1 IKli II II TAKE YOUR CHOICE. W. 8. HIBBEBT, Editor and Proprietor. MM&md Yfeltoftot M MCOBsf dNi eM0 sMl There Is a bitter flght on in Ohio be-1 tween the forces under control of Sena tor Foraker and those under Senator! Banna,' for control of the legislature which meets Monday. There la no op position to the re-election of Foraker toj succeed himself, bat a bitter contest Is In progress bearing on the re-election of Banna tiro years hence. We'll bank on Banna to get there. A French writer predicts that the next war will be (ought nnder toe sea. well, America has a naval bureau It can spare for submarine experiments without wor rying over the consequences or any acci dent that might occur. Wilmington Star. But the trouble Is the naval bureau will remain In Washington. The only experiments they are likely to try will be to rob the real victors of their laurels. At Kansas City Monday, speaking of President Roosevelt reprimanding Gen. Miles for endorsing Admiral Dewey's opinion favorable to Admiral Schley, Webster Davis said that Boosevelt Is not yet halter-broke, that If he be renomi nated, he will be defeated, and that be should have been court martlaled for signing that "round robin" while In face of the enemy. Be also declared that while be (Davis) was In Washington Boose velt was disguised among the assistant secretaries as an Ishmaellte; at functions his neighborly qualities were confined to shutting his eyes and gnashing his teeth at Secretary Long. His ohief, who was continually prodded by him, was glad when be resigned to go to the front. "Boosevelt Is not brldlewlse, bis follies are his own. Be wouldn't listen, to any one when assistant secretary and his -propensity seems to have enlarged since he has been called to the executive chair," concluded Davis. I n1 Qiilnln for ! vm. I ! f-c uf lover tt-ii iih- wre t boil. 1 in li'nt m h post. f.Oel 10 Just take your chotoa. An, attack of Fever at this time of year, with Quinine as the treat ment, means a week or ten days lost from Busi ness. 'It means ten aays of nnnappinees for you ana days or nara work those HI"' f. tip I'V ten and anxiety for who love you. This is putting It in its err liappient aspect. It might mean your death, and it often means a lrukdnwn in general ) -mlth from which some r-i-uperate rery slowly. If you are a rich man yinir timo fa worth much tn your -tae. If you titn worth much more to your family v 1 j Manufacturer of Carts, Wagons and Tobacco Flues. Bepalrmg ol all kinds done at moderate prices. At Klnston Mantel Co's. Old Stand near.Bodgesj' Shop. . WOOD YARD. I deliver pine or hard . wood sawed any length;. Leave orders at my residence on King street, near court house. ; ' ; S" ' H.y. PEEBLES. ; uerf Johnson's Tonic ours, Took It eveir three hours.- Never felt betwr la inr life. Dirt hot lose as ounce in weight. Can eel auriuius;. , M I L iMxir man vour tim worth niucn more to your iamiiy. s ins non ii ii" i.t l.-ti-r ftorl to Huireraluwt olf uu w a any, as a rexuit irom a iili-f"-1 fi .in liuiiiiHft- than the iioor man fan lte the value Of hi l!or. '.Hi i, . i i, - i ,u MHr tire stupid to lone todays when 2i to 48 houf is " i-ue r-4i.iri to nit them In good condition by johnsouM uim ami itl 8.rr for ti- family that is wedded to the plan of suhjuctins: - 1 - to tin-Q"in'i tr--tiuHiit. i ... i. tH it m. Tb r-jiilt uiM-ertaiit. The treatment iliflaii'fiii.' JoIhi.ou'n Tonic Itai two caniiual points that should iuiuie-liiitwly ooiiimmmmJ i to vrv thinking nmn in Uim country. First of nil. it is harmhuH Abitulutely harmless. Bariiilw iiinwr illwr t'timstancK.' Serum I, it is quick ; it arts at onoe. In 80 minutes after it sd.niiniwrntioH it enters the blond and begin to undo the mischief oiiUHed iy Malaria. Ithaa wonderful reoo' l of 17 yearn of success. 