Tie lINIMl FREE PUBLISHED EMERV.HFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. VoL IV-No. 265, KINSTON, N. ja; MONDAT,;;PEBtoARY 3, 1902.; Price Two Cents- GENERAL NEWS, Matters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Prs8Tpns. The large crate and berry basket fae ; tor o( the Southaide Mfg. Co., at Peters- - fcurg, va., was destroyed dt nre oarar day, together with all the stock, includ lag 1,500,000 fruit baskets. Lose , $. 000 to $7,000, partially insured.' :) ; ; ' Judge Cantrill, at Frankfort, Ky.,over ruled the motion for a 'new trial in the Jim Howard case and sentenced . him to J UUniOUUUniUl 1U ajarr. ; .AM vtwt weaer entered transferring Howard to George town for sale keeping pending an ap- P--:"'.:v.--.ip?'.-i i"ii?.r- 'J-.:- .. News comes from Waehmgton . that Representative Otey, of Virginia, on Sat urday Introduced in the house a resolu- tion providing that the itinerary of 1 nniMriflAilvnAlhe Viee II In AMaB WTM Prlnce Henry of Prussia sbaU extend Vhrough Virginia, North and South Caro- Una, (ieorgia and Tennessee. (cv' til Details of the loss of about 200 Jap ' neee soldiers, who were frozen to . death, , were received at Yokohoma Saturday. ' It seems that. a. command of J21Q. men, Eracticing winter marching; were caught i a billiard xa "the northern end of the' - wuv uvuuca SWW wmvu f I "Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa, on Saturday 'took the prescribed Oath of ofBoe as see- - letary of the treasury, succeeding Ly man T. uage. ine oatn was aomin fstered by Justice Shiran, of the United States supreme court. The retiring sec retary was among the first to congratu late him. ;, ,'.'- - -. The senate-committee on forest preser- ration has reported Javorably on the bill asking for an . approriatlon , of ; f 5, OU0.00U to purchase y,uu,uou of VaSV.VW IrW VU1V1USW aWtWaWW wwaw land in the. Appalachian regions of I North and South Carolina; Virginia and Tennessee toe establish an Appalachian! park and care for it. At the does of a day of Intense excite ment and conflicting stories concerning the chances for jllfe of , the wound ed Biddle- brothers, murderers, who brokerjail at Pittsburg;, Paw Thursday and were captured after a' bloody battle Tiaay, tne unexpected nas nappenea as ' both men died of their wounda Saturday fflgnt. "r. 'Jtisgi that the 'government . has ' declined the Dutch proposition of peace In South Af- ' ilea, because It was not made on auth ority.. The war will be ended by fighting and not negotiation. The Boer repre sentatives in Europe are believed to be disheartened, although unwilling to adV mis tne iac. Under the new constitution Saturday was the last in which voters in Alabama could enfranchise themselves by paying poll tax. All who do not hold receipts can't vote in any election in 'that state during the next s year." From reports received - from various parts ' of ; the state it is estimated that at least 20 per cent of the people nave disirancnued themselves by failing to pay their' tax. -A apeclal from. Abbeville: B. Ci says: Sheriff Lvon, of this county, brought in Friday from Calhoun Falls four men suspected of the robbery of the Due West postofnce. They give their names as follows: ; J. W. Casey, of Boston: Gua Breed, of Baltimore; Joe Alford and N. r7. , Brooks, of Wilmington, ... N. C. The men are in Jail awaiting identifica tion by postoffiue agent George Smith. ' Jim Redmond, a member of the police force, was shot through the heart and Instantly killed Saturday night at Jack son, Miss., by a negro from Canton, said to be Jim Frye, whom he was taking to jail. Redmond called for assistance and those who came to his aid bad a hard struggle before disarming the negro. He was hustled off to jail with a mob at his heels and but for Sheriff Harding there would have been a lynching in the state's capital. '-;. -. --; ; -. A fatal shootisg affray occurred at the little mining town, Keystone, W. Va., Saturday night, in which Daniel Harmon and Dr. B. J. Daniels were the partici pants. The two men were engaged in a game of cards when a dispute arose and the shooting quickly followed. After the smoke had cleared away it was found that Harmon had been shot and in stantly killed. Both were popular. Harmon, who leaves a widow and two children, recently sold some coal lands by which deal he is said to have cleared 1150,000. ' - A special from San Antonio, TVxy says: Eighty-five miners killed and fifty more buried under debris is the fearful record made by a dut explosion at the Hondo mines in Mexico. At th time the explosion occurred there were 1 CO miner at work Ki the mine, all of whom were entombed by the thn!t beln eboked up by faiiinar earth and stooe ioowned by the exploxion. Just how many are '- i la not at tl.ie tirne known, bnt at l-vt a-'ooontu re-vlved by wim t'.itar-i.