The - Eyenino Free PVBLISHED EiCERY 7X FTER NOON EXC E PT SUNDRY. Vol. IV No. 2552 KINSTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 22, 1902. Price Two Cents STATE NEWS Interesting North Carolina Ztema In Condensed Form. . ' While Bernard has dropped out of the race for district attorney, ex-Gov. Russell is still fighting Skinner lor the position. The plant of the 8now Basket Co., at : High Point, was destroyed by fire Tues- day. Jbosa f iu,uw, insurance sa,ouu, The gin at the Caledonia State convict farm on the ttoanoke river was burned Saturday night. Not much cotton was destroyed, It la said Railway officials say the statements by ' the coal companies that there Is a "fam ine" of cars, are fakes pare and simple, gotten .up by tne companies lor their own purposes. A special from Salisbury says: The three negroes who broke down the door in the bouse ol Mrs. Jbivengood ana assaulted ner nave been captured and placed in jail, They tell contradictory stories. A Washington dispatch says: Word has just been received here of the death Saturday in North Carolina of Daniel R. Goodloe, in the 89th year of his age. He was marshal of the district of North Car olina during reconstruction days. Mount Olive Advertiser: The Wayne . county board of education at tbetr meet ing last Monday appropriated two dol lars for every child of school age in the nnnt.y tiw Mount Ullve treaded acnooi will receive from this source f 1,300, Fayetteville Observer, Jan. 20: At 10 o'clock this morninnr fire broke out on the roof of the office building of the Fay etteville cotton seed ou mill, out was confined to that building by the lire bri gade of the mill. The roof was entirely consumed and considerable dam aye done to the body of the building. The fire originated from a spark on the roof. Gov. A j cock says emphatically that he Is not a candidate for the senate to suc ceed Pritchard; that the fact that the po sition is going to some one in tne west, nd that is as it should be. He told a ; e porter, however, that he would like to be a senator, "but it Is not at this time; that desire will have' to await a more fit ting season." .," The State superintendent of public in struction, alter a conference with, tne governor and attorney general, decides that county boards of education shall re serve from the public school fund such earns as they may deem necessary to pay the. county superintendent and school board and other necessary expenses. In cluding school houses, before they make apportionment oi the rands. r, Wilmington Star: Ex-Gov. D. L. Bus- eell on Monday declined the appointment to the office of collector of tne port of Wilmlnstoo. which was tendered him on last Thursday and which be had nnder careful consideration since that time. He telegraphed yesterday to his law partner, John H. Gore, Jr., that he would not ac cept the place, and that Mr. B. F. Keith, .of Wilmington, would later be ap- ' pointed. . Winston Journal: The Journal re ceived a- message from the Wlnston Sakm ladies In Washington yesterday After He Comes he has a hard enough time. Every, thing that the expectant mother can do to help her child she should do. One of the greatest blessings she can give him la health; but to do this, she must have health her 4 self. She should use every means to improve her physical condition. She should, by ail means, supply herself with , Mother's Friend. 1 It will take, her through the crisis . easily and quickly. It is a liniment which gives strength and vigor to the muscles. . Com mon sense will show you that the stronrr the muscles are, which bear the strain, the less pain there will be. 2 A woman living in Fort Wayne, 2 Ind., says: "Mother's Friend did 2 wonders for tne. Praise God for 2 your liniment. . . JJ Read this from Hunel, CaL 4 " Mother's Friend is a blessing to all women who undergo nature's ordeal of childbirth." m Get Mother's Meed at the drvj store. $1 per bottle. 'I r.:z cncnuD rrciuicnco t A'Jc.