I ,1V"V j it', 18$ ubschiption prices: wack nt Ot tuoni'i Tfer-cniootM... ire mon tm. ...tJ Moitdat Etcwiink Dm. 17, 1(0. Thern wre tbre acewwions to the Bfothodwt chnrch jwtorday. There wan an error im lb npw lal notice of Mr. J. B. Camming' ad wtwiiig but ler. It Bhoold hart been 20c instead f 25c. fU-milar election of offler of Klniton Lodue No. 31 0, A. P. ft A. M., tonight at 7:30 o'clock. All member are urged to t prcceut promptly. Bv.M. C. Thoma,of taburg.left thin morning for GolaVboro. He tiHed the pnlpit at the M. B ehnrch laet uitfht and punched a good er won. R.v J. K. Fanlhwr, who is viwtiDg U on, Dr. T. H. Famlkuer, preached a bod ferraon at the Baptlnt church ym-w-dav morning. Lal niht the pastor flled "the pulpil. A collection to help off the church debt was taken amomiiiiig to $147. A email fire was the cause of the alarm tl.ln Hftrnoon. A dleetire toe flue m Mr Elian Abbott harneee ehopon north Wn treet wan the runs. The fire wae li.,guiHh.-d by Major Webb with i a hand lire cxtinguieher. Jhebu.ldu.g be ftM.gs to Mr. 8. 11. Loltin. The damage wum elight. Mw. Mark Mewborn, A. Beaeley, C D. Hick. II. L. Hubbard, J. B. Dardeo, Jr., W F. Bogrt, T. D. Blackburn, U. U Haakett, C. K. Bailey and P M. 1 ood went to GiildHboro Saturday night to "Black Patti Troubadour Co., a mmntrttl ebow. They eturned home jeeterday. Rev D. W. Davis, editor of the Wash ington Watch Tower, preached to large eoiigrcgation in the CartoMan church here BHt nitiht. Hie eermou was an excellent one. At the concision of the eermon he tited that a CDrintian church was in courne of erection in Wreenville, but the work had utopped owing to a lack 01 ftindM. He took a collection amounting io $40 and a committee wan appointed fc nee other friend o! the eaune today and it is hoped to ewell the amount to 50 or $60. Mr. W. D. McCracken, ot Cincinnati, OhiA, a traveling ealeeman for a Chicago bow, wae found dfd in hie room yes terday morniug at HVTJ'lKt boro, Hie appearance rndieuted that he died early SatnWay night. He had dis robed and wae probably in the act of i1! .kui tifll Tiu'fl nOWD- ward and died of apoptezr, " ui...t.in k.v' su' ikiliMi in. The de !La Ahnnt fiflveare of age. The body was embalmed and sent to his home a Cipclunati. ' -- ' Buperior Court. . Tb case of A, Mitchell ve.J. F. Baker was given to the jury aDoui uviwm. 8attirday evening; A verdict was re turned for Baker. Thecaeeof H outer ftStmmB yb. O. l. j&wdolph was tried today. Verdict wan rnrned for defendant. Thiecase was for aoode shipped to Me. Randolph by Hun . ter ft Simms, the same lBg destroyed hj ttre in the depot ha XQoston M. Hf. Oburoli Board of Steward. The following compose the board of Rewards of Kineton M. E. church, South, fbr 1900-1901: . ' Dr. F A. Whitaker, J. W. Grainger, L. Harvey, Rv. J B. Wbb, J. W. UUJi M. B. Mofire, J. J. Binell. H. W. Mo Kinne, D. V. Diion, G. P. Fleming, J. J. Stevenson, C. M. Jordan, K. P. Fort, A. Powell, Arthur HarreU. Party at Woodtogtoxi. There will be a box party and rosette etrpper at Woodiugton eehKl house r ri day night, Io. 31. 1900. Every bidy ia .. mvited to come and bring their pretty tfrrle and see who will get the priie quilt. I It will be for the benetit of a Sunday Mtool Chrietmae tree. m ; F. 1 Waixkb. RAILWAY PIIOBOTOR3 MEET. 'Question of LaOraoffa and Snow , , Hill Branch Referred to the Leg- tslature. , 'GoldHboro, Dec. 14 The directors of S tieAtlahtk ft North Carolina railroad , jak here today to conMder the question parvus eukdeuoiuu im u iww uvu uo flrunttm tit Himw Hill. ' After " deliberating 1(hree and a half v" .Bonn it was dtdea to take the matter . .hfF the Iffirinlatore at He next eeeeion . ' The net earnings of this company are cmikftn in niwa of eaminirs at this . hne last year. ThhTepeaxe volumes lor Tti LVLN.GU . the present management. ' ':, The Bet PnieenpUea far Chills mi ik bolU el 6ri Xemni nu 1 -we. wm4 uMtMZM ia a tactrW RIN3I0W MHaETtj aaotd (or CowUrr IWS1W wi Umm fit 1 'Mvi, pctmW.m, .... .': ,' tlmC Sidmi, poapd,.,...,..... i t ; " SeJN, far (act, .... .... . v ... .... .'