the w : m m m. w. s. nr. i Knrered at ' t .r ni'J Prop r ik v' rHh IJV 1 1 i; 1 ir I Effect of Vmr on Wounds. ! The fear of poison in o lucerated wound under certain circumstance la In Itself quite sufficient to. give a i wounded ' man tetanus, or lockjaw, than which no more horrible complies tlon exists. Thus for a long time It i was thought that the natives of the Solomon and other neighboring Is lands lately added to the empire used : poisoned arrows and many whl(e men shot by them died In tetanic convul Thepontnl fucili'i' U'tvvtfii KiiiHtnn and theMinriiiii(1iiitf-e-ii'iii nrviuir whut they ouj;b; t I if, mi') mIhhiIiI leimirovi. One big iinp' w. nl.1 hf to Iihvh i 8jon8i induing one-very horrible case rural fn dHiv.rv from KiriHtun to hiuii- of the thickly munitit-H. Mltli-il Mirniiinding i-om- A Kcpiihlicfin in K il ili holding a hijjrh i-Kinl(?v to milk' in the pf l-HOiilifl of portion in M- pnrt pone of I'd fiil' iit (sweeping Iihuu Federal ofhViHl-1 in thMMifli.p'Wtirulml.v in this Suite. irli i vif w to HtrfiiKtht-i -ing the pmtv. W V (.iippnnc hn will np poiut Noun- KinVv I.iiit-rntM" to office. -e m It in "Hid Unit Uicliiitil Cmker doemi t pay a doller of f n in N-w York city. Iuf in England tir-v ;! In- I'M mm inrm" of of a commander in the nary who had made a special study of tetanus. At length the French governor of New Caledonia, noticing that the symp toms exhibited were not consistent it, in the pur-1 with the use of any known poison, ap pointed a medical commission to In quire Into the affair, when it was dis covered that the arrows of the natives were not poisoned at all. although con structed in such a way that a small piece of the bone point almost always remained in the wound. The irritation produced by this prevented the wound from healing quickly, and the mental disturbance produced by fear and per haps change of climate did the rest. It was discovered at the same time notlfHH tlinn l(lKMi(),m.l thf-y are go-J thnt the natives of other islands who i.,f,... i.i. f.- ft.-.niHi i, t in firmly believed In tlie poison tneory seems from tli i- tint, the Aiiift'ienn tax oooooooooooooooooooooooooo RHEUMACIDE Ii rapidly taking the pUce of all other known reinediei at a rh.o matic cure; laxative, tonic and blood punter, lhe reason U plain, for it CURES v There ii no better time to treat rheuiaatitm than during the fall month. Cure yourself before the ligort of winter are felt. R H EU MACIDF cot but $i per "bottle. Sold by all Drugguu. Secure it and cure your RHEUMATISM. Sold by J. E. Hood. t0O0OOO0O0O0OCXXX)OOOO000OO IS9 Fevers E0" c T If It : and all MALARIAL DISEASES take YUCATAN CHSLLTOWIC(IiprOTei) Superior to all Tasteless Tonics. The people will quickly renwmbe the Snperlor Onalltlea of T PC TA Jf (IaaprOT4) Mf 'thma gc-called Tasteloae Tonic. They are unreliable and thedoae it unoeruiln. Yataaa CUM Tobio (improvea require no ihaking of the bottle. The medicine Is tnorouir of medicine. Formal on each bottle. corufotlnir of OUIN e (yetem and PEr-s I 5f which produce a hearty appetite. Any phyiidaa or drum; in Improved. BETTER PHB3CKIPTION (or MALARIA and It kindred din. PUouant to tike; doe not eickea er m4 la AMnffthla n th mnrt flMlflUtA Itnmirill. Pltll'K. AAlVnta. Kor Bale DT all dealer. Xla OAJEUiSTBOT TUT tli IW3XMOO. 11 tell roo there la HO ike; doe not (ickea ei Vnr ..I. h all dealer Houa rtoi-nntroH, Evansvlile), Ind. juniper do'-Hii't - iij-i.v iIu-hhiiih rivileun in England tlmi h- iIoph at hnnif, hhn the Wilmington Sti.r. The HritWIi are pursuing in Soiirti Africa the Miiiii-policy tlinv puriojfd in thin country during th" ltHVolntiiiiftr war luriiimr. p;llni;inir uml di-Htroyinir It seem that th Itiifi-h nmd" of war fare has not liten improved in the i--n- tury and morn that han elnpHil MiiM-H tht- American i-oloni won thfir indnpfiid ence. Savaiiiiah Nhwm. seldom stiffered much Inconvenience from the arrow wounds, because they believed that the spells given them by their own sorcerers prevented the poi son from taking clTect. Pall Mall Gazette. Ex-Preniilent Harri-niri 'vidnritly is not deluded by the humanitHrirtn pivtenYion mingled with trading ghimnon hIhu' civilizing the Philippines and convrtiiig them by for.