-.ta, Ca. ' W. '''''' i yyJLW announcing that Wo Ting Fang,' the Chinese minister, bad granted them an nonra interview ana conditionally prom ised to attend the Academy centennial. They have received assurance from Sec retary Long, of the navy, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, , Attorney General Knox and Capt. Richmond Pearson Hob eon, the hero of the Merrimae, that they will be present during the celebration. Newborn Journal: v Capt. Joe Gaakill. who has just returned from a business trip in Hyde county, reports that the farmers in that county are atill losing their horses, by death. In the same mys terious way. Some of the farmers give the reason for the horses dying, as- the result ol mosquito bites received last fall, while otters say it la due to the Jeed. Whatever the cause the farmers are still losing their animals and their condition is very serious, as they mast have horses to make crops this year, and most of them have no money to pay lor horses. Capt. Gaakill states that the pea Crop was the only crop raised and this vine is being extensively used for forage for stock. Watteraon Thinks Young Xewipaper Mea Are Inaccurate. Washington Post. "The most needed thing In American journalism," said Uol. Henry Watteraon the veteran editor of the Louie vllle Courier-Journal, at the New Willard last evenlnsr, "la accuracy. It seems to me the boys show a lamentable disposition nowadays to let the most Important points ol a newspaper story slip through tneir finger. The seem to lack knowledge of general subjects which is absolutely essential in printing the Dews in a manner that treats subscribers fairly. The patrons of the newspaper the people who buy it deserve better treatment. There is an implied contract between them and the publishers that tney snail receive lor their money all the news, the accurate news, and no inac curate news. "The most important subject to be mastered by tne reporter la that em bracing biographies. The history of the men of the world who have been promi nent should be at the writer's finger ends. - It I ever - establish a school of journalism I shall make a course In biog- rapny tne most important feature. Another good book .. for reporters to study ia Webster's Unabridged Diction ary, xou would be surprised how much yon can learn by readinsr It. : I would advise all reporters to read a page of tne dictionary every aay. in a very ahort time hla vocabulary would be greatly increased." Says Lincoln Didn't Offer to Par 'or Slave. Wilmington Masscoger. There la no little ignorance and mis representation as to the supposed offer of Abe Lincoln to pay for the slavee at a price oi fouu a head. Thie ia lie and has had life enough. The Richmond Die- Datch considers the matter and iatr: "in jjecemDer, aaoa, m nis message to congress, ne recommended that con greea should propose an amendment to tue coubuiuliou proviamg ior a gr&auai abolition of slavery, and that the United States flrovernment should assume the cost and issue bonds to pay the debt. fJonjrress never adopted tne suggestion "At toe uampton Koads conference tne president said he would be willing to be taxed to remunerate the southern people for their slaves. He represented that men in high station in the north were of like opinion with blm on this Question. But on tnis subject we quote irom Alexander Stpphetfe ' History of the United States. Appendix, paste 1009 'he could give no assurance; enter Into no stipulation. , V - , Canal Commission Beport. The presldentMondaysent to conirress. with a message simply ot transmittal. the supplemental report of the Isthmian canal commission, in which it ia unani mously recommended that the oner ol tne new ranama Canal company to eell all of ita right, property and unfinished wore to the united states lor f 40.0W, 000 be accepted. ; '-'V The offer received from the new Pan ama Canal company to convey all its property, including all its Interests in the Panama canal, to the United States will make the estimated cost of the two canals as follows: Nicaragua, , $189,- V9,vwT ranama, f is-i,Z33,35. The report concludes as follows: "After considering the changed condi tions that nowexist and all the tacts and circumstances upon which lta present judgment must be based, the commission w oi iue opinion mat tne moat practica ble and feasible route for an Isthmian canal, to be nnder the control, manage ment and ownership of the United States. Is that known as the Panama route. The report la signed by the entire com mission. . - Kf Wonder Rnaaln I X-nrnmtt Russia, with her population of 120', 000,000, has only 748 newspapers, but little more than half the number pub lished In the state of Pennpylvania, which is 1.430. Of the 743 there are CSS printed in Russian. 69 in Polish. 44 in German. 9 in French. 