THR hVi Nil v-. S. HRKIUOiT, KO i tor an proa rJ mcr(i at ! o; an wxsond clans mull uinttr. NEED OP INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. In Imn report to the IcgiHlaturo on the condition of tho North Carolina College of Agriculture ami Mechanic Artn, I'reni dent Winnton nnyn that there in n lnrgn and growing demand for industrial ndu cation, and that thitt nVmund inbound to fncrenHe for many years to come. He Bayn: "Tim rapid growth of manu factures in our State, the certainty of further increaHe and multiplication, the opening up of new iuduHtrieH, the utiliza tion of water power by mechanical or electrical traiiMiiicHion, the development of intensive and diverniflej agriculture, especially trucking, fruit growing, stock rawing and dairying, the netting up and management of electric plantH for light and power, of water workn, ice plants, cold h torn are, laundrie, and other small Industries requir ing machinery, are crea ting a large and increasing demand for engineers, draughtsmen, electricians, ma chinists, mechanics, textile workers, dairy men, stock men and farmers. The de mand 1h far greater than the supply. It Is our duty to wft this demand, and we are striving to do so; but we lack teach ers, tools, machinery and buildings." The A. & M. College is a college for the people and for the times. It teaches boy to work and produce wealth. It ought to have a thousand students Every county should have at last ten boys there. As this college is the only one in the State giving industrial educa tion, it should be well equipped for in struction in all industrial lines. It needs a textile building, a chapel, dormitories for students, a machinery building and additional equipment of tools and ma chines. All these wants should be sup plied. The college is a good financial in vestment, and the State should keep it up to the proper standard of efficiency. Cation African Customs. Among the human sacrifices of the jdelta of tlie Nigezsay. Count da Cardl, young girls occupy tbe most Jbonored place. Theyjlaro at regular periods offered up" to .the gods, and in stead of shrinking frpui. this horrible doom they accept it with pride and gratitude. Nothing Is refused to tueBe girls while they are alive. If one of them sees a handsome dress or orna incuton n woninn and expresses a de sire to have it, the woman must give it to her. Men are also sacrificed, though not for religious reasons, and they welcome death ns eagerly as the girls. Count do Cardl once tried to save one of those victims, but instead of thank ing him, the man reviled hlni so bitter ly for interfering and scolded the by standers so heartily for delaying to carry out the sentence that they promptly stopped his mouth by killing him. The worst insult which one woman can offer to another is to hold out the right hand in front of her with the in dex nnd middle finger forming the let ter V. This means, "You will become the mother of twins." When twins are born in this region, they and their mothers are killed, as a rule, and when a mother dies lu giving birth to a child the latter is also killed and buried with her. It Is not superstition which Im pels the negroes to dispose of mother less lufants in this heartless fashion, but the great difficulty of rearing them. Altogether, the Information which Count de Cnrdl has gathered during his residence of many years In this portion of Africa Is of rare value, espe cially to anthropologists. Oxford's Wlttr Biahop. Two stories are attributed in The Railway Magazine to the witty bisboD f; of Oxford; He was once talking aoruJboys in a school and said to themj N, iays boys, I dare say you tblntf It's a very fine thing to be, a bishop But I assure you I'm a very busy man. I have to go about nil over my diocese, ana I haven't time to study like you have. In fact, nearly all my study has, L to De connneu to only one book. It be gins with a B. Do you know what it is7' 'The Bible, sir; the Bible," shout ed the boys all together. "No," replied the bishop, with a merry twinkle in his eye. "It's called 'Bradehawl' ' The other story is still better. On one occasion when he alighted from the train at Wheatley, the station for Cuddesden palace, an officious porter rushed