HER STRATAGEM. .. w ' Erery person saM ! mm qut'W little lrL One day U except myself na.J our nerv. ant slrl were lav Led to n .1 ,uer iarty. I confess I dreaM to La c iLci.t tro.. Fi- tally I resignedly bade tlioui "tfet ont'of I my sight" - ( Sally and I were good fi lea ). Slie to! I I me stories and wins Hon-U.I I U uj id 4 think it was quite a Cue illnx to b left 1 t homo. Tlie.1 of stasias iu t je house. I I sauntered ilown ilic' r.uui ivalli uaJ amused myself ly In iiltin in a forbid den pleasure kv. in; iu n tie nete. Looking down the ma !. I ;. 1 a ni.nri coming along. I flew to i'jv bou.ie, oj 1. satisfied that he was eomiu;: la. I isj to Bally. Seizing her dress with both ban K I exclaimed; "Oh, Sally, there in a dreadful lool.iug ' man coming in!" . . . Sally picked p the poker nn I walked , .to the door, while I. lru: ins Lor t .r:::i - pie, snatched a st it o(L wool. K.iu.i. .jiy Sally cried: "You little goose, it U Pill Mccarty." '.. Snreenougli.it wn SnM.y's beau. Her mother was very siik. a a I M t'nity was sent to briug Rally home i-.mw Manly. , Ilere was a ileiuma! Sally 'i 'n't want to leave inc. u-n-.l unless .-he started home then she miglit not se her i;i;;'her nlive. It was nearly time for the re .4 of the folks to come home. k i t::ui.ig d .: raiso coufage enough to ray I wan will ing to remain alone. IA a few minute Rally was o!T. nn 1 I Teas left in possesion of ouf gl i al Lou e. I remembered that none of our doors could be locked.' Fnpa. who ha I a few strange ideai declared locks were a nui sance. I felt that I wax doomed. On each side of onr yard wis a brook, pretty and paeeable in pleasant weather, but a very little rain tianxformed them both into raging torrents. As I stood at the window I saw first one bridge nu I then the..-other swept off. I knew now that I must stay alone,?!! night. It wnnl l be impossible for my brother an ! vl-iters to get home. J Travelers, or. as Sal'y call ed them, "tranpers." often stopped nt onr house overnight, as there wan no pub lic bouse near. To my horror. J now xnw . one of them coming across t!;e fields. Without stopping to knmk. the great. - rough man walked in. "Can I stay here H nighty I dared not refuse Mm. no a firmly a I could I answered. "Yes." Ue'seeme-I surprised at seeing no one but myself and questioned me much. ! toH" him my brother was up stairs wrirbir; that we two wer alone. That was t!ie fl st th'ii? that entered my hea l to tell him. Sw.-h a villainous countenance as that man bad! , . ' Bedtime came, and I directed the man to a room up stiit" in the servants' apartment. wl:cre I n!J thy brother was. Now. that there was real daniVr I was ' calm and fr(yisonnb!e. I fastened the door that led n stairs with my embroi ! ry scissors, which -hormone'! ti be li my pocket, so ns to .marl against nrn'1e, and, nnrrledly colkftiajr ocr s l.e'wnro, carried it to mamma's room and hid It In the bed. . I was elatet at my Inrenriry. . . . I then hunted np ihnt few Jewels the girls possessed and; pTaeing thera. with ;,what money I eonld find, in a box.' tied them in my pocket. After doing fhis I . stole down stairs; aqd rettoTef? my seis ' sors from the door. Those rlwirs were . counted amon my most valvabte treas ures. S I bad had then many years and 1 bad no intention of losing them nWi 1 -" , Only one plan for escape that I orig inated seetned feoKlble. xl determined to wait till I beard my lotfgerin the rooms below and. then wrap myself In papa-s shawl and Jump out-of the window I ' was hot kept irt npene fong The pe culiar squeak of the !nlng room .I'oor warned me that It waW time to act Qnf '" etly.I raised the window, an I Just as the steps apprpached the stairs I Jnmped to the ground. Fortunately. there was a bed of lilies directly beneatb the window, and theyeoftcned tit? fall - It was as dark as Egypt..; The rain was pouring down In torrents, hilt this was : nothing in