5 in Ar menian and 2 in Hebrew. No English newspaper appears in the lift ABSORBED IN WHIST. A Oante That Coat General Donhl Amr Fortnnn. . v. Not many years ago a famous whist game was played at Sudbury, Vt, two of the sitters in being Ueneral Double- day and Henry Dater of the, well known firm of Dater, Thompson & Oo. It was something like 0 or 10 cents a corner; to yon see it was easy for a man to lose as much as 1.90 in an afternoon. . flay began after .the Sudbury dinner hour. half past 1, and lasted until teattme. The old roosters became so wrapped up in the game that nothing short oi an earthquake could have disturbed them. Brokers in New York could do nothing to ahake the interest : The game was played at the time of the historic Hannibal and St Joe cor ner, engineered by Kennedy, Hutchin son & Ca, In the interest of their client John Duff of Boston. Doubled&y was selling the stock short through Van Schaick & Co., and at a quarter to 2 on the eventful day he received a telegram from hla brokers advising him of the situation. The game was stopped just long enough for him to read it and lay itasida In 20 minutes a second dis patch arrived, was read and cast aside. Donbleday was winning . at the rate of 85 cents an hour. What did he care about Hannibal and St Joef Later In the afternoon a third summons came from Van Schaick & Co., and at o'clock a fourth. Then Donbleday arose and remarked: "Gentlemen, I have en joyed the game My winnings are ex actly $1.65. I must say good afternoon. as it is necessary for me to take the first train for New York.' The next morn ing his brokers informed him that he could settle for $100,000. At the time the first telegram was sent he; could have settled for $25,000, at the time of the second for $50,000, the third 'for $75,000. He had ample warning,' but in the thick of the Sudbury game of whist he believed the rise was only a threatening flurry. -New York Press. SCOTCH SIMPLICITY. 'V Th Musk, the - BwUlna; Areli I tt ; -a4 Conaelene Stricken Lna;" : The Scotch are fond of telling atoriea which illustrate the peculiar simplicity of mind of their country people, v This simplicity at least eaves them from wicked guila . One of these, stories relates that an honest mason once had a contract to build a small house of stone. He came early and began from the inside to lay the atone, working very fast At noon his young son brought him his dinner. neeoinir over the wall as he handed the basket to hla father. With honest pride in his eye, the mason looked over to the ooy. - ' . WeeL : Jock, boo d'ye think I'm gettin on?", he asked "Ye're getting on famous, feyther,' answered Jock, looking at the solid wall, in which there was no break. "But hoo d'ye get oott" : ; 5 The mason looked around. It was true. . He had provided the house with no door at all, and he was on the insida He looked kindly and very admiringly at the boyaii ;V'?j-ti.,.:;Kw fi- Mon Jock, ye've a grand heid on ye!" he exclaimed. 'Ye'll be an archi tect yet as sure aa yer feyther' a a ma son!" ' , . Another story shows how unsuccess ful aa a thief the rustic Scot may be. Two young plowmen went into a gar den at night to steal gooseberries. The bushes surrounded a plot of potatoes, and aa one of the lads groped about he got a handful of potato plums, which he quickly put into his mouth. Then he gasped to his comrade: , r ? - "Oh. Jock. Tin poisoned 1 1 For ony hkb, tmuve me mruugu uie uougo again. : - - -v . : a, i a! l a for X waudna like to dee i' the auld man's gairden (''-Youth's Companion. . Tobacco In Enalnnd, 1S43. . ' When I was a lad, fully half the pop ulation of both sexes, rich as well as poor, the banker equally with the work ingman. were anuff takers, r. My first schoolmaster alwaya carried his eriufl loose in his waistcoat pocket and in numerable were his dips into it with two fingers and a thumb In the course of the day, while the big gauffered frill which protruded from the bosom of hit shirt was alwaya thickly sprinkled with it We used to notice that he nevei seemed to relish one of his huge pinchei so much as immediately after having administered a sound castigation to some recalcitrant pupil On the other hand, there was little oi nc$open air smoking, except in the case of laboring men going to. or from their work. In this respect lucif er matchet have something to answer for; but foi them the practice of outdoor smoking would never have grown to its present enormous proportions. vhambers Journal ? Tna Gcrntna Polle. 