THE PURITANS. 1 The Ions Puritan scales lendod, four girla somewhat in sdjance of the con . atregation strolled homeward throjish the 4 brilliant May snnhlae. - -i ( ? -. "What a beautiful day r crfedl Iluth Bennlngv , .-rerfect added Salome Endicdtt" ;-X "It used to be like this la England," aid little Peace Morley wistfully. Why so silent, Dorothy V asked Sa- ' lome, addressing the fourth girl, who had V cot ret BDoken. ; -,'. ' ' i Dorothy Penrhyn , looked up quickly. -' irlossv hfllr and lanre. dark, misrhiflvnna ? .eyes. ''Let us keep May dayP' she exclaimed. v'llow cau we 7" asked Salome. Ton came here." ; ; , . ''But we didn't-come of bur own free Will," returns! Dorothy., "What hftrm can there be in a dance around a may pole? Why in every one so afraid of n little enjoyment?" .The dawning of the following day ' found the guls and their friends assem bled upon the training field just outside the primitive Bontou wttlement. They brought long linen strips for ribbons, and the slender trunk of a dead sapling served as a maypole. It was so early that no one was stir- ff ' m . .. - ring, xue newiy risen sun smiled nn needed upon this bit of stolen revelry .upon the dresses brushing dew from the grass In the graceful dance; upon Doro thy Penrhyn. merriest of the group, with her laughter., her sparkling eyes, her de- IlgntiuUcoIor and quick, airy movements, the 'grim Puritans forgotten as she Joftted in the gay pastime. , Suddenly came the sound of voices and of, approaching footsteps. Peace was the first te hear them. The girls ceased their dance in consternation. ' Then Salome Endicott remembered that this was the day for the monthly muster of soldiers under Captain Roger Winthrop. iTbe reveleis fled precipitately. Doro thy lingered- only to tear the linen strips from the improvised maypole, then, trail ing them after her. hastened down the . sloping field in pursuit of her com pan ions. She was not in pursuit of the young captain. She ha l met him often, but she had no wish to meet him under pres ent circumstances. Behind an alder group they paused for breatn and consultation. Do you think they saw us?" asked xiutn uenning. i aptniu wintnrop is Tery strict in his ideas, they say." balorae Emlicott was out of temper from running. Mont of the others were terrified by Kutb'x words. Dorothy alone howed vexation tit lieing interrupted. iThey might have waited till we fin. lahed," she alii in disgust. "It was too bad to spoil our sport in that fashion. .When the girls ha l reduced to order the. cnaos or , notions, tney went -borne in aome anxiety; - : - - V 'I anr- so sorry for it .all!" Peace con fessed to Dorothy the next day. "If we are found out. -what do you think the magistrates will -do?" r 11 . r : uuiurr kuiiw uur tare, uuanireu Dorothy 1 defiantly. "Send us back to . England. I hope 1 am going anyway as oon as I can. t - . Why, Dorothyr "I am," repeated Dorothy. A vessel leaves the day after, tomor tow," suggested Peace "You can go in that.'-W,'r('VVi:1; Ttldo If said the girl. : .Wer plans for the,, journey ., were soon tnade. The cant jiu of the vessel was a friend of her fntber. Fader his care she Would sail dim-tly for Southampton. She went to her room and began resolutely packing her box While she wits mental ly composing a notv to v left for her par ents, who were away from home, she heard a kno k at the, front door. Peer ing out,; with an ever present fear of In dians, shesaw Captain Winthrop below, i "Perhaps he la com tug to arrest me." , she said to berself. ' "But 1 am not afraid of him. : Poor fellow! i suppose he must bey orders , She went boldly down and opened the door. (amain Winthrop, tall. dignified, with blue eyes and fair hair And beard, bowed low on seeing her. -' "Will yoo enter?! shIiI