up to him and asked, "Any arti cles in the van, my lord?" "Articles," said the bishop grimly. "Yes, 39 arti cles." Off hurried the porter and wor ried the guard almost out of his senses by tbe way he searched the van and detained the train. Presently he came back to the bishop with a crestfallen expression of countenance. "There are only seven, my lord." "Only seven? Ah, you're a Dissenter then, I should think." B. W. CANADT. -. . . H, B. MOSKLKT,f GOLD WEATHER iTh'e cold weather will soon be here, and we will be please tohave you call at onr store and examine a nfcfe line of 5 1 Driftwood, Elmvvood and Wilson's Im proved Air-Tight Heaters. They are neat, durable and economical, both in price and con sumption of fuel. We also have a large stock of . COOK STOVES, which we are selling very cheap. Come to see us. B. V. CANADY & CO., KINSTON, N. C. Moore ft Hooker, DEALERS IN- It looks like the United States may be forced to construct the Nicaraugan canal. The following is a dispatch, Dec. 25, from Washington: When the senate committee on foreign relations and inter-oceanic canals meet JaiH 8d. It t fflnre tbnn frohnfoW-,nc cording to a member of tbe former com mittee, that they will be confronted with a telling argument for the enactment of canal legislation at this session of con arress, It was reported last night tbat the I'an am a (anal company had informed the state department and a number of Srominent senators that Great Britain, ermany and France have decided to take iolot stock in the Panama water. way and will complete it whether the United Stat proceeds to the construc tion oi tbe Nicaraugacanalornot This, it was said, was not announced as a threat, hut as a piece of good news by une omeiaia ot uoiombian enterprise. M. Hutin. president of the Panama com pany, wired his representatives here to tbe above effect and within an hour tbe matter bad been made known to many senators. A majority of the members of the canal and foreign relations committees refused to discuss the matter on the more report from the Panama canal agents, but all agree tnat u tbe report is true, there can be no other course for the United States bat to pass the canal bill at this session and proceed independently to the imme- . diate construction of an all-American for tified waterway through Nicarauga and vosta mca. In sneaking of the matter this morn. ing a prominent member on the commit tee on inter-oceanic canals stated that he hoped the report was true, since the news would arouse the people of the country and force congress to take immediate action. mm Compulsory education is regarded by some as an interference with a man's rights his rights to raise bis children up In ignorance. Durham Herald. . Didn't Know Vow, In discussing the want of compre- Senslon of one branch of art for anoth r Mr. Sutherland Edwards says that when Gustave Dore began to illustrate the fldyllg of the King" Tennyson did Hot even know him by name. SI wonder what they are going to do with my "Idylls' next" he said to a friend. TTney have now got a man caUetl bore (without the accent) to 11 . tartrate them." ' ' He Remembered Tliem. "By the way," said the man who had stopped at a farmhouse to water his horse, "15 years ago a poor boy came this way, nnd you took him in." "Yes?" queried the farmer, somewhat surprised. "You were kind to him," went on the stranger; "you fed him, gave him words of encouragement and an old suit of clothes, put a dollar in his pock et and sent him on bis way rejoicing, He told you at the time that he never would forget your kindness. Am right?" "I reckon you are," replied the farm er. "lie said that If he prospered be .would see that you never had occasion "to regret your kindness to a poor. strug gling lad." "Land's sakes!" exclaimed the farm ers wife excitedly. "It sounds almost like a fairy tale, don't It? Why. you must have seen him." I have, said tne stranger, "aha ne sent a message to you." "What Is Itr they both asked ex pectantly. "He told me to tell you that he is still poor." As the stranger drove away the farmer went out and kicked the pump viciously, while his wife threw a roll ing pin at the chickens. New York world. What Titer Deserved. Not very long since an exceedingly