STEER BY THE STAR. Night on the sea, and onr lone ihtp In the midst of tlir ilarkn - tliersj V trackless waste iprnJ a. I jbuut. And the Llnknrw everywhrre. But gleaming in the sky above Are aern the beai'Oiis of the nlprht Ect there to guide thai lonely ship Across the path Inn srs aright. The wares roll high and loss the ship. A plaything on their turl ld erect; The sea lifts up its ra-or arms And open wide ita heaving breast. But safely still the vessel rides. For one there is who guides aright. Because his eyes sre fixed upon Those faithful brarona of the night. Ko vessel sailing o'er llfe't set But safely may the harbor find If the Great Beacon of the aky Be ever kept In sight and mind. The light at timet may shine but dim. The way seem dark, the harbor far. But he cannot get off the course Who guides his vessel by the Star. Arthur J. Burdick in Los Angeles Herald. Pens, Ink and Paper. "Now, I am going to be qnito quiet," eajs my lady, "for you are going to write S. letter. You will find everything you ,want at my writing table." She says tis with rather a superb air. "If It gabbles," she adds more hastily, "put that little 'where ia it' under the front leg. No, it won't hurt, really. I keep it there for the purpose." If there is everything I wast at the Writing table, I might also suggest only, Cf course, 1 wouldn't be Buch a brute that there are several things upon it which I don't want. The principal articles on the table are US follows: A penwiper, with a group of silver dachshunds on the top; two vases Of flowers and an "art" pot with bul rushes in it, a patent contrivance for moistening stamps, two large pockets of dress patterns ("if not returned in ten tlays, will be charged 8s. GJ."), a magni fying glass, a massive silver inkstand, with a receptacle for ink about the size of a thimble inside; a knowing looking cashbox without a key, a china monkey, two quill pen with broad points, their feathers slii'i' with gum, having been late ly used to paste pictures in a scrapbook; a photograph frame of uutarnishable metal, a case for postcards, a case for twine, a case for almanac cards, a case for stamps (all these empty) and a case for Bradshaw (18S9). "Oh, do you want some note paper?" my lady exclaims Ju a tone in which nat ural surprise mingles with pretty impa tience for not having noticed my want sooner. "It is in the right hand draw er. You open it with a paper knife look, like this." "I'm afraid there is no note paper here," says my lady, pushing her slender hand, lace ruuies and all. to the back of ' the drawer and pulling out some more .dress patterns and a quantity of unpaid bills, "but I'll run and get some from papa's study." "Oh, no: don't." "Why not?" "I don't know. Stay here. Show me again how this drawer opens." "Nonsense! The drawer is open, and it Is nearly post time." "My letter is not important." "But you said it was." "I don't think it is now." "Oh," rather quickly, "I think I should like to get you that note paper." "And now" laying it before me "you must write your letter quickly if yon want to get it off in time, and you mustn't talk any more." "I won't. I"ut isn't there something rather bumpy in this blotting book?" "Oh. yes; that is'chocolate. I always keep it in the pocket of my blotter, and then my maid doesn't eat it. Take it out while you are writing, but put it back again." "Won't you take it out for me?" "No. But you may eat some of it if frou like." My lady sits do wn ia a basket chair it Creaks delightfully and tn ;e her kitten a her knee. The kittfii makes playful pats at her with his paws, crouches dowa on her knee and spiifgM nt her band, fastening his claws in ht-r lace. My lady shakes her head repioviajUy. then seizes him and holds him close to her and pre tends to kiss him. "You don't seem to be getting on with Jrour letter very quickly." "I can't bi-.-'r t sit h.-re and see that cat destroy yiur rallies." "Kitty and I will take another chair." "Come, now; that's it fair.' , "It's .. neatly piwl rime. You really tnnst get on with that letter." lWell, will yon go back and ait in the basket chair?" "No." "I can't write unless yon da" "That's ailly." "It is true." "Oh, well!" The basket chair begins to creak again. . I wish 1 could remember what I was going to say in this letter. I really would get on with it' if. I could, but for the life 01 me I can't remember what I was going ko write about. cTh kitten has goae on a jtour of discovery round the room, and my Iad kits, with lightly folded hands, look ing out of, the window. ' v The china monkey grini at me. I do ,wiah X could remember what I wanted to gay. I sock the top of my pen; ft tastes V? v ' - . ... i Presently my lady looks round. When she turns her .head. It just makes a man feel inclined . to stare. Lelpleiy at. her land wonder how she does it. t All the old simile about swtnlike movements and Bowerliko grace seem' horribly inadequate When my lady turns her head.' She bends It a little forward as she tarns it, and awe sees the wonderful lines of her neck and shoulder and the contour of her cheek, (dear cut against the libt from the win-jSow-.J . -. .'