subscription prices: uce rit !() oente CP'' monm J " Thn montba. 11.00 TWBiTP monrtiB I4.U0 Fkiiiav Kvkninu, Nov. 10, 1900. CoUod sold in Kinston today at 9 to &. large number of people from thin sec tion, who had bevw attending the New born fair, returned home today. The eleventh annual Thankfgiring party will he held in the Academy at Hookerton ThankHgiving night, Nov. 25). Hq inritatiouH will be nent out. I. R. II. Temple returned last night night from Philadelphia, wh?re he had been taking a course in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. The doctor will locate in Kington. His office will be in the build ing next to Hotel Uailey. We wel come him back to Kinnton. The Christian church will have itn an nual reunion and roll call next Sunday, i6 being the second anniversary of the prwent pastor's incumbency. Reports of the different departments of work will be given. It will be an interesting day for all the members and for any oAera who wish to attend. Sfr. and Mrs. F. W. Mazrr and children, ol Pennsylvania, came to Kinnton yester day, traveling through the country. Tfiy have a nice wagon, specially made foe camping out. The strange looking turnout attracted much attention. The family have traveled 050 miles so far. Tty will speud the winter at Newbern. Last night at 8 o'clock, at the resi dence of Mr. J. T. Skinner, Miss Mary V. Jenkins was married to Mr. Henry T. (Jkleeby, both of Kinston. Rev. 1). II. Tattle officiated. There were quite a number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties present. Immedi ately after the ceremony the couple went to their home on Gordon street. We ex tend best wishes. The grim monster death has claimed another victim In Kinston. This morning at 4:50 o'clock, Mrs. M. V. Dixon quietly pawed away at her home on East street, alter an illness of ruurly three months. Mis, Dixon had a complication of dis eases. She leaves a husband and two children, a son and daughter. Her father and ieveral brothers and sisters survive hor. The husband and son accompanied tn remains to lieynoldsville, Va., today, near which place all that is mortal of Mrs. Dixon will be laid to rest in the fam ily burying ground tomorrow. Mr. Dixon is employed as sawyer at Hines BVos.' mill. We exteud sympathy to the bewared. The burial of the remains of Mr. Robert IL ftountree, Jr., took place at the cem etery yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. The Odd Fellows, of whom he was a j momber, together with a number of citi zen, met the body at the train and fol lowed it to the cemetery Rev. W. G Johnston conducted the funeral services Mr. Rountree died suddenly of acute pneumonia. He was 33 years of age. His father, Mr. R. H. Rountree. and Mr. Jack Rountree, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mr. Ch?a. Rountre, of Wilmington, came to attend the funeral.. 'Tis sad that one just in the prime of life, a specimen of fine yonng manhood, with such a bright future, should be cut down by the mer ciless cycle of death, but the bereaved rela tives and warm friends find comfort in the thought that," He doeth all things well." Card of Thanks. Being a comparative stranger in your midst, I take this means to extend my sincere thanks for and deep appreciation of the many kindnesses shown by so many of tne citizens of Kinston to my lamented wife and myself during her fatal illness. M. V. Dixon. . Rhoda Royal Show. iThl aggregation arrived in Kinston eary this morning, and at an early hour occurred the interesting scene of putting together the tents and various depart ments of the big circus. The tents are placed in the usual place. vfhft parade took place at uoon and was very good. The steam calliope dis pensed hot music that was strong enough to soothe the savagest savage's breast. iThe horses are Tery pretty, and the costumes of the riders presented a nice appearance. -'We go to press too early to give an aeconnt of this afternoon's performance. inhere will be another performance to night. Doors open at 7 o'clock; perform ance begins at 8 o'clock. A Superior Court. Cases disposed of Thursday afternoon: State vs. Hub Sellare; assault with