subscription pniccs: odiWcrit. Om luoatn...., Thr aontaa... Tw iiw montcs ..10 cent .1 11.00 , ti-OO Batubday Etkmno, Dec. 29 1000. Cotton Hold today from 9 to 0. MiftflRunia Kilputrlek ploasantly enter tained the Zig Z iff club at her home Thursday afternoon. At a stockholders' ninetinfl; of the Kirm on Mantel Co , Dec 27, 1900, a 20 per cent, dividend was declared upon the sur plus for the first ten months' operation. Thos. Wllkerson was before the mayor yesterday for using profane language on the streets. lie was fined fa and costs. Lewis Washington was giveji a hearing for attempting to assault Totie and Levi Htevenson. He was bound over to court The parties are all colored, After midnight Monday night begins the twentieth century. During the past hundred years greater progress has been made than during any previous hundred Jears. The developments of the next undred years promise to be even more wonderful. Let us hope that the world will not only increase in knowledge but also in wisdom. Charlie Parker, colored, several weeks ago, stole a hog from Mr. J. T. Midyette, and was placed in jail, but escaped. He has been captured at Ayden by Constable Joseph McLawborn, of that place. The constable wired Chief of Police House t hat bewould bring Parker to Kinston this evening on the A. C. L. freight. Parker came to Kinston several days ago and stole a bicycle from Mr. C. Felix Harvey. The negro had the wheel when arrested. There are many ways of advertising a business enterprise, and several have been found to be profitable: but the ex-1 perience of most advertisers has been like that of Mr. Semple, of Bangor, Maine, who is rated as exceptionally successful. " We put the newspaper first of all among advertising media," ho said. "It reaches out the farthest, and it touches about everybody within reach. That is more than you can say of any other one method." Should Not Have the Blues. 1a die' Horn Journal. Nobody ought to have the blues, girls least of all. And yet girls do suffer from moods of depression, and are miserable because they are misunderstood, or be cause their lives are vague and indefinite, or because they are hedged in by circum stances, and cannot see their way out. When we are young we do not realize that we cannot force affairs as we choose; this is a lesson which we learn as we trow older. There is great peace in liv ng for a single day as it comes. PERSONAL MENTION. Epieoopal Sunday Sohool Enter tainment. The opera house was crowded last night at the Episcopal Sunday school entertainment, and those present were highly entertained and passed a pleasant hour. The first on the program was "Willie's and Annie's ; Prayer." The parts were played by little Llndon If argrave and Elisabeth Sugg, with Dr. II. D. Harper, Jr., as the father and . banker. It is a retty little play. The children acted heir parts well, while Dr. Harper made a capital father and banker. Those receiving prizes were: Maggie Weyher, Meta and Carlotta Mewborn, George Edgar Hafkitt, Ronald Mewborn, John A. Long, Jr., and little John Pee bles and Friti Schweikert. Mr. 8. n. Abbott, the superintendent, also received, a 'prize. Bev. J. H. Griffith also received a Drize. neatly wrapped. He opened it in view of the audience and disclosed a doll. Every member of the school received t nice box of confectioneries. fjUPREE-FORDHAM TROUBLE, Mr. w. O. Dupree Struck Down ' And Badly Hurt by Mr. Stephen Fordham. Mess. W. C. Dupree and Stephen Ford ham, who live about two miles from here, got together, near the hotrshead factory In North Kinston, yesterday even . tag about 5:80 o'clock. Tbey passed some hot words, and in the mix-up which followed. Mr. Dupree was knocked down. receiving a blow on the left Bide of the head, fracturing the skull. He was un conscious for 30 minutes. The trouble occurred about sometiogs belonging to Mr. fupree that Mr. ForaV ham had penned up, as . they were on his place. " - i Mr. Fordham was coming to Kinston yesterday evening, and Mr. Dupree was returning home. They met at the hoge- nead factory, and Mr. rordnam informed us that Mr, Dupree accosted him first and refused to allow him the right of way. . : Mr. fora nam says