-y r.-.t 85 d--if bod'e bud tn re cav. rt I. It 9 t.onsLt tht t1 d'h l!t v . 1 1 ov-r cr. tan1r l. '1 he ller.do E. n 1.k ' J at lW.!v at a ' tf-rwi-ral f a 1 !i c f V e l', an lot.-rv t'o ! t- ',i t fT" L-r. !- l son "j ' '. t i : e::1 are tl 4 n t .r;,. 1 1. 1 of t' e r ari t .- .,..) Indapettdeata to Tight Trusts. Pittsburg Pai, Feb. 8 Independent steel manufacturers of the central west ern manufacturing district are In con ference here today to discuss the forma tion of an organisation for the purpose of regulating prices by arbitrary agree ment, and to proTide a source of raw material outside of the United States Steel Corporation. Baw material has been scarce recently, and the United States Steel Corporation, which is the lanrest maker of sheets, informed the in dependents, through the Carnegie steel and other allied interests, that it would be unable to further furnish the outside concerns wfth sheet bars, as its own Interests consume, all the product not taken on Jong .time contracts, which but few of the Independents concerns nave. -The outside concerns have small mills. which roll sheets from bars bought in the open market, The plan, M to lonn a company and erect a great steel mill in tbePltteburg district. For the present the independents may 'decide to import steel bars from Germany to relieve lmme- dlatejoeeda. Many, nrma are pledged to deliver contracts, which they are not In a position to fill, because of the steel shortage. - Hooa aad Mirror. . Some night when the moon Is at its lauil .J .. -1- h... lui aufi lue Ai& n un uvui v outdoor with a hand mirror and hold it so that the moon's image will fall on It?' 'Make the experiment,' preferably, when the moon ife-well up in the heav ens. ' , ' ..?;?, . T Instead of seeing one image, as you will expect, you will see four. One of these images will be very bright, but the other three will be dull like nnburnished silver, ,'. :JZ' . They will be in a straight line, one of the dull images on one side of the: bright image and two on the other side of it Turn the mirror slowly around. n(j the images will appear to revolve mrAnA M a mmmon center. " The explanation of . this Queer little phenomenon may be found in the fact that there are two surfaces in a mirror, one In front and the other in the back, where the Quicksilver la.' , j ' The brightest of the images Is from the moon itself. The others are what are known as secondary' Image flected'J'rroW'W;ftte-'toe,1clt-,r htt mlrrnr and thonw to the eve. ' M7 A similar experiment may be made with the planets Venus,. Jupiter and Mare or with any of the first magni tude . stara, ' auch aa ' Slirius, Capelia, Arcturna, Vega and Antarea.? f) The planets and the stara; .however, make only three Images, the number of Images depending on the breadth of the object -A perfectly clear night la es tentlaL New York Herald. ' The Dear Old fraud. -Those old, pleasant, innocent frauds f the circus are. not practiced now ; tne imposing, nve oarrea gates mat, as the horse approached them, were eloped into Insignificant wattles and the rings through which the elgnorina pur jported to leap, but which in reality were insinuated over her by compliant attendants. And then there waa that (venerable Jockey performance, the cul mination of which waa a leap from the king to a standing position, albeit at angle of 30 degrees, on the horse's ck. In the old circuses it was the atom of the horseman to miss th wnlng Jump two or three times in er that a fiercer flame of interest (might be kindled in the audience. Af t ler two failures the band would stop ((always the presage of a .moment of train supreme), the horse's head .would be loosed, be would be urged to a greater, pace, and the feat would Igloriously succeed. Then what a'crash of brass and outburst of delight In the building, involving even the staff and ringmaster in the expression of ec? ptasy. Those old, simple days! Corn hllL ' ' ' . .. I ' K Tke Moral la Plata. f "Once upon a time, "says the Gouts dale (Pa.) Journal, "a man got mad at the editor and stopped the paper. In a few weeks be sold his corn st 4 cents lees than the 'market "price. Then his property was sold for taxes because be didn't read the sheriff's sale. Hs paid f 10 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks and the pub lic) warned against them. He then rash' ed to tbs printing ofSce and paid several years' tobsgription in advance and had the editor sign an agreement that he waa to knock kim down if be ordered his paper to te