THE SECOND MARRIAGE. tha beneath tM lev soft brown area untulu totu faoe .' . A 46J threat the aide's on tuaUcht ahatt they paai Wltk meaaured pace, i 'v tie, imllinf at tha lipa, but act the eyee . ' 4bat aeem to gaze upon earna torn that (Uea Feroff, cloud wrapped, alael w ' Tie b too vtjuna- to live aloe am hear.- ! ' iCala womaa'a fair aa u tha list, and than .8he'adead a year." , , Ah, true, ahe'a lain twelve months . civ: am oo, poor cnoer, ant 0017 cnee toaay, .;. r Tea, with tha prieat'a anea! i, fTfre new Ufa clings m loudly at tha old; . . JVre'a lata In brown eyea aa tbera wfe is blu;3j The rav. U cold;" ; ? Tha aim, you know, look bar without a vine;, . tJut, ah. Death make, when two aouls intertwine? -.No. raid plc lor tha new f , - " yi Yet thli hla drat true flowr of for hut Y: Oh, oa th dead wlfa'a grar why pour out gall? I Xtl pttteriy assy, Th dead la gone torerer now, 4 better lor ahould garland thl young. brow i j Than life b bloomlea all. daughter and belle ring o'er the bridal' train, . 1 Bat through them ilgh upon the lor tuned ear . T. " . Low tones of pain. ' ' - ';." ' ' ph, hart and gas into mln yea, ray wife, . . . T ffUTtoul tell eoul that lor 1 Iot foe Ufa . , . - And Ufa begin but here! : V . Joeeph, I. 0. Clark In Criterion. rt 11 TUN IIILt ''Couldn't you wait for me?" asked tha J fxy eagerly. "Wait for you! What an absurd Idea J" laughed the girl.. "Why,' you are only 10. It will be ten years at least, before you -are able to marry, and in ten years I chall be quite old. You see," continued f the girl sagely, "I am old enough to be '- married now, and that is where the dif - iference comes in. And I am going to be " presented and go to parties and wear lovely frocks I do hate those shabby old ' things and then I shall marry somebody rich and great and live in the world. I'm CO tired of . this little' poky place, with nothing but lessons and Sunday school . children and rheumatic old women"-' : $rben suddenly, looking down at the gold- en haired lad stretched on the turf at her feet only, or course, 1 snail miss you, (Herbert" , " "That is all very well for you, but What is to become of me? I want to marry for love, and how can I if you go and marry somebody else?" said the boy slaiatively. ; ,t;. ' It Is quite easy," answered the girl as , ehe plucked a stem of flowering grass, , then gravely -counted: "This year, next year, some time, never.' This year! Think of that! Ton most, of course, fall in love ' with somebody who isn't married. Xou i Can't really: be in lore with me. I think, ' jbecause you are so young and. I am not lit lore with you. I am almost the only ferlrl you know, and. you are used to me iWe are like brother and sister,, but that Isn't lore." p ' , -' , 'How do you know?" asked the boy , jealously. "Are you Ip love ? ; Old Tomp kins is the only man about here. ' r fVon't be cross. Old Tompkins! , A jtMildhead, spectacles and a perpetual snif fie. i;No, Herbert, Ira not In love with ' man at all. I'm in love with life and wealth and power.' If you'd always worn hideous old frocks that didn't fit and had - been kept at home all your life with stu pid governesses . because it is no good spending money on a girl until it will pay - from 'the marrying point of view, , you would know what I feel like. , Bat you fcave your ambitions too. Ton want to le a great poet; you want aU the world to see the rocks and woods and the vcr changing sea as you see them and to hear the skylark and the nightingale as jrou hear them." Isn't .that enough for your - No; I want all that and more too. '- Oh, Meg, can't you see , that you have been the Inspiration of 'all my poetry, that ft is fpr you I've written the songs 1 the birds sing to me and painted the pic tures our eyea-hare seen together? This ibeautlf ul place will be all empty and 'drear when yoa are gone. sMust you go? Stay pere as we have been until I get some money. If you go, I cannot come after you, and what am I to do here?". The girl's face grew troubled, and her white sail had just'appeared, above .the there s no accounting tor -the taste of women, and I dare say the fair widow thinks him an Adonis. . A bachelor. Isn't he?".., v. -. ihlf r.