comparison with the . horrof withing the house. " . -. Half mile back of our house lived a : friend 'of papa's- Mr Vincent. I re- ; solved to go there." '. ran along, stum bling against fences ' and falling Into ditches, thinking 1 never knew sncb a long half mile, , - -Finally 1 reached the house and man aged to tell nfy starv. Several yor.iJt men happened to have been detajed there byt the storm, and. headed by Henry. Vin cent, a young man of , some 22 yeam. they prepared to capture my vb&or. '-c Whea we came within sight , of onr house, we saw a light flitting from roo?n to room, and a few- wor!n of boisferohs song Boated to ns on the brveze . Sib'nt'y tny friends snrrounde;! the hoiW, guard" Ing every atenue of est ape Fienry qu I I (I would not let him have me a mo ment) entered the house We found the vagabond searching pnpnT desk. - Xle had found several hundred dollars that I had not seen, when prepa-ing for flight.; lie started to ntn when be saw tts; but, finding men and revolvers on nil sides, he was obliged to surrender. ; ' He was safely bonn-l and then qnt tioned. It apiwanHl he was a noted thief who had long baffied !be p'is IJfting me into hb lap. Henry . Vineenj called me the "bravest little woman-be ever knew." Alt the other praised anJ Among th'teua of th 'u nd vwl.i have ced CtinniiierlMht'i tVtmrh KemAdy for colds and N grii)e 1unn th 't fiw yearn, U mr tuo U-,1ife,wit H mm' f'e cafl h'.is rniilttnt lit fmijirioniA. ThM. .l.ii:MJ 5 r, 210 U'wlush Hvenu C! i ' 1 : ", cit-f 1 h- m we- iriii'ierit. r t ic"':;:t in tint itr. in f-t Virtu cf t' ' -. !v: '- rDnim"ini CtHfiil'r Jiia'8 G' .h i: tny f .r U grii'i"- i-t n:r re! M it nor i-'v tfiveo pmnif r f.n J f-'iv-ry, I n h! enrit. r i j. r t ' i.--v f f ! -Hpi" t rii't iri 1 i" .'.'.r-,v"-by J. H. llatterel me till T, began to" think men were greater talkers than women. All night we staid there, but before morn ing I was "raving like . a. madman.' Three, long weeks I remained uneon sclons. When 1 became sensible, anxious faces were bending over me. Fa pa, mamma and all the folks were at my bedside. , "What is the matter?" 1 asked. In a moment that dreadful day came to my remembrance. "Oh. I know." said I. with a shudder. I was the heroine of the neighborhood. Henry Vincent never tired of descanting upon my bravery and devoted himself to me in a manner that would have been ag gravating to his young lady friends bad I lieen a few years older. My "lodger" was sent to prison to med itate for some years. New York News. Familiar With Law. First Tramp I owe that old couple in that house a grudge, an-i'ni goin ter slip ! in un kill one of em. I Second Tramp Why don't ye .kill ! both? First Tramp One's enough. The neigh bors has heard 'em say sharp things ter each other, most like, an if I kill one the ' nther'Il be hung fer it. New York Week ly. I The Discovery of Iron. ' Teacher Sammy, can you tell me where and iov iron was first discov ered? Sammy 1 can't tell you Just where, lir. but I think I know how it was dis- rovered. Teacher Well. Sammy, what Is yonr Information on that point? Sammy I heard pa say the other day that they smelt it. The Bishop Knew Him. A story current about the bishop of London represents him as a bored lis tener to a windy speech. Turning to a fellow sufferer, he said, "Do you know that speaker?" "No," was the answer. "I do," said the bishop. ?TIe speaks tinder many aliases, but his name Is Thomas Rot." London News. coiipse. Caused by over work? No, caused by undernourish ment , Work rarely .causes coUanse. It is 1 worry tne cutecpie of a low Condition of tbe nervou? system; and inadequate nutrition which "generally - causes col lapse, The collapse .seems sudden, but in reality itis a slow process. The stom ach and organs of digestion and . nutri tion are diseased, the nourishment in the food eaten is only partially extracted and imperfectly assimilated. The blood be comes impure; the very fount of life is poisoned, and some day all the faculties and functions go on a strike.' That's collapse. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the organs of -digestion and nutrition, purifies the blood and builds up the weak body with -sound healthy flesh. iv" v' " ' I was cured of a very tad eme of Indigestion, associated with torpid liver, by the we of Dr. 1 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes Mr. O. B. Bird, of Bynuide, Putnam Ca. W. V. "Before I beranthew of 'Golden Medical Din. eovery I hed 00 appetite: could not Sleep, nor work btrt very little, bowels constipated, and life wm a misery to me. After taking four bottles I felt so weU tbt I went to work, but soon got worse, so I nsecV it about eight weeks longer, when I was permanently cored." , Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing iwy. " Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper covered book, or 31 stamps for cloth, to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Sumrell & HcCoy, VhoIesalo' t Grocers, :V KINSTON, N.J & . ' r - , Phonts 6. We Sell . To Dealers Only! NEW fl l!!SE!l I have secured ih agency iu this section for several strong fire; insurance companies, and an pre pared o write insurance . on all classes of town, and country prop erty. - - Of2ce in Cox cc Co.'s store with S. II. Abbott. .... . .a MB - f 4- No iv a VJomzm Eowkix, ln.t Kov. Iwtn always praiss WiaeotOaraoi. It has doaa me ?or good than all ths atedi dnss I bava ever taken ia my life. Please end a book about iemalti di lasses te toe ladies waosa nanus I enclose. Mrs. UINKZH 8XODGHTJX R Isn't necessary for a woman to give pirticulirs. Wkea she tips She has "female troubles", other women know what that aeaas. It means days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which 00 tongue can describe. It means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves n edge the blues despondency and loss of hope. It means debiMatiae drains that the doctors call leucorrhaea. It means martyrdom some times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly LABIES ADVISOIY QtrAITsUIT. ') Forsdvtoa In esses requiring tpoelal dirrflUon. address. olTtnc numom. aaaicus vo ciiattanooga. Tana. the Change of Life, this' Vegetable Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.03. Af 1 IV s"i-,V ,sfl wtf -FRESHt- Bread andGakes JWopton's Bakeny. Fresh Trout, Mullet and Croaker daily at BOYD'S MARKET. IEast'Street nearjnew depot. L. 3. SWllTHf -MANUPACTURKR of IVIATXRESsSE S For the WHOLsaauf n Retail, Tusk. South Qneea St., near Salvatioa Army Banadks, K1NSTON, N. C. Just Received: A lot Raspberry Preserves, Preserved 6trawberres, Damsori-Preserves, Apple, Butter and Mince Meat. T. P. ASHFORD. Served - 4" it lA m In Any Styjei; Oys&T. b. brown salook. Come Up ! We will treat '. you right: C. VI.' FORUaRWe REAL MPHOPHOM . i - Siopla - - i lloter. . -. Cecbaoisat ViiSa. DarStie Coa Strecdoe. ;:o eotkz; r.iucH fun v A3 1' t Vr, and rV"wa af a . t--Pticea Iaiiog liettii ia. 'Then accotnjn)ed bv a BerfT th' r niiorhone cart be oea to nal KconJr .ev.ithKernrJfr. S7.FO. 1 nftt-Jce jl -l-darU Iv ifotil. bead araer cjKL mor.c . .... I . .1 i-i, - - . . ,".T Y- K. -. t i. , r-a I"i4wr2a Are. OYSTERS ..for..' : 'S7 guttnose diseases ana pains w root. ; has cured thousands of cases when nothing else on earth would. To the budding woman, to the bride, to the wife, to the expectant mother, to those goiqg toroagfa Wine is a blessing. - - COFFINS, CASKETS, Trimmings, &c. 1ST We have a full supply. BIZZELL & CHESNUTT, Queen 6t, Near Jesse Stroud's OijWr nil Eialisr. Will give competent service to all so antortnnate as to need sucn service, fast simply fire me notice and all de tails will be attended to. Caskets of all qualitieecarriedin stock. and by patronizing any establishment you vill'get competent servioes at as low p ices as trom