-. 'f" : r, "You are quite sure yoti have rery lilng yon want? , . ; ' ' y It is possible that she has been expect ing to hear the scratching of my pen on the paper for some time past -. ani quite core X haven't" , ' "Oh. I am so sorry," says my lady. She rises from her chair and comes half way across the room toward me. Then she sees me looking at her, and she stops. "You knew I meant writing materials!" she says, with terrible severity. "Bni there isn't any ink." "Oh. dear! Has It drjed up again?" "It bns. and I am quite sure these pens are not lit to use." "Oh. and it is past post time! What will you do? I am afraid it is all my fault." "I am sure of It." "I really did think there was every thing in that writing table." Then agaia, "What will you do?" "I think I'll go for a walk in the garden with you." "Oh. but 1 am so busy." "Still. 1 really think you ought to do somttbiiiK to make up for making me lose the post." "Well, it must only be for a few min utes, remember." It is two hours later when, having reached the garden somehow I never can remember how we return to the house. As we cross the lawn my laily is I 6ayins t me, "And I'll always help you I to write your letters, and your writitg ta- ble shall have paper and stamps nnd ev , erything you want in it." Exchange, One of Many Entbnnliista. Joe Mitchell Chappie, editor of The National Mugazine. published at Bos ton, was In Buffalo recently and be came much interested In the Exposi tion. On his return to Boston he wrote to fin official of the Exposition as fo! lows: "1 was indeed sorry not to have seen you when in Buffalo, but 1 did sc. the Exposition nnd was astonished i yond measure. I wish that you voui Bend on anything that you think mlsti; be of interest to our readers and mnke It as attractive as possible, and I shai keep on hammering away at the Expo eitlon editorially until It opens, because I am thoroughly enthused over the eubject." An Installation. Lawyer (examining witness) Where was your maid nt the time? Lady In my boudoir, arranging my hair. Lawyer And wore you there also? Lady (indignantly) Sir! Exchange. IgSCiJM HEALTHY OLD AGE. 0 ' Lasvs, Bsstok Co. Ark., Aug. 4. I am 49 years old and have been uttering; with Changs of Life. I bad. flooding apella ao baa that none thought I conld live. My husband got me Wine of Cardui and it aaved my lite. I am like 'another person since taking it. UBS. E. B. TOWNSEND. It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and SO. Then will come manv years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic of perfectly healthy grandmothers. It is for women alone to decide whether they will be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ness is close at hand. LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT, For advice in eases requiring special directions, address, string symptoms, UoW lObarr Dap'L, Tk'HATT4Ji04A HKD1C1NICO, Chattanooga, Team. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE O F CARDUI SOLD FOR $1.00 BY DRUGGISTS. Prompt Delivery .FROM. The men-of-war of the Romans had a crew of aliout 2"5 men. of which 174 were oarsmen working on three decks. The speed of these vessels was about six mil'1" nu hour in fair weather. A few more Boarders desired at j4otel gailey I Those desiring to secure good board at a reasonable rate are solicited to give us a trial immediately. I Have Now on Hand One Car Load of Nice flOTO WOOD. Wood sold. by car load or wagon load. Prices reasonable. Try me. J. A. STREET, Wood, Coat and Kasbtasy, KINSTON, N. C. tarPlomblnfl and Pipe FitUnflaspeclalty. BELli&SOWS, Headquarters For Pump Material a Specialty. H9"Shops at same old stand."" New Designs in FRENCH & SUGG. You can always expect it when you order your food supplies from this reliable stote. We can sup ply your demand for Choice staple ana ancy Groceries. Pickles, Relishes, Sauces, Olives, Country Hams and other articles kept by a first-class Grocery at rock bottom prices. FRENCH & SUGG. Phone No. 32. A. REAL MPHOPHOM 1 ..FOR.. 1 yt& -f- Simple Clockwork Motor. Mecbanisns Visible. Durable Construction. .0 BOTHER, MUCH FUN Ail the Wonders end Pleasure of a Higb-Priced talking Machine. When accompanied by a Recorder tliid 'rrjnhonhOTie can De used to mane Kecoruj, If. ire with Recorder. 