jlHE GRAND SCHEMER WE UNFOLDS A PLAN WITH MILLIONS IN IT TO A CREDITOR. Major Crofoot Donn't Succeed In GonTlnclns Hla "Wrath and Skep j tteal Vlaltor, bat l)oci Mne to Stand Him Off Ooc Attala. Copyright, 1000. by C. n. l.ri.) , As the man turned Into the doorway feadjng up to Major Crofoot's office be 'haft a look of determination on his face. 'As he ascended the well worn stairs jbJs tread showed aggresslreness. As liyj -banged the major's door open and 'entered he had the air of a creditor t$rjho'd get his money or carry away bis pb.and of flesh. The major was in. He fiat at his desk smoking a very short Stab of cigar, but as the door opened fie whirled with a bland smile on his (ace, and, rising, with both hands held louche exclaimed: j ' "Well, now, but this Is truly a coin cidence a coincidence! Come right In. njy dear fellow com right inl" ;j'Oh, I'll come In fast enough," an swered the caller as he suited the ac 'tlon to the words and came to a halt ("AS THE WHEELS TURN A MOUTH OEQAN PLAYS." jln the middle of the room. "Now, then, no more skulking and dodging. iYou owe me $10 borrowed money, and il want it right off the reel." "My dear Mr. Shine." said the major as he took a last puff at his stub, "you 'formerly had an office next door. We jbecame acquainted. You learned that I was temporarily embarrassed, and, (Sizing me up as an honest, ambitious man, who would ultimately overcome ihls bad luck, you kindly forced a $10 'bill upon me one day." "I deny it!" shouteti Mr. Shine.' '"Why, hang It. you were annoying me .every day for a month before I let you lhave the money, aud you told me n thousand lies to get it!" "When you so kindly forced that money '"upon me," continued the major as he smiled and walked, "I said to myself that some day 1 would repay you a thousandfold. It was-your trust, your confidence. In me that touched me. I was almost unknown to you. For all you knew I might be a dead Ueat. .You had only your judgment to go on, but your judgment was right This very morning I should have tele graphed you to call In." "Oh,' you are going to pay, eh?" "Major Crofoot always pays his debts, sir, and in some cases he re turns $100 for $1. It will be so in this case. I could hare paid you back long iago, but was waiting to make it a 'memorable occasion for you. The time !has arrived. My dear fellow, let us hake hands." "What for? You owe me $10. You way you are going to pay it. I don't leee the object of filiating hands." i "Yes, you truly cast your bread upon : (HmnTOturn." nnirl tho limine: as hft nnv. ,ed the width of the room and looked Into 'vacancy, "and I am pleased that your returns will be so great. Do you Jknow I love a man who trusts to my (honor and integrity? Let a man show hia confidence in me. and. I would sell toy shut for him. Yesi you kindly iforced $10 upon lac, and" "And now you kindly force it back again Interrupted Mr. Shine. "It's bo use dodging, old man. I'm here for my money and am going to have It." i, ."My dear fellow, you are one of the jfewwbo'trusted to my Integrity when !l. was" down on my luck, and I there 'fore pass over your hard words now. You haven't heard of the Great American- Combination Baby Carriage com pany, have you?" . "No, air." ' - ' tx - "Because It Is Just being Incorporated and we are taking the greatest care trot to let anything get out until we are Sready. My own creation, sir, and the, biggest thing of the decade. . If, .: we don't make a milliqn dollars out of it the first year. I 6ball be more than snr prised.. I wouldn't take half a million In cash for my chances." "That's all blamed nonsense! shout ed Mr. Shine as he began j to bristle up. "I know you. you old soft soaperl ; You want to dodge that $10, but I'll have It before I leave!" '? -.a y : v "My own' Inventive