well dressed man about 35 was charg ed in a north London court with being drunk. He promptly paid his. 10 shil lings' fine and went away. A fortnight later a stylishly dressed woman was charged with a' similar offense. As she gave the same name and address I concluded they were husband and wife. So I called on them, and my visit was repeated several times. They had a very nice home, kept two servants and had four children. I noticed a bonny lad of 8, as I saw him several times. Some months later I got a letter as fol lows: Dear Mr. Holmct You ' know my Jack, th 8-year-old. I am sorry to sajr that ha hat got into bad ways teala money from ns. stops out lata and la Terr disobedient Can you get him Into any training home or institution of any kind, where hia evil pro pe nil ties wfll be cured? Kindly oblige ua in this. I could 1uot resist the temptation to reply as follows; Dear Sir I know ot but one cure for Jack'a evil propensities, and tbat la a thorough anslica- tion of the horsewhip to both parent. ,. Contemporary Review. A piece of flannel dampened with Cham berlain's Pain Balm and bound to tbe affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords, Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives relief. For sale by J E. Hood, druggist. STAPLE a FANGr GROCERIES Fresh Meats, Chicago Beef, Etc. 4 to i a a. m.; Sumrell ncCoy, Wholesale Grocers, KINSTON, N. C. Phonb 6. OR. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. tOffice Over Dan Quinerly's store, in the Mote lev Building, next to C W. Pndgen ft Co.'i store DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, DBNTI8T. rflfi TTrn ra R a. in. fn ri ?i K ooms over the Bank of Kinston. QR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, n. c. U-Office on Gordon Street. Office hoars, 9 to fc, a. m., ana 5 to 0, p. m.Stniaays, 4 tssp. so. . Barrett & Thomson. ARCHITECTS, xi5FsTettevilleSt., - Raleigh, N.C B&"Write for our "BrochnrV" of in- formation, , T.W. ffleiabora & Co., h no esaie urocers, Wbolesa OflU.l kinston, n. c IOnr prices lavor onr customers Market Hours 9 p. m. I-Phone 27. 4 to We Sell To Dealers Only! The Weather Just "Nippy" Enough to remind you that heavier weight Underwear will add to your comfort. The most comfortable and healthy Under wear is Wright's Health Underwear I ISrThls is the most popular Underwear made today.. My fall stock is larger than ever before and must be dis posed of. You can get at the lowest possible price anything in GENTS' CLOTHING, LADIES' SHOES and DRESSES. A Full Line of...... Staple Gpoeepies Lay in your Xmas supply of Canned Goods from the most complete assortment in Kinston. 4 Queen Street. DAN QUINERLY, KINSTON, N. C.' -.. V- " -v-' & Vr''w "'': i-un 1 mBBBBSSSaSSJBBSujt llg 11 fill! -FRESH- Bread and Cakes IHopton's Baketry. Fresh Trout! Mullet and Croaker daily at -MZT'ti$-':Mii: .jEOYO SvEIARKET; EBt Sreet-nearnew depot ,? Assisting: Hia Memory. Bobby was spending the afternoon ot his aunt's and .for some moments had been cazinar ont of the window in a painfully thoughtful sort of way. 'What makes you so serious. Bob by?" asked his aunt , "Why, ma told me .that, I must re member not to ask for anything to eat and I am trying to remember It Union Signal. -a ' i There is a basis for tbe claim of the epicure ' that he - can distinguish be tween" American made and French or Italian made macaroni, spaghetti. Ver micelli. nounieH,' etc ; The Italian and French maker employ in their manu facture a -special hard wheat grown onlr to Tacanros. Russia.' .- ' No one can reasonably hope for good health on lew bin bowel move once each dar. When thU is not attend! to, ; dis orders of the Mtoniach arise, biliousness, beadarhe, .dyfpeppinand piles soon fol low. If yoa wi-h to avoid tbefteailine'nts kfp your bowels regular by takiDg Chamberlain's Htomach and liver Tab ic; wdpo ivquiml. ; Tbey are o eapy to tale and mild and gentle in effect For ale by J. E. Hood, druggist The Vnabrella. Jack I made, two calls .this after. noon, and 1 must' have ieft my um brella at tht last place I called. ; Tom How do you know but that yon left It at the first place? 