909,ciiseR oit of vr. 1000 are iromptly cured, an I 'lie lOOUth case can be easily oiirwl by doubting tin) il we and taking it a little often.. . Johnson's Tonio is a wonderful medicine. It la not mere furcJatidin v is superb. No remedy in the whole domain of Materia Hedioa is more pottitiv,- in its action and unfailing in it results, . It will euro. It will cure every time. It will cure every case ot rver. it will cure any type of fever. . ' It is the one great medicine that seldom disappoints. ' Don't trifle with Fever. If allowed to run, it Is like a house allowed to burn it will consume you.. Use Johnson's Tonio, Use nothing else. now. taka toiip rJioicA Lin In bed for davs. or mavbe eeKS, ana potmm your digestion with Quinine, and arise finally with all tha Lfe and vim taken out of you, or una Johnson's Tonio and be restored at on&e to perfect health. No loss of vital force. No loss of flesh. No waste of precious time. Taka y of A. a GIRARDEAU. Savannah. Ga CAROVCATSIARnO Genuine stamped C C C Never sold la bulk, Beware of the dealer who tries t sell v omethin hist as good. r A Mississippi justice of the peace has ruled that a negro's head Is a deadly weapon. This would seem a very unfair decision but -the evidence showed that the fcvad upon which the ruling was given had killed one man by violent im pact ' Other instances were cited where he had laid others up for months by the ln- Ml At - . . A. 1 J I xU bis cranial battering ram. Ia fact, his T- 7: MefflDOf ft tt bO.. vnnnnn ; waa I. ; .J.:.. . .1, T?Vi if Dr.H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, V KINSTON, N. C. tJrOfEce ever Daa Qoineny'i fBuUding, next to O. W. fndge. (tor. In the Heie- o a Co.' stora. ) Wholesale Cfoeers, adroitness with that fatal weapon was well known all over the county among 4.fiA Anil loe.Mil htm f.fiev ,'Sa-jeWI .mtm rfeath: : TTta anhHntiAt Vff I flDfllftSale IllllT. 1 , 1 ZINSTON. N. Q. in..ii, ti v . x.i- i nafftwo rfl fowrtr rtnr mstAmen tlon In that line. After considering the case, the magis trate announced that the circumstances showed that the defendant was being at tacked with a deadly weapon; that he had good reason to tear for his life, in view of all the circumstances, and bs therefore discharged him from custody without bond. A Brvtat Threat. Mrs. JIgsby (the discussion having W. D. POLLOCK, ATTORJTBT-AT-LAW, KraBTOH,S.C !9K)ffice In rear of Court House. DUY THE GENUINE SVRUP OFFJGS ... T&AB UJKAOTTTaSD' BT... "' ' CALIFORrMl FIO SYRUP CO. rrwoTSTninriiia ' We'll Sell It foi IicssT Furniture! Furniture! Cash or credit; . 1- Town or country. BAHSON&CO. aasnvasaaw , I8LER & SHAW, ATT0RNEY8-AT-LAW, , become somewhat personaD-Yoa may I l?)Sltad?o! uua uu uuuuisuajr. ucuijii: i&Bvgt uub I Ooens. jioaas ngonein aaa peeww njiwi you'll never get me to admit that a wife Is bound to do as her husband I fax f IV f "T" TOBACCO SPIT tells her. ' I "J 1 li ' I f and 3 M O KB fi TrahvRv trrnvv mndam tf I I eaMMnwe mm YoUr LifoawSvi ouaive you I'U have it engraved onlXt&i your tombstone tnat you Were a gOOO I new life and vifor by taking: mo-ro-BAa, -1 11 i. m - Ithat-makea week men etrone'. Midt nln auu uueuicui, WiWvu.B.gli 1 tea Bounds la tea dara. Ore? 00,000 11 1 . : 1 pino. AJioraniiH. ware Good Coash Slrnsu The following Is j said to make a strons;. Mny gvi ranteed. Book GO, Ckato or New York. 4JI All dniOTIeta. Cure mum bt and advice FRES. Address STBOUNO splendid cough sirup: Take one ounce tsivvrwr a. xxmrvrrt of boneset. one of flaxseed, one of slip- VlWi wyuAiiW, Attorkbts-at-La, pery elm and a stick of licorice. Boil In soft water until the strength Is ex tracted. Strain carefully and add one pint of best sirup and one poufld of loaf Bugar. Simmer together. .Bottle up tight when cold and take a table ; spoonful three or four times a day. KUr8T0irH. C Seerae Caart. aad Feaat el rmeia Hit CawUaa. rw ad Oa Where Sled leal ; Kaewleda; Stopaxnl. . "No use talklngt said the Invalid teebly. "I'm going to die, 1 knew." ' "Oh, comer expostulated his friend. "The doctor -doesn't say that' and be surely knows more than you do." - Wn fie ifflMnN IntAB, t rijv f allowed my Insurance to lapse," Cath blle Standard and Times. H ye iri n i t ttttti X RELIEVES IMUEDI- -; ATELY ; WITHOUT ; ' BAD EFFECTS, F1KE Photoapliofk. AeytMaf la lae Bkdtegrapk Baa. Do weO. 11 Enleieeiet wortt of aB kaxk doae a y Medio, ead I (verentM e do k battel aad at 1 taaa aaiuag ageaa oaac : f . KIMSTOM.M.C money To lioan. Loans negotiated on first mort gage. Apply to ? - . . , W.1 D. POLLOCK, ' ? AHvjt.J Jtrtr TTTWSTOW II. C II M cn. n::3. 