I : ' y F 4' fl ?- it 4 1 i '-. - y ! i 1 bVi S. HfiRBKRT. Editor unci Prop'r. Catftvtfl at I'. O. a4 HMOiid clawi mail matter. Tb appropriation for rural free deliv ery service which the pontmater general will ank from cougren for the nnxt tlncal year will be upward of two and a half million dollars, aw it is proponed to ex tend the service to t.11 pnrta of the coun try. We hope that Congressman Claude Kitchin will try to have this yntem ex tended in Lenoir county. Under the head of "Crying Peace, Peace, ! When There is No Peace," the Charlotte Observer copies an article referring to the proposition to reorganize the Democratic party by Don M. Dickinson, Mr. Carlisle and other such deserters from Democ racy, and, after considerable comment, concludes as follows: "Let nobody deceive himself with a hope of silence on the part of those who want a new deal. They propose to cry aloud and spare not It is not audacious of them to cill for the restoration of the Democratic party to Democratic ground; the audacity i in those who, ha ing le i it to i wo disastrous defeats, the second worse than the Hrst, now demand the right to lead it to a third." The Democratic party naa come to a sad condition if all hope of success de pends upon the acceptance again of the leadership of the Cleveland wing that, de serted during the last two campaigns the lot that damaged the country and ruined the party for years by repealing the silver purchase clause of the Sherman law. So far as we are concerned we prefer defeat and honor to victory and die honor. Thk Free Press thinks it would be best to wait two or three years before discussing reorganization or the making of new issues. We favor waiting and making the issues for 1904 upon the con ditions that shall then exist. But if, as usual, the Cleveland goldbug "McKinley Democrats" are still deter mined to "rule or ruin" and try to cap ture the Democratic party because they think its defeat gives them the opportu nity now, why we will do what little we can to resist their attacks. If they are determined to "cry out aloud and spare not" it looks as if the fight is on. Her Celeatlal Credentials. " "Tut it down thur." said the old man to the obituary writer, "that she wuz' 42 nn likely for her nge." "That's down." "Thut she wuz never known ter spenk a cross word, beln deef an dumb from childhood." "All right." "That she Is now at rest on Abra ham's bosom Hut hold on! Al't that wiiar Lazarus Is?" "1 think so." He pnused a moment as If !n deep thought. Then he said: "No matter: Put It down that slie'a thar. too, fer ef ever Lazarus sees her comln he'll vacate an hunt another restln place. 'Sides that, he's been thar too long anyhow!" Atlanta Constitu tion. Tlie Point of View. Miss Willing Do you believe It Is wrong to marry for money? Parson Drown-Of course not. Five dollars Is my regular fee. Chicago News. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach. t n up your liver and regulate your bo els making you feel like a new man. For sale by J. E. Hood. DR. JAMES M. PARROTT, , Physician an Surgeon, 1 , KiNSTON, iti-C'. ; 9 ' K)"Offica On Gordon Street. Office hoars, o to t a. ., nd s to 6. p. m.j Sunday, 4 to j . m. W. T. PARKOTT, JPh.G.,M. D., Physician and Surgeon " KINSTON, n. c. STOffice formerly occupied by Dr J. M. Par rott opposite A. R. Miller's. DR. C. B. WOODLEY, Physician and Surgeon. B6TOffice in Drug Store next Bank of Kington. Calls left at Drug Store will receive prompt attention. uv,', ...Fevers' DISEASES take m c "Ai l t Tdai 1 o (fiaiiroTcl) The people will quickly roair tL fuii').i' ittlltlee of VDT tTAV (Inrvti)mr thenaa lO-callea Ta'le Tnlo. TVjr ar unr-llujie and the d'e in ierunn. Ytira an ChiU Toolo (fanproT4 require no shaking of the bottle. The mvlivimt in ili'r u vMy .li'm-lviM ; n ch d $e co:iuUu the earn praportlea . -4 medtoine. Formelann each b-'Ml. eiiniuuu of ( ir (X t3i ueU ilr:voul miliaria, I ttOS wblca tonee ' Jie lyetamand PElMI W whlfh rN(u;eherty appotita. Any phyxi Un"f druiTirirt wl'l tell yoa there lrHv BXTTKB PRJCSOttlPTTO . for iIAI4,niA and ila k.ndred iliv wi. PleaKaut to take ; doee not afckea er aaunate. and l a-wptah'e to the nnt iliwt ptnmwo'u V !l Jt'K. lit 'et. For aale by all dealers. Viae OARIiaTalOT MM niOJIffld CO., 0.Lt l'it.,i-Kn roil, Evartavlila, Inda Imm OR. J. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. ffice Over Dan Ouinerly't ttore. in the Hot ley Boildinj, next to C. W. Pndgen ft Co.a atora. IlkNFR I DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, DBNTIST. Office Hours: 8 a in. to 6 p. m. K ooms over tne Bank ot K.mston- 5 Sold in Kinston by J. E. TTOOD. ItthT Many golden opportunities have been lust by ilios who (uner from rheumatism. By taking Kheumacide no they will be permanently and positively cured Sold by J. K. Hood. Ills Theory. A novel explanation of the cause of thunder showers was once plven a so journer In a little Nova Scotia town by one of the Inhabitants. "Do you know wjiat makes thun der?" the Nova Scotlnn Inquired of his guest. "I've got a theory of my own. and I call It a pretty pood one." "I should like to hear It." was the diplomatic reply. "uen. said tne nost slowly, "my Idea Is this: Vo;i know we hear about the nlr circulating and circulating all the time. My notion Is that the pure , air from above eonien down here In summer and trf foul with all the smoke and Cil ami grease, and then the heat drives It up asaiij into the clouds, and when It gets up there It's pressed on all round by the clouds com ing together, and It explodes! That's my theory. Of course." he added, with becoming modesty, "other folks may have others." Youth's Corppnnlon. Buy Your Drugs and Goods from HOOD'S DRUG STORE. H. K. SHAw , Lawykr. All matters attended to promptly. Practice in State and Federal courts. SSTOffice located back of Court House, Kinston, N. C. WOOTEN & WuOTEN, Attorneys-at-Law, kinston, n. c. Circuit: Lenoir, Jones, Greene, Pitt and" On' stow counties. Supreme Court, and Federal Coon of Eastern North Carolina A few more Boarders desired at f4otel gailcy I Those desiring to secure good board at a reasonable rate are solicited to give us a trial immediately. The Soft Anatrer. "Therer said the angry man. shov ing a photograph, presumably of him self, under the photographer's nose. "Do you know what that makes me look like?" "If you mean what it makes you look like at the present moment." answered the photographer, surveying the face of the angry mau carefully. "I should say It makes you look as if you were about to throw a fit"-Indianapolis Press. Ho Plaee Like Home. j An Atchison man took sick Sarnrday land decided to stay home till be got rested. He was back at work at noon Monday. His wife asked him within a ifew hours to take care of the baby, to chop onions for pickles, to grind the jtoffec, to dress the children and to Silk the cow -while he was resting." tchlson fjlolw. I Will Close Out My Stock of Shoes and Hats AT COST to make room for more Groceries. Feeding the people is my busi ness I've been at it lor 20 years and still keep tip the game. Call and get your winter Shoes and Hats at cost before they are all sold. Respectfully, W. A. LaROQUB, KINSTON, N. C Barrett & Thomson. ARCHITECTS, ii5Fa?ettevilleSt.t - RAtBlGH, N.C O&T Write for our "Brochure" of in. formation. Just Think of the Good Things You Can Get At SOWER'S. You can get Fried Oysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't 'suit, you can take them Raw. I have had 1 1 years' experience in the oyster business and I know your wants. Come to see me. Fried Oysters, 30c Stewed Oysters 25c Yours to please, J. T. SKINNER T. W. pemboro & Go., Who'esale Grocers, Wholesale Only. 1 kinston, n. c. -Our prices favor our customers. FRESH FIjSH.J ., ,i 1 1 . ? Fresh Trout, Mullet and Croak r daily at BOYD'S MARKET JtSTBast Street near new depot. The fieua Hduxape Store. Prepare now, for Com ort in Cold weather By buying Dixon & Hooker's Heaters. We have the BEST HEATERS for the money on the market. One trial will convince you The KING, The COMFORT. The CENTURY and the BOSS. See the Heaters and get the prices. We are headquarters for Buggy Harness. We have been asked how can we afford to sell Harness so low. We always buy in such quantities as to quote the low est possible prices, and our sales are so numerous the v small profit on each set added together enables us to sell low. Come and try as. 1 c '"i III, DIXOW & HOOKER. iThe New Hardware Store. 