flopped again.", "Wasted a Chaae, ' A Scottish jr. rh r who found hii corgrepstion foir.z ta sleep ens Eooday before he fairly bcyao snJJIy stcjped and eieiaiiued: "i rn-.r- a, n nae fair. Gieamon half a chs?ra VTait till I tt a'acg. and tten if 1 1 as v c f:b lUtccirg to' racg to slef, tot dicna : first ttfjre I get commencei Giea cca a ciacca 1 STATE NEWS. tntarcetlnff Nortb .Oaxollna Items la Condensed Form. The Medway Mill company, at Bock Ingham, has decided to enlarge Its plant a . a ail ..... sin . m V oy aaaing a weave mui oi sou looma Prof. Thos. R. Foust has been elected superintendent of the Ooldsboro graded schools, to succeed his brother, Prof. , J, 4. oust. . : , , ; Physicians in charge of the aged white man, Patrick Gorman, who attempted suiciae m uaieign rnaay, say tnere is good chance for his recovery. - 9 ' A special from Washington, D. C. says. Representative Small Saturday intro duced a bill appropriating $160,000 for a public building at Elisabeth City. : v : Revenue officers made a raid In Frank Hh cdtnty Saturday night and1 despite tne unspeakably ban weatner captureo an Illicit distillery. The moonshiners es caped. . t,i J There will, be' a meeting in Raleigh Wednesday of representative of the base ball association from , various points. In theStatetotee what arrangements can be made for the formation of the State league". ' Plenty of Interest appears to be hOWn. ;; ,, . V, WtZi .Raleigh Cor. Wilmington Messenger; Judge Allen Friday signed a Judgment In tne Asne-wiiiara csw. is is in tne nature of a compromise. The suit Was simply to construe toe win of tne Mate W. a Willard, who left an estate worth $175,' ooa .j ' iu , k ; ?r- Vr At Greensboro last week- the circuit court returned a verdict for the defend ant in the f 10,000 damage suit brought by Michael Caffey against the Southern Kail way. This was tne second case de cided for the Southern during that term of court.-".. ' -.'"::": " A special from 'Wadesboro' says: Mr. Jno. J. Dunlap, a prominent citlsen of this county, died suddenly at his home near here Friday.' He bad flnlsbed' his meal as usual, was taken sick as be was about to leave the table and died within an honr , He had beenavsaeanber of the legislatnre and was One of Anson's ' first citiaens. , Pritchard & Winstead s stemmerr. at Qoldaboro, was destroyed by fire Satur day evening, together with a large quan tity of leaf tobacco. The building was owned by jEL Weil Broey and there, A conservative estimate places the lose be tween $40,000 and $50,000, with some $80,000 insurance on bnildingand stock. About 13U people win be thrown out of work as a result of the fire. , , A special from Durham. N. C. to the fhnrlnttA Ohanrver mv ' IT: I' ; Rinm. gardper was arrested In Cincinnati Fri day afternoon and tenanted here on a eharge of embeszling $400 from 'Mrs. " J. II. rreeiana. U6 is also wanted m Rich mond, Va., on a charge of stealing' f 2 100 from the same woman, and It is said that be is wanted in Lynchburg and Alexandria, Va., and other places for similar offences. ' Baumgardner came here a little more than two years aaro from Lynchburg, and during the year that be was in Durham waa a high-roller, driving fast horses, spending much time on the race tracks, gambling and with women. Hs operated a number of slot machines in this city and elsewhere. In connection with the alleged embezzlement from Mrs. Freeland there Is a story of a ruined nome. tie boarded wltn the fam ily of Mr. Freeland, a well-to-do cltleen and at one time a prominent business man. He soon gained the confidence of every member of the family and persuaded Mrs. Freeland to put $400 in his busi ness. It is this money that he is charged with embezzling. Soon after this he i left here with Mrs. Freeland, who deemed ber husband and children and went to Richmond. She drew from the bank some $2,500 which had been deposited in her name by her husband. Soon after reaching iticnmona, sirs. reeiand was taken quits ill and she claims that Baum- gardner toot from her trunk 12.100 and left. Since then, about a year ago. until now, the authorities have been looking ror mm in tnis country ana uanaaa. True bills ror embezzlement In this city and larceny in Richmond have been found against htm by the grand jury. He will be brought here for trial and later made to face the Richmond authorities. Hiaehlevooa Cn siom Al Lowing Won i to : VUit Prlaoaer. ; -That the custom of allowing women to visit prisoners in Jail is mischievous has beeh shown on many occasions. Only recently the daughter of a sheriff aided a burglar to escape becau e be teemed to be nice fellow, and tbe wife of a western sheriff eloped with