The Emm PRESS" NO V mmSm -it Jllh v . H tirasBssasc tSiwvaea . r PUBLISHED EiZERY, AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. ? . VoLIV-No.283. , ' KINSTON, N. 0, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1902. r7 PricoTwbOenti GENERAL (JEWS. Matters of Internet Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. Kinir Edward's coronation will cost bout 120,000,000. Secretary Long states that the report that he Intends to leave the cabinet Is quite true.. - The naval budget Introduced in the British hows of commons shows a total of 31,255,000, as compared with 30, tk nnn iAt, vur. W A LJlWenlsT of Buffalo Won & de- clslye victory over Jack .Macuormic, oi Philadelphia, at Hot springs, y.. nrday night in the tenth round alter a bard battle. . o t The : Italian cabinet ' has resigned, owing to the failure of Signor Tills, the , government's candidate for the pre 4- dencv of the Chamber of Deputies, to se cure his re-election, r h s" f. F. Gladwlll is in Jail, charged with killing Clarke Nagle, at Hampton, Md., It is said that Glad well, while drunk, threatened to kill bis wife, and Nagle, while in the act of pacifying him, was .' shot without warning. . The Ponulists of Kansas, who nwt Pridav In Tooeka for the purpose of fie ddinar noon the future of their party, determined that there would be no affili ation between the Populists and Demo. eratio forces in Kansas. ' A Vinrinian and Southwestern ps aenorer train was held up by unknown parties Saturday morning near big Stone Gap, about six miles nortwt ' of Bristol, Tenn. The men took f 76 from a box in the baggage car, , New York has been visited by the heaviest snow fall in years. A big rain followed the snow, and the temperature dropped enough to- turn the downpour u rmn lit IA1 1 uunLiuir Ul : iuh Ji 1 CfcAJiu lu i In many places was suspended. Jfifth Avenue was a sheet of tee. - - The census bureau, in a report on do mestic animals, 'fowls and bees In the United States on June, 1, 1900, an nounces that all ths domestic animals In the United States have a profitable value f at least f The total alue of all domestic animals on farms nd ranges was 13,981,054,115, against 2,208,767,513 In IHUO. A special from Brussells says: : It is niTLnnui haM t,ha. Kimr Tnnold IT will make a short tour of Americadurinir the summer.'' Leopold It of Belgium -was born in 1835 and became Klog Tu 1865. It was reported a short time ago that he would visit America soon, but later it was said that he had decided to postpone his visit for several years, ' It Is estimated at tbe State department : that fifteen days have now elapsed since - the money for Mies 8tone's ransom . was paid over. At least five days have lapsed beyond the time fixed to place her in tbe hands of ber friends. There ie no explanation for the delay. - It : i ; hoped that physical conditions, such as heavy snows and adveree weather, mny account for the failure to secure her de livery. The officials are loath to believe that there has been breach of faith n , the part of the brigands. - A dispatch from Annapolis, Md-t says: A personal encounter between delegates Isaac Strauss, of Baltimore., and K Lynn Painter, of Baltimore county, oc . curred on the floor of tbe house . of dele gates a few minutes after the adjourn ment p( tbe house Friday. ; Strauss ap- : Droached Painter and after a short col loaD V. Painter struck bim in the face, Strauss; defended himself with an u"m brel'a and struck Painter with it, but a number of delegates and senators sep arated tbe two men before any further blows were struck For the the third time since New Tear's day,- Park Avenue Hotel, in New York, was tbe scene oi tbe loss ot numan me. The first was the collision In tbe New York Central at 56 th street and Park avenue: second came the dynamite ex plosion in tbe Rapid Transit sub-way at 41st street and the the third Saturday was a fire, which started In the 71st Begiment Armory at 33rd street and ' then spread to the Park Avenue Hotel, where eigbteen Persons were killed and many injured. It was the worst hotel k fire since the WInedor was destroyed, Tbe hotel was crowded with guests, who had gone to enjoy tne festivities in honor of Prince Henry. More- than 500 persons were in the house. Terry McGpvern defeated Dave Sullivan Saturday " nieht in the arena of the Southern Athletic club-in Louisville, Ky., after 15 rounds of as desperate fighting as was ever seen in any ring, i rom toe first tap of the gong until the end it was slam bang, bammer and