- of arum into five HHlf-jfnv- erning commonwealths. The poorest. possible way of -ou-iiat.iug and civilig ing the heathen in in suppressing tlim by the strong arm of military power. Philadelphia Record Public announcement is not umde of pardons. They., are made by the gov ernor as suits him, and information as to the pardons is denied the public. hx cept as it leaks out. Shortly after (Sov. Russell was inaugurated he announced that all pardons would be given out to the public. Me kept this up a short time and then gave orders that the public should not be advised when pardons were grauted. The fact of a pardon now known only to those on the irisid except in occasional cases. . The pardon of an inmate of the penitentiary is a pub 11c act performed by a public officer. The governor ought to let the public know in the regular channels when the pardon is granted. More than that: VYheu appli cation Is made to the governor for par don, be ought to cause the application to be printed More takingaction. That would prevent a pardou on ex-parte tes timony, and would put him in possession of any reason why the pardon should not be granted. Kaleigb News Olwerver. Bobjitt't Chill Pil' are the beat. Com lex than any Otb. chill and fever remedy, and they are guar antee! to cure or your money back. Price 35c per bottle) Drug(i t. A GMtroaomle Cyclone. All men and women eat If they don't, they won't last long, and no one need worry as to whether they count for .much or not. But good eaters are usually very depeud-n-able. By good eaters 1 do not mean large eaters or , greedy eaters, tIough I may include some of both, but ! mean the men mid women who enjoy what they eat and snow no disposition, either from dys pepsla or other form of Indigestion, to quarrel with tliclr food. Gluttons, however, are not very love ly. I sat at tahle once with a woman at a summer resort who every day for dinner ate 12 t are of corn from the cob. That Is more than the regulation mid day feed for a horse. And in the opoia tlon she greased her hands and her cheeks, and every now and ;aln her nose was tlccornted with the well but tered gralus ii! was a slg'ut. and at the eud of the t;;::t she Imd a famine that it took vv.:i!.; o n IK-ve. And she was in niKM- pot by any means a bad look ins wt- ;:n. 1st In aetiou-hi action at the tah!e l:e was a klud tit nutunu -. Ui.i.: icivias -desolation in ner p-Mh !:: hr 1 t;a l three husbands end N m wldiiw ;:gri:!i ' V.'hat bw-ame Of th poor tui'U 1 tevi-r knew;- Maybe .she .tl:i-ni.-.bilin. Cilmei- S;eed In CriterUm . - .. - V Irnaclble Von flnlOTv. During Ii?ius von I'ulow's leader ship of i Iu orclu'stni ;:i Hanover ii tenor of i'.iii:c was engaged to play a !-(:n- i. !; i:i "Lohengrin." according to i.;is Neuc P.iait, and while the singer was rehearsiug his part Bulow was forced to go over the same burs a num ber of times without the new actpr beginning in sing. Tired of bis wasted effoit.s the I'-adei stopped the orchestra and angrily untied to the singer. "I know iIim a tenor Is proverbially stupid." he s;:id. "but you seem to make an extensive use of this uuwilt ten law." At another time, while one of his grand intermezzos was being played with great feeling by his musicians, a peculiar noise, hardly perceptible by untrained ears, annoyed the leader for some little time. At first he thought It resembled the flutter of wings, but soon he discovered nu elegant lady fanning hers!f in otic of the boxes close by. Bulow kept on with his ges tures, fixing his eyes on the offender In a manner which meant reproof. The hid'., net' l".'li::-' 't!:!s. was suddenly surpns'-d i ' l'nder dropping his stlei; ii"d n .:!::ir toward her. "Ma:: h; cr.'ed. "!f fan you must, plea-" .