Idea, a I told you, and It will astonish the world. The baby carriage can be changed Into a cradle, a hammock or a sled by inov Uz a lever. Good for summer or wia tzr, yoa see. Is provided .with a sta tionary milk bottle, a whistle and a rt.tf.le box. lias an Ice chest and a fiothlng slrep - department As - the .vrlssla torn a mouth organ plays. Pro vided wKImi nuti'Ut itniKe. rubber tires ami a ni(lijnoof eovw: nlso has re volving fa uk to keep the flies away After tlie Imny Irots out of long dresses he can list tin carruig' na a tricycle. That's the ln fiitloii. Mr. Shine Or caulzed on a npit:U of $750,000, and shares to hf sold at par. There's more than millions lu it." "I don't care a ran If tt:ere ts. What I want Is in v S1U. and Vl give yon Just live minutes to shell out." "1 was going to otter you the secre taryship," softly olisorvfd tlie major, "but the salary will te only ten thou sand a year What t RUall offer you and what I was going to telegraph you about as you came in was the purchas ing agency. We -shall want a man to buy the milk and soothing sirup and eee that they are pure. The salary will be at least $15,000 per year, with perquisites thrown in. My dear man, you trusted oie. This is your reward. Now, will you shake?" "Not by a durned sight!" shouted Mr. Shine as he bobbed around. "None of this sort of rot will stand me off on my $10. Do you want me to take It out of your hide?" "And you can buy stock at par, my dear fellow stock that will be worth" 150 inside of four weeks. I have ar ranged for that. That stock will pay you at least 100 per cent. Invest $10, 000, and you have an Income of $25,000 per year. That's what comes of trust ing to the Integrity of Major Crofoot, Is it enough? If not, just say so, and I'll add $5,000 from my salary as presi dent." Mr. Shine deliberately removed his coat and vest and flung them on a chair. ' or ir you want to borrow $io for a day or two you ,can have it and wel come. I'll Just step out and get it for you." The major stepped, and Mr. Shine re moved his collar, tie aud cuffs. Then he spat on his hands and limbered up his arms and waited, lie waited for half an hour two hours. Then he got up and redressed himself and kicked over the chairs and desk and went out. The major had stood him off once more. . M. Quad. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Many Things of Which Ita Gradu ate Arc Ignorant. The failure of the Sunday school as a -means of giving a systematic and thorough knowledge of the Bible is great , A tcaccer1u-n city high--school asked ah advanced class of 40 or 50 pu pils, who had been drilled for years in the International Sunday School Les sons, how to proceed lu order to reach Palestine, and not one could give the desired information. Then she" asked the class in what part of the world Palestine. Is located, and no one knew. That is a very good specimen of Sun day school teaching and can be paral leled anywhere by those who will take the trouble to ask a few questions. The J Ignorance of the Bible on the part of most persons of average Intelligence Is something amazing. The simplest questions, will elicit no answer on the part of most such persons. That educated persons know some thing about the Bible may be assumed, but not unless the training goes much beyond the standard of the common school. Again and again it has trans pired' that those who were generally well informed, who were fairly well educated and regarded as bright and clever, were almost totally ignorant of the Bible. Their Sunday school train ing had given them no knowledge of the book that was of any value, and. however much they might have read It since, it was to them a sealed volume. Boston Transcript ... JtmmmmUmmmmm A SURE EDIGIIlt Haxsmm, Va., Dm. It. I have been