i T ;H LYBH 96 FREE WSSL PRICES .in cento ..11 " ... .tl.00 ...,4.00 Sati KviIMMi, Nov. L'l, I'JOO. Rev. V. A. .1 -1 1 k i i m muc from (IoMh boro vcftt-i 'I.i . II- pn ni-hcil at. tlio r-hnpH lnit ii'ulti iiinl l.'fi toiin.v for Sandy ISottom wlit'n- li' '.vill imili tomorrow. Though ho mi - t i i iifM ilfct-pt iv appt'fir aiirci i-oiiiit for ii Kit'1 ' d :il in liuniucHM. Ah mi'ii iuv juilkT' d li.v iippcitiiinccH, ho arc biicini'si lioiiM-H judged by tli"ir ad- VlTtinl'lIK litem t II If. Cotton hold in Kinstoii today ut '.,', to 10.17';, rent. TliH week liaH bi't'Il a n-cord I'l'i'ukrr on tlii ni'irkct. Mure than ."(HI l.ali'.s Ihivi- 1 n-t-it Hold. About 2'!0 la!n wi-iv Mild yitfiday. The ini'd freight and pan neuter train from New Ihtii to (ioldslioro, due at Kington at (1:1. 'i. wan !' laved cveral In iui-.m ypt-trnlay on Ji'iMiiit of a liif lot of Hl.iipilik' It left K In.-Lon lawt IliRllt at 11 o'clock. Mcsh. i. It. Kilpatrich ami Lemuel Tay lor, of Vance tov nnliip, returned ThurH duv from h 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 tr tiii in (iuilford county. They killed -Jt'rJ l.inln, 17 Kijuir rels and 2 ral bitu in four day. Mr. Kilpatrick mvc thin i ho for he kept HCOIV. lU v. 1). II . in: ii- rejiictrt uh to Htate that, owiiiK to hickiH for three or four days. In-will not he aid- to preach the Hcrmon to men' at the court houne tomor row afternoon. Hi' hopes to he able to hold regular ii e.s at, the Methodist church. Last Tiiurnduv. at the home of the bride in Trent township, Miss Klfie Davis was married to Mr. I'. P.. Koonce, of Jones county, Kev. S. Il.lt-ler oliicintiiitf. Quite a mini! r of relatives nnd fricndu of the couple were pre-ent. They will live in Joins county. We extend con gratulations mid best wishes. "Does advertising pay.'" The best answer to this often linked question is, "Watch the successful merchant,." lie is the man who advertises and will tell you that advertising pays. Do you want your busines.s to grew? Then try a course of advertising. Keep your busi ness before the people and you will meet with satisfactory results. THE BAZAAR A Decided Success. A Baby Show Held A Large Sum Made for the Kinston Library. Last niirht wos the last of the bazaar. To say the very least, it has been a great success in every way. The ladies who have worked so untiringly to make it u success, have the heari.. thanks of every member of the library, ;is well as many others, because of .lie social leature. I he baby show was held yesterday ' evening, and it was seen mat Kinston has a whole lot of pretty children. Those receiving prizes were: Mr. J. A. Long's little son, Mr. J. Ji. Dawson's child, Mr. E. B. Marston's little son, Mr. V. H. Hickson's little duutthter, and Mr. Sol Oettiuger's little daughter. These re ceived the prizes for being the handsom est children of their ages present. The nmtHViAa from Mm hiiliv allow werfi $1 2. The whole amount taken in at the bazaar was $250. About $320 was realized in all including the money re ceived for the tobacco that was sold yesterday. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. S. II. Loftin for the use of the opera house, and to the strangers in the city who con tributed to the success of the bazaar. THE CHURCHES. Services will be held at the churches in Kinston tomorrow as follows, to which everybody is invited: Presbyterian Church. PreiM.hing both morning and evening. Sunday school at 5): 15 a. in. Episcopal Church. No preaching tomorrow. Sunday school at l):15 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Services held in the grand jury room. Christian Church. Services both morning nnd evening. Sunday school at 9:1 fi a. 111. Baptist Church. Services both morning and evening. Morning subject: "A Call to the Peo ple of God." liev. 18:1 Evening subject: "The Wori of the Neuso Association for 1!01." Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. B. Y. P. IJ. meets Monday evening. Methodist Church. Both morning and evening sermons a continuation of the scries from the Book of Revelation. Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. Epworth League Monday at 8 p.m. The Chapel. Kev. W. G. Johnston will preach at 3 p. m. Sunday school at 9:15 a. in. Prayer meeting every Friday night. Christian Science. Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the opera house. Te Ccr a Clri in Ce8 Day Laxatu f.noMC OoiNimt Tadlbt. lake t to r im. We Agree. Life. - She (to maid) Not no tight now, Jane, that I cant sit down, just tiht oong1i to show there's noma one Inside. A skirt, like a house, looks bestir ben it looks in habited. ? . . ; :. w ... i v TOuVb Black ' liniment' It cures SEfatica. Bheumatisia and " Neuralgia; 23to bottle for 15c ' . ; VI, EL Hoo T PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. W II. Cobb went to Newbern yes- terday. Mr. J. W (ioldsboro. (irainger spent today in Mr. Randolph Meade left lant night for Danville, Yu. Mr. T. K. Chrisman went to LaUrange this morning. Mrs. Shade Wooten returned to La (j range this morning. Miss Maggie Hardy went To Dover this morning to visit friends. Mr. J. F. Tylor