-t h - t keep time with your In-fei-n.'!! im1- OR. 3. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. ITJ" Office Over Dan Ouinerly'f itore, in the Moie ) Building, next to C W. Pndgen ft Co.' (tore. Ol THOS. H. FAULKNER, DBNTIST. Office Honrs: 8 a . in. to 6 p. m. Sold in Kinston by J. E. HOOD. B. W. CANADY. H. . MOSS LET. f COLD WEATHER 'XV: The cold weather will soon be here, and we will be pleased to have you call at oar store and examine a nice line of - J Driftwood, Elmwood and Wilson's Im- proved Air-1 icrnt neaiers. They are neat, durable and economical, both in price and con- sumption oi iuei. we aiso nave a large siock oi cuu& STOVES, which we are selling very cheap. Come to see us. B. W. CANADY & CO., i KINSTONf. TJ. P. QR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, kinston, n. c. Office on Gordon Street. Office honra, o to t t. m., and 5 to B, p. m.; Sundays, t to p. nv. No one can- reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, dis orders of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon fol low. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab. lets when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by J. E. Hood, druggist. NOTICE! Barrett & Thomson. ARCHITECTS, H5 FayettevilleSt., - Raleigh, N.C tip-Write for our "Brochure" of Information. T.' W. Jleiaborn & Co., Who esale Grocers, OalM KINSTON, N. C. Wholes. ltiFOnr prices favor our customers, i Tomep Hill Dairy and Stock Farm. E. R.&I. M. TULL, Prop's, P. O : KJNSTON, N. C. The Weather just "Nippy" Enough to remind you that heavier weight Underwear will add to , your comfort. The most comfortable and healthy Under wear is Wright's Health Underwear! iep"This is the most popular Underwear made today. My fall stock is larger than ever before and must be dis posed of. You can get at the lowest possible price anything in GENTS' CLOTHING, LADIES' SHOES and DRESSES. A Full Line of. Staple Groceries. . Lay in your Xmas supply of Canned Goods from the most complete assortment in Kinston. DAN QUINERLY; KINSTON, N. C. , Queen Street. Thoroughbred Jersey and Guern sey Calves for sale at reasonable prices. Xmas Goods. ilK 01 Notice ii herebv iriven that aoslication will ha made to the next Ueqeral Assembly which meets in i v. .1. .1 1 .11 u.i j. juui) ji Miw,n iu imxw vi ui I own 01 Kuitton. E. B. LEWIS. Town Clerk GEO. B. WEBB, Mayor. A Good Article Made At Home. When in need of medium priced, serviceable hosiery for child, man or woman ask for goods made at THE ORION MILLS, Kinston N. C, Xmas .Goods. Xmas; Goods. Remember . THE a i 81E -: . Hw tt Cara Crsjia.; -Jfe llr.. BL Gr?, who litraj m-ar imnia, DnchpMfonBtr, N. 1'.. ay: " Iain's Govifh Itemed y u tii lnt tnnciDe I har ever o-M. It 1 a a vhildren'" remedj for croup and Decr fili w t-urw." When giren ua noin as V.w vhiii UttiDifn hoarse, or evrti aftr the croupy cuh has deTlofd, it will prevent the . at-, tack. This ahonld I borne in mind and a bottle of th txiniih IU-uieilj k"pt at band ready for inaf ant n ui fwh si t ' jroptoui" apptar. For ale by J. K. llco j, droryint. - Is Hedqtlarters for Xmas Goods. Never has 'such a large stock been shown in Kinston. -i :. Never snch a pretty stock and never such a variety." 