45 . v : . Jack-rBecause there's where I got It Chicago News -;- -; " '- -r;;- Ct- How to Corr tbT. - Mr. R. Gray.Vho lives near Amenia, Duchess county, Ni Y., says: r "Chamber lain's Cough Eemedy is the beet medicine I have ever used. It is a' fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as tbe child becomes hoaire, or even after tbe croupy cough has developed, it will prevent ths at tack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Congh Itemedy kept at band ready for instant use as soon as thp;e symptoms appear. For tale by J. E. Hood, druggist , COFFINS, CASKETS, Trimmings, &c. . We have a full supply i - BIZZELL & CHESNUTT, QoeefiSt;. iNTesr Jtise Stroud's MANtrPACTUJLKR OK MATTRESSES Tor tit WmuMU Jto Retab. Tbasb. Sovtk Qvaas Sc, sar SahrmtMS Amy Bamcks, . KINSTON. N. C iust Think of the Good Things Ycu Can Get At 'S. SKINKER ..You can gfct Fried Oysters,; you can get Stewed Oysters, and if the above dont suit, yoa can take them Raw. " ' ' ,r ; I have had 1 1 years experience in the oyster business, and I know your wants. Come to see inc. ;. Fried Otsters,....3oc Stewed OYSTEKS......25C Yours to please, , T. T. SKIIIITER. We can't quote all pur bargains, but if you will come you will say with Queen Sheba'of old, "Lol the half had not been. told.'1 Cotton Piece Goods. Calico as low as 8. I Calico, indigo blue, 4Jc. Yard-wide White Homespun, 5c. ' Apron Gingham, 8)40. -Canton Flannel, 6c. . Heavy Brown Prill, 6c Checked Homespun, 4c. ' " 35 pieces Table Oil Cloth, all 15c yd. HarEvery thing la this line cheap. The only one price clothine store in Kinston. , We don't charge one customer 110 for a suit and sen the next one at 5 for the same suit .We have them from $2 to f 15 in Men's,, and from 65c up for Boys. ; Uhudren's I'ants for loc. " f Men's Pants for 89c to f 5. Men's Heavy Pants for 65c Men's All-wool Tests, 25c. A bint to the wise is sufficient Come and see our Clothing.; We will save yoa money, and you take no chances. One price to all, and that the lowest ::::' :' SHOES J Note these prices: - V"; ' ... ,;v Men's Brogaus as low as 90c. . Men's Brqgans, whole stock, 1. Men's OU Grain Creoles, f 1.15. i Men's Lace or Congress, worth f 1.25, our price, 1. ' s : -:J-; Mra'o Boots, fl.40. v k "Aix Taw Bhois At Cost."! Lad ies Shoes from tbe cheapest to f 3.50. Ladies' Sewed Shoes, 59c Ladies' Sewed Shoes, glove grain, 65c. Children's Shoes at 15c and up. Baby Kid Shoes at 25c " Hats and Caps. We have a large stock of these in Silk. Fredora Derby, Railroad, Crush, Plant ers all sorts tbat will fit tbe beads and pockets of alL v Men s Jlats from 15c up. . . Boys' Hats from 10c up. i Capes and Jackets. In Ladies' Capes we have them at all prices and styles. 'Ladies' Velvet Capes that usually sell for f 1.25; our price 89c. - Children's Cloaks and Jackets' at all prices. " . . Books and Stationery. We defy the State in this line, - Look at these prices: , . ' i Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 69c ; 60c Novels, HiBtories, Etc.; 16c ' . Teachers' Bibles, worth $2.50, for fl. . , 25c Novels, 5c - - . -: v , Fool's Cap Paper, a quire, 5c Legal and Bill Cap, 8c. , Note Paper, 2c ; . " ' . , .' David's Ink, best made, 8c. ","". We can furnish Book Sets. Encvclo- ' pedias. Etc. at One-fourth the usual . price -' '!i&Hn. ' . We have from the cheaDest Merino to' Silk fleeced. , - , J Men's Undershirts at 19c - Indies' Ribbed Heavy Vests, 15c. " Ladies' Black Hose, 5c . - "Men's Sox, 5c r ; . V-" - - '.-v - t3-A Large YollectloB of Pictures and Francs at the Lowest Prices. ; Our Penny List. u Any of these go at a cent at our store: ' A'box of Blacking, paper of Pins, paper . of Needles, box of Tacks, cake of Toilet Soap, a Thimble, 5 Slate Pencils, 2 Slate ' v Sponges, 8 Collar Buttons, 2 Heel Plates a Gimlet, 1 Spool of Cotton, and a score ; -of other things that you pay 5c for at other stores. v ; ' , . --- - - .-, , ; : Six-cord Spool Cotton, 3 for 10c Ladies' Corsets from 20c up. ; Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 3 for 5c . Umbrellas from 39c up. ' - - ' Silk Umbrellas, 48c. Boys' Knives, 3c. Hand Saws, 10c Padlocks, 5c Knob Locks, 20c, - Everything will be sold at the lowest possible margin shall undersell us. It will pay you to give us a trial. ;;-A;:sis Xzf CUTTEniCU'S Titterns. No one Next Door Couth cf P