11. FAiLK::in, 5 . PLEASE CALL AT Dunn's Drug Store Fur Pure Ground Spices, Extracts and Essences for Flavoring Cakes, Pies, etc. Sage iand Pepper, for Sausages, etc. Another lot of Nice Perfumery and Toilet Articles just received. HENRY DUNN, ; 1 v -Na3istead PbavtaaelsV ' " '. KINSTON, N. C OYSTER n 11 is here and I am receiving daily fine NORFOLK OYSTERS and ' serve them in any style.. . ! t - , ' -Yours to please, . J. T. SKINNER. Bargains in Organs. We have a .'number of second hand Organs, in good condition, that we oner at great bargains. See the instruments and get the prices and you will be convinced. ill II Bill; v : v." :' .'. .. V- W. C FIELDS, Sr., President; , W. C. FIELDS, Tr:, Vice President. B. J. BECTON, Secretary and Treasurer." Life. Fire and Accident Insurance, and General Brokerage and Commission Business. We represent as good Companies as - are In ex istence, and solicit your patronage. . Office on Gordon Street, In building occupied by Kills' Carriage Works. . THE mmmt ' Mm ' " , I ft r t , Prices ,$5 .to $150. v - a 1 ".mi 1 t ..lw A WARDED THE CRAtlD i PRIZE K AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. ' I- : , .. 1. . 1 .... . ' . Entertains X ViW'3w. 54" . II " iar Everybody Everywhere, Typm A B, UmJng v BOTH Lmry mmd SataJI PRICK LATEST UET PROCESS RECORDS. Grand Records, $1 each, f Small Records, 50c. each. -15 per dozen, - " . , ' Sead for CataJogne. , ... Send 5 with your order and goods will be shipped COJ). for the ba&nce.' , , . . O OL UMBIA PHONO Gil API! . COMPANY !I0 fe. Baltimore Street. JUlTIMORr AID.; eeeeeetettet : New lot of Rugs just in. Come to see us for Furniture of all kinds, We have it at all times.; Prices and terms to suit everybody. SLAUGHTER BROS., Next to Geo. Eornegay's Store, KINS TON, IT. C. T 'eosTi : For a few days longer will offer my stock 01 Dry. Goods, Notions,- Shoes, Cloth ing, etc. at and below cost, for the purpose ot engaging another line of business. '; You will find me two doors south of Q. E. Korne gay's corner. Below we quote just a few things we are offering; that we can save you money on. . . f I yd White Domestic, good quality, 4c. ' -, , ik - Good quality Plaids, 4c. ' . ' Calico, 3jc. 1 Outings, good quality, 4c. Pant goods from 10c up. ' Good quality Bed Ticking 12c Mens heavy fleeced under wear, 27cper garment. Men's heavy shirts, 20c. Men's Dress Shirts, 38c, worth 60c: Men's Dress Shirts- 75c, worth $1. - Men's Unlaundred Shirts 38c, '. worth 50c. Best quality Canton Flannel, ' 7 c- Ladies' Shoes, 75c up. Men's Brogans, 75c and $1. Men's Clothing at your own price. - V, 5 .--.f :' Good assortment pants from ; 75c to f 4.12.' V Men's Black Half Hose 5c. f Ilea's Handkerchiefs, 2c 1 Ladies Ccrsete, i8c and 40c. II Ladies' Hose, 7c, s good quality. ' Good Umbrellas, 47c. We also have anything in groceries you 1 need at re-' duced prices. We can save you money on case goods by thecase such as ' Parrot and Monkey Baking Powder Good Luck Baking Powder. Mendleson's Lye. - , Soap (all kinds.) ' Starch. . A. & H. Brand Soda, &c. All the favorite brands of tobacco (about 100 boxes in store) ' prices ; ranginj irom 22C Up. .. ' - Ball thread 2c, worth 15c per box. ; Knittinr Cotton, xilic. In fact numbers of other 55 things too numerous to men- Te can't mention half, tut come and see for yourself what we have. j .XX 0 "1 1 - .nllTT to Cures Nervous Headache ' Neuralgia, h Feverishuess, J Etc;., . - Pleasant to take. - ! For sals by all druggists. . ; I DHJ1TIST . Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m, Booms over the Bonk of Klnston. .!.... i