Dorothy, brac ing nerseir ror tne interview.' I called, MistresK Penrhyn." began Captain Wluthrop. evidently in some con fusion, ta see"- - "Yes,' lnterrnptel Dorothy, "I know. 4 I was expecting yon. What are yon go tog to do?" . " "L cannot tell yet," he. answered. "I most first consult"- - "What an Idiotic procewlingr cried Dorothy,, with HpiHt. fWherb was the harm in It. after all T "Harm?" repeated Captain Winthrop : "Yes. harmr Insisted Dorothy. "We really must have some amusement, you "I don't think I nndemand," said Win throp,' with A puixled liMik. . , "Why, dWn't yon 'come to" She paused, crimson .with sudden hame. "Then t should not have spoken." she added, trying to n-cover herself. " ,. "I came to ee your father in regard to arrengtnening nnr nejenses, ue snia. "But you have rnsed . ray "curiosity. What is it. Dorothy? Tell me." "You won't Iwtray me? she asked, after a little hesitation '; : ' ; s ; "Certainly not." ' - . "Weil, then, we cirls had a maycole Among the ei t thousands who have u.ih1 (ThHuitv-rlHUiV Cough Kemedy for cold n1 In grttiM 'uring the past few years, to nnr kir-i l.-dee, not a 6in-j-'e case has lvlll-, inteo'noiiia. Tfcos. 'hilSeld A Ji;V,T8bah avenn, CLicasjo, ot1 f h- 'r, prominent re tail drujrari-t in th' dt.r. in speaking cf this, mvk " V -- wimD J CliaiDr laia's 0vuh im-U f r la grippe ia ch'.tcvw, h it ih -"iily yives prompt and comt''jt ivuvi. hn'. aNo counUr &ct my t'idfP'V n' 1 li-'-ipj-e to reilt ia p"umi)ni." K'r - by J. II liood. 'the" training field" lust before .I t"Yoo danced !Yes: .yoa e dt QhDorotJiyr. jseejtf 6 iatntit pto punish tne. for I artMttfag' t HuilaJfld, where there are no Puritans to spoil my pleas sore " My bog Is packed. I shall leave at once.". ' Hi -v. S.-1 r m . "AnH ftls beoft.HfJnelafke4 .Roget WHthrpp, wth JaJ glancrf 4hat made Dorothy look at him In a startled ay, then cover her face with her bands. Half an hont later, wtien everytning had been satisfactorily arranged, Doro thy said regretfully: "I suppose I. must remain a Puritan, after all,, and never dance again since yon disapprove of it so. But." with an arch glance. "I have bad one genuine celebration, and I shall never regret, it, Roger, whatever you may think.' Exchange, Roma Roads. The Roman roads were built with more care than is expended upon the beds, of our railways even. They were made as straight as possible, and natural obstacles were skillfully overcome by the use of cuts, fills, bridges, culverts, embank ments and even tunnels. Stiffs-grades were avoided, and ay level, once reached, was doggedly maintained, leven at the ex pense ot making cuts, fills, etc. To Hide It. Hewitt What are yon raising whia kers for? Jewett Well, I don't mind telling yon that I am wearing a necktie my wife gave me Harper's Bazar. ' n - We are all Inventors, each sailing out on a voyarge of discovery, guided each by a private chart of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension wait ing to be struck. the future would sadden many a nappy woman, ine mis ery of marriage often results from ailments which maidenly mod esty kept hidden. When doctors are at last consulted they frequently fail to help. They do not un derstand the root of the trouble. Dr. Pierce's Far vorite Prescrip tion , has cured in thousands of cases where doc torsentirely failed, r ' I had been a Great I sufferer from female weakness." writes Mrs. M. B. Wallace. of Muenster. Cook Co., Texas. "I tried four' doctors and none ata me any ; zooa. i auDereu six . a- . r years, out at last t found relief. ' I fol lowed vour advice. and took eight bottles of 'Favorite Frescnp. tion ' and four of the 'Golden Medical Dis S3 covery.' X now teei like a new woman. I have gained eighteen pounds. ?Favert!t Preserves" MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONQ ; AND SICK WOMEN WELL. vt0HJ AND FOR THE CURE - OB ALA. Coughs,' Golds, OR, a t.e::eqy ecj:ls DR. OTTO'S GumBalsani. A sire's dose wiH relieve suffering and its rc;u'.ir use will effect a permanent cure. mien, S3 JLXD CD CET. danc In Tnuster. DR. QTTOS UieDtCgniii Spruce . A .. , I ITTI 1 C?. . DOES much: Boon, Iowa, Deo. lt. No tongna eaa tall what X bsva anared la the put tan ysara with toy moathly sick m. Whila suSarinr natold rnr a frtond eallad and (eoommanded Win of Oardal, I aaat for a botUa, and Oh I what raliaf . Aftar the first doa I began to t aal IwtUf aad aara had na pain sinea. ' VMS. GKA,CA LA.MPEKBB. Wine of Cardut not only cures but tt acts AT ONCE. Here Is a case of tea years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble, tt acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A . single disorder In the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A - woman can be her own physician and Cure herself at home. Local ex , ' aminations are largely things of the UsIES AIVISBIT BEPAtTaUIT. For adytee In eaies requiring pcdal direction, addreM, art Tins tyinittoma, hKMClNBCO Chattanooga, Tnn. Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. If W J 1 t! I 'l DKAtEiS IN Fresh Meats, Chicago Beef, Etc. Market Hours: to ia a. m.; 9 p. m. Phone27. 4 to Sumrell & ncCoy, Wholesale Grocers, KINSTON,; N. C. PHONB h. We Sell To Dealers Only I From the Lenoir County Cotton Patch to the Le noir County Jfoot. It 'is possible that by purchasing the excellent hosiery,' for man, I woman and child, made by the ORION MILLS, of Kinston, N. . C, that s yon may wear socks or stockings made from cotton spun in the Kinston ' Cottori mills and' 'knit in the Orion Knitting Mills, thus en- , conraging the cotton grower of ; Ienoir county and two splen did manufactoriesfi giving em : ployment to labor in the cotfn ty. .Thus you will be assist- lng tne cotton grower, tne cot ton picker, the .cotton ginner, the colton spinner and knitter 'all people of yonr own neigh - borhood. - You Sour, Cfoss-Grained " ...old....v - DYSPEPTIC I Stop looking so ugly and feeling eo badly. Get a bottle of : - . ; Get well and decent once more. You old played-out old man, take it and feel young again. . t : PEPSINAGOGUB i3. made by DU. tf. o; HVflTT, And sold by all up-to-date - Moore A Hooker ; .. .. mmi ci 1 1 i . ' l I Est the obnoxious custom is no nger necessary. Wine of Cardul is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to-dav (or the cure of " female troubles '. DiWer aid Eialir Will give competent service to all so unfortunate as to need such service, fast simply give me notice and all de tails will be attended to. Casket of all qualitieacarrladfo stock. and by patronizing my establishment you ill get competent services at as low p icea as from anyone. I respectfully solicit a contin nanc of tne patronage ot the people in this see oon. very truly, GEO. B.WEBB KINSTON, N. C Residence Phone No. 63. Shop Phone jno. 59. ' GRAPHOPHOKE MecfcmiM- VlftlMa. Osrabio Cos stractlwr. : mO BOTHER MUCH FUN- aw bw iroaaBra ntaiai vm a ' Itiak-Pricad TsIUm Macklaa. When accompanied br a Recorder this! iranhoDhona can be nsed to make Kecords. It he standard Records. aW ora$r and money .1 K i 11 1 nn.inuci. . rimji i.b.M.Mfc-a '9 our nearest office. - ; COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. Dept. 30 J NEW YORK, i4Vt Bread y. CHICAGO, & Wabua Ava, , 6T, LOUIS, TJO-7JI OHva St. WASHINGTON, 919 PtantyhranU Ava.. PHItADELPHIA, 103a Chestnut St. BALTIMORE, no & Bafeinora St. BUFFALO, s'S M'n St. SAM taAWClSCO, n$ Gany at, LONDON. i PAEIi SBBXnC Call To-Dav! . ..: . .