THE mm FliEE PRESS. V. S. HKRPFPT. J', i'or an Prop'r. Sntf red at J . O. an tn-cona ries nin il matter. SOME SUGGESTIVE FIGURES. The following Hiif if! nn in teres tinjr editorial it from the coliimrinof the bright Wilmington Star: The United StateH is now the leading nation of the world, leading all theChris- tian nation, nave KushIii, in population; leading all in wealth, progrenn, renonrceH, and enterprise. In the imignitude and growth of it external and Internal com merce it exceed them all; in the rapidity with which it putn armien in the field and navien on the Hen it exceed them all, and in the vteni for the betterment of the individual Htzen and the community ft exceed them all. There are ream n for all thi. reasons found in thennturnl bent of the people who believe in puh, and in their elf re liance which i H(jual to any emergency, butperhnp the trreatt fiVnr m HI the univerality of,. education which (piali fle the perwon to fill the poitiori in life that may fall to him, and to (ill ft effec tively. The cultivated brain and the kil!ed hand, make n powerful combina tion, ppei"btlly when combined in the person of indomitable self-relinncp. A an iili)trtion the following table, quoted from the New York World, of the pupil in the common schools of the Urii ted State compared withtho" in imi lar "i-hool in Enropenn eonntrie i ig- nirleant. nnd poe far toward-eplairiing the rnp'd firoirn' which thi country ha made: United Stnt.-w ir.nnoooo (Jreat, Hritnin and Ireland .ri 07R.f10 France R.Ra.Y12R German Empire 7.92.r.000 Austria 3 128.0,83 Hunirnrv 1 858.216 Russia..' 3 770.818 Italy 2.RR9.000 As a whole the American people may not be bettf r educated than the people of some other countries, Germany for in stance, whore education i general, but there are moreedncated people (by which we mean people who have had the ad vantage of common chools) nearly twice as many as In Germany, nearly three times as many as in Great Britain nnd Ireland, or France, and nearly two-third njore than the other four countries com bined. It isn't merely in the ability to read, write and figure, that the advan tage lie, but in the opportunities given to utilize this advantage by giving en eh individual free notion and encouraging individual effort, teaching the man to be a solf-reliant thinker and planner and actor, instead of a mere machine. In this lies one of the strongest argument against the trust, which if it grows and becomes permanent will destroy this pro gressive, assertive individuality. LINCOLN Was gracious. Invited the Theater liter to a Sea In II U Horn. "I r.cver was much, of a Republican salu a gentleman who v. a born nu reared In Washington, "but I Iove Abraham Lincoln. He was one of th most lovable men I ever nr-l. I wa an usher at the National theater. Din about two weeks before the assasslua tlon John Wilkes Hooth ami Susan Denln were playing there. .Mrs. Lin coin having expressed a desire to see them in 'Itomeo and Juliet.' I was sent to the president's house to t;ay that a box had been reserved. In the oven Ing, Mrs. Lincoln bciu Indisposed, the president and little Tad Lincoln came and I showed them to the box. "As Tad entered he turned and said. 'Come In. Lew.' 'Oh, no,' 1 replied 'that would not be riht.' Tad then turned to his father and said, 'I'ap, you Lave no objection to Lew coming i:jV Mr. Lincoln, with a smile and motion In" me to a seat, replied: 'No, Tad; certainly not for any of your friends. We will be glad to have your compa "I told Tad that my business would not allow me the privilege, and. thank ing both father and son. I returned to my duties with a light heart and with an admiration for the president I have felt for but few men. and since that in cident I have often recalled it and .ex- Dressed my sorrow tliat lie met with a death so untimely." Washington Star. The Happy Ass. The chief beauty of the following poem is that it is both . rhyme and blank verse rhyme according to the spelling and blank verse according to the pronunciation: Through twilight's gold I heard the wild ass bray His love song, which resounded oer the quay, While he. well knowing thut for joy he should Cavort in glee, kicked up the mossy mould. And with the energy of lusty youth Once more let off his everlasting mouth. Which set on edge two polka dotted calves Until they, too, oped wide their safety valves And fled like me, and 1 flew like the wolf Or e'en the bit hall in the game of golf. R. K. Munkittrick in Smart Set. Part of It. "Yes. sir; we have 200 deaf and dumb Inmates on the roll of the insti tution, and fully 100 of them are vot rs." "Indeed? This must be a part of the silent vote to which reference Is so fre quently made In the dally papers." j i;ieveiana nam ueaier. OR. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. tJ-Offlc Orr Dan Omnerly'a store, in the Mot Uyiluilding, out to C W. Pridgan Ik Co.'s store. DR. TH0S. H. FAULKNER, DBftTIST. Office Honrs: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Rooms over the Bank of Kinston. BLIND BRAINS.. Are those used by the merchant who tries to sell goods without advertising. He wise doth advertise in THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. DR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, n. c. Kf-Oflice on Gordon Street. Office hours, o to I . m., and 5 to 6, p. m. Sundays, 4 to 5 p. m. WOOTEN & WOOTEN, ATTORNE YS-AT-L A W , KINSTON, N. C. Circuit: Lenoir, Jones, Greene, Pitt and On slow counties. Supreme Court, and Federal Courts of Eastern North Carolina. W. T. PARROTT, Ph.G.,M. Physician and Surgeon KINSTON, n. c. D. evers J a!! MALARIAL DISEASES take .f y CAT A LVS C HILL TON I C (IipmeD Improved. Superior to all Tasteless Tonics. The people will quickly rer-oenlzo the Superior Qnulltlee of YTTCATATV fliaitroved) oymr the maay so-called Tuntt-l'ou1.-. 1 bey are unreliable and Iho dove is uncertain. Yucatan Chill Tonlo (Improved) reauirea no ahakinir of the bottle. of medicine. Formula on each bottle, consisting of b V 1 5TI5TE w'.iich drives out malaria, IBOlt which tones up the system and PEl'SIX which pnnluui-s a hearty appetite. Any physician r druceiat will tell you there la NO BETTEa paESCBXPTION for MALAEIA aud its ltmrtrc.1 tlieean. Pleasant to take ; does not sicken or nauseate, and is aiceptabls t toe most delicate Etnmnr'i. Pit ICE, SA Onti. For sale by all dealers. X'lio O -A.X-C. Xj i 'X' Jiil -X" MHDICIIVJil CO., Son 1'aoi-BiaTOBS, Evan.vlll., Inda Sold in Kinston by J. E. HOOD. Office formerly occupied by Dr. M. Parrott opposite A. R. Miller's. DR. C. B. WOODLEY, Physician and Surgeon. US-Office in Drug Store next Bank of Kinston. Calls left at Drug Store will receive prompt attention. FRBSH FISH I Fresh Trout, Mullet and Croaker daily at BOYD'S MARKET. JSTEast Street near new depot. There are certain flowers the per fume of which is produced by microbes. T. W. IHemboFD & Go. Who esale Grocers, WMesa Only. 1 kinston, n. c B. w. canadv. h. b. moseley. GOLD WEATHER The cold weather will soon, be here, and we will be pleased to'have you call at our store and examine a,nice line of Driftwood, Elm wood and Wilson's Im proved Air-Tight Heaters. They are neat, durable and economical, both in price and con sumption of fuel. We also have a large stock of COOK STOVES, which we are selling ery cheap. Come to see us. B. W. CANADY & CO., KINSTON, N. C. IOur prices iavor our customers On January 8th the legislature will meet. It is a decided Democratic body. In the senate there are 30 Democrats, 8 Republicans and 3 Populints. In the house it stand 101 Democrats, 17 Re publicans nnd 2 Populists. The Popu lists have practically disappeared, either merged into the Republican party or re turned to the (rood old Democratic fold. It is to be hoped that it will prove to be a conservative, wise, efficient and patri otic body, true to th people, to the State and to themselves. They phould see to it that the educational interests in no re spects shall suffer in their hands. Let all be done for the education of the children of both races that U consistent with the financial ability of the w hiten. Let there be no opposition and no itvoidanee of duty. Wilmington Messr nger. The retiring board of county com mis sioners have served well and faithfully, and deserve the thanks of the people, The new board is composed of as good men as are in the county and will man age the county's affairs with ability. The new chairman, Mr. B. W. Canady, has served in the same capacity before and his re-election is an endorsement of his former administration of the office. The Free Prkss is pleased to learn that the new board has decide! to work the county roads with ti regular road force, with machinery and systematically, as they should be worked. We believe that with this system much better roads can De maintained with the same expense than by parceling out the work as has been dose wider the management of If r. Bob Kinsey, i . ' ' - . sa v . Lord Canon, viceroy of India, recently said: "An Anglicised Indian Is not a more attractive spectacle in my eyes than an Indlanixed Englishman. Both are hybrids of an nnnata ral type." Perhaps, however, Americanised Filipinos will look better Especially the 15,000 rvne gades whom it is proposed to enlist in blue to help fight their fellow