went to Newberu yes terday and returned thin morning. Mrs. H.C. Bailey returned this morn ing from a visit at Moreheud City. Mrs. D. S. HarruH and child left for Washington, N. C, today to visit rela tives. Mrs. (J. I'. Fleming and children left this morning for Durham to visit her parents. Mrs. C. L. Koonce, of Alabama, who had been visiting near here, went to Trenton yesterday. Mess. II. F.Shaw and T. C. Wooten returned from fcinow Ilillj-esterday where they hud been attending court. Kev. 8. H. Isler came from (ioldsboro this morning. He will fill his regulur ap pointment at Coahoma tomorrow. Mrs. L. W. Johnston, of Onslow county, returned from a visit at Green ville last night and went to her home today. Mr. Mitchell Kountree and sister, Miss Mattie, of New hern, who had been visit ing at Mr. N. J. Kouse's, returned home yesterday. Mrs. A. T. (iriftin, of (ioldsboro, came to Kinaton yesterday, spent last night at Mr. F. F. Hrooks', and went to (jrifton today to visit friends near there. Mr. S. W. Isler came yesterday from Snow Hill, where ho had been attending court, spent last night in Kinston, and went to his home at Goldsboro today. Mess. K. (i, Currin, W. S. Herbert, Hoge Irvine. J. L. Murphy, C. K. Iiailey, Ed Harvey and Ernest Dunn left last night for Norfolk, Va., to see the game of foot ball between the University of North Carolina and the University of Virginia, which took place there this afternoon. Special Notices. Subscribe to Tuf Fkee I'hkss. Sweet and Sour Pickles at II. W. Cum ming'. KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted for Country Produce ars thcse"Jpaid by dealer?. Peeawax, per pound, ao Coin, per bushel 6o Meal, per bushel, 6o L. C. Sides, pound, 9 Ham, Country new, per pound 13 Salt, per sack 85 Lard, Country, per pound, 9 Chickens, per pair 25 to 50 Eggs, per dozen 14 Sweet Potatoes, 40 Peanuts, per bushel 501075 Sheep 1. 00 Lamb, 1.00 Hides, Dry, 6 to 10 Hides, Green, ,. 5 Beef, on foot, fat, j Fresh Pork, 7 Fodder, 751090 Molases 35 to 50 Flour 4.00 to 4.75 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo For That ACHE-Y FEELING Take HICKS' C APUCIMS I FOR SALE BY TEMPLE-MARSTOH DRUG CO., and all well-stocked drug stores. Just Received. A lot Raspberry Preserves, Preserved Strawberries, Damson Preserves, Apple Butter and Mince Meat. T. P. ASHFORD. 0DAKS Not the cheap, trashy kind but Genuine Eastman KODAKS. - A. complete line just in also ell necessary materials, "etc., for "de Tloplng4 'Ths Witchhry or Kodak Mav" a little book on the art' of Photografhy given free to ail who wiUcall. 'I ACTS GENTLY ON freest' OVERCOMES 1DUAU v DrOMAkirMTlY I tl tr9 a I BUY THE GENUINE MAN'F'D BY r$RNIAfrojVRVF(S V Kt CAL. co us, t COS SALE 6Y All DPU66ISTS. PRICE SOc.PtRfjOTTIL Just Received ! A CAR LOAD OF EXTRA QUALITY HORSES AND MULES. Must be sold quick. We think we can suit you. Come and see. HqROQUE'S Liiery, Sale and Exchange Stables, KINSTON, N. C. Wt Me at the Oryx Fountain A SHIPMENT OF 10 GROSS TOILET SOAP Just Opened ! Wholesale and Retail ! ARMOUR'S ART' (Perfumed like ' ' Cashmere , Bouquet. ' ' ) 10c, Three for 25c. A trial will convince you ! I Ladies will please ask for samples. ' ' JEMPLEtMARSTON .DRUG Jit), hood's j)Rd(5STdfiE. .tATtfprOi:S jrtat Jhe Corsets are call at our . store4 pick1 out the tindr get yottr number, take it to yout nbmicratieltiti 5 wear ifj" ttsi it. for two long weeks, and then if notjfectj " - . . . ' k. v r : r t. V ft. v 1 0 . Another Shipment of the Renowned Ziegler Shoes Has Arrived! The fourth this season. ZIEGLER SHOES are well known for their style, comfort and lasting abilities. Once tried, always worn. OETTINGER BROS. IMEW fi I have secured the agency in this section for several strong fire nsurance companies, and am pre nared o write insurance on all x classes of town and country prop erty. Office in Cox & Co.'s store with Is H. Abbott. Samuel Abbott,- Kinston, N. C. Just Think of the Good Things You Can Get At You can get Fried Oysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't suit, you can take them Raw. I have had 11 years' experience in the oyster business, and I know your wants. Come to see ine. Fried Oysters, 30c Stewed Oysters .25c Yours to please, T. T. SKINNER. Buy .Your-, Driigs x nd Qoodsfrom. , 1 111 AKY! kkkkkkkkkkkkkktkkkkkkkkk It Pays to Trade at TheBigSfore. Extraordinary Lace Sale ! You've heard of bargains no doubt and seen them too, but this one beats the record. Two thousand yards of English Torchon 3 .Laces, from two to j five inches wide, with insertions to match, are now on sale at a 5c, 8c and 10c Yard, and there's not a yard in the lot that's not worth double the i price. 4 If you can't come to the store cut out 3 this ad"and send it to i us with request for J samples. We will send them promptly. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON N.C A Yoke of Well-Broke OXEN .AT. PORE & JIOOKER'S, KINSTON, N. C. FURS ! FURS! FURS ! At Quick-Selling Prices! Boas, Scarfs Meek Pieces ;t:$l;79'Md;Up1 beautifiil line and a prices that will suit Tyou. 0NTH&C0RNER. Cor.' Queen 4 Caswell 8i. ', Phone 11 Collarettes and