-' There is no better , time than now to , f drop in and select . a beautiful , ress Shirt. ( Our" line contains "; ;f a number 01 beau- : tiful designs or - , old men, young men and boys. : Give Us a Call We.will'treat you right! TUI13TALL -G. HILI crick c:cck,r:o?4a. r.3I'ext to Temfle-llArrton Drug ..FOR.. ' jk: 4H??2J3r Motor. it'nk ' ac'-J TJOHESf&mVltllS;- ood HolPdr essing Parlor Under Hotel Toll. Easy Shaves and Artistic Haircuts. , Competent Assistants. Clean Towels. Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty. TA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. E. PHYSIOC Is Hera to Stay I I have prepared myself for it I havtj lust received: a full line of Foreign and Domestic Samples of Woolens tanging from $15.00 p to $45-oo, a suit. X am not trying to compete with readv-msda goods I promise to give you a'first-claM Merchant Tailor's Suit as good as ytm can have made in any first-class Mer chant Tailoring establishment any where, and for as little money. Von will find that I deal straight and fair, and always look to the interest and tasts) of my customers. (fadrllave just employed a OrstclaM coat-maker. J. E. PHYSIOC. SILMIKGTOHAID WEIDOH RAILROlf, ORDSNBSD BOBKDUUC. TBA.INH GOOtt bUDTB. 'DATED Jul; saa.ifioo,' 8 o m K Q o S A. M r. X P.M, A. at Losto Weldon.. At. Rocky mi .. Leare Tarboro. LV.ROOkTalt... 11 60 8 68! 62! .100 r. m 1821 00 1061 160! 166! 4 801 7 851 9 63 687 116 867 Leave Wiuon... Leave 8elma. ... 10 86 11 ID 710 Lv. Parettevllie. IS 22! 984 Ar.riorenoe... A. M. Ar GoldBboro... Lv, GoldBboro... Lv. Magnolia.... Ar, Wilmington 7a6 7 61! B SINS afl P.M A.JMr.M TBAIK G0IMQ HOBTH. 5' A.M. P.M. Lv. Florence . . . . 9601 786 lv. raretteviue Leave Selma..,, Arrive Wilson IS 90 160 911 10 64! 1188 .., P. H A.M A X.:. Lv. wnminffton. Lv. Macrnoua... 700 680 937 Lv. ttoldsboro. 4 60 P.M A. X P. X Leave Wilson... Ar. Book XI.. arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro.. 8 861 880: sal 11831 1045 tw 1807 Ilia 8 46 1981 880 4 881 Lv. Rooky Xt.. WOT 100 Ar. Weldon...... P.M .A.M.I P.M.I Train on cue Kinston Branca Rosa leave weiaon 8:65 D. m.. Halllax 4:17 n. m..arvtva owwouu aa a :uo p. m., ureenvuia 8:B7 1. m., Kinston 7:65 p. m. Betarninsr leaves &i&4 nV oreenvine 8:69 a. ta., arriving Halifax at 11:18. a.m.. Weldon liuta a.m.. exoept Sunday. - - rfiA f."1"0"' w Pass . atom t. B. XBNLT. een'l Xanarer. ; . jcm aasoH, Trame Xanarer 4 Atlantic & N. C. Kallroad TIMS TABUS Nd. 18, ' November 3, 1900. XABTBOTJXO BTATIOKB. OoldBboro... .............. Best's........... . uturaatre FaUing- Creek Kinston....... Caswell.... ... - Dover....... ................. Core Creek.... .. ............ Tuscarora Clark-s Newborn Biverdale... Croatan .... .. Haveiock. ...... Newport . .,..,.... .., Wild wood., Atlantic... Xorebead City .......l Xoreoeaa Depot WIBTBOTJND TRAIRS. t !?: 38' .fi. tt I H i P. X. A.M. A.V. 840 ,701) , 78 400 78b 9N 400 ,81Aj .809 4 9 87! 8 tO 488 914 , 880 4 4 Hi! IH 4 66 18 16! 8U 607 10 40T 0T 619 nif 9tl ISA 11 H t4 6 60 IX 9f9 816 IIS 1016 61S 990 1019 9 80 fOfr 10W m 8 84 1048 49 8 47 10 49 664 8(2 1064 7 07 4 13 110V 716 4 S3 till P. X. P. X.I A.X. STAT10H8. J US c 1 ' 5 is S ! " - ; wZ , S. - . A. X. P. X. P. X. Ooldsboro.. 1105 818 800 Beot'S 10 43! !U: '7 88 LaOrangtt .......... 1032! 1W tvt Falilntr Creek .. 10 i2. IM 7 IT ElnsToa. 101?; S1H1 707 CasweU...... 9 60 1 6 6 Dover 9 42 4l 8 47 98i)! 4( 4 8S Tuscarora,.- ' 9 ft 8 Clare's 813 8 3 SIT cwlxrn 90! 1047 06 jmerdale.... , IU 10 1'1 in CroatAB , IPC 10 01 II Havr ocx 80" 94m 614 Newy-rt 7 4 t 4 f WlMNTood. 7S' 4s AlUrne T8 8- 45 Vwt City. ...... ....... 77 ! () ortte4 LVjxX. 7 or. T 1 ' 4 -3 . a. A. I . V. M S. L. DILL, Ssperirter r.l. B. A. NEWXAND, STaster Transrtloa. to Vat- n w IS 8' V. 1 1 4 Sold in Kinstca by J. E. HOOD. Drr Stores. t:ore. . C. LEWIS, Gdtl Dl3ptcier.

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