. , J 1 14, CMtntry, ptyow 4, ........ ....-. " . , i ' i CW p M i ' ptt pmir,. ........ jtJ jo , ' ! 9fa PaiatOM,;. '. ..'... . . . ........ v , S Pm ti, per treihri,. ....... . .. 9trS o " - PL1SlONAIi MEMTION. Mr. J. J. Rogers went to Raleigh to day. Mr. W. B. Pate went to Goldsboro Sat urday. Rev. E. D. Phillips returned to Ayden today. Mios Alice Harper returned to LaGrange last night. Mr. Julius H. Bell went to LaGrange thin morniug. Mr. B. L Cox, of near Newbern, spent today in Kinnton. Mrs T. 8. -Jones, of LaGrange, spent today in Kinntou. Mr. W. D. Pollock left yesterday for BcnnettHville, 8. C. Mr. W. P. Horton left this morniDgfor Williamsburg, Va. Mr. A. Miller, of LaGrange, was in Kinston yestenlay. Mr. James Wiggins, of Newbern, spent yesterday in Kinston. Mm J. rt. Woo ten returned Dome Sat urday night from Grifton. Mr. H. A. Eotinii spent Saturday night and Sunday in Goldoboro. Mr T. Hines went to Newbern Satur day and returned yfeterday. VHhh Clvde Humohrey, of Onslow county, is visiting in Kinston. Mr. A. Mitchell left this morning on a bueiuees trip to Richmond, Va. Mr. W. C. Mills, of Ricblands, left Kins ton this morning for Richmond. Mr. J. L. Harward went to Wilson yes terday and returned this morning. Mr. L. P. Tapp went to LaGrange this morniug and returned this afternoon. Mies Effle Alphin, of Newbern, came this morning to visit friends in Kinston. Mi Bruce Sutton went to LaGrange this morning and returned this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Scarboro, of Mont gomery, N. C, are visiting at Mr. E. D. Turnage'e. Mrs. W.J. Kittrell, of Grifton, who had been visiting Mrs. Lula Bruton, returned home today. Miss Rebecca Thomas, who had been visiting Mrs. W. 8. Herbert, left this morning for Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J no. C. Hill, of Newbern, who had been visiting in Kinston, re turned home yesterday Mrs. Martha Patterson, of Clinton, who had been visiting Mrs. Jno. F. Wooten, left thie morning for her home. Mrs. John Harvey; of Snow Hill, came Saturday to visit Mrs-Thos1. Harvey, and went to LaGrange this morning. vi . (w, u W Hdlev came from Greenville Saturday night and went to hie home at LaUrauge yesterday. . Capo. Swift Galloway went to La Grange Saturday night and from there ; to ni borne at Snow tuu yeeteroay . Mrs. J. H. Bell and Mies Dollie Koonce, ot PoUocksTille, who had been visiting at Mr. W. 8. Herbert's, returned homeyee- terdav. M, it MnPnllun onmo from Greenville Saturday night atid returned thie morn inir He will move from Greenville to Norfolk, Va., thie weekr Nn u tho tlmn when crouD and lung ...v.i n.vn1 t.anillv fstul The onlv Harmless remeay i,naiprouuw imuuw results fo One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied Upon tO QUICXiy Cure COUgoe, cuius auu i t j f . Mill flm au mng uiBe. n v'-- sumption. J. m. Hood. Special Notices. Smoke "Carolina Brighte" cigarettes. The beetcLzarette "Carolina Brighte, Citron. Currants and Raisins at H. W. Cuinjuiiiiira'. - Nice Butter, 20c pound, juet received at . B. Uummings . 