MBS J.? ..'MfTrbllM MttffRlibfT Hi -"Awty ..'J.ll0Oq. VoLIV-No;273. KINSTON, N.: 0., WBDlpJSD AY i FEBRUABY 12, 1902. Price Two Cents. niMISlS . . GENERAL NE17S. Matters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. 5 Tha Oraean theatre. In Chicago, wu damaged by fin Sunday to the extent of X35.U0U. - It to given ont in Cleveland that the Big Four railroad to soon to enter Pitte- Dnrg oy way 01 uw nusDurg ana uui - Th mftt East Street aboDe. built b Wo. Whltely, at Springfield, 0.t at a con oi f a,uou,ow, were aeetroysa oy Are Monday,, Gen Fltfhugh Lee lectured in Chicago Monday night to an immense audience. Hie subject was "Peace and War. In the United Statee and Cuba." . ' Lord Kitchener reports to the war offi ea that hut week wae the liveliest, week with the heaviest loeaee by both the British and Boers lor several montns past. ' nonnced that the Berhn Missionary so- ciety'e buildings at Fayen, near tfenton hare been burned by an anti-Christian mob. The missionariee escaped. An old woman died at Middleton a day or two ago who was supported ' by charity and was supposed to or a pan . per. "j In rumaglng a'out her how after the Dnnai iu.uuu in money ,wm tuuun bidden in different places. jianiei U&ij, a prominent fritigen, wen connected, from Suttervllle, W. Va , com mitted suicide at the St, Mary's Inttrni ary. Hot Springs, Art by cntting his ? imrnlar Tela with e small pen-knife. M health is assigned as the cause.. Miss Mae Geigerand Mr. Herbert Nock, . while skating arm-in-arm on Ouancock creek, near Taylor's mill, in A ceo mac county, Va., broke through the ice and were deowned. ' Nock,' it is said, could have saved himself, but lost his life In a desperate effort to rescue his compan ion. " A special from London says: : In the house of commons last week the war sec retary, Mr. Broderick, said that the number of horses purchased during the war totalled 456.088. of which 77,101 came from the United States and 11.864 .froffl Canada." In addition about 89,705 . ainos December. 1899 according to official reports there hare been m Manila 778 cases oi Dubomc piague, oi wmcn 18 proved fatal As rats are charged with propagating It, persistent warfare has been waged against the rats. Forty native rat catchers are constantly em ployed in poiaoning, trapping and other wise killing tue roaents. The Coca-Cola oompany, of Atlanta, has won a $10,858.86 suit against the government ia the federal court for sums collected on tne output oi oat conrwm as war taxes during the late war-'.. The government held that Coca Cola , was a Tironrletarc medicine, while its makers contended that it was a beverage. The manufacturers feel encouraged, as, f 30, 000 additional is Involved. - ' , , - Vice-President Frank C. Andrews, of the City Savings Bank at Jetrolt, Mich., was arrested Monday afternoon and ar raigned that night on the charge of wiy lolly; .fraudulently ana no wingiy-T se curing from the bank, without security and -without the knowledge of the di rectors, a sum exceeding i.wu.uuu He was released on tlO.OOu bail, and his examination was set for Februrary 21st Negotiations between the United States government and the government of Russia relative to Manchuria am pro gressing. The attitude of the Kuesian government in this matter has shifted materially. In the- first place a treaty was drawn up between Russia and China providing for theevacuation of Manchuria by the Russian troops. . x ms treaty con tained , a . great , many rather complex guarantees in Russia s favor, but a sin gularly objectionable proviso was one niacin the Russo-Cbineee bank in practi cal control of the commercial and mater ial Interests of Manchuria. It was quickly perceived that the provision if executed would practically exclude Americans Irom comwuuuu iu oieuicuuru. wuicu ia particularly valuable as a market for our manuiacturea cottons, apparently our representations were effectual, for the ob jectionable proviso touching the Raseo Chinese bank was withdrawn from the treaty. However, it has been discovered that tbe Russian government, following a practice known in European diplomacy has drawn np a secret agreement with China conferring upon tbe Rnsso-Chlness bank all of the powers contained in the orij?tnal treaty proviso-- Therefore, the United States has renewed its objections, not only addressing itself to the Russian -overnment but making a very strong protest to the government of CLlna. , The EebuiUlBf of Paterton. . Faterson, K. J.. Feb. 11. Wlc rever tie debris is suHMently cooled work tt'i Rr busy tod,iy c'-ricj away f.: t 1 - ; ar;tory to reLu!:JlDg. fc r;-9 were ; '. - ti today to revlvs tbe 1'at. -n t--lct trn !d and tbe tn''-"0 r'n's r I;!u3, and to fores u'.ate a disiite T .atote f:Uowei. la retwilrj tu.e "r. , . . 