A GIGANTIC STADIUM. Novel Arena Planned For Olym plan Games of 1004. tauauAL FEATUBE8 PEOVIDED. alldlac o Iwt 70,000 PetMU aid ' With Adjastable Reof inupd 'or Stadlan Cm Be Dlrtd Into Tiree or Mare BnUdtas He PU. lam r Poet to Ofcetrvet View. A. - A stadium which will seat 75,000 per sons and which In point of size, ele gance and excellence of arrapgement prUl probably excel any other building ever erected tor a similar purpose Is , outlined in a set of preliminary plans Just placed in the hands of Mr. Harry J. Furber, Jr.,. president of the Olym pian Games association. The structure. It Is asserted, Trill house the Olympian fames to be held in Chicago In 1904, ays the St Louis Globe-Democrat The building will cover approximately leven acres, the arena alone being 800 feet long and 130 feet wide. The sta dium at Athens, where the Olympian games were held in 1890, was but 670 feet long and 109 feet wide.. The sta dium at Athens seated between 45,000 and 00,000 persons. The plans for the Chicago stadium provide for more than 75,000 seats in case they may be neces sary on the days when there will be special attractions at the games. A striking novelty in the way of roof is provided for. The area over the eats will be roofed in the usual way, Vj tout the arena will be protected by roof or left without one with almost - the ease with which an umbrella can be opened and closed. The roof of the arena will consist of a series of water proof curtains arranged on rollers op aerated by electric motors. When the games are in progress, the curtains iwill be rolled back. In the event of .a ' storm all that will be necessary to put : n the root will be "to press a button,' fio in good weather, while the audience iwill be protected from the sun's rays. ' the contests will really take place in the open air, and with the aid of the Adjustable roof postponements will be - unnecessary "on account of the weath er." An unusual feature is an arrange ment for dividing the stadium. Into three or more buildings for special oc casions when the whole space will not be required. At either end or In the -center a hail for any sort of a gather ing can be made In three or four days at a nominal expense. Another tea ' ' ture of the construction Is that there rwill not be a pillar or post In the whole Interior to shut out the view from any point. The first row of seats are five feet above the arena and the topmost tow sixty feet above. The Olympian games of 1904, it is predicted, will be greater than any ever neld before at any period In history. Athletics have advanced with the arts and sciences, and where the ancient . -Greeks had but. few tests of strength , -and endurance there are now scores. ' The ancient sports will be reproduced In Chicago, but the modern games of all nations will doubtless attract great -er attention. There will be the old Greek foot races and wrestling and the Egyptian chariot racing, but also modern fencing; boxing, wild cowboy rating everything, - in fact, except mediaeval jousting. The athletic end of the games will be under the direction of William Hale Thompson and A. G. Spalding. The .former's duties will be to round up -very sort of sport on the globe, and Mr. Spalding Is to select the contests iwhich are to make up the programme for the month. Mr. Thompson already has men artwork in Europe and Asia, . as well as In America, looking for the best athletic material available, rresident Furber feels assured that the programme-at Chicago will be bet ter than that at Athens in 1SDC or at raris in 1900, and, with a view of add ing features not seen at Athens or Tcr's, it has been dec! Jed to kep the -rtaCani ccn for a rnontb Instead of tirteea days, ts was at f r?t fanned. WU OUTWIT8 CLOVER CLUB Clever Cfclaee Mlatatwr mt luiwi Down Faaee-ae taterrvptera. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister, re cently met the Clover club at Its banquet in Philadelphia for the first time In his philosophic life and In a ten minutes' tussle with the wits and interrupters of this famous dining or ganization came off a victor, says the New York Evening Journal. When his turn for a tew remarks came, Minis ter Wu said: In arising to obey the command of your president to say a few words I am at my wits end what to say. . I ex pected to say something, but I'm can did to admit that I can't say any thing." .v:-:;rv,'4 "That seems reasonable." dryly In terrupted a Cloverite. ? - "If I were to obey my own feelings,' continued Wu calmly, "I would rather sit down." ; '; ' vv: ' "Well, you know how we feel about broke In another Cloverite. "Don't stand on our account" Wu gazed through his owl-like glass es at the speaker and smiled Indul gently. .' "I have beard of this famous club of yours," he went on coolly. "You call II the Clover club, but why do you call it that? It seems to consist of a number of gentlemen who love to interrupt and I'm glad we don't have such things in China. It is not part of our civiliza tion. . unen wu: gazea around him once more and beamed graciously. He con tinued: "In one respect this club reminds me of China. In China when we have banquet we always haW' "Ratal' shouted a Cloverite, and Wu saw the point or the Interruption and laughed with the rest Then Captain Clark, who Is one of the three men to represent the United States at the coronation of King Ed ward VII., was introduced. He said: "I can't make a speech, and a Balti more paper says I shouldn't go abroad unless I know how to talk well" . Take wu with you," called some one. r Other guests were Congressmen Gros venor and Hooker, Senator McLaurin of South Carolina, Senator Penrose, Captain Slgsbee Charles Emory Smith, and Congressman Sulzer. Dr. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, W. C. 250,000 Acres of Lan gJ-OSoaorw S. P. Johasoe' Mora, hi the Mm lT BoOdng, ant to 0. W. PlidgM k C. MMk ' DR. w.; R. JONES, ' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. Residence and office Loops', Blount street W, D, POLLOCK, Attowwt-aM4aw, " IIHSTOH.H.C. I90ffice in rear of Court House. WOOTEN & WOOTEN, Attoenkys-at-Law, kisstow, n. c. Circuit: Lenoir, Jones, Greene, Pitt and Onlow counties. Supreme Court and I rederal urart of Eastern Worth Carolina. Fertile and well timbered i - 89,000 Acres lying is Jones County. . 160,000 Acres lying in Onslow County. at Mrs. Kate 1 00.000 Aao Qllii.fA am 4.1 tttiii 1. j New Berne Railroad. Will Sell in Small or Large Tracts to Suit Pur- chasers. ' Mill men and Northern capitalists are asked to Vnvestigate. Title good. Call on or address STEPHEN W. ISLER, Trustee, At Isler & Shaw's Office, KINSTON.N.C. ISLER & SHAW, (reran w islsb. MCNKT B. SHAW. She Kaw It. A Philadelphia man, thought be would be : more successful than his wife in securing servants. So be cut out a number of advertisements from the 'situations wanted" column of a newspaper and started out n a cab to visit the .various addresses. The. first place he stopped at was in front of a little house In a narrow street, from which a cook had advertised He saw her and was favorably impressed, "I am looking for a good cook," he said. : "Sure, an don't 01 know It I" ex claimed the cook. "0I cply left your He made a hasty and undignified re treat and decided to allow bis wife to continue in her direction of the house hold affairs. , i ' ;i - ' ATTORNBY8-AT-LAW, kihstok, n. c. fnctkm la th. eutnOm of Uafc, Wmm, On tmt Joam u Oulow. Abo ia Sapirior aad 0. InTBMI aagrtflaiafl ABA paraBI fleatt aecaif. Moore & Hooker DBAI.BR IN- STAPLE 2 FAK6Y GROCERIES I OR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, V" . CB1T?ST. Office hours: 8 a. ni. to 6 p. m. Booms over Slaughter Bros. " BYeeh Meats, Chicago Beef; Etc. Mubxjet Hovbs: I to 12 a. m.:4 to 9 p.m. SS Phone 27. Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor Under HOTEL TULL. Easy Shaves, Artistic Hair Cuts Competent Barbers A TRIAL SOLICITED. r BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ...HAXxrrAcmraxD bt... CALIFORNIA PIO 5YRUP CO. HTjrOTB TBS XAJUB. THE Prices $5 to $150. WPWlmL Bargains in Organs. We have a number of second-1 hand Organs, in good condition, that we offer at great ' bargains. Seethe instruments and get the prices and you will, be convinced. AWARDED THE GRAND PRIZE AT THE PA IUS EXPOSiTiOil J n jclc I1-J.C ai'u rsifpiKtsrefiiDi nose. 7 "We hare three children. Eelbre the Birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER'S FRIEHD. If you had the pictures of oar children, yon could see at a r lance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and flnest-lootinr of them all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is 'the rreatest sad f rsndest remedy !n the world for expect- sat mothers."! Written tja Ken tucky Attornev-at. -Law. ,:' DTIM'8 FD1EJID prevents nine-tenths of thi suffering incident to child birth. T&e comln? mother! Cs position and temper remain unmClca throurhout the ordeal, because this relax' tnr penetrauox liniment relieves the tsual distress. A rood-natsred mother t pretty sure to hare s food-natured child, The patient Is kept in a strong; health condition, which the chCd also Inherits, Mothers Friend takes a wife throura thi crisis quickly and almost painlessly.' D assists in her rapid recovery, and ward! off the dangers that to often follow &e livery.. - Sol4 fcy aratxtct. tar it Mm. TTia CRADFICLD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA. OA. Send tor rar fre niBMrst4 book wrltia. Bwlgr for spoctDt Boittn The Commercial. A t!W tstel la lit c!i Csltl Lxllsj, Rooau comnto. and . furr C'tn. v', Trm---r!t ptn e-. y ' . f of th. coQTenieiH.. oi fr 'but i:om A. C. I depoc MORRrU. & HAR CRAVE, Tr-r,, New lot of Rugs just in. Come to see us for Furniture of all kinds. We have it at all .times. Prices and terms to suit everybody. SLAUGHTER BROS; I Next; to Geo. Kornegay's Store, KINS TON, N. C. Entertains Everybody WOOD ! Hmom4'Ua. - ' '?mZmm ' and! Best Quality Oak Ash Wood, $2.75. BestQuality Pine Wood. $2.50,permeasured cord. delivered in your wood I yard. - - This is SPLIT WOOD, WELL SEASONED.. L; HARVEY, ft SOU. LATEST NEW PROCESS RECORDS. Grand Records, i each. Small Records, 50c each. 5 per dorea " ' Send for Cataloane. ' Send $5 with your order and good will be ihipped COJX lor the balance. COLUMBIA .PHONOGRAPH , L'O E. Baltimore Street. COMPANY BALTIMORE. tVtD. If il ? nn 11 11 11: I JjiSn uuu-AyOUULy or CUt it OUtt anvthino- Rrt trnn Txrnnf.frrnf. V7T ny if you need anything in the juu.lt yjuuuwy c oou Farm Implement Line It is possible that by purchasing the excellent hosiery, for man, woman and child,madebythe orion mills, 0f Kinston, we have them here, and a few v., uiai you may wear Two Horse South Bend Chilled Plows, '; C, that socks or stockings made from cotton spun in . the Kinston Cotton mills and knit in the Orion Knitting Mills, thus en- couraging the cotton rrower of Xenoir county and two spien- Boy Dixie, Atlas and Crown Plows for one horse. flZttLZ. ' CutayHarroSpikodToothandV-Shaped ty. Thus you will be assist- HaiTOWS. , , , ( . lzg the cotton grower, the cot- - ' ' 10a inciter, ue coiion ginner, Pi 1 1 f Pv I the cotton splmler and knitter OUwUrj all people of your own neigh 4 v.'1' . borhood. Wft tmr.t nnv mrfrfny HOOKER.