offering from femala weak nei for four years, and have takes many medicines, but Win of Carda! and Black Draught bar don more (or me (baa any thing elM. MM. CAROLINE EVANS. It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are sick. There is danger in it Most of the so-called cures for "female weakness" do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before. It is never wise to take chances. You have only one life, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of CarduL It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth; recovery is rapid and future health is assured, i ne wine is purely veg etable, being made of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood. It is a long-tried remedy, and has many years of success behind it It is sure. Why take a chance medicine when you can get a sure medicine? lAOIES' AOVISBKY BEPARTMEIT. For advice In cam requiring special direction!, address, fivlne symptoms, UdlM' Adt Imf Orp't, Yb.CkUTTA.VOUttl MUCIN! CO, Chattanooga, Tenn. Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00 A few? more Boarders desired at J-Jotel gailey T Those desiring to secure good board at a reasonable rate are solicited to give us a trial immediately. Barrett & , Thomson, ARCHITECTS, " H5FayettevMeSt., - Ralbigh, N.C 'Brochure" of In- BELL & SONS, Headquarters For RflOTIIK JONES & WILLIS, ' Shaving ' and HaiPdi easing Pavlov Under Hotel lull. Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircuts. Competent Assistants. Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting s Specialty. ffiTA TRIAI, SOLICITED.- J. E. PHYSIOC 1 8 Here to Stay 1 I have prepared myself for it. I have j ust received a full line of Foreign snfl Domestic Samples of Woolens ranging from $15.00 up to $45.00, a suit. I svn not trying to compete with readymssle goods I promise to give you a firet-cisBS Merchant Tailor's Suit as good as tea can have made in any first-class oXor chant Tailoring establishment azay where, and for as little money. Vtoq, will find that I deal straight and fair, and always look to the interest and taste of my customers. I&rilavejust employed a first-claae coat-maker. J.E. PHYSIOC. WiLHIFGTOH IXD WE1D0I RAJLRQ& ONDNBBD BCHBDUU. THA1HB OOIAU bUOTB. ' DATED July 23(1, 1000. ttgrWrite for onr formation. SHY TH GENUINE aw 9 v&a 7i ... MANXTFAOTTOED ,'3Y ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tW NOTE TH I! X AMIS. Just Think of the Good Things You can Get At You can get Fried Oysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't suit- you can take them Raw. I have had 1 1 years' experience in the oyster business, and I know your wants. Come to see me. Fried Oysters,. 30c Stewed Oysters, 25c Yours to please, T. T. SKINNER. Pump Material a Specialty. 1 l-Shops at same old stand. To thePublic ! We, the undersigned, are now ready and well equipped with mil, and fixtures and abundant forestl and wish all purchasers of lumber to give us a call before buying else where. Fully thanking you all for past favors, we solicit a contin uance of the same. Terms, strictly cash. , Z. EDWARDS & SON, KINSTON, N. C Leave Weldon... Ar. Rocky ittx. Leave Tarnoro. Lv. Rocky Mt.... Leave Wilson.... Leave tselraa. ... Lv. Pavettevllle. Ar. Florence Ar QoldBboro... Lv. ttoldaboro... Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, Wilmington S5 8 o J e c Q a c 1 A. It. P. S9. 11 60 8 66 100 9 5S P. M. 18 81 .:. 105 8K 1 69 10 85 8 65 11 10 4 80 12 83 7 85 2 84 P.M. A. M. ...... . . . Odd P.M. BOO1 8 87' 710 765 P. M lib Q A. M. 615! 