if i i I t 4-1. t, a. r., I v'. 1 1 r i ! i, v. 4 1 k. . iV . i I HICKHKRT, Kditor and Prop'r. t,ufi1 u' ; O. ft bocoiiu clans mall matter. o Mill oico'ccouo:toi30 0UoUoiio)o'04ko RIGHT KIND OP EXPANSION. The New York Herald (darted out in tln cainiui:i with Home trenchant edi torials UKtiinet thu McKinley policy of i'XpaiiMioii and it looked for awhile iih if it whh to do tin; coiirtiHteut tiling and NUpport liryun. Itat it hoom hu tideu on the riiilijpintH biiHiiienH mid threw its inliuenr" for the perpetuation of the party and the policy which it ho vigorously condemned. Now wince the election in over and it haH rex u I ted in the practical endorHcment of the Mi Kiiili-y nil policy The Herald in doinff Home more mimimIjIo writing on the HUhject of expaiinion, as a nample of whic-h we quote the follow ing: "The heMl wny to expand into make better use of the opportunity which are cIohh at hand, and to create others. The south is practically an undeveloped coun try. It lam forests, livers, fields and mines which are waiting to be used. No ned to fo to the Sandwich or Philippine islands, lor there is plenty of work to be done at home, and plenty of money in doinu; it. What is needed w not more territory away off where the sun t-ets, but a more rurvful concentration of en ertfy. In that direction lies a fortune for the man of vim." There is unexplored field enough in the south, und undeveloped resoiircesenough for investment of till the capital that could be found for the next twenty-five i ye;.i s, at the end of which tinitt we would ! bo richer then if we had gobbled up four or five gross more of islands like the Philippines, and stronger, too, for the more of these distant incumbrances we j have the weaker we will be. We have all the room we need to expand right at home. Wilmington Star. i Si !(...!, ef r: ty :j Tin Arcl.'il.i:; I IV;;. yni, I.;mI vi-iie. ill-- .;i:i!. .!.. .v. ! v.r. !" I .I Miii;,ers .in mil . i in I v. as ill v. ji. ni. djlcif confession her husbnnd had ne knowledKfn blmself jrullty of the miinler laid to the prisoner's charge, giving all the details, even to the pluee of conceal ing thq weapon. "Thank ;ol." the priest ejaculated. The prisoner wub reniaodel for the present. A Heard) In tbe place indicated brotlcht to lii-lit n hlnnit Bin ill pi I Lnifa h i ,1) land- I with pnrt of the poiut broken off, and a raw u sum i l'rP fragment of steel found at the post II to il ;! 1 l y n vr- lifighlioriiood. and u nuiiiber l 11 no iloid.t u.i to tile mortem examination in one of the mur dercd man's wounds exactly fitted the fracture. It would hnve melted the hardest heart to witness the uililnesg of Mary's joy the day her husband was restored to her a free nnd vindicated man. Kscliantre. BLIND BRAINS.. Are those used by the merchant who tries to sell goods without advertising; He that is wise doth advertise in THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. Dyspepssa Cure ni .-I. ill Willi i ll il..e of i!i ;i h. The soiiu I i f riianiii'.: footsteps iliew i he nlli.itiiii of I lie in!:: i. mailing ollicer, Hid. yiirl. pi:rsi;j I :fj i;u onlcnil. n inn 11 -v n - si. i.n o i l ! ;;l.i :i i n l l apliued whose haiiil-i ai.il i:i t:. i le iirea red villi blood i:ii i on wl.c e .ersn:i v. as focii ! a thick I acket l i ;;::;: the siai ip of Sir Archie's bank anil out aiiiin. the money w hich, it was r.lloiuard aieei tuined, he had that i!ay drawn. Tlie suspii ion which at once fell on the prisoner was strengthened bv the fact Ihiit he was a late tenant of the deceased who had been treated with peculiar harshness and had been heard to threat en vengeance, l. .-."j: i The man s account, when questioned i 3 an ..our .-,er. was that while returning ; gR, "TSSffifc hone ,o, n-hbors he had come g pproacl. j L j :l cliiciency It In- suddenly on tv... v.o ,,,t st : K- ! nycU , Ad permanently cures gl... one of whoa, soon fell. 1 he other , S"" Tn, '..Ion. Upart.hnrn. vl, ........ f.,r .. I II.,. i,n,L.rli ' jew..u.. .qw.j. , fo.'in and iheu ran a v. ay. The prisoner hurried forward to In-Ip the injured man, whom he partially raised in his arms; out. 111.1111,' nun appaieimy nireauy me- i gian,,-EooYalla'ioutayspepslamallbdfre less. Ins next tliount was to the murderer, whose rapidly retreating Digests what you eat. It ar ti ficially d igesta the food and aids Naturo in sirens' then wig and recon and ail MALAi;iAL DIS; evers SES take YUCATAN OmLL TCllOdiDPTBd.) Superior to all Tasteless Totiics. 'Y'lw i.. d.ile will urn -kly recocr.izo (h Superior l)nnlltle of Trf 1TA5 ( Iniiirov?!) oer the many go-c'illi'd T:i-l- Tonic. They are iininliaMft anj Hie 'lose, in uncertain. Y" a :ui Chill Tonio (Improved) r'iuir.'M n.i hak'n,T "f the buttle. The medicine is ihnrou rnlv illasolveU : e cn doat- imtHins the lamg iirofiortion of nuilic ir.o. Korr.uUon each bottle, conalatim of it VI ' IN il wuich drlvegout i 'i n'i;i. I !!ON which tones u the rt.uni nnr! k .'SIX which produce a hearty appetite. Any physician or di i.rvitt. l 1 tell you there ia NO EWT'i'B PRESCRIPTION for MALARIA and ite k.tidred dieasoa. Plea-a .t to take; does not sicken or pa ihUj nnd is a"optable to the most rtellcite rtoranc'i. PItlCE, SO 'i-..t. For sale by all deatara, 'X'iio c3.)L.Xjixiii:z,x ivraujoxoxivia oo.y sollPboi'liltohs. cvansviila, Ind. Sold in KInston by J. E. HOOD. The I'hilndelphia Record of Saturday has u very upt cartoon representing Uucle Sam in the ilcKinley House, with Mark Hauua us landlord. On the wall is the sign "Positively No Trust," und around Uncle Ham are the hotel porters Tube, Salt and Steel Trusts demanding tips. Uncle Sam says: "See here, Land lord Ilannal I're taken rooms at this house for four years more. I mightstand the raise in board; but the tips will clean me out. If things don't ehunge I'll be goldiirned if I duu't look for other quarters!" The lialeigh News-Observer notes this I he following fourteen counties wont Democratic in the State election, but were transferred to the Republican col urn n in the national election: Alamance, Bladen, Buncombe, Chowan, Cumber land, Davidson, Forsyth, Graham, Lin coln, Moore, Orange, Pamlico, Paequo- taud and Perquimans. as How gigantic was the task left to the people of Galveston by the storm appears from the fact that the burial and crema tion of tbe dead was not completed until Tuesday of last week. The work of re habilitation has been much slower than in the case of towns Bweptby Are, be cause fire leaves comparatively little debris. Mr. Pritchard will have to use a long pole to get Mr. Simmons out of the sen ate chamber. Perhaps Mr. Pritchard re members the manner of his election to the senate by the fusion legislature. It was by partly disrupting the Fopulist caucus and mostly by corrupting several individuals. The total amount spent for public schools in the State last year was f 973, 045 as compared with $946,892, the previous ear. This is an improvement, but is still not enough to supply the needs of the children. The legislature is pledged to improve the public school system. Even at this date it is safe to predict that the whole south will be a cotton field next year, and it will not be out of place to remark that, in all probability, tbe price will be considerably less than ten cents. Mt. Olive Advertiser. Turkey has gotten to be pretty eaucy of late. If the job was as easy as eating Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry sauce, we could step over to Constanti nople, hare a shooting match and clean up the port easy.' '-; . . The Ml. Olive Advertiser has entered , upon ite third year. It seems to be. meet- ' tag with faeces. It deeem It. - T"""- fcssssj.im North Carolina can play good tootbalL but fomehow Virginia can plaj football better. : :: i-fr-M.