-, 1 "A widower, I fancy.' Anyway hit wife has been dead for years. lie's nothing like the guy you would make out You are jealous, old man, because the fair widow, as yoa call her., has steadily re fused to smile on your magnificent pro portions. Ail tne same, . be a a morose tort of fellow, and nobody knows much about him. He was frightfully poor at one tf me, I believe, and bad more than the usual difficulty In convincing the crit ics that bis verses weren't twaddle. But he's a tremendous swell now." "And ot course my lady ts beginning to look out for No. 2. Kismet It Is fate! a "'.' "And you went into the world and found your heart's desire?" said th man. "xes; I married and got it in a fash' ion- answered the woman. f And ' it wasn t quite all your fancy painted Itr" asked the man. "Things never turn out exactly as one Imagines. There is usually something one does not calculate upon. "What was It in your case?" persisted the man. The woman's pale face flushed. "My heart Is dead; it died ot starva tion. And you? Did the girl come f "She did." And you married for love?? v He nodded. "And what then?" He turned so that she could scarcely near nig words: "My wife died; she died of starvation." -Exchange. . : 7 ' ' ' ' . ' . Modern Coatnmea Handicap Art. The sculptor of today, even allowing him to be the equal of the artists . of Greece or of the Italian renaissance, is Woman's! f?Ciwning Virtue. ' , Bums', Mo.. Jaly T. . Tot rears I an (tared terrible oclsa every saonth and my doctor told ma 1 could not b eurad except by an operation. I felt I 0OU14 no anemia to mat ana wa so aas pondent I had siren ap all bopaa of a our. My haaband Inaiatad oa my trying Wine of Cardal and at laai thank God I did try it. all my work, which J had not done la sava yean. ME8. MINNIBUTTLB . Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women. It b the trait that all mankind admires. A modest woman is the most pleasing of all created, things. Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a Ehysician, and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt ig. They can't get their own consent to an operation. Wine of Canlul permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure ' female troubles" in the quiet of their own rooms. ' If special treatment Is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by women trainea-in tne cure 01 womanly weaknesses and irregu larities. There should be no Hesita tion. Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer postponed the harder to cure. LARGE BOTTLE OF WINE OF CARDUI COSTS $1.00 AT THE DRUQ 8TORE. UlltS' aDVISOIT UrAITMIT. Foradvio in eaae requiring (pedal direction, addreea, glTlna aymptoma. UdW TlMrr TW l'MATTA)IOO14 BXIMCUI8 tut- CluutaAooga. Tena. handicapped by the essentia! hideous nesa BflrrOtl ivt I flOITISOn. of modern costume. To picture the Duke .1 I ' iiS)i Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. C "Brochure" of In- l?rU ' horizon. u. "Who does she say she JsT" i - , "She's the widow of Lord Hard worth. , He was. fabulously rich and held some - position in t hp last cabinet but he was an awful skinOint and not exactly what he should . hav been in other respects. ;He s.tx'en dead about two years. Splen did womanixn t she? But she looks as though he had not .found life all beer and skirtles." , l believe I know something of her then. ', Wasn't she Sir 'John ilaughton's only daujrliter.5-:"f-;-f fj t)?- "Ves.'anil an nucommonry pretty girl. Directly ah .mine out she carried off the prize of the ai) least so her moth er said, and he was pretty sure to know the quality of tb Roods upon the market because my Keroud aiRter oatue out that samp sfjirinir. -S ." -, "1 "r!. : - ' "Inik. "ha: jrakin; to that uiioi lookint; tittle man u irh rho, bair w!; turned up a t mU d'hote, jrtnlaj-. II look lik' n iHtisii-i.ta or eo artist. , iVar me, how kIii ha hriRhtttil np! What will- rou .ln-t h isn't an old. lover? She doesn't ImiV i:nr thatrV '3th that prvt ty bhiRlTanti ib aniikv" And to think of their Im'Siir thniwn away n that wiib erol upwiun-D of hnmanifyV They ar strollitiir iuti tin pioe wnod. If that isn't the last chapter of a romance lu reai life, I'll n-ntuif M nt my hat. I must End out who the Mlow is." Yoo need not troeb'e.