a horse tbkf after opening the jail doors for his exit. Of course, nobody could have exported the warden s wile to ael8t the L;J:;e broth ers, convicted murderers, to escape from the A ..'Tr.ecy county jail, but sne should have bad no more freedom to vin't them than had any otSer unauthorizr-i person. It is assumeu t ' ftt or..y sworn c.cials have ao to prisoners, bet no attPtnrt to rtrs!a the members of the warden's rr vfr;Ts family from vis'tirg the ceili 1 r. Las been icaJe. L a T si I 'zla fnr s&Ie at Tex Fexx I . c re, He rr ICO. SEVEN SPRINGS ITEMS. -January 81, 1902. Several mad dogs are reported as bav mg been Killed recently. Dr, Waltrons, of Connecticut, is stop ping at seven Springs hotel. Miss Nannie Grady spent Thursday night at M r. Geo. O. Griffin's. , .The steamer "Goldnboro" is now mak lng regular trips to this place. Mr. and Mrs. DeLeon Fields, of La- Orange, spent 8unday with friends here, Mr. Joe GrifiBn and sister. Miss Lena, spent Sunday with Miss Ada Jones, near Mb uiive. "There was a big dance at Mr. Ed Woo- tsn's Thursday night. All report pleasant time. ; Misses Mattle Ivey and Sadie Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with rela t)ves In HuckleBberry. ! Bev.; Mr. Brown, of Klnston, will preach at Zion on the second Sunday; Everybody invited to tne services. , ,: One of the small boys at the Seven Springs High School asked bis teacher. "What does ben spell with w before It?'! v Mr. Leinster F. Davis attended the marriage of Mr. J. H. West and Miss Estelle Hardee at LaGrange last Wed- i We are glad to learn that the telephone tine, being constructed from More he ad to Goldsboro, will connect with us at La- Grange. .Mr. S.' D. Bvrd has moved into the store just completed by Mr. J. J. Ivet We are glad to welcome him to our little town. " ' " ' Mr. J. J. Ivey went to Knston Mon day on the sreamer "Goldsboro" and returned Wednesday. He reported pleasant trip. ' - xi- , ; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. C Davis, of Nswr bern. who bad been spending some time at tbe Seven Springs Hotel, returned pome Monday. - , . i-, , ; There is to be a marriage here Sunday, February 2d. The contracting partes are Mr. G. F. Bissell and Miss Mattw (iraAvj Wa wish them hanninnaa. ' -t. ' r I , , ' i The recent -publication in The Bulletin of an article on silk culture la North Car' ollna has already borne fruit. Several requests have been received from persona at a distance lor conies or me uuuetin. one eomindF from the State of Mlchiflran. and one from a , company in New York which possesses ample capital and which nroDoses to establish ailk farm a and ailk mills ' in some of the southern $ tatesl where suitable' land ' can ' be had at a reasonable price, and where convenient power may be available when needed. If North Carolina can secure tbe location of this company ft means the opening of a new and very important industry lor the state. Letters received at tne . depart' ment of agriculture from this company declare the purpose of tbe president and other officers to visit North Carolina, and perhaps other southern states, at an early date, for the purpose of examining lands - and mill sites; lor observing climatic conditions, adaptability , of tbe land for growing mulberry trees, and to secure such other iniormataon as they may desire with reference to establishing their business. . . . . It la desirable to have descriptions of lands which are lor sale, and upon which the Chinese mulberry thrives. The own ers of such lands are requested to file with tbe department descriptions. Including the present condition of land and build ings, distance from railroad, accessibility to water power, how much cleared and uncleared land, whether any Chinese or white mulberry trees are now; growing upon me tana, price, etc - in this connection tne department de sires to secure the names of persons In the State who have had personal experi ence in growing silk worms, and.wno might desire to produce raw sue ior tne new company. , ,, . Please send descriptions of properties for sale and names of silk growers to tbe undersigned, care of. tbe department of agriculture, Kaleigh, H. V, - Geblaa MVCabtht, -. Botanist and Biologist. Jan. 29th, 1902. . : "v . ftarimr Into a MMares Vmt." :'2 PkaUtphi KcooriL :..