1 MABBIAGK MECCA 18 BO MORE. Hoase Bristol Team.', la Whtek Farsoa BsrroB:lM Marre4 3 .OOO Coaples Has " Collapsed. '' Dan ril le, Va., Be. Parson Burroughs' famous marriage Mecca in Bristol, Tenn., Is no mora. On wall of the NickeUs House fell on Satur day afternoon. Three bed rooms were wrecked and tbe remainder of the build ing was damaged to such an extent as to make it unfit for occupancy until It to repaired.' J. W. Webb, tbe clerk, had tost left his room In it , when it went down, smashing the beds and other fur The NickeUs House to one of the oldest in Bristol and famous over the country as a marriage Mecca. Couples from Vir ginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Caro lina and other states have hied them- reives thither .In ., the past decade, and against parental objections have been married by the famons parson. Recently Parson Burroughs married his two thousandth c mole, ail of whom. with rare exceptions, bad eloped. After the marrying, If desired, they could spend their honeymoon at tbe NickeUs House, which is conducted by the parson. One night two weeks ago Parson Burroughs mamea lour coopies oeiore aayngni, au coming from different towns. He stood in the centre and all joined hands about him. He has officiated in many sensa tional weaaings ana nas never lanea to score a victory for cupid even if tbe bride's father was only 200 feet behind He always assists in smoothing over the bad feelings after the ceremony and fre- nuentiy bride, groom and bride' father ienve together in a happy mood. Tbe safe for some time and the collapse is no great surprise. v ' 1 The Katvral Remedy. There is an old negro in Washington who believes that the art of benliog is a "gift" not to be acquired. A friend who knew his point of view recently attempted to draw him out - "You say you're a natural doctor. Uncle Enos. - Now, what would you recommend In a case of ague?'' Uncle Enos" leaned on his broom in silence for a moment lost in thought. but when he spoke It was . with the calm assurance of an oracle. .- 1 : ;-"D bes'-tnedlclne for de ngue;wouid be an efflorescent powder to puff out de Bkin an' lift it off de bones. When de skin to drawed tight over .de bones an' de ague- begins to shrink it. de bones Jes' nacheily painful an' ache- ful, sah. But de efflorescent powder It fizx an' flzs Inside an' puff out de skin an' ; obliviate de difficulty In a ho't time, eah.f Wtata mad ScaslelcaesS.'' i" Hen are less subject to seasickness than women, according to an old sea captain, but when attacked by It make more fuss. They take Immediately to their berths, where they grumble and groan until they are well enough to go on deck again. - - ',a 1 - A woman fights the unpleasant mal ady until , she can ,. fight ' no longer. Then she becomes maudlin and pa thetic She retires to her. room and In variably j asks three questions first, whether people die of seasickness: then,, bow many miles we .are from shore, and when we shall get there. The doctor is . always talked over. Wben. the patient gets so III that she loses Interest In tbe doctor, she usually lies on her side and cries by the hour. London Doctor. , . n V Sfc Was Fat. ' The small boy had been warned by his nurse as to the awful result of bit ing his nails. - - "If you bite your nails," she said, "you will swell out like an air balloon and burst" The small boy believed, took beed and: didn't bite his nails any more. The small boy went to a children's party, where he stood and gazed at the hostess - for some minutes in silence. Then be spoke. ' i -, t Ton bite your nails," he said. ' . ' Hotklmar Kor B Said.'