- my dr chap. You're ridiculously b'hinJhand.""or yoaM know tLat thnt is our only poet. Ilerlert Ll.ixtote.- ' "That llorbm- niaxtoae! ' Wtll. I'd i never hare thonjht it. ' 1 nv tl.r.t jreciws 'iiJ I'oete ia '.;ri fv '1 ennr-f c I their pentraiity. It's r i t vr ."..- ;:tt.-n.t-y u urecrow. Cot 1 of Bedford, as a sculptor .once did In a London square, clothed In a toga may be ridiculous. On the other hand, it is al most Impossible td immortalize a man in a frock coat The ;sculptors who haf given us the two most recent statues of Mr. Gladstone have had to work uudn- this disadvantager-" and it becomes nil the more ironic in the case of the statue In the University of Athens with such masterpieces on every side. London Sphere. An astronomer declares that Jupiter Is In the state that our earth was 34,- 000,000 years ago. Those who can re member hack 84,000,000 years will un derstand what this means. tWrite for our formation. A man can walk a mile without mov ing more than a couple of feet Chlca-.l and always look to the iitr rest ndt go News. . .- -White's Black Liniment full size 25c bottle for 15c. It cures pain. . , . . . J.E.H00D. J. E. PHYSIOC ts Here to Stay 1 have prepared myself for it. I have Just received a full line of Foreign and )omeatic Samples of Woolens ranging from $ 15.00 up to $4S-oo, a suit. I am not trying to compete with ready-made Roods I promise to give you a first-class Merchant Tailor's Suit as xoo1 as you can have made in any first-class Mer chant , Tailoring" establ' merit any where, and for as litt'r mo v. You will find that I deal Sir i. ' i -md f -ir. Uitrrestond t'" of my customers. psr'uave just employed, a flrst-cixha coat-maker. J. E. PHYSIOC. BUY THE GENUINE ... MANTJFACXTJRED ZS ... CALIFORNIA FIO SVRUP W kote Tttr, xime. CO. To the Public! We, the undersigned, are now ready and well equipped witn mil and fixtures and abundant forest ftnd wish all purchasers of lumber t ei ve us a call before buying else where. Fully thanking you al tor past favors, we solicit a con tin Uance of the same. Terms, strictly cash. . '': ': ' . Z. EDWARDS & SON, KINSTON..C innpn n .' isrss t tr ' JUHCO OtW ILLIO. V rv f:;-::r;vi' ;.'.r.'i and Haiitdfressinct Patlof , uuuor nuioi iuii. Easy Shaves and Artistic BaircnU. Competent Assistanta. - Clean Towels. Children's Bair Cutting a Specialty. TRIAL SOUCITHD.- Ffesh OYSTM in any style .AT. BfiOWH'S IAbove the Saloon.-TO 1IIUK6T0I AID WELDOI EI1LE01P. 40NDCN8BD 8CBIOUUI. , TBAIKH QOIaO bOOTH DATfiD July 280, 1900. I Have Mow : Off Hand One Car i 7 fXoad of Nice Wood old"by car load or wagon load. ;v " " . i Prices reasonabie, : Try me. i-1 ".X A. STREET, WCod, Coal mod aehlnety( KINSTON. N. C. tS3TPIainbIffB tndf Ipe Fitting specialty. I. Will Close Out- . - My Qtock'of Shoes and Hats .. & (. . ...... (- , , . tr. i w .. :HUf AT COSTV.r,'f to make roomt for more t Groceries. Feeding tne peopleis my busi nessI've been at it for 20 years ana stm keep up tne game. 7 Call andT get your winter Shoes and Hats at cost, before they are all sold; $ r : -. i ; j ;r);RespectfuUytI:V ; W. AiLaROQUE, . - y Winston, n. c. B. W. CANADT, B. 9. MOSBI.SY. ebtiD WEATHER The cold weather will soon be here, and we will be pleased to have you call at our store and examine a nice line of r Driftwood, Elm wood and Wilson's Im proved Air-Tight Heaters. They are neat, durable and economical,' both in price and con sumption of fuel. We. also have a large stock , of COOEL STOVES, which we are selling very cheap. Come to see us. B. W. CANADY & CO., - ' ' , . ' KINSTON,- N. C. 1 "' ' '''' J. W. COLLINS S HARDWARE. No." 14, Qtjuen St, - K jnston, N." C. I 6 .