47. BO. Reproduces all the standard Kecorda. bena ortter ana maneyi '.0 our nearest office. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30J "JEW YORK, 143-14$ Broadway. CHICAGO, i& Wabash Ave. ST. LOUIS, yio-jxi Olive St. WASHINGTON, 910 Pennsylvania Ave PHILADELPHIA, 1031 Chestnut St. BALTIMORE, 110 E. Baltimore St. BUFFALO. 313 Main St. SAN t&AK CISCO, m Geary St. LONDON. PA&IS. BERLIN. p to. . (' " -.!'!. -. C .,",;!. :. J. W. COLLINS hardware; No. i4,;QueenSt., - KiNSTON, N. C. -A Large Supply 6f- Air-Tight Heaters ! The same that have been so highly prized by our customers for the past three seasons. Cook Stoves, Guns, Pumps, Stove Pipe, Stove Repairs, etc. t&"Aa cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call."! Ml ffiery EveryWeek ! Last shipment just in today. x Jbyoes At Cost for the Next " Thirty Days.!; H Avail Yourself ot This ' S Opportunity. A. R. MIkkBR. v ' r NOV. -5, 1900. " 5 The Jiem fiarduaape Stove. Prepare now, for Com ort in Cold weather By buying Dixon & Hooker's Heaters, i:' c u t We have the BEST HEATERS for the money on the market. One trial willjconvince you The KING, The COMFORT, The CENTURY and the BOSS. See the Heaters and get the prices. We are headquarters for Buggy Harness. We have been asked how can we afford to sell Harness bo low. ' fWe alwkys buy in snch quantities as to quote the low. est. possible prices, and our sales are so numerous ' the small profit on each set added together enables tx& to sell low. V. 1 Come and try-as. srTfc3 f.'sw Uart;v2ro Ctsre. - KINSTON. N. C JONES & WILLIS, Shaving and Hairdressing Parlo Under Hotel Tull. Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircut. Competent Assistants. Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty. WA TRIAL SOLICITHD.-Ji OYSMS and QUAIL T B. AT. If I, 8 Above the Saloon. Highest cash price paid for Partridges by T. B. Brown. tflLIIKGTOH fiHD WELDOH R1ILR01P. WOISU SOI ' DATED Jul; sUd, laoo. Leave Weldon.. &r. Mocky Jtt .. Letive Tarboro. Ly. Rooky Mt... U)ve wilBon... Leave Selma. .. Lv. Kayetteville, Ar. Florenoe Ar Goldsboro... Lv. Goldsboro.. Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, Wilmington A. M. 11 BO 101) P. M. 12 21 105 15U 166 430 7iS P.M. O c z. o p. v.. 8 681 0 68i 9 62 10 26 U H 18 2S A. M, P.M. 6 00 6 87 710 766 P. M. o 3 A. H, 6 16 6 67 P.X 7 61 9 80 A. M 3 6 3 0 8 80 4 86 , PJM THA1N GOING NOBTH. Lv. Florenoe .... Lv. Faretteriue. Leave Selma Arrive WHsoc lv. wumintrton. lv. Magnolia. Lv. Goldsboro Leave Wilson. . . Ar. Boost Mt.. Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro... Lv. Rooky Mt... Ar. Weldon A. M. 960 IS 80 160 186 P. M 886 8 SO 1111 8 80 482 P.M. KG A. M 4 60 IS) 6 10 6 46 P. M. 785 8 41 1064 11 83 A. M. 11 83 1807 U07 100 A. M O Of 1 P. M. 7 00 8 30 8 37 p. a. 10 46 11 88 P. M.I AM. en 1110 18 86 Train on the Kinston Brancn Boad leavoa Weldon 8:66 P. m., HaUfaa 4:17 P. m., arrives BooUand Neck at :08 p. m., 6reenvillrifl:67p. m., Kinston 7:66 p. m. Betarninr leaves Kins ton 7:60 a. m. fireenviue 8:58 a. m., arrtvlngj Halifax at una, a.m.. Weldon uasa. m., dally ezoept Sunday. . H. M. KMEBBON, Gen' If am Agfsm J. B EBNLT.Gen'l Manager. T . BMWB8ON,Traffl0ManairPT Atlantic & N. C. Kailroad TIMB TABLE No. 18. November 3, 1000. EA8T6OUND TKA1MB. bTATIONS. Goldsboro Best's. LaGrange Falling Creek .... Kinston. Caswell Dover Core creek Tuscarora Clark's .... Newborn Hiverdaie Croatan Bavelook Newport Wildwood Atlantic Morebead city Vorenead Depot. . , . T. M 840 400 08 420 4 4 46 4 66 607 619 626 6 50 616 616 6 80 643 6 48 664 707 716 IP. M. at 2 M A. M 700 783 816 8 87 914 B86 1015 1040 1116 11 81 18Q tu, 920 806 884 847! 868 418 428J P. M.I WKUTBOTJND TKAIN8. STATIONS. 43oldsboro Best's LaGranre F&lUnf Creek ... Kinston. Casweiu... Dover. Core Creek Tnaflarora.. Clary..... NewtMRi .... CntAM 4.. EsWuiocJt - "por WUqwooiSm . AUadqo aVorebMd City. 2 31 IS & a 1 1 il8U ces 800 10431 blaMj Ty aJi ,tt7 960) .: 943 .980 01 418 -S0j ; ! 00 19 4 14 Hi 16001 4b . ton. : m av o. . 995 917 , 05 ' ia E19 410 AO' 497 r' S. li. DILL. Superintendent, B. A. NKU'LAKD. blaster Trass p'tioa. J. C. LEWIS, Chief Dispatcher. . .

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