country men-Charleston News and Courier;'. Ir Fpibss i We can't quote all our bargains, but if you will come you will say with Queen Sheba of old, "Lo! the half had not been told." Cotton Piece Goods. Calfco as low as 8c. Calico, indigo blue, 4c. Yard-wide White Homespun.oc. Apron Gingham, 3e. Canton Flannel, 6c. Heavy Brown Drill, 6c. Checked Homespun, 4c. 25 pieces Tahje Oil Cloth, all 15c yd. HaTEverytniDg in this line cheap. CLOTHING. The only one price clothing store in KiDston. We don't charge one customer f 10 for a suit and sell the next one at f 5 for the same suit. We have them from $2 to f 15 in Men's, and from 65c up for Boys. Children's Pants for 15c. Men's Pants for 39c to $5. Men's Heavy Pants for 65c. Men's All-wool Vests, 25c. A hint to the wise is sufficient. Come and see our Clothing. We will save you money and you take no chances. One price to all, and that the lowest. 1 SHOES. Note these prices: Men's Brogaus as low as 90c. Men's Brogans, whole stock, $1. Men's Oil Grain Creoles, f 1.15. Men's Lace or Congress, worth 11.25, our price, f 1. Ven's Boots, $1.40. JSTAll, Taw Shoes At Cost.-IBI -Ladies Shoes from the cheapest to (3.50. Ladies' Sewed Shoes, 59c Ladies' Sewed Shoes, glove grain, 65c Children's Shoes at 15c and up. Baby Ktd Shoes at 25c , Hats and Caps. We have a large stock of these in Bilk, Fredora Derby, Railroad, Crash, Plant ers all sorts that will fit the heads and pockets of all. m -iv-.... -; . Men's Hats from 15e op. -v - . Boys Hats from 10c np. , r Capes and Jackets. In Ladies' Capes we have them at ali prjees and styles. Ladies' Velvet Capes mat usually sen lor f 1.25; our price 89c, prices. . Books and Stationery. We defy the State in this line. Look at these prices : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 69c, ouc XNoveis, Histories, cite, loc. Teachers' Bibles, worth $2.50, for $1 zoc novels, oc. Fool's Cap Paper, a quire, 5c Legal and Bill CapjBc. Note Paper, 2c. David's Ink. best made. 3c We can famish Book Sets. Encyclo pedias, Etc., at one-fourth the usual price. In Underwear. We have from the chearjest Merino to iik neecea. Men's Undershirts at. 19c. Ladies' Ribbed Heavy Vests, 15c Ladies' Black Hose, 5c Men's Sox, 5c. . , s&A Large Collection of Pictures ant Frames at the Lowest Prices. Our Penny list. Any of these go at a cent at onr store: A box of Blacking, paper of Pins, paper of Needles, box of Tacks, cake of Toilet Soap, a Thimble, 5 Slate Pencils, 2 Slate eponges, a uonar Buttons, 2 Heel Plates, a Gimlet, 1 Spool of Cotton, and a score of other things that you pay 5c for at ouier stores' ? '-; Six-cord Spool Cotton, 3 for 10c t i . Ladles' Corsets from 2ul op. . . '' Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 3 for 5c v Umbrellas from 89c up. , r - r. .: ' Silk Umbrellas, 48c ! Boys' Knives, 3c Hand Saws, 10c Padlocks, 5c Knob Locks, 20c . 'Everything will be sold at the lowest possible margin, shall undersell us. . It will pay you to give ns atrial. ' No one CO 21 & CO. Nest Door Sbuth of Post Offlco. I J. W. COLLINS hardware; No. 14,'Queen St., - Kinston, N. C. -A Large Supply of Air-Tight Heaters! The same that have been so highly prized by our customers for the past three seasons. Cook Stoves, Guns, Pumps, Stove Pipe, Stove Repairs, etc. tfiTAs cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call."" unuwruwmjnoniiiriianiiiiXXin The Weather Just "Nippy" Enough to remind you that heavier weight Underwear will add to your comfort. The most comfortable and healthy Under wear is Wright's Health Underwear I lOrThis'is the most popular Underwear made today. My fall stock is larger than ever before and must be dis posed of. You can get at the lowest possible price anything pS in GENTS CLOTHING, LADIES' SHOES and DRESSES. S A Full Hue of. Staple Groceries. Lay in your Xmas supply of Canned Goods from the most complete assortment in Kinston., DAN QUINERLY, Queen Street. - KINSTON, N. C. The fieixi HatcusiPelStope. Prepare now, for Com ort in Cold weather s By buying ; : . Dixon & Hooker's Heaters. We have the BEST HEATERS for the money on the market. ; v One trial willJconvince you, 1 The KIWG, The COMFORt,;, The CENTURY and the DOSS. the - Heaters- and - get 'the t ) See prices. . - - !: , y. We are headquarters for Buggy Harness. ... . : v We have been asked how can - we afford to sell Harness so ' . low. "We always buy in such ' quantities as to quote the low- " est possible prices, and our ; sales are so numerous vthe small profit on each set added together enables us to sell low. . J Come end try as. Du;orjf:r:on:.rin. ci:,tstc:i n. c

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