TiIE EVEN NG FBEE PBESS. subscription prices: B9 wii 10 cent Ou roontn 35- " run months tM 'weive monctis M-fl" Monday Kveni.no. Nov. 12, 1900. Cotton Hold in Kinston today at 9 to 9.40. A good crowd we nt to Newbern on the special train yesterday many of them to pend the week, hwrtnse of the fair. Sev eral went from Kinttton. Rev. T. If. Sutton, of LaGrane, filled the pulpit at the M. K. church here last night while Rev. I. II. Tuttle preached at the new Hull (load church. Mess. Frank Vanse and H. W. Casey were before Mayor Webb Saturday for OHfng profane language on the streets. They were each fined f 2 and fonts. Binhop A. A. WatMon and Kev.-Jno. H. Griffith left thin morning for Ayden. Thev will onmnize a mission there thiH afternoon and return to Kinston tonight The biir blood hound that Mr. Kverett BrinHon brought to Kinston Friday is all right. He wan given nix trials yester day and easily traced the men to their biding places. The A. & N. C. will run excursions from Gol4Jboro to the Newbern fair this week. The special will leave Kinston tomorrow morning at 8:50. Fare tor round trip from Kinston: $1.35 on exc ursion; $1.00 regular mail. Mr. Kd. W. Surjirell appeared before Justice J. U. Cox at 10 o'clock this morn ing for assaulting Levi Morgan, colored, with a deadly weapon. The trouble oc cnrrefl jesterrlny. Mr. Sumrell was bound Over to court. The meeting of the managers of the baiaar for the benefit, of the library, that was held on Satuiday, wan an enthusi astic one. I he outlook is veryjproinising and all predict that this bazaar will be the best ever held in Kinston. Mr. Jos. P. Ilischoff. a Mormon elder, who had been visiting the Mormons in this county, went to (ioldsboro, his head quarters, this morning. He said the Mormon church would hold their annual conference in (ioldsboro in December. He said his church had a membership of about 1,000 in this State. Yesterday was the large-t day of the Free Will Baptist conference that has been in session at Hull Road church, beyond Institute. Fully 600 people were present. About 50 people from Kinston were there. Wilson, (ioldsboro, La Grange. Greenville, Ayden, Winterville, ( SnOw Hill and other towns were well represented. Dinner was had on the grounds. The day was pleasantly and profitably spent. Hon. F. M. Simmons. United States senator-elect, will formally open the great Newbern fair tomorrow Tuesday morning with a speech, the first to be made since the people designated him as their choice for that high office. Mr, Simmons will undoubtedly prove a valu able card to the fair association, and it is fit that he should at this time, particu larly, be with the great fair which repre sents the agricultural and industrial life of bis native section. He will be given an ovation upon his arrival in Newbern Dr. Harper's Mother Dead. Mrs. Annie A. Harper, aged 80, died at the home of her son, Dr. Martin W. Har per in Dnnn, N. C, at 6:45 o'clock Satur day night, of paralysis. She was a de vout member of the Christian church. The burial took place Sunday afternoon at the family burying ground, near Btn tonsville, Johnston county. Six children survive Rev. J. J. Harper, of Smithfield; Dr. M. W. Harper, of Dunn; Dr. IT. D. Harper, of Kinston; Mrs. B. W. Hatcher, of Liberty; and Mrs. J. W. Bar bour, of Bentonsville. We extend sympathy to the bereaved. Dr. Harper has the sympathy of a host of strong friends. Superior Court. The November term superior court for Lenoir county was called this morning at 10:15 o'clock, Judge Fred Moore, of Ashevillo, presiding. Mr. w. r. Gilbert was namd as fore man of the grand jury. The charge to the grand jury consumed about two hours, and was a clear and forcible exposition of the criminal law. It was the clearest and most extensive ebarge delivered here for years. The jury was charged to investigate the matter of a county home forthe aged and Infirm and report to court. This is Judge Moore's first visit to Le noir, having exchanged with Judge Rob uvon at last term. He has made u very favorable impres sion in those counties where he has held court and we feel sure our people will