Mr. Dupree ap proached him with a raised stick, threat ening to whip turn; that he (Fordham) Jumped from the horse he was riding, picked up a stick, and aa Mr. Dupree reached him, he struck the blow. Mr. Fordham bronght the injured man to the office of Pre. Jno. A. and Bay Pol lock, where medical attention was had. Mr. Dupree waa removed from the doc tors' office to the home of his brother, Mr. Jas. E. Dupree, in Kinston. The wound ia a very serious one, and may yet cost the man his lite, though his condition today at noon was somewhat improved.' : - . - Mr. Fordham gave himself up to the sheriff this morning. The hearing waa held this afternoon. We go to press too early to give the results. . ? "Mr. Randolph Meade went to Weldon today. ' Rev. Jno. n. Griffith, Jr., went to Ay den today. -i Mm. M. E. Jones, of Dover, spent today In Kinston. Mr. Ed H. Stevenson left this morning for Richmond. Mess. II. E. Shaw and E. R. Woo ten spent today in Laurange. Mi wes Lena and IL'innie Williams went to Ladrange this morning. Mens. .! H. Herbert and Guy Webb re turned lot nrght from Rocky Mount Mr. Nick Hunter, of Kansas City, came last night to visit relatives in Kinston Miss Cora Fields went to Greenville this morning to visit Miss Bruce Forbes Miss Mary Hryan, of Newbern, spent last night in Kinston, and left for Tillery this morning. Mrs. Robt. liritt and Miss Nina Sugg, of (treene county, are visiting at Mr. I 3. B. Harper's. Mrs. J. M. Ufyant, of Whaley ville, Va., came last night to visit her mother, Mrs. Jennie Turnage. Mr. J. T. Patrick, of Goldsboro, who had been visiting nt Capt J. V. Taylor's, returned home today. Mr. R. W. Stevens, of Gary, who had been visiting at Mr. Jacob F. Parrott's, returned home today. Mr. E. R. Rouse, of near Kinston, left this mornine for Raleigh to visit State Treasurer W. II. Worth. Miss I'essio Parrott, of Falling Creek, who had been visiting Miss Gladys Mitchell, returned home today. Miss Alice Harper, of Greenville, "who had been visiting at Mr. W. F. Sutton's, near here, returned home today. Dr. I. M Manly, who attends the Vir ginia Medical lUOliege, at uicnmcna, is visiting 1ns sister, Mrs. W. I. nines. Miss Mary Hodjres, who had been spending the holidays at home, returned toUuinerlv this mornlnur, wnere eneis teaching school. Rev. and Mrs. G. N. Bray, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitfield, returned to their home at Henderson this morning. Rev. N. Collin Hughes, principal of the Chocowiuity High School, who had been iu Kinston several days in the interest of , his school, returned home today. Misses Daisy Johnson, Corinna Jones and Mr. Gales Johnson, who had been visiting at Rev. C. W. Blanchard's, re turned to their home at ' Raleiarh this morning. Married. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ntil Mrs. John King, Lenoir county, Dec. 27, at 1 p. m., Miss Amanda was mar ried to Mr. David M. Debruhm, by A. W. Whitley, J. P. ACTS GENTLY KlD BOWELS Cleans SYST CLEANS EFFECTUALLY; ri -- trC OVERCOMES .nAT.... I UAu w orDMAktrMTiv ITS BFi,. efCTS. ncMCIAL tf 6UY THE GENUINE -MANT0 BY (ftiftRNIApG$YPVPl3 H Mlt BY AU 0ftu66IST5. PRICE 50c. PtR BOTfti White's Black Liniment. It cures Sciatica. Rheumatism and Neuralgia, A 25c bottle for 15c. 3. K. Hood Special Notices. Smoke "Carolina Brights" cigarettes. The best cigarette "Carolina Brights.' Citron, Currants and Raisins at H. W Cummiugs'. ' Three Mules for Sale. Apply to Mrs. Lillian PjfcRRY, Kinston, N. C. If you will smoke cigarettes, smoke "Carolina Brights," the beet. , Boarders Wanted. Four men can se cure board and rooms by applying to Mrs. N. A. Barwick. near corner Bright and Independence streets. Bobbin's DU Pi til w best Coat lei iT otK chul ud ( e r idy, ud ikry mn pu toe -l at four noe back, Joc fma bisim Drnggius KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted for Country Produce are thota paid by dealers. Beeswax, per, pound....... .. to Corn, per bushel...... 60 Meal, per bushel, 60 L. C. Sides, pound, 9 Ham, Country new, per pound, 14 Salt, per sack, 85, Lard, Country, per pound,.... ........ ...... '9 Chickens, per pair,. 051350 Eggs, per doocn ijH Sweet Potatoes,.........,......,..,.., 50 Peanuts, per bushel,. 