-. When Ton want prompt acting little Y pIILj that never gripe tue DeWitV little ' Early Rieera. X. E. Hood. - steps were still audible. Being a fleet runner, he wns soon in sight of the fugi tive, on whom lie was gaining rapidly when the latter threw away sonietliiug which the prisoner stooped to pick up and which, he alleged, was the packet found upon him when arrested. This ile luy had enabled the pursued to dart into a thicket, whither the prisoner was fol lowing him when overtaken by the sol diers. j Such in substance was the narrative given by Michael Tierney in very con fused fashion when taken before the magistrate. It had no weight at all with ; the coroner and his jury, and the prisoner j was regularly committed to staud trial for willful murder. His heartbroken wife, once a favorite ! servant in my father's family, appealed j to me to defend her husband's life. "I hope you'll do what you can for I him, sir," she pleaded, choking down her sobs, "for I'm sure he's innocent." Poor Mary could say no more, but her few simple words were so earnest and beseechiug that I could not refuse her request. Adding what I could to comfort her. I sent her away a little reassured. It was not long till the case was called for trial, for the authorities were deter mined to make it the occasion of a swift :iiid lerrihle example. The jury, of course, only heard the cir I'linistaiieeH attending the liuding of the murdered man's body, the prisoner's cap ture ami the finding of the packet on his person. These, with the prisoner's pre vious threats, made the case for the crown, and a formidable one it was. The prisoner's explanation, of course, was ex cluded and would have gone for little had it been received. I made what I could of the few circumstances in his fa vor, including the fact that no weapon had ben found, and stated as a possible hypothesis, sufficient at least to raise a doubt, the prisoner's version of the facts already given. But the judge's summing up destroyed the last hope. Before he had half con cluded the prisoner's fate could be read in the faces of the jury. At the end they conferred briefly without leaving their seats. Then the foreman rose, and in answer to the usual question pronounced the dreaded but expected word "Guilty!" Poor Mary, who had hoped to the last, uttered a heartrending shriek and was carried out fainting. The judge put on the black cap. "Prisoner at the bar," he said slowly and solemnly, "what have you to say that the sentence of the law should not now be pronounced?" The prisoner stood like one dazed and stupefied. The words seemed to fall on his ears without meaning. The painful silence which ensued was broken by a gray haired man in priestly garb who had pressed his way through the crowd and stood facing his bench. 'My lord," he exclaimed earnestly. "this man is innocent!" Your evideuce comes rather late," re plied the judge, with sternness. "If you had aught to say, you should hare said it sooner. Still, if you have any light to throw on the case, I shall take care to present your statement In the proper quarter. , Proceed. "I can only repeat." returned the other. "that I know the man Is innocent." But what facts can-you adduce?" I am not at liberty to give them. The obligations of my office forbid "Then yon might as well have snared this interruption," replied his lordship, turning once more to address the pris oner. Bnt there was another interruption. and this time in a woman's voice. Stop, for the love of GodT it cried. "I dar speak, if the holy man dar'n'L My poor husband died !a$ night, an Fa uer Aicaianns tnere beard bis last con Cession.' The saints pardon me if It wnr a ela to listen to it. I didn't mane It; but; bein la the nixt room and hearin a few. words b7 accident, I felt foorced to bear It ail. , And, oh, I cant bear the thosxht of more innocent blood reatla on Burpoor Tim's towi!" ? t ; ; Then .she . went on to tall thai In bis i Siclr. Headache, Cl.-'st ralgla Crampsand I all other results of imperfect digestion. ; PrlceSCc. and CJ. Lariro &izo contains 2 times overhaul ,,, r o neiviTT Arn.. r.htmnn. J. E. HOOD. OR. 3. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. B JTjhOfBce Over Dan Quinerly'i store, in the M ose leyDuildiiig, next to C. W. Pndgen & Co.'s store DR. THOS. H. FAULK IYER, DBNTIST. Office Honrs: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. liooms over the Bank of Kinstoa W. CANADY. H. K. MOSELEY. COLO WEATHER The cold weather will soon be here, and we will be pleased to have you call at our store and examine a nice line of Driftwood, Elm wood and Wilson's Im proved Air-Tight Heaters. They are neat, durable and economical, both in price and con sumption of fuel. We also have a large stock of COOK STOVES, which we are selling very cheap. Come to see us. B. W. CANADY & CO., KINSTON, N. C. II M Nil WW IIFHI ITHIlIllfi im .nHI SHE Bin BR KSJ n 1 Spring: Shoes. WOOTEN & WOOTEN, Attorneys-at-Law, kinston, n. c. Circuit: Lenoir, Jones, Greene, Pitt and 'On slow counties. Supreme Court, and Federal Courts of Eastern North Carolina OR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, N. C. U"Oflice on Gordon Street. Office hours, 0 to i , a. m., ana $ to o, p. m.; Sundays, 4 to 5 p. m. W. T. PARROTT. Ph.G.,M. D., Physician and Surgeon KINSTON, n. c. Bs"Office formerly occupied by Dr. J. M. Parrott opposite A. R. Miller's. DR. C. B. WOODLEY, Physician and Surgeon. KiTOffice in Drug Store next Bank of Kinston. Calls left at Drug Store will receive prompt attention. We are making a specialty of GENTS' SHOES this spring. We have them in varied styles and can suit anyone in Style, Size or Price. A Chocolate Colored VIci Kid, in button or lace, a beauty, for $4.00. A Black VIci, a good shoe for only $3.50. Black Surpa$8 This is the shoe ot which we have had .such an enormous sale. Price $4.00. We have just received a big line of PATENT LEATH ER Shoes. Price $5.00. These are beauties. Call and see them. Gents' Goods. A full line of Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Fancy Hosiery, Negligee and White Shirts, SERGE COATS, Double and Single Breasted, from $5.00 to I8.50. In fact, our line of Gents' Wear for the Spring will be full and complete. DAN QUINERLY, Queen Street. KINSTON, N. C. Barrett & Thomson, ARCHITECTS, ii5tf FayettevllleSt., Raleigh, N. C arWrite for our ''Brochure" of in. formation. T. W. Iffembora & Go., WHolesa Who esale Grocers OllU. KINSTON, N. C. idvertiswg u the Keyetuuo '-o Success. Baenttm. "Our prices favor our customers. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUMFfiGS ... MANUFACTURED B Y ... , ; - CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. v Kr JfOTK THE RAMI. t Yon can afford to risk jour life bj allowing a cough or a cold to derriop into pneumonia or consumption. Om Minnie Gongh Care will ear throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors tost it as a specific for grippe, it is aa fnl&l ibis remedy for croup. Children Kks it and mothers endorse it. J. E. Hood, i , gRBjBHyglSH I Fresh Trotit Mullet and Croak r daily at 1 i 5 , 1 C BOYD'S 11 ARKET. gst Street-i-neijrnew depot.' ; J. E. IFHYSIOC "i; -;: .. Here b Stay 1 y ; I have prepared myself for it. I hare 1 est receireda full line of .Foreign and Domestic Samples of Woolens ranrinsr from 9 15.00 up to f45-oo. a suit. . x am not trying to compete wltn ready-mads roods I promise to gire you a first-lass Merchant Tailor's Suit as good as you can bare made in any first-class Mer chant Tailoring establishment any where, aad .for as little money. Yon will find that I deal straight and fair, and always look to the is teres! and taste of my customers. " .f r f KJr litre just employed a first-class coat-maker. .. .. . . . .) ; ", : J. E. PHYGIOC. Thesb are the days when the man who does a successful business must realize the full scope and significance of the great vera, "hustle." You must hustle it .you do any business. Every' man who has a dollar wants his money's worth before he lets it go. The man who has bargains to offer must let the fact be known. If you have anything special to offer advertise the fact, else the people will never know it. As a medium for ; reaching the people--the money-spending classes Thb Fbbb Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout this and adjoining counties, and is read . by ' everybody. An advertisement in its columns Tryit. will prove a paying investment. Try DAILY AND '8EMI-WCEKL '. . . " mm Rates Given On Application. f s, Correapondsins; Invited. , 1

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