4 Prices run from I cent to $4,00, $500, $8.oo, $1000 and $12.00 an article. . . - - - We have quite a number of cl Aks and everybody can be waited, on whether they buy or not. We "are having a rush, but we have . pre pared 1 Remember we have the lowest prices.' Come to headquarters for your Xmas Goods. - the nav Yon:; RACKET CO. i No. 41 Pridgen Elock, KINSTON, . N. C. We'are headquarters for all kinds of Holiday Goods. Santa Claus has been to see us and we are supplied with everything needful for Christmas. JSTSee our stock. N. L. BRUTON & BRO., i Cash Novelty Store. We can't quote all our bargains, but if you wjU come ybn will say with Queen Sheba of old, 'Lo ! the half had not beeii told.' ' . Moore S Hooker, -DKAtSKS IK 7 ' Fresh Meats, ; Chicago Beef, Etc. , Market Hours: 4 to ia a. nu; 4 9 P.m. . IPhone 27. " " s to Pep You Sour, Cross-Grained old DYSPEPTIC I Stop looking so ugly and feeling so-badly. Get a bottle of " . sinatoilue ' Get well and decent ibnee more. You old played-out old man, take it and feel young -again. : : PEPSINAGOGUE is made by . DR. H. O. HVATT, And sold by all tp-ta-dat Cotton Piece Goods. Calico at low as 80. Calico, indisro blue, 4Xc. . Yard-wide White Homespun, 5c. Apron Gingham, 80. Canton Flannel, 6c. Heavy Brown Drill, 6Jc V Checked Homeepnn, 4o. 25jplpce8 Table Oil Cloth, all 15c yd. turEverything in this line cheap. ' CLOTHING. The only one price clothing store in Kinston. We don't charge one enstomer 910 for a buis and sell the next one at So 1 for the same suit. We have them from $2 ; to 15 in Men's, and from 65c op for Boys. : - ;;rr' ".v;..' Children's Pants for 15c.' Men's Pants for 89c to f 5. . " . Men's Heavy Pants for 65c. ' .t. ? Men's All-woo) Vests. 25c. - A hint to the wise is snificient. Come and see onr Clothing. We will save you money and yon take no chances,. One price to all, and that the lowest. . ' . - . .rSHOES.1; ; : 7 Note these prices: ' Men's BroirauB as low as 00c. " Men's Brogans, whole stock, f 1. Men's Oil Uxain Creoles, fl.15. -Men's Lace or Congress, worth $1.25, onr price, $1. - , Men's Brio to, $1.40. V 1 ' t&"AvL Tn Bhoss At Cost.TSJI . Ladies Shoes from thecheapestto$3.50. Ladies' Sewed Shoes, 59c ., ' Ladies' Sewed Shoes, glove grain, 65c. Children's Shoes at 15c and up. Baby Kid Shoes at 25c Hate and Caps. : We have a large stock of theoe in Silk. Fredora Derby, Railroad, Crush, Plant ersall sort that will fife the beads and pockets of all. - " Alen s Hats from 15c np. . Boys' Hats from 10c up. Capes and Jackets. . J In Ladies' Capes we have them at all prices ana styles.1' iaaies' . velvet Uapes that usually sell for $1.25; our price 89c. Children's Cloaks and Jackets at all ' rtrinoa ; Books and Stationery.' weaeiy ine estate in tnis Juie. jxiok at these prices: 1 1 , Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 69a. 50c Novels, Histories, Etc., 15c. Teachers' Bibles, worth $2.50, for fl. 25c N6vels. 5c ' - i ' Fool's Cap Paper, a quire, 5c ' ' Legal aqa Bill Cap, 8c , ( . ' Not$ Paper, 2e. -. David's Ink, best made, 8c, V , : ; , r.We can iurnish. Book Sets, Encyclo Price. , , . . In Underwear; We have from the cheapest Merino to i ilk fleeced. ' - - - Men's Undershirts at 19c Ladies' Bibbed Heavy Vests, 15c Ladies' Black Hose, 6c. , , Men's Sox, 5c. . r tsrl Larf e Collection of Pictures . is 4 Franes at the Lowest Prices. - Our Penny List. Any of these go at a cent at onr store: A box of Blacking, paper of Pins ' oaner ofNeedlw", box of Tacts, cake of Toilet Soap, a Thimble, 5 Slate Pencils, 2 Slate Spongf , 8 Collar Buttons, 2 Heel Plates a Gimlet. 1 Spool of Cotton, and a score , of other things that you pa v 5c for at other stores. Six-cord Spool Cotton, 3 for 10c -. Ladies' Conts from 20o np. Ladies' Handkerr-hiefs, 3 for 5c Umbrpllns from S9np. Silk Umbrellas. 48c - ; Hoys' Knives, 3. Hand Saws, 10c. Padlocks, 5c Knob Locks, 20c. Everything will be sold at the lowest possible margin. ' No one shall undersell us. It will ray you to eive us a trial. " " crA;:sf j fjr.CyTTLT.ICIC'S Patterns. Drcr es. - U Jaw W w a. cf