-r,A lUrge Supply of' Air-Tight Heaters . The same that have been so' hiehlr urized bv our cusiomere tor tne past tnree seasons. Cook Stoves, Guns, Pumps, Stove Pipe, Stove Repairs, etc. 1 tSTAs cheap as the cheapest. ' Give us a cali.5ft A. REAL CiRABHOPHOHE 7 ..FOR. ' - yyTK va:. . STaqtat k Ooclcwork Motor. . i K!echaa!aaB . ViaiUa. Doratla Coo ; vtractioa. KUCH-FUN X3 t- V'vim 1 fimr of , t..a-rrtteal J awtuioe - Wen accorriranled by a Becor"er th! "rrphorhfirie can be iwea to make Kecorr .rit'e witn Ke-order, $7 f O. Keproducesai '..e standard Kecoai isfirf artfer a mosci ? cur neartit ejr e-e. ::Lt"::Ar;::'.cc'":i co. rcpusc - .Am-, i -1 apa Aa. FT. IX 1 i, T-o--'' ' piririg: Shoes. We are making a specialty of GENTS SHOES this yj 'spring. I We haye them in varied styles and can suit anyone E 1 ' A Chccclata Cclcred VIcI Kid, in button or lace, a beauty, for $4.00. -v-. 7 :;; ;- A Clack VicI, a good shoe for only $3.50. - ; j : Black Surpass This is the shoe ot which we have had inch an enormous sale. . Price $4.00. : . '."..4-... v-- We have just received a big line of PATENT XEATH. ER Shoes. Price $5.00. , These are beauties. . Call and see thenu 2l I vr - 3 Fnvl value Ara. , jo x. i...oar St. , r C : y ft. - r . - - 1 r- ( ' ) i Cexit' Goods. A1 full line of. Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, ' Collars, Cufs, Fancy Hosiery, Negligee and White Shirts, SERGE COATS, Double and Single Breasted, from $5.00 to j 8. 50. In fact, our line of Gents' Wear for the Spring will be full and complete. ... Leave Weldon... Ar. HockyUt ... Leave Tarboro... Lv. Bocfcy Mt.... Leave wiisoo.... Leave Beima Lv. FayettevlUe. ar. Florence..... Ar Goiaaboro... Lv. Ooldsboro... Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, Wilmington sit el k a A. M 11 60 100 P. M, 18 21 103 159 165 4 80 7 85 a P. X. 8 58 853! 963 10 25 11 10 MS I 84 A.M.. P.M. . jja too 687 710 7661 P.'M. AoM. 616 667 41 761, 980 A.M. .?:- aw 3 80 4 86 POC. TBAIN GOING HOBTH. Lv. Florenoe.,.. l,v. jrayetteviue. Leave Beima...., Arrive Wilson.. a BQ a Lv. Wlimli Lv. Gorasboro.. in-tan. Lv. Mag-nolfa.... Leave Wilson.... Ar. Hooky mc. Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarooro... Lv. Rooky Mt... Ar. Weldon A.M. 9 60 1901 1661 . S P. M 135 85V IS 81 890 492 P. M A.M. 4 60 6 10, 8 46 P. M, I86 941 1064 1183 A.M 1183 1807 W07 -100 A.M.I aal rr. m.1 TOO! 880! 987 P.M. 10 45 uea si P.M. A M, . .1110 list Train on tne Kinston Branca Koad leaves Weldon a:iu n. m.. naiira IrJir Zr .Sir: Scouand seek at IwT m.TUnmBu T ri5Bton Mp. m. KetomlnaT leaves Kliia. HSiriJS A'.f.V oi WiSr m., fcjrmnf Halifax at 11:18. a.m.. Wnidnn 11.09-, n exoept Sunday. ; ' o w-Rui: khoh, uen Paaa. Agent . R.KBNLT.Gen'IManajrer. .. t -aiiB80N,Traflioiiftnaeer , ' , Atlantic & HH. (J. Kallroatl TIMB TABLE Ko 18." November 3,11900. ; ZA8TBOUND TKAIKS. STATIONS. Goldsboro.... nasi a. ...... ......... LauraiMf.... Falllne creek Klnatonu.. ..... ....... .... Caswell..., ............... ; Dover....... ................. Core Creek . . Tnsc&rora. ........... Clark-s ............ Newborn .........I..... .... Riverdale... m. Croatan ,M. Havelock .. ..... ... Newport.... ................ Wildwood.. ...... Atlantic ........ .... ........ Morebead City Morenead Depot" I fa ill P.M. A.M. , 840 -700 4 00 -783 09 . 8 IK 4 90 8 87 482 914 4 46 9 86 4 65 10 15 607 10 40 6 19 11 16 685 1111 6 60 ' 1 ao 916 9 IK 916 J SO -980 .806 6 43 . 8 84 Mil 3 47 6 61 8 68 767 -418! 7 15 4 831 P. M. P. M.! , WESTBOUND TRAINS. ' UTATIONS.' Q-eca Ttreet da;: Qui;:EnLY, KINSTON. N. C. f j Goldsboro......... Best's Laura are ratlin? Cree. .... Kins ton. ...w ..... Caswell. Dover..... Core Creek. Tusearora. ClAra's ... hewbern ... xiiriu&io... Croatan ........ Baveiock S lldwood.... Atiantie orffc?ad City aioreltead Depot. e i a a 1 it s .a . A. M 11 m 10 4'il WK! 10 93 1012! ,950' . 9 42! 9 30 9 913; 90 ! lir 8 I (' 7 rr P. M 811 7 7W 6$.) : 9131 .-ait-i 4? 4 00! ; 8SH 82' 10 471 10 in 14 Ol 941: 9Prt 8 47 8F 8V H P.M. 800 78S 787 717 TOT . 865 ' 847 985 425 617 60S 6?3 619 610 4E 4 44 4 41 4?7 4'J A. M.'lA. 1!.' 7 S. L. DILI-, SaperinteEtfenf. B. A. NKWXAND, Master Tracsp'tion. J. C. LEWS, Cliief Dispatcber.