. R KBNLT. Gen'l Manager. . T . BM crAun. Trarnov an&Eer Air-Tight A JUrge Supply of- Heaters ! The same that have been so highly prized bv am MMeAM.M at.. m. 11 vusivuicii avjt vac past uirce seasons. Cook Stoves, Guns, Pumps, Stove Pipe, Stove Repairs, etc. taTAs cheap as the cheapest Give ns a call.- ; ; We are making a specialty of GENTS SHOBS thia spring. . We have them in varied styles and can suit anyone - in Style, Size or Price. . '.!' AChocofata Colored Vlcl Kid, in button or lace, a beauty. ' for $4.00. . . - - A Black Vlcl, a good shoe for only $3.50. ' ' , ' Black Sarpass This is the shoe ot whicn we have had ,acn an enormous sale, mce 4.00. ; ;";'-':--"Vvi : ' We baie just received a big line of PATENT LEATH ER Shoes. Price fs.co. These are beauties. - Call and see . them. . ' ' -r .' -j ... A full line of Gents' Underwear. Neckwear, rnllar ) Cuffs, Faccy Hosiery,' Negligee and White Shirts, SERGE P ) COATS. Double and Single Breasted, from $5.00 to $8.50. r y In fact, our line of Gents' Wear for the Spring will be full : and complete. . . . ; ' 1 1 . . . f ( j ....- r ) Queen Street y I 0Ill QUKiERLY, - : . KIKSTOK, IT. a Atlantic & ; C. Itallroad TIMB TABLE No. 18. November $, 1900. BASTBO0MO TRAINS. BTATIONB. Goiarxro . uoni ......... . Lattrange Falllnar Creek Klnstorw...... CaaweU .... .... Dover... Core Creek Toacarora. Clark's Newborn Klverdale, ..........1 .U. A . n vivauui.,...! ... ....... Havetook Newport, ...... Willi wood . ... Atiantie.... Morenead Ottr Morenead Depot'. I a I o 0 sjsg . 5 1 ftI fl ilJv P. M. A. M. A. M. 840 700 740 400 783 800 tOO 81 600 420 8 87 880 483 014 830 4 46 0 25 81S 46m 1016 86S 607 1040 007 6ie his en 8 2b 11 U 0 05 6 60 1 St' 8 60 16 814! 10 16 6 18 2 80 10 18 80 80- 1080 4T, 884 108 49 8 47 1040 64 8 63 1064 : 707 413 1107 7 16 4 83 1116 r. M.I P. M. A.M. WXtf TBOTHO TRAINS. TAT10N6. l.i.. OoldsDoro .......... B8t'a LaOraore. ......... ........ FalUn Creek. ...... ........ kiumosu CMVtil,, Derer. ...... ........... Core Creek Taacarora. Newbern ..... Blverdale.... Croat4a ...... Nwpon.... VriLlwatO. AUanue Koretead City ....... aiarefcead Depot........... 9 m, h "i Q i 1A.M. U05 10 431 1083 10 23 1012 60 04: oa 10 ow 0 13 IK 08 748 w T8s T87 l. M.I 5 ' k P.M. 88 . 83 708 SB 13l sie . 8 86 820i 10 47 10 0 10 00; Off' 87 8 8 P.M. 800 783 T87 T17 TOT M 4T SS fS 17 06 628 10 110 4 4 4 45 4 IT 4'i. A. M.I P, H. S- L, DILL. Snprriutendent. B. A. NEXAKD. UMtcr TransD'tion. J. C LEWIS, dkf Dispatcher.

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