be pleased with him. He is a very pleasant and affable gentlemap and an able and conscientious jurist There were this morning sixty, six cases on the criminal docket, and most of the week will be consumed in their trial. Bit little will be done on the civil docket. There are not many rases on the crimi nal docket of much importance. There " b one murder caw, three burglary and two or three perjury cases. The others : art minor offenses. , The But Prescription fr Chill ' M fmr im fcottk at Gtovbi TttTSLBM Cmu : TobK. It -U Mnpiy iron and quintc ia Hi 1 WUniarton Star. '-t j (- And Don. Dickinson, who fupportedn Me Km ley. wishes to reorganize.,;, the Dvmorratia party. Wouldn't it be well for Dob. to first "reorganiie himself , v DeWitta Witch Ha I Salve will quick ' 1y bal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cots and raw surface with prompt and soothing etfect. Use it for piles and skin -n!A9. Iwarecf worthless eounter- f . j. r. nod. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. B. Ball spent today in Green ville. Hev. W. 8. Rone returned to Goldsboro this morning. Dr. R. W. Wooten, of Dover, spent Sat urday in Kinston. Vlr. W. R. Bond spent yesterday with friends near Clark's. Mrs. G. B. Spain, of Newbern, is visit ing Mrs. J. R. Phillips. , Miss lassie Claytor returned yesterday from a visit at Trenton. Miss Helen Gray left this morning for Greenville to visit friends. Mr. R. Croom left this morning for Winterville to attend school. Miss Mary Hodges went to Quinerly today to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. F. D. Daniels, of Newbern, came yesterday to visit friends near Kinston. Mrs. J. S. Funchess, of Wilmington, came Saturday to visit Mrs. J, F.Taylor. Misses Minnie and Georgia Oxley, of Newbern. snent vesterda.v with Miss Lucy Cox. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ilorton, of Wades boro, spent Saturday in Kinston and went to Newbern yesterday. Miss Bruce Forbes, who had been vis iting Miss Cora Fields, returned to her home at Greenville this morning. Mess. Prentiss Wooten and Matthew Carr, of LaG range, spent last night in Kinston and returned home today. Mess. Kli and Clarence Oettinger and Adolpb Kinstein went to Goldsboro yes terday and returned this morning. Miss Nannie Wilson and nephews, Masters Willieand Carl Wilson. cameSat- urday night to visit Mrs. G. P. Fleming. Mr. W. R. Walston, of Scotland Neck, came Saturday to visit his son, Mr. R. Walston, and returned home this morn ing. Mrs. M. S. Hamlen and child left this morning for Winston to visit relatives. Mr. Hamlen accompanied them as far as Goldsboro. Mrs. F. M. D. Faircloth and daughter, Miss May. of Wilson, who had been vis itinor Mrs. J. F. Taylor, returned home this morning. Mr. Albert E. Rountree, of Richmond V a., is visitina relatives and friends in Kinston. He is accompanied by his friend, Mr. Bauby, also of Richmond. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gri rnpe use ue win s luue Larly Risers. J . E. Hood. Special Notices. Butter and Cheese at H. W. Cummings' Nice Butter at 20c TbatJ.B. Cummings' A nice line of Boys and Youths cloth ing for sale cheap at J. B. Cummings. For Sale. My branch Grocery in East Kinston, including Store, Stock and t Ix tures. This is a good opportunity to make an investment. For particulars , apply to H. W. McKinne. KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted for Country Produce are those paid by dealers. Beeswax, per pound, ao Com, per bushel, 6o Meal, per bushel, 6o L. C. Sides, pound, $X Ham, C.untry new, per pound, 13 Salt, per sack 85 Lard, Country, per pound 9 Chickens, per pair 15 to 50 Eggs, per dozen 14 Sweet Potatoes, 40 Peanuts, per bushel, 50 to 75 Sheep ; 100 Lamb 1 .00 Hides, Dry, 6 to 10 Hides, Green, 5 Beef, on foot, fat 5 FnchPork, 7 Fodder - 751090 Molases, 35 to 50 Flour 4.00 to 4.7s I Have Now on Hand One Car Load of Nice Wood sold by car load or wagon load. Prices reasonable. Try me. J. A. STREET, Wood, Coal and tftalniyf KINSTON, N. C. fr"Planblao and Pipe Fitting a specialty. A CAR LOAD OF Western Horses and Mules. Received THURSDAY, November 8th. Finest 7 shipment we ever 're ceived. Were bought cheap and will be sold quick and cheap for cash or good papen Call and ex amine this shipment v" J C QUINERLY & BRO ; KINSTON, N..C. 5 : . 