2O0 acre farm for rent. Apply to I. M.TTIX. Three Mules for Sale. Apply to Mbs. jxjmx PRy, Kinston,). U. il von ' will smoke ciaaVettes. emoke Gamma ungtite," ine oeee. RLMw.nri Onn Kloe Hat for 'sale at Jas. F. ParrottV, $14 a ton. Car load lets for sale bv jno. f . MewDorne. . (lliuiwnr (T.iinAWfira RndlotfifChrist' mas goods, at Mrs. Matilda Cummings' tld Htand. to tie ciOHea out cneap. . ne- spectlully, J. B. CCKMWOa. The Season For HOT DRINKS is upon us, and pensing P ., vie are now dis- Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Tomato Bouillon, Clam Bouillon the palatable asd nourishing liquid food.' - ":,; FOR RENT ! Si r. room dwell ine now occupied by Jno. F. Hooker, corner Blount and independence pireeis. lttJ. MEWBORNB, At Free Pres9 Office. urTbe only exclusive Furniturt Store In Kinston. Furnish YOUR HOUSE ! pOWlTOREI Cash or On the Install ment Plan. Easy Payments ! KINSTON, N. C, Be a real Santa ClauS.I Show that you love her. Get her what she really wants. Have a little Christmas sentiment about yon. Might as well get her a scrubbing brush as some commonplace neces sity. She can't walk by our door with out stopping to admire the Jewelry and Gems. Diamonds, Cut Glass and Sterling Silverware. ' BEMMARK, 11 ,r-,' : , The JKWB1.KK, " KINSTON. -4- N. C. r. THE Be Good Thfey jjbatne in from Broadway, NVY.', and are the lat est shades, shaped and colors. 'See them in our window. im-tiiA iitOCHA : GLOVE. On ...... . . ; . ..... -. Do you intend to go home or travel during the holidays? If so, twould save you time, trouble and expense to look first at our line of Suit Cases, Trunks, Tele scopes and Grips. Our stock comprises a complete assortment in each, and the prices are as low as could be asked. Suit Cases from $1.50 to $10.00. Trunks at all prices from $1 to $15. A Suit Case as a unnst mas present to a man is sure to please. OETTINGER BROS. NOTICE! notice w woi;t -rr-, 7 ; made to the next General Assembly which meets w .r . - 1 V.. .Ar-n tliar nr nl'caliiin Will be auuary. 19c!, tor changes m me vnancr u Uwn ofWon. Town aerki GEO. B. WEBB, Myor. We have bought a nice 6tock of Model Bicycles and will sell them for one-half what they cost last yeaf . Strictly Hlgh-Grade throughout; and guaranteed. KINSTON ICYC IE CO. ; . C. E.; SPEAR, Managku. s ''iSitw 1 li'-Jy p Juste H1ELDS HT.... BROADWAY STYliES; W. B. PATE. $1.2 i. : .. . Is Now . Exhibition Holiday Roods; V Our Line of ;; - V i n Get Your Pick Nov. r TemnlG-TIrirstGii 4 J It Paje to Ttad6t Tb Big Ston s Christmas I Shopping. 1 Not much time to r 4j stop and thinkdays 3 are flying and so are tne goods. Why wait? Why ston? Whv think? AT-. Melr nana o 1-1 Tr risk in buying here M - --'. t ' 4. hAcatiRfi von can cretin N' . o -, : 1 iri w vour monev oacK u 3 you want ft (except E 01 cour&e on gooaa. Ik that are cut.) And if you don't know 3 what to give well, what can help you better than seeing the, t to i thousand and 1 things here ? - to 1 Chr istm as shopping t g 1 is easy if ycu go, tprt 1 the n .-nt place,- ana g THE BIG STORE, KINSTON . N. O All Ready ; For Christmas. I am ready 'for the Christmas trade. Everything in Toys, Dolls, Fancy Goods.' Suitable gifts for everybody.1, It will, pay you to see our line before purchasingi , We can save; you money;" ' , ' J. H. St.'phenson. f J A MERRY XM AS ti' 1". How to Fill V Come in here and look around, v There are hundreds of suggestions for , - - ' - HOLIDAY GIFTS; at every torn. No difficulty in finding something suitable no matter what the sex or age of those to be remembered, . or the condi-. tion of your purse. The spirit of the times, which makes all things better, has increased the purchas ing power of the dollar. You will find old "Santa" in all his glory here. ; ' - . , x - S 1 ' ' ' " . " I The Stockinq n 5 i tsOur CANDIES are made by Hn5 lers, " Tenney x and Royster,1 familiar names tn all. Attractive packages for the holiday trade. D3; CVB. WODDLEY & CO,, DXTJGGISTS, s ) 7 ' Fork, . ' mm 0: - r.. !-..' "5 M 0 tD A.9f Next Door to The Task of Euistca. r, :..