deadly weapon. Guilty. Sentenced 8 months in jail, and . worked on county rowis. State vs. Harlowe Phillips, carrying concealed weapon. Guilty. Fined $10 and costs. ' The case of State vs. Job Dearer for killing Wm. Caudell was taken op, and eleven of the jury were selected, when the 11M11 In.! vonim vea ATKnnstArl This morning the iarr was pnmnlor and the trial entered into.. At coon four witnesses for the State had been exam ined. The case will take all of this after, noon. Following Is the jury: S. H Tay. lor. Daniel Ilines, Elias Sullivan, J. H. ESls, J. D, Grady, T. E. Smith, Noah ITftMi. E. M. Berring, 8. C. Canley, C. E, Kennedy, Jas. Williams and J. G. Smith : ' BLjr Storm Out West. VChicago. Not.' 15.-Beport received hbxv say that the worst storm of the sea By thas far is raging throughout the northwest states.. At Deadwood, Lead ritr and Sioux Falls enow is at a depth er "cient to stop, all the street railways o J traf!5c throughout the Dakotas and ilerstana is seriously delayed. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. L. Smith went to Weldon this morning and will return tonight. Miss Jennie Adams, of Ayden, came Itwt night to visit friends in Kinston. Mrs. J. C. Wagner returned yesterday from a visit to relatives' at Wilmington. Sheriff I). W. Edwards and Mr. M. II. Potter, of Snow Hill, were in Kinston today. Mesdames Seth West, F. P. Outlaw and J. F. Carpenter, of Dover, spent yester day in Kinston. 1 Mrs. W. R. Dixon and children, of Tus carora, left Kinston this morning for Greenville to visit friends. Mrs. E. C. Williams and child, of Green ville, came last night to visit her hus band, who is employed here. Mrs. J. C. Arnold, of Norfolk, spent last night in Kinston, and left for Greene county today to visit relatives. Miss Callie Quarles, of Wilson, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. S. II. Roun tree, Jr., returned home today. Rev. A. L. Betts. of Raleigh, came yes terday, spent last night at Rev. C. W. IJlau hard's, and went to Greenville this moruing. Mr. Seth Dixon and daughter, Miss Cora, who had been visiting at Mr. 13. F. Dixon's, near here, returned home this morning. Mr. John Bagby, of Richmond, who had been visiting friends here in company with Mr. Albert E. Rountree, returned to his home this morning. QLENFIELD ITEMS. November 15,1900. Miss Myrtle Taylor, who is teachin at Dixonville, spent last Saturday an Sunday at Mr. J. J. Moore'8. Nearly everybody around hereattended the conference at Hull Road last feunday Several of this community are attend ing the Newbern fair this week. Rev. C. W. Robinson filled his appoint nient at Rainbow Sunday. Misses Lizzie Moore and Myrtle Taylor spent last Saturday in Kinston. We learn that Mr. Mack Canady was found dead in bed this morning. It is supposed be died of Bright's disease. We extend sympathy to the family. Special Notices. Butter and Cheese at II. W.Cummings'. Nice Butter at 20c lb at J. B. Cum tilings'. A nice line of Boys and Youths cloth ing for sale cheap at J. B. Cummings. KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted Tor Country Produce ars those paid by dealers. Beeswax, per pound, ao Com, per bushel to Meal, per bushel, 6o L. C. Sides, pound, 8J Ham, Cauntry new, per pound, 13 Salt, per sack, 85 Lard, Country, per pound, 9 Chickens, per pair, .5 to 50 Eggs, per dozen. 14 Sweet Potatoes, 40 Peanuts, per bushel, 501075 Sheep, 1. 00 Lamb 1.00 Hide, Dry, 6 to 10 Hides, Green, 5 Beef, on foot, fat, 5 Fresh Pork, 7. Fodder, 751090 Molases, 351050 Flour, 4.00 to 4.75 OVIST RECEWED A Nice Line of Candies, Crystaltzed Fruit, Nuts, Etc. N. L BRUTON & BRO., Cash Novelty Store. LOOK I We have now on exhibition a beautiful assortment of Jardiniers, from 15c to $1.65. Also .some lovely palms. Give us a call. THE NEW YORK RACKET CO. kinston; n. c. yfbDAKS; Not the cheap, trashy kind ;but : ' ' -:::3-;-:: v: . ".. Genuine Eastman kodaks; v.' A complete line just in elso all ' neceiiary mteiial, etc., for de reloping. : s . " - ' 'Thb Witchiry of Kodjmcv WY" little book on the art of - Photography given free to all who will call. . OErJIYIARK The ?eaalv, . " Kins-Tort, - - .. rr, c. IJVTdirton's