1 KINSTON N. C.' A BRAND -MEW SHOW ! AT KINSTON Of Ft?IDHV, NOV. 16th. First Season in America. J. E. PHYSIOC Is Here to Stay I (EI have prepared myself for it. I have Just received a full line of Foreign and )omestic Samples of Woolens ranging from f 15.00 up to f 45.00, a suit. 1 am not trying to comp te with ready-made goods I premise to give yon a first-class Merchant Tailor's Suit as good as yoa can bare made in any first-class Mcr chant . Tailoring estaDllsament any where,, an9,for as little money. Yon will find taat I deal straight and fair. and always look to the interest and taste of my customers ' m fay 1 lave just employed a ; 0rsJclas coat-maxer. , , ,- , i;. J.E. PHYSIOC: A CAR LOAD QF Western Horses and Mules. A Villa? Blacksmith Saved Bis ';,:; Little Son's Life. V Mr. H. H. Black, tbe well known village blacksmith al nrahamsTilKSalliTanCoL, N. Y., says: "Oar little son, fir years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad havsth attacks been that ( we hare feared many times that be would - die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It . seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent dosea when thecroupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or - other injurious drag and may be given as confidently to a be.be as to an adult. For sale by J.E. Hood. -t . .! Received THURSDAY, : ; November, 8th.. ,;, Finest shipment we ever re ceived. " Were boueht cheaD and will be sold quick and cheap' for casa or gooa paper. Call and ex amine this shipment. ' J.C.QUIUERLY&BRO., kinston. n:c KJBrick ; stables--Gord,oa street. Nqw Designs in Mil f Z if. inery Every Week! Last shipment just in today. ? At Cost for the Next J .Thirty Days. - Avail Yourself ot This Opportunity. ; ''1' ' ' " . - " ".-''- - , .. - a.r ummn. 210W S, 1900. " Tllfll llfl TlllPllI v illl IjlllllD HJlS Mammoth Menagerie an d Real Itoman Ilippoilrome ! . . "Th Rhoda Royal Show wt goodbig and moral." Worcester Spy, August 9, 1900. "One of the best tent shows ever eivea in New London was that at the Rhode Royil Show last Wedne day. The one great feature about the show, is that they five exactly what they -advertise. 'I he Rhoda I -ne K"Val Miows nave made a moat favorable imnrMsion in this cirv.' pay, epremper 5, 1900. . , w, .- few London Daily Globe, Wedne. 1 The World's 0 randest and liost Am useiiien t Institution , i - ? SO M15THING NEW UNDER. THE 3UN. 7 v- Tented Exhibition entiiely different from anything yon have avet seen, and yoa win be convinced. yea see tne pig Aggregation, that shows are not all alike. Read the special features: ' Prcf. Berris and His 63 Oeautiful Trained Horses. AO performing in one ring and at one time. This act cannot be duplicated on this tcrresdal globe, ; J? CaptSharpe and His Detachinejit of Rough Riders. Ittfrhe Horse Back Riding Pony. 7 f7 j A Cntc. Cunninff ThorouEhbred Shetland Ponv win actuaOv ride and Mrform m th. f.rV.' f T Large Hors s, hil ja'loping at full speed. . t- -.- , .. ?: ' wj. " : : " the; THOMPSON BOYS.' Si - n f The funniest of all Clown Mule Hindle Riders will actually Introduce! aometbinff new in tb. Rir!;- Cosnedy tine. . -. , . ; , .: . r- , ' A Troupe of Trained Performing Elephants. ' . . That do Everyihing but Talk. . ' - MADAM ;ROYAL 7&'&.&'JO ' I . The Queen of all Lady Hore Trainers and Manage Riders. Not the Old Time Manage Acts, bu each and every Trick new and of the latest High School Riding; art. ;.- . TUB MiPjPODROiwa KaceS entirely different from the old style. ' " 50 QTIiER Fin3T.CLAS3 PERFCHEHS and PERFCn"Ar.'CE3 C( THB POOR" USHMS. the funniest of all European Clown. ' rew tiamesa. New Wagons, New Cairet, New Hor ew Speoltie. New Aets, on in appointments and all bltng and no Ganr.et of Chance Every piece of prrtrty rrn mv ew rlarnesa. New Wragons, New Cairet, New Hore, New Mater f No ST Cs?NiVAU passes through principal streets between to and if o'clock t rrisl. Nee No (iamb Bilk New features. New tivelv New and V aterproof day of r -. ; t n. an immeHiate'v opm the return of the parade to the show pounds the orriaal txilTM TUB auovt vn.uu PBK8 m HtQH Diva from an Aenal Ladder into a net free. Auo i -ne i . a Dire otaer tree ubibiuons wul take place. Tents i , Oil net beia C::r3 cr :i I c J 7 p. m. :::3 C:.t.:?.:3 2 cnJOp

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