. My wife always lets me bare the jast word.", remarked the meek look- lag man. ' . "Indeed?" exclaimed his 'friend In tones which Implied a doubt of the ether's veracity. ; "She does, really. Whenever I say. Tea, my dear, you are quite tight she stops talking Immediately." New Tork Herald. Tk toetra Calls. '- - - Hunt I have seen Dr. Pellefs car riage at your house three or four times lately. - It has alarmed me greatly. . Turner Nobody's sick. Pellet merely called to collect a bilL Nothing seri dus, I assure yoo. . . . . Eonmanian mothers tfe red ribbons trocrid the ankles of their cUIIrea to keep thera from barm. STATE ' HclVS. tnterestixijr Nortli Carolina Itezna ' In Oondenaed orm. TheJarrel Hotel, at Hh Point, was aamagea several tnousajd fdotlars by ' Tha Ocean Accident and Snarantee Co., of London, has applied f r license to do business in north uarollnj; m A;: Martin, whtfislib and killed William KeUy, at Hunts ville, Yadkin county, last Sunday, nas ! not been ar- restea. t H. F. Brown; for four years office dep uty in United States Marshal Dockerys office at Raleigh, has resigned. - John C. Dockery, son of the marshal,' succeeds mm. A charter was granted Mbndav for the Southport Land Co., authorised capital stock ,fxw,uuu. Mne promoters are said to be anticipating th development oi Douinport as a coaung station Mr, Henry Pender, formerly of Tar boro, sustained a serious if not fatal ac cident in Norfolk. In bis sfeeo be climbed out oi ma window on tne.ttiird .floor oi ms Doarauur nouse.. ills an was Drossn ana nu skull was Iracturc A Raleigh Post: A large ktiie bill is to be asrabl shed iost belovtlAnbevllle. on ttw French Broad river. At a meeting ur eaturasy tne newcompany was lor- mauy organuea ana operations am ex pected to begin at an early date. Both cotton and woolen goods will be manu- lactured. A rearmed colliidon of freight trains on the Seaboard ' Air Line occurred near Forestviiie. 16 miles north of Raleiab, early Tuesday morning. ' Tbe caboose of toe iront train was cut to piecen and set on nreana two negro employees in it Durnea to deatn. rue track was blocked for ten hours, Alir In Brooklyn. N. Y.. on M ndav. Georars B. White, the last negro In the house of representatives, was snubbed' by tbe society of the sons of North' Carolina, the largest organisation oi negroes in Urook ly n. Tbe organisation refused to enter tin White at dinner, though he was a memoer oi congress irem fJortn uaro- Goldsboro Argus: Mr: 7.L. Kornegay. whose death was reported in our Mt. Olive correspondence last week, arrived in the city Saturday, io the surprise of nis many inenas nere. a man named a. J, Jones was killed by a runaway horse near the plantation of Mr. Kornegay on Tuesday afternoon, and by this it is sup? posea . tna tne erroneous rumor was Startelfc :;fW'';.S: ' X'fH-"" FOOLING THE EXPERTS. Expertemo o( a 3f aa Who Bovaht a , Diamond Brooch. "I am convinced : that few-" people know anything about diamonds, , no matter how much they may pose as experts," said a yonng business, man the other day. "X recent experience of .mine has forced .me to this conclu sion. I bought for my wife a brooch containing a cluster of diamonds ana took: occasion to show It to several of my friends at the club. They exam ined it very closely,) looked wise and then started to show me where my judgment bad been at fault Every man in tbe crowd seemed to be a dia mond expert - By the time they had got through I really felt a though J had been bunkoed and was considera bly depressed. s . - 7'-'y::-: .s-'-;V"'""" "Next day I got to thinking the mat ter all over and came to the conclusion that my friends had been talking of something they knew , nothing about At any rate, I determined to make a test I went to one' of those Imitation diamond stores and for 60 cents bought a brooch, which I placed In the box that bad formerly contained the real one. ' . "AgaIn I ; went to. the club and an nounced to my critical friends that I had, taken their collective advice and by paying an extra $50 bad exchanged the brooch in which they bad picked so many flaws. They all agreed that the fifty cent bauble which I showed them was a great Improvement over the oth er, and when I told them of the trick I had played on them they wouldn't believe mo. To a man they contended that they couldn't be fooled on dia monds.; , ;, : '. .' - ' "Now I feel better satisfied wiihi my purchase." Philadelphia Becord. i Ow Friends, Tha DnnUfc ' . , It Is a pleasure to testify to the gener ally high character of druggists. But because oi a few exceptions to the rule, it is necessary to caution the public to be on p-nard e?aiaet Imitations of Terry Davis' i'amkiiier. See that you pet t!i ri"v.t article, the soottte, telrfal Faia kLr that was nod In your fanu!y before you were born. Don't bs taken lito try w-t a sibetttite. There Is but one l aia- klJer, Perry Davis. o. A COI.OBKP T-A.TJX PAS. Aa TTafortuat Incident rtaka Vp a - Cotillion oa Mr. Xee Osier's rarmTb ': Xssotloa of Bart i Aleundor aad Whs Bosoltwt Thorsfiroia, CkariottaObMrvor., At a dance in a negro cabin on th farm of Mr. Las drier, three iuUcm from Charlotte. Friday night. Bart Alexan dsr, colored, shot Ed Griffin, eolored, of this city, In the back with a small calibre revolver. - - 1 - - - ' James Hall, who witnessed the social tragsay, avers that the shag oi the even tng had been reached, and that every. Doay at tne dance was naving a gor geous time, w ben wui Harries, "an ob streperous chain-gang Digger,'' appeared and asked one of the belles of tbe ball if he stlght have the pleasure of aeoompa ytog her to ber residence. , r - - j The lady replied, la effect, that , she was deriving mnch pleasure from the co tillion and that she bad no wish to leave. Moreover, she declared that the pro posed to' favor1 several gentlemen ' and tnat name was not among the number, r It had been observed that Alexander, who had .overheard the conversation, had been mnch moved by the result. In the excess of his emotion he exttoauished the candelabra, and, leaning against a mass oi smiiax,' ne produced a seven shooter revolver and began Damning lead into a brunette grape vine german figure. Ed Griffin, a disinterested . party .was exchanging polite psrsinaee with ma hogany partner when a 22-ealibre bullet iouna lodgment just below tne buckle on nis wnite waistcoat Being averse both to trick flaunts and male favors Griffin left the bail room In digust and through a window, v When tbe little chean revol ver had spoken for the seventh time there wae silence in the ball. The end of tbe cotillion bad been reached and the tired dancers were going merrilv home. f ttfflfln came to town and to bed at his home on East Tenth street He had his own theories about the vulgarity of dragging a social oueotion through the police court and kept silent until yester day, wnen tne police got wind of tbe af fair and persuaded him to talk. Neither Alexander nor Harris much wanted by tne pouce nas oeen arrestee. LaORANOB ITEMS. v Fasa Pbkbs Bdbeau, , Mess. Hlnson and Pace have onened an a Diuiara room next qoor to tne market. Mr, John H. Rouse, on Mdndav. besran the operation of his extensive carrlaoe works, after having been shut down tor a lew months. May his plant take on new vigor ana increased usenuness. Mr. Will N. Parks has faith fat La- Grange grit He has just purchased the property known as the Davis parade ground, on Railroad street, the two blocks containing about seven acres. Ae will is able and is seldom so haonr as when rooting or running In a game of baseball he may convert these grounds into an ideal baseball park at least for tne coming season. . Big Fire la Canton, Canton, China. - Februarv 11. A firs which has been raging here has destroyed over five hundred shops. ( Tons- Boosevelt. - Groton. February 11. Dr. Shattuck. the Boston snecialist. In attendance on young Roosevelt, said this morning: "The crisis will come at noon. The boy is suffering more than at any time." k A Great Boot hern Institation. . The Life Insurance ComDanv of Vir ginia has opened a branch office in Kins ton. This staunch southern institution is now in tbe thirty-second year of its ex istence. : It has Insured tbe lives of one million one huudred and fifty-six thous and people; that is, It has Insured more people than tbeentlre white population of the State of North Carolina, Tbe com Dan v has thirt v million dollars of insurance in force today, and tost year aione, maoe a gain or over lour and a quarter million dollars, tbe largest in its history. It is known as "The Pioneer Industrial Insurance ComDanv-of the South" because it was the first southern company to introduce the flexible form of life insurance in this section of tbe United States. During its long career It paid millions of dollars to southern widows and orphans at tbe times of their pea test