501075 Sheep 1.00 Lamb,.... .... ................ .............. 1.00 Hides, Dry, 6 tot Hides, Green,.... .................. 5 Beef, n foot, fat, 5 Fresh Pork, 7 Fodder,.,...... .............. 751090 UoUses, ....351050 1 Flour, , . t.oo to . &t Pleasant Castor Oil! We have at last made Castor Oil taste good by purifying the finest grade of Castor Oil, deodorizing, flavoring and-sweetening it. Ask For CAST0LINE! Manufactured by Hicks Chemical Co., Raleigh, N. C. For Sale bj J E. HOOD, Kinston, N. C Things A. A 4 Ua A A A J i ill vtfittjsk For the Boys. j Gloves Wool Knit, at 25c a pair. THE WM. O. GRAI- OHEN make in Astro- chan at 50c. GRAICHEN make Kid Fur Top, dressy and good, at 75c a pair. Boys' Shirts, stiff bos- oms, pretty ana styiisn z patterns, at 50c each. Boys Caps, New, Blue and Red, Polka Dots and Plain, at 25c. Hose, extra heavy Rib, that will stand the wear, at 15c pair. Also serviceable Suits, Shoes, Hats, Collars and all other requirements for boys. ItPtjati JBlftSton OETTINGER BROS, Report Of OF at the close of business Dec. 13, 1900! Dwelling For Sale ! I offer for sale the house and lot on the corner of I Oueen and 1enoir streets, occupied bv W. H. Hick- son. Lot 100x3 to. House has 8 rooms, bath room, hot and cild water. Liberal terms. Possession given Jan. i, iooi. W. C FIELDS. For New , . Year Presents. We have yet to be sold some very cho'ce things in Pictures, Medallions, Statuary, Fancy Furniture, Etc., Etc , that we will dispose of at greatly reduced prices. May be you forgot someone at Christmas then now is the ime to make up by remem bering them at x ew Year's. Art Calendars for 1901 will be given free to those who call. t FOR ENT ! Six-room dwelling now occupied by Jno. F. Hooker, corner Blount and Independence streets. I. J. MEWBORNE, At Free Press Office. THE in KINSTO. BTORE, N.C I u I RKSOTJKCBS. Loans and Discounts, ...... . $i J5i8o4-3( Overdrafts, secured - 9,884.01 Overdrafts, unsecured 3,748 71 Stocks and Bonds, 1,100.00 Banking House 3,007-. 38 Furniture and Fixtures 3.454.85 Due from banks, 3756 61 Cash Items 48.1s Cash vou hand 32,053.14 $216,567.93 1 " ' LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $ tI,ooo.oo Surplus, 7,875.00 Undivided Profits. 8,081.01 Deposits subject to check, . . . 151,099.00 uue nan ics, 21,293.50 Cashier's checks outstanding, 0.315 93 Tocaef HiM Dairy and Stock Farm, E.B.&I. M. TULL, Prop'i P. O. : KINSTON, N. C. " Thoroughbred Jersey and Guern sey Calves for sale at reasonable prices. Lots of TBiii i i $316,567.23 b worn to And suDscriDea oeiore me this the 28th day of Dec. I900. . C. F. MARVBY, N. P, Atet correct E. P. Cox, L. HAavav, Directors. J. B. Hood, 4 1 Music Pupils Wanted. I will be prepared to receive pupils in instrumental music at my residence on Washington street January, tsth. : . i . . MRS. HELEN KENNEDY. Ledgers and Day Books ! Also . , BLANK BOOKS of all kinds. On January 1st you will want a new Bet of books. We can furnish you with all writing material J. PIOOB, QnMn StTMt, . KIKSTON.II.C. III! G will be sold AT: SACRIFICE PRICES I . y : . . '' ' ' : Make' Your Selections Now for A New Year's -Present. ittpraoi m i 0 t.JL C.IX, That are Useful and Ornamental, are still m stocK. we did a pretty good busi ness this Christmas, but we anticipated the large patronage and bought enough and some to spare. ') ' ' ... XUatches,: v Jeuielity, and -SilVewxiafe are desirable at any sea son for yourself or your mends..- ' - : Come to see us. We'll treat you right. Thb Jbwelhr, - 1 . KINSTON, :. - N.C. "W"e have a few Holi day Goods left over. The sentiment of Christmas giving is past till another year; but the goods we have left are just as goodr and the Prices Qreatty Reduced! ''""--"7, . ' -"'''S- '' If there is anything you 1 ' need for yourself, for your home, or to give a friend you wll do we)l to come tO US. . . ' uiplf 9 s ON THE CORNER. - v Cor. Queen Cbwp1! Sv. Phone 11J r THE SHIELDS HAT ... They just carue in from Broadway, N. Y., and are the lat-. est shades, shapes and colors. See them in our window. VI. B. PATE. KTThe MOCUA GU)VE, $1.25. t I- i ( 7

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