Bakery - DELIVERS Fresh Bread and Cakes Anywhere in the City. I nave secured tne agency in this section for several strong fire insurance companies, and am pre pared o write insurance on all classes of town and country prop erty. Office in Cox & Co.'s store with S. H. Abbott. Samuel Abbott, Kinston, N. C. Just Think of the Good Things You Can Get At You can get Juried Uysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't tsnit, you can take them Raw. 1 nave naa 1 1 years' experience 4n the oyster business, and I know your wants. Come to see me. Fried Oysters, 30c Stewed JOvsters 25c Yours to please, J. T. SKINNER Patronize Home and Save Money ! The hose and half-hose made by the ORION MIIXS, Kinston N. U., are not only economi cal for you to wear, because of their fine wearing qualities and comfortableness, but they are made at home. The man ufacture of them gives em ployment to people right in Kinston. Every dealer ought to handle them. Be sure to insist on having goods made at the ORION MILLS. By doing so you will not only save money, but wyll be help ing a home' industry. Mest Me tt tbs Oavx Fountain A SHIPMENT OF 10 GROSS Just Opened ! ; Wholesale and Retail ! ARMOUR'S "FINE ART," (Perfumed like ' -"Cashmere Bouquet.") lOc, Three for 25c. c A trial .will convince you 1 ' : t6Tladies will please ask for samples. - ;..'..'. lEHPLE-MlidliJlIfi co: Fheat 50. Brlrk Black. II n ! TOILET SOAP ARMORSIDE and F. P. ' To" prove what the Corsets are call at our store, pick out the kind.'get your number, take it to your home, scrutinize it, wear it," test it for two long weeks, and then if cot perfectly. satisfactory, return it. , ::i:.f':-Vl. B. PATE. ; 'jrsrARMORSIDK s"d F. THE NEW... Dress Fabrics Invite You To Call... we can only extend to you an invitation to come and see these new Dress Goods. Printers' ink can not tell their story. We will say this, however: If you would know The Newest, ; Mojst Approved Dress Goods Patterns, you must see this assortment. One special 50 inch Gray Homespun, a perfect beauty, the very thing for a suit or skirt, At 65c. Usually sold at 85c. OETTINGER BROS. Moore & Hooker, DEALERS IN Fresh Meats, Chicago Beef, Etc. Market Hours : 4 to"i2. m.; 4 to I 9 p. m. Phone 27. Buy Your Drugs and Goods from HOOD'S DROG STORE. You Sour, Cross-Grained old DYSPEPTIC I Stop looking 0 ugly and feeling so badly. Get la bottle of ; Get .well and decent . once more. ; You old played-out bid man, . take it and feel young again. " ' . j, , PEPSINAGOGUB ia. ; made by 5r And sold by all up-to-date Drug Stores. P. , SHE I A i MM Pep 4 II Pays to Trade ai the Big Slori s - A Great Shake-Up In Goods Owing to the continued mild weather, manufacturers and job bers have been unable to disoose of their stocks at anything like actual value. Many of them have therefore been forced to sacrifice a good part of them. Their neces sity was our opportunity and we bought liberally. As a result, we are able to offer you some of the season's best Dress Goods at prices below their worth and the follow ing list will convince you that we mean what we say : At 50c Yard 88 inch ' all wool Panne Goods in Venetians. 88 inch Wool I this lot are Homespuns.. 40 inch Silk I all worth Finish Henriettas. 3& inch from QOo Camel's Hair Suitings. The 1 to 75c per above goods in all colors. yard. At 75c Yard. .. . 50 inch all-wool Zibelinet Regular and Homespun Suitings in I prices for Tan, Castor, Royal and ( goods in Navy Blue. 46 inch Cheviot r this line Serges in Black and Bluel has been only. 36 inch Polka Dot f 1.00 yard Drench Flannels all colors. In addition to the above !we are offering exceptional values in Broadcloths,. Satin Sohels, Satin Berbers, Peirolla Cloths, etc! J&oxrie here this week for your Dress Goods and save money. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C Artistic Job Printing : at The Free. Press Office FURS! FURS i FURS! At . Quick-Selling . Prices! Collarettes, and 0, - - At $1.79 and Up. A beautiful line and at I prices that will suit you. ' j r y : v; J KJ k IIU. UWtll... X) 'Cr. Qr.fnC4.(:iru. I ell

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