- ' r, . ,, i 'j The supreme court settled one thing, and that is that there is a distinction be tween tbe United Statee and territory be longing to the United. States. Senator Spooner. . ;; ". " .7 ' V . " ' - Yes, but not that "the United States,' in dealing with "the territory belonging to the United States" or with anything slas, can act independently of the con stitution. The "distinction between the United States and territory belonging to tbe United States" was recognised by Chief J untloe Marshall when he declared in Loughborough va Blake that "the territory wt of tbe Missouri Is not lees within the United States than Maryland or Pennsylvania." It is, indeed, simply the familiar distinction between a whole and its parts. The Senator from Wie consln is staring into a mare's nest. Admiral and Mrs. Scheley are beirj niite m.Ta'.iy entertained in Nashua, ierio. A b'g banquet and a brilliant re c;t:oa were gWi in their honor. 1 -s !s of people fr'Uher to do honor to tLe trave hero and bis wiie. As aparagms Ialaad. N.w York Pna. ' Nearly all the asparagus consumed In this country out of season cornea from an Island in tbe Sacramento river. A for eign born farmer, noticing an island there covered with silt, thought It would make good asparagus and be settled there. Now be ships several carloads of aspar agus a day, canned and In glass, all over tbe country, and his asparagus bed Is ons of the biggest gold mines ever dis covered In California. ' eass)sieesjaas)aees)eaaiaa BARGAIH G0ItUul. - HORSELESS PROPOSITION. , I have a fine Mule, Harness and Buggy, that I wish to sell for cash or. on time with good security. The Mule, Buggy and Harness are In good condition. The Mule is gentle, a good driver and - will work to anything. Come and look them over. C. E. SPEAR. , The Bicycle Man. ; t YOU DON'T MEAN XT 1 , I certainly do, and It is good for either Bread or Pastry. How can he do itT Be simply bongbt one car load at the' right time and the right price, and It is right Flour $4 60 per barrel while It W. M. CARROLL'S, Staple and Fancy Grocer. North Street. , AN BYE OPENER, , For breakfast use Coffee and. Heeken'a Teas, and for good things to eat in the Grocery line stop LaRoque ft Rountree's wagon, or phone your order, and it will receive prompt attention and free delivt ery. AU tne latest delt.-acles in Canned oods, houps, Potted Ham, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb's Tongue, etc. All kinds of breakfast food.' Give us a trial order.' ""'Vr -VtrANT TO" ; 1 ' '? C-D-B-A customer of ours. - Our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is comnlete. new and fresh, and the best the market aoords, and our prices are as low as the lowest. Give us one call .and con vince yourself of the above assertion. J. H. ALEXANDER, . General' Store. DON'T GET MAD . at your wife Just because you did not rest well last night. Was there a lump In tbe mattress or did the spring sagg? If so you" should call and see Qulnfl Miller, dealers In Furniture and House Furnishings, and they will make sleeping; a comfort. Just think, a White Enameled Rnuu Trim marl UoA witk TOTtm Vlw Springs and Mattresses for 750 cents. : ' WB HAVE NO ORtP fa our Corn Meal, because our latest Im proved process separates it from the meal. Phone 49 or 118, and your order will receive prompt attention and free delivery. Sold fn small or large quanti ties. OurepeciaJty is grinding of corn and oats while you wait, also buy any amount yon may have and pay liberally. . NEUSE MILLING 00. We Have 8eedX)at8. ; YOU MAY HAVE a place to eat and a place to sleep but how about tha clothea von am nfn iudmd bvf We can malta mn Innlr lit ready money for $15.00, a suit that is it A e at reany worm sio.ou ana win equal any tailor-made suit costing $25.00; a $15.00 aula for X 12.85. 112 KO unit f Oft .n . $10.00 suit for $7.60. These clothes are worth your inspection. Call and look them over.- .-', ; ' , OKTTINGEB'S. , ARE YOU ONE , ': ; " who Is going to build or anticipates building? If so we wish to let it be known that we can furnish on receipt of order Framing and Box Boards, cut from Long Leaf Pines, also all kinds of Dressed Lumber. Come and examine our stock and get our prices before pur chasing. Thanking our customers for past patronage and hoping to renew same, ws remain. Yours truly, v, t . THE GAY LUMBER CO. Prompt Delivery. ' ". i ! 1 5 : BARQAIN3 IN PRINTINO. . We have some more of those Letter Beads. Note Heads. Bill Beads and Statements in fine quality colored bond papers, pink and blue. They are good value lor price charged. If in need of some stationery examine these goods before making your selection. Letter Heads 500 for $1.75," 1,000 for $3.00. Note Heads 500 for $1.35, 1,000 for 12.25. Fine Old Hampshire Bond pink Note Heads 600 for $1.65, 1,000. for IJ.C5. Fine blue or pink Bill nada, lii inches, 500 for $L40, 1.000 for tX40.. Statements, elegant Quality bond papers in bine, pink, lemon or salmon. &oo ior fi.bo, i.uuu ior fJ.&o.

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