needs. - By its system all mem bers of the family are insured, for weekly premiums ranging from five cents up, or by the quarterly, semi-annual or annual method oi payment of premiums. - For many vears the lata Gen. F. H. Cameron was tbe general agent for the State of North Carolina and at the time of his death was the manager of the or dinary life department of the company. Mr R. J. Disosway will have charge of the Kinston branch. He Is located in room 5, Canady Building, and wlU be glad to give'any desired information. In this enlightened age it is needless to speak of the blessings wrought by life insur ance.. The blwirra are all the preatar wb"ii, ns by ths Li.a Insurance Company of Virginia's methods, the benefits are La reach of pr-s -es of moderate means. v : TroewriUr rair for tzla at Tas Tem Teis8 olllc. - , . ... y iBARGAIil GOhUlJJi1. A HORSELE33 PROPOSITION. I have a fine Mule, Haiws and Buggy that I wish to sell for cash or on time with good security. Tbe Mule, Buggy and Harness are in good condition: The Mule to gentle, a good v driver and wil work to anything. Come and look them over. C.E. SPEAR, r The Bicycle Man. 1TOTJ DfOlTT MHAII ITI I certainly do, and it to good for either Bread or Pastry. Hosv can be do ftr He simply bought one car load at the right time and the right price, and ft to right Flour 14.60 per barrel while It lasts at W.M.CARR0LL1, , - Stapls and Fancy Grocer. North Street . . WHITE LA.WN& Having bought a large Quantity of White Lawns considerably under price 'e offer 80c quality at 2Sc 20c quality at 15c. 12Xequalitya10c 10c quality at 7c OETTINGERS, ", OOMD UP. Yes. if von bnv- irmr RmuI Cluf I mm us they will beyond a doubt We also have a large stock; of Hay,, Grain and Feed. We are headquarters for every-: thing in our line. uome to see us. , REUSE MILLING CO. W. A. LaRoqne's late stand. IF.YOtT ARB once customer of ours yon will always be. We keep a full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and can fill any of your housekeeping wants in that line. Give' us trials-Mr il treat yoa rights J. H. ALEXANDER, General Store. North Street WD LIKE TO BAT. So does every health v nerson. sum dally when they have something nice. If yon buy your groceries from us yon will have It and it won't cost yoa more than it's worth either. . Just stop nr wagon or .'phone your order. It will . have prompt attention. ? 1AUU4U ft KOUHTBEE, ' The Upto-Date Grocers.' DON'T GET Id AD at your wife just because you did not rest well last night Wae there a lump In the mattress or did the spring sagg? u so you snouia can ana see yumn Miller, dealers In Furniture and Hones' Vnn.lol.lnM 4 tlu.. .L. .1 f . j. viumuugv. wu vuvj win uiiuv mlvClxlK a comfort Just think, a White Enameled Brass Trimmed Bed with Woven Wire Springs and Mattresses for 750 cents. , ARB YOUONB : " . -e , - y - avlty 4 si eMlnts 4a lWt14 a ilAMi Bviu0 tu . vuuu W aUibiUiUCt(e90 building? It so w wish .to let it be kQown that we can famish on' receipt of from Long Leaf Pines, also all kinds of vressea jjumoer. . uome ana examine our stock and set onr nrioes befora nnr.' r.hiuiincr. ThanHnir nut nubinw, lr" mast -patronage and hoping to renew' I aamsi esusa Mmaln Vamsm nl . . t. i- wsar nfj avaaacaiASf .vUal WIUi. ' - i - THE GAT LUMBER CO. Prompt Delivery. ' . " ; BARGAINS' IN PRINTING. ' ... We have some more of those Letter) Heads, Note Heads, Bill .Heads and Statements In fine quality colored bond ' papers, pink and bine. They are good value for price charged. If in need of': some stationery examine these - goods before making your selection. J Letter ; Heads 500 for SL75, 1,000 for $3.00. Note Heads 500 for $1.85, 1,000 for . $2.25. Fine Old Hampshire Bond pink' Nots Heads 500 for' $1.65, 1,000 for r $2.65. Fine blue or pink Bill Heads," 7x8X inches, 500 for $1.40, 1,000 for $2.40. Statements, elegant quality bond papers In blue, pink, lemon or salmon. 500 for $1.60, 1,000 for $2.50, : , 1 ' ; ,The Fbkk PsEss'Job Printing Depart- ment has on hand a lot of about 20,t09 cheap Note Heads It wishes to dispose of .' quick to make room for mors desirable" ' goods. 1 They ane reant "colored,' are strong but not good quality. 'If aey- customer can use the entire lot we wCIt tlrrn printed and padie j for oaly Tt cents r 1 rA. T-i 1 .t t ; , perl.' ljC vv. t ' i t 1 -I