'A atranger in Germany soon makes the acquaintance of the police, little aa be may desire It Ton have benn in Germany a week, more or less, when the policeman calls. At first yon can cot believe that be is really after you, and then, your mind runs back guiltily over your past He takes out his little book one of a small library of little books which he carries in hla blouse and Inquires your age, your nationality and how long you intend to stay. ., You learn subsequently that a record of every person In the empire ia care fully kept with full details as to bis occupation, material wealth and social standing. If you move Into a new house, you must notify the police: if you move out you must notify the po lice; If you hire a servant girl, you must purchase a yellow blank and re port the fact the girl also making a report When she leaves, you must end in a green blank stating why she Is dismissed, where she la going and aoon. If you fall in any of these multitu dinous requirements of the govern mentand I have mentioned only a few of them there is a fine to pay, each fine graduated to the enormity of the offense. There are offenses graded as low as 2 cents. Independent . When Tim Bingi Henvllr. Time Is never wasted until It "hangs heavily on our bands." when you are neither working nor enjoying yourself. There may be times when it suits one'a mood-to "loaf and lnvfte one's' 80ul,,' but they are rare nowadaya. If you don't believe It constfr how the average citizen spends his vacation. Most people work harder and econo mize their vacation time more grudg ingly in getting the most out of it than they do In any other part of the year. They bate to lose a minute of enjoy ment Of course there are times every day when time seems absolutely wasted, and these are , the times when men's tempera are : on edge , and things go crosswiaev 0 Chief among) thia . list of wasted and "monotonous Intervale B the time spent in watting for a car. In traveling on It after you get It In wait ing for meals, in fuming over dilatory appointments or by reaching there too aoon. Other Instances are where the bore buttonholes you and Insists with excessive eloquence In stringing a three line Item Into a two column tale. Pittsburg Dispatch. Hnoje Spider Wove Them. Every one who owns a little strip of garden knows what It la to clear away spider webs, a matter of small did culty and lightly performed, but a pop ular;: naturalist who lately returned from the great woods of Central Amer ica came across spiders webs of such strength, and huge, dimensions that they ; were positive obstacles In bis path. . Needless to say. the tenants of these webs were of a monstrous size. "I measured one of these fabrics," he says, "it bad a diameter of more than , six ; feet without including the long ) brace threads- that run out like forestays to the extremity of the sur rounding branches. I then took a nuni ber of Wild lemons and flung them against the center with all my might The web stopped every one. It la no wonder that when a bird becomes en tangled in the meshes the huge spider is able to make a breakfast oS him.1 .':'''':';:mw i - -stf- AA tTn expected CaJL ' i 4,Yon are just going out, I see" ; "Yes, an important engagement What waa it yon wanted? ' "It waa about that little debt X owe "Ah, yea I Take a seat "I was going to ask yon for a little delay".,- "Oh excuse me. . but I n already late. 7 - - - ;! "I say, I was going to ask yon for a little delay when I met a fellow who paid up what he owed me, and" "Why on earth don t yonsitdownl Will yon take a glass of winet" Paris Figaro. . V Faith In Anything;. "Aunt Josephine is a thorough skep tic." : : V:-:- ' "She ist" '.'-..V;,.v;. "Yea ; she puts mucilage on the back of every postage stamp she Chicaaro Record. From The Report of the dealers In thia city, we think no proprietary medicine has a larger sale than Painkiller. Its valuable properties aa a speedy cure for pain can not fail to be generally appreciated, in case of acd- Ann: an A 1 .