5 67; P.M 8 6 8 W80 T6U4B5 sort 00 A. M. P. TRAIN GOING NOKTH, Lv. Florence ... Lv. Fayettevllie Leave Belma... Arrive wtlao s., Lvt Wilmlntrton. LT. nasrnoua. Lv. Goraaboro Prompt Delivery .FROM. ... The World's Fowlt. , "There is one thlug 1 like obont you," said the Intimate friend. rancT that Is yonr lack of vanity. You don't pretend tq b the greatest actor the world baa ever se en." ' - - "No," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes thoughtfully, "tin I : would be If the world ( would1 only conie to see me." Washluston Star. In Scotland all licensed premises, ex cept hotels, are closed Sundays, and one must be at least; technically "a traveler"- before he can obtain liquor. ' White's Black Ldnimentr foil size ,25c bottle for 15c It cures pain. , - - J.E. Hood. mm Buy Your Drugs-and Goods from HOOD'S DRUG STORE I Will CWe Out My Stock of Shoes and Hats AT COT to make room for more: Groceries. Feeding tb people is my bust ness IVe been at it for 20 years and stili keep up the game, v Call and -get your winter Shoes and Hats at. cost before they are all sold. Respectfully, W. A. LaROQUE, ' ,. k kinston;n. c. What Are. You COUGIIjNG For ? "'Go get a' bottle' of..... '. ..fheliear'e : . and cure it 1 v DR'. HYATT makes it and all good druggists sell it. s 1 ' : - . It costs only 25c. Will cure coughs and colds and atop the baby's croup at night. . Uco a home-made rem- cdyfor homo diseases. " II. 0. HYATT. FRENCH & SUGG. You can always expect it when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. We can sup ply your demand for Choice Staple and Fancy . Groceries. Pickles, Relishes, Sauces, Olives, Country Hams and other articles kept by a first-class Grocery at rock bottom prices. FRENCH & SUGG. Phone No. 32. A. REAL f R TTT ATTT AIT TT iuiiArnvrnvii-fl ..FOR:; Fw " Motor. 'iO BOTHER MUCH FUN, . AB tlM Woaors s4 VUmaama of a . VSTjeo accompanied by ft Recorder th'.-i . raphonhono can be used to make Records the standard Records. c4 orr nw; . our martt oc. .' . -" " oll?,: rs:cN0Cuni co. Dept3oJ HEW YORK, ityttt Tromiwj. f , '"' :- 1 ST. LOVia, jwi CHit. fee FHILAX'F Lf'H 1 A, tri Chotmn St.- BAi,TIM itLtwL SkttaMTB 8L. ixa&an. txtixx. 'Leave Wilson.... Ar. Bockrut., ArrlTeTftrbore.. Leave Tarooro... hr, Bookyllt... Ar, Weiaon 1. M. 601 IS 80 150! P.K. 8 S5! 980 un s J 4 83 P.M. A.X. 4 B0, -8 88 10 6 46 P. H. 786 941 10 Mi 11 83 e 1A.M. 1188, 1807 P.M. 700 880 987 P.M. 104fi 1183) U071 A. M.IP. M. 8i IS 88 P. M. 1 IS Train on te Klnstoa Branon bm leorss ISSf&Z- S."1" s P- a.,arr5iS m., Winston ion tmu a. Halllaxat ezoeot Bandar H. M. EBRBOir. on Pass. Aesnt jr. a aBNLY.Qen'lManseer; E r . ailRftyii,TraflioMnnaer 7:58 p.m. Ketnmiiur leaves Kins. m. ureenville 8:68 a. m.,amTln 11:18. a.m.. Weldon iiiSA. m it? Atlantic & N. C. Kallroad TIMB TABJUS No. 18. , November 3, 1900. JEA8TBOUND TKAIN8. STATIONS. Goldaboio . Best'R. Latirnnsre . railing Creek Klnston........ uaawuu trover....... ................. rors Creek..'. . Tuacarora Clark's...... ... Newbern Rlverdale.... Croatan.... .' HaveiocK . Newport. Wildwoi wood...... '. ...... Atlantic. Morehead Oltr Morenead Depot... P.M. 840 400 4 09 4 80 4 83 4 46! 4 65 507 619! 6E 5 60 616 616 6 30 643! 4U 654J 707 715 P.M.! i a. : 1 a," M roo 783! -81AI 8 8, 14 88 1015; 10401 1116 11 II lev 8 IS! SCO. 80t 884 847' 868 4 13! 4 S3 . M. 80 B80 a 00 B BflO B B B7 9X1 M JPCO 105 1018 I00 JM8 l(y9 l4 1477 US5 A.U. WESTBOUND TRAIHS. STATIONS. GOldSt)OTO ............ m.... Best's ....... ...... ....... LaGraore .......... PaUlngr Creek .... Kinston Cuwell. ..'.. Dover Oora Creek. .... . .... .. Tuacarora. ................ CUric's ...................... JVewoem . ........ RJwdaia.... ,. jBftyBsQcIc 44 . ore&Ma uxy koreJAtftd Depots..,.. A. M lies 10 m M32 10 2S 1018 860 843 880 '613 60 818 SOSfi 74 78rt T8 7T. 706 A. ItJ M4 B 2 i P.M. 818 J 7 8 -78B.' 68:1. -61iJ 4r 'tm aeRj i4 10 HI; 186 8 St A. 1- P.M. os 9R8 VTT 87 877 B8A 047 ftas v B17 K M f 9 I 0 4S . 7 ) ; : -- S. L. DUX. Snreririersst. S. A. NEV.XAllD, Master Twirptkm.