0"Erick stables Gordon street. We '-Want Your Patronage.... And we will merit it by fair, hon est and courteous treatment, com bined with the best and purest Drugs and lowest prices We carry a full line of Drugs, Sundries, Fancy and Toilet Articles and Patent Medi cines. Cigars and Tobacco, and Soda Fountain Speciaties. In fact, we carry everything kept in a first-class, up-to-date drug store. I. C. B. WOODLEY CO., Prescription Druggists, Next Door to The Bank of Kinston, KINSTON, - - N. C. Meet Me at the Onvx Founts! A SHIPMENT OF 10 GROSS SOAP Just Opened ! Wholesale and Retail ! ARMOUR'S "FINE ART," : (Perfumed like "Cashmere Bouquet.") 10c, Three for 25c. A trial will convince you ! !6F"Ladies will fplease ask for samples. Phone 50. Brl k Blook. Opera House One Night Only. Return of the ..Southern Favorites.. 25 AriTS 25 Will present.the Great COMIC OPERA, V One big and grand production ! Larger, better and grander than ever before I ' "saj5l- Everything new this season 1 ; ? Prices, - 50c and 75c. 'lSecure Reserved Seats at once at DR. C. jj. WOODLEY & COS Drug Store. -.yi . ;.- ; TOILET drug Lafilascotte DRESS'GOODSI We have just received n nice line of r-.;.:'':"" Hcui on d Pretty) I We guarantee prices as well as the goods. "... ' V. ' . . v rb Also Trimmics3 and Linings to natch. Cold Weather Necessities... We have anticipated the cold weather and have prepared for it ? Have you ? If not, you would act wisely to do so now before the lines are broken up and best selec tions gone. Comforts, Blankets, Wraps, Underwear, Gloves, Buggy Robes, Dress Goods. Full assortments of each that won't be here long at what w term reasonable prices, ana you'll think so too when you hear them and examine the goods. OETTINGER BROS. Q J we nave oougnt a nice stocic o '99 Model Bicycles and will sell them for one-hal what they cost last year, . as long as they last. Strictly High-Grade throughout and guaranteed. KINSTON CYCLE CO., C. E. SPEAR, Manager, Queen Street - Kinston, N. C. Buy Your Drugs and Goods from . HOOD'S DHDG STORE. ifODAKS... ir : Not the cheap, trashy kind but . , Genuine Eastman (KODAKS. ; -. yA complete line just lualso all ; necessary xuatetlau, etc., for, de veloping, s 1 ' -,J4 ? .' -Ths WitchkYv op Kodak ' hry" little book oh the art of Photography given free to all who will call. , . ' ' ; . ; OEIM1V1ARK ; iqnTon, v . - v . , V, Hie It Pays to Trade at The Big Store A Great Shake-Up In Dress Goods Prices. Owing to the continued mild weather, manufacturers and job bers have been unable to dispose of their stocks at anythi g like actual value. Many of them have therefore been forced to sacrifice a good part of them. Their neces sity was oar opportunity and1 we bought liberally. As a result, we are able to offer you some of the season's best Dress Goods at prices below their worth and the follow ing list will convince you that wex mean what we say' : At 50c Yard. . . . 38 inch all wool Panne V Goods in Venetians. 38 inch Wool I this lot are Homespuns. 40 inch Silk f all worth Fitiinh Henriettas. 38 inch t from 60c Camel's Hair Suiting. The V to 75c per above goods in all colors. yard. At 75c Yard 50 inch all-wool Zibeline and Homeepun Suitings in Tan, Castor, Royal and Navy Blue. 46 inch Cheviot Serges in Black and Blue Regular prices for goods in this line has been fl.OOyard only. 36 inch Polka Dot French FlanneJs-all colors. In addition to the above Iwe are offering exceptional values in Broadcloths, Satin Sohels, Satin Berbers, Peirolla Cloths, etc. JK-Come here this week for your Dress Goods and save money. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C Artistic Job Printing at The Free Press Office FURS ! FURS! At Quick-Selling Prices! Boas, Scarfs Collarettes, nd Week Pieces. At $179 and Up. A beautiful line and at prices that will suit ypuv r j j - . V J 9 on Cn n:- :r-'. r:?-?n Mi. r -. c FURS

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