-r a rtr V rt 4 voarilnav diarrhoea, cholera morbus. Montreal Star. Avoid substitutes, there Is but onePainkir, Terry Davis'. Price 25c and 60c GENERAL NEWS. Matters of Interest Oondenaed Into Brief Paragraphs. Admiral and Mrs. 8chley left Savannah Monday for Washington after a viait of ten days. The appeal of Admiral Schley to the president has been prepared by hla law yers and sent to the president. TheCaffrey Sugar Refining company, of New Orleans, and the Franklin and Abbeville railroad are placed in the hands of a receiver. Gen. Bell, commander of Batangas province, Island of Luton, haa deter mined to out aside leniency and beirin the enforcement of war measures In vigorous fashion. . Senator Vest haa Introduced in the ' senate as a substitute for the abip sub sidy bill, hla bill of the last congresa, re pealing the law prohibiting the purchase of foreign built ships. A wall of the Smithfleld flax mills, at Belfast Ireland, Monday collapsed, burying the operatives, who included many women. Ten bodies, so far, have been extricated from the ruina. Near Chase City, Va , Monday, Howard Hayes, a prominent young man, was killed bv the accidental diHCharge of a gun in the hands of hi friend, J. B. Fal son, while returning from hunting. The city council of Chattanooga has voted to accept the proposition of An drew Carnegie to give $50,000 to estab lish a library there, provided the city would expend $5,000 annually in ita maintenance. It haa been decided in Berlin that Prince Henry will viait Chicago, Milwaukee, Niagara Falls and Boston. The prince will sro to Washington on the 26th, the- launching, official reception and banquet having previously taken place. A dispatch from Cradock, Cape Colony, says: weasel a command oi xtoera on Saturday last cut up a patrol of fifty men belonging to the local town guard on the Tarkaatad road. A few stragglers have returned. The remainder ot the party are missing. A dispatch from New Orleans says: P. G. Tbebaud, of New York, fully iden tified T. E. Manners, the prisoner in the jail at Gretna as Edouard Hern, Jr., his late valet, who robbed the Tbebaud mansion in New York of $50,000 worth of diamonds and jewelry. Early Monday morning Frank Duncan, a notorious safe-blower nnder sentence for murder, and three other prisoners, made their escape from the Jefferson county, Ala, jail by sawing through numerous bars and cutting the lock off the outer gate of the prison yard. ' Herbert H. Matton, ahier First National Bank of Great Falls, Mont, baa been arrested and lodged in jail, charged with embezzlement of thebank'a funds. Bis shortage, it Is said, will foot up $175,000. Speculation, it is said, was the cause ot the defalcation. The bank la strong financially and ia in no danger of embarrassment. , The ways and means committee of congress has decided to report a bill re ducing the revenue taxes. It is proposed to reduce the tax on beer from $1.60 to $1.00, as was the tax before the last war, and also reduce the tax on tea. The total reduction in revenues on, beer would be $31,000,000. The reduction on tea would asgiegate about $8,000, 000. . (;v:;.r;:- .v;wU- ' "" A dispatch from Hambleton, W. Ya., says: About 4 o'clot k Tuesday morning the camp oj the Otter Creek Boom and Lumber company, several milea from here, caught fire and was destroyed. An explosion la believed to have started tbeHames, which spread with fearful rapidity. There Were forty men Bleeping ' in the camp and of these seven periobed. The surrounding forest caught fire from the conflagration. A dispatch from Walsenburg, Col., 20tb, says: A courier haa just reached here from Pletou, a coal mining camp located three miles from- Walsenburg, bringing news that a terrible explosion had oc-' curred in one ot the mine operated by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company at that place thia morning, In which alx ' men were Instantly killed and ten or more wounded, many of thdm perhaps fatally. The mine Immediately caught fire and now is a seething furnace. Prince Henry, of Germany, will arrive : In this country Feb. 24th, and will start tor his home on March the 8th. It is part of the plan to have the entertain ment afforded the . prince : national in character: and the participants shall " not be limited to any one strain of blood or race, une ineansl attaining tnis result will be to make hla reception aa formal - aa possible so that it will be drawn upon official lines and there win be a consider able appearance of the military element where feasible. . DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SHIOKU Your Li'eawavf Ton ca be cored of may form of tobacco inr eanlj, b mada well, atroog, xn'rooic, full of new life aad vigor by taking kJ-IO'EAO, ttaat akr weak nan strong. Vitit r-1 a a pounds in ten dars. Over MOO,GvJ red. All drnrca. Car naraatevl. Eor H and adnc .& Ada res SlfcUJ'-ii CO. Crease ot arm Tack. J ,