anyone. I respectfully solicit a contin nasc of the patronage of the people in this sec tion. Very truly, GEO. B.WEBB KINSTON, N. C. Residence Phone No. 63. Shop Phone NO. 59," :.;., ' Just Think of the Gcod Things fSa Yoti can get Fried Oysters, you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above don't suit, you can . take them Raw. - v ? ' , I have had 11 years' experience in the oyster business, and I know youx wants." Come to see me. Fried Oysters :.3oc Stewed Oysters 25c Yours to please, : . ; T. H SKINNER. Call To-Dav! , There is no better' time than now to 1 drop in and select -A i a beautiful ' S m :, Our line contains; Via number 01 beau , r tiful designs or : old J men,-t young - men and boys. iveUsaCall Dress hirt Wejwill treat you . ; njht:-;;;::: ' .;?-: : tu;:gt.:ll a iiu, r :.ext to TeKjl;-IlAt'.ia Cxi.g re. " - , JONES Cl WILLIS, and Hdteejing Parlor UMSsr Kslsl Toll. Ksy Sherras mmi Artistic Haircuts Cowpeesft laaistants. Cleavn towels. GUMrea's Dsir CMtiac a Specialty. t9a TRIAL BOUCITBD. J. E. PHYSIOC U Hera U Slay ! I have prepared enyeelf for it. Z faav lost received a ftdl ltate of Foreign and Dasneatic Samples of Weiolens nngkg from $15.00 op to t4So a snit. I' Mm net tryinjr to oasnpte with readynaae pexida I prrauaa to ahre yoa a 6rat-ctaS Merchant Tailar'e Bait as (food m rem oan hare made fan say firet-clsss aler chant Tailoring establishment aaj where, and far as tittle money. Yarn will find that I deal straight and fair, and always leok to the interest and taste of say customers. PaY Have just employed a first-class coat-maker. J. E. PHYSIOC. WILSIFGTOS kll WtlDOS RliLKGA;. TRA1SB (WOO bOVTH DATED JtUj 820, 1800.1 1 .BK aal . o a e e K C e a. at P. . P.M. A. UIPM Leave Welaon... Ax. Rooky att.. Leave Tartoro.. Lv.EoekyHt... Leave Wilton... Leave Balma.... Lv. PayetteriUe Ar. Florence...., ArCeMstwro... Lv. uoldstnro... Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, WlIinlBgton 11 V 1M p. at is a 106 "00 V62 6871 S1M llv 16 5 11 1C itta 710 tN tnti A. M. ke 766 Ml tMJa 16 OS P. M a Ml 1. . Tit A IN OU MOBTfc. 1 11 11 - - w o nam bci as 5 ma I. -: a.m. vv,--.. p. m. r Lv.jrionnoe.... 60 f 86 Lv.Payettevtue. taw ...... 41 ...... .... LeaSeia. 16M. 106..!. Arrrre Wilson... 986 ..... ltw ! b'sisfflff- i jm Lv.Matrnoua... ...... ...... .. ., bo Sum L. eolttaboro... ...... iW ..... flSl IBM ;" ' ' A. M. P. M.P, TPJSS?"' 6 ! M 1045 .1 j AT. BOflkrMt.. ;M 110 UK US8 t ArdveTareofo.. ..... 8 46........... ... Leave Tamro... Ufi... .. Lv. jgoptyMt... t ...... iter..... .... Ar.-eiaoa...... 4W...... too....... . - i. P. Ml A.M.1P. Mj 1 1 9 mm vi loa. . auwwu nrsnua jtoaa ivavea WeWon 6 p. tn., Baufes 4:17 p. as., arrive Boouana Meek at 6:06 p. m., Greonviile :W a. m., Kinstoa T.-S6P. m. jtetnrmsa- leaves 3Ua t TjM a. m. OreentWe t:6a a. m., arriving Bantaxat lias, a.m.. Welaon 113a a. m.,Uiy ' aaoeptannaay. . J. B.gBm.Y.een'1 Manager. T VarnBORtTnoDDWHaoattar . Atlantic & H. C. KailroaO ' TIMB TASLC Ko. 18. yfS)ltamtr g, IOO. r ASTBOtmD ntAtKB. HTAtlOMS. a Sa P. M GoidstMro... ..... Best's... ............ LaGraars m... FaUlnr Creek . ..... KlnstoUtf ....... .... Dover Cftr6 Cr64Ea t.esas. a- . Tuaoarorft Clark t WOWffTal axaaTa)a-a-aaaej as RlTOTdfiavde 4t- -. Crofttan HaV6l83lt .a MM Wildwaad,. ...... Atlantic ... Marehead City Korebead pac.i........: 81H : STf 10 1 4 63 448 46E. ti. 44c; 664; 77 Tlf p.45fl Ooissbors.. UflBtrB etn m m t'f (a LMinsfire ...... FtimigOrwa:. ...... -. Orwell lore Creak TxiHcarara - . . . . . NvPti a . . .... . EivsAje..... ' tvaatAa ........ Pavetk N-iro1-t. ... ... WUiwedMM... Atuntte liorobead EnpeC.. ;. r A. M. r. M fp.L nes t' .... Mt ,7t- 7 .... WIS '7fr 717 ... 10 r a ,, .-717 Ml.' S1-: -.fT 61 IM .... SH 4C 7 I tiiiil e e I . ..... re - 4 47 ..." 104" n ..... 6 1' 11 I t J .... ..... K 0 7 4 i ... 7t , 8 4- 1 ti a 5 C. A. Kr.nXAn; CTacW r.w;'. m. - J. CJ-Etai,CLl:Jr:L-;.:!:cr. . .