tongs, nearly every second, both men working away with all the energy they' possessed. There has seldom been seen a battle where the issue was more in doubt. In one round it would be Sullivan and in the next McGovern. Then Sollvan would come strong againeand even things up once more. McGovern was after hie man every second. In tbe majority of the rounds he was on the aggressive and Sullivan was iorced to do far more de fensive work than his opponent. He put up a wonderful fight, however, and wae game to the core and lost the fight raore throcsh a blunder of bis own than I anse he was knocked out. When the iz -a came, no"ver, ne was gror?y end troiEg fast.. Tbe ch.moes are that he would not hare lasted many more roun is. eren had he ri.en to bis feet be fore l itz ca'led ten. r pa;-t for s:Ie at T;-:e Fete TIUMAN ASP McLArHIX Hara a Personal Eaeoanter la the 8anato Chamber. They Were Separated Wtt XMSeulty. Washington, Feb. 22Wabington's birthday, set apart by the nation to af ford the American people opportunity to pay fitting tribute to the memory of the first president, was the occasion of a per, annal encounter between two memDers of the senate, the culmination of one of toe most sensational scenes ever enaciea in the senate. The two senators from South Carolina I were the active participants In the an&ir. I Mr. Tillman, in the course of a speech upon the Philippine tana bill, ebarged that McLaurin's vote in support of .the ratification of the treaty oi , ran naa I oeen itiruuga vuwwjruiiw u uuijrujyer - WM t ln tlU Li krf-.5 T ,T work, but he was sent for and appeared just as Mr. Tinman concluded nis speecn. Pale as ashes, Mr, McLaurm arose to address the senate, speaking to a -question of personal privilege. He reviewed Mr. Tillman's cnarges brieny, ana tnn denounced the statement made by his colleague a" "a wilful, malicious and de liberate lie." ' . ' 8carce!r had tba words fallen from hw lips when Mr. Tillman, sitting afewseats from bim, with Mr. , Teller, of, Colorado, between them, sprang at him. Mr. Mo Lanrin met him naif way, and m an it rank the two senators, having swept Mr. Teller aside, were engaged in a rough and tumble, fight 1 Mr. McLaurin re ceived a heavy blow on the forehead, while Mr. Tillman got a bad puncn on the nose, which brought blood. Assistant mrgeanc-at-Arins Jbayron sprang over desks to reach and separate tbe combatants and iimeeii received sev- eral blows. BS got between them finally and bv main st.renffth swept tbem apart. Senators Warren, of Wyoming, and Se'tt, o West Virginia, wo of the most powerful men lu the senate, leaped to his aaNHtaneet and pinioning the arms of tbe belligerent senators, forced -them Into Intense excitement reigned in the cham ber and in tbe, gallery which wa thronged by people who had , been at tracted by the spirited debate. Senators stood about ths chamber, forth moment quite helpless and pale to the Hps. Fin ally order was restored partially and tbe senate went Into secret legislative session. For two hours the senate diecnsxed the event behind closed doors. ' When tbe doors were opened it was mads - known that both of tbe Boutnuarolina senators, by unanimous yote, bad been declared to I be In contempt of the senate. They were permitted, by a vote of the senate, to I make aoolmries to the senate. The mat. I ter was referred ' to the committee on privileges and elections. , . Hedleln Bottles aa Go, A lady missionary in Burma some fime ago gave the following account of how she was the Innocent cause of the Worship of medicine bottles having been Instituted. In one of her tours she came upon a village where cholera was raging. Having with her a quan tlty of a famous pain killer,' she went from house to house administering the remedy to those attacked and left number of bottles to be used after she had gone. , Returning to the village some months subsequently she was met by the head man of the community, who cheered and delighted her by this Intelligence: "Teacher, we have come over to your side. The medicine did u so much good that we have accepted your god.' Overjoyed at this news, she was con ducted' to the house of ber informant. who, opening a room, showed ber the pain killer bottles solemnly arranged ln a row upon the shelf, and before them the whole company Immediately prostrated themselves In worship. ''kriS '' .-.fiirls. Happr. i "How Is your, daughter Edith, Mrs. Lakeside T - -.-V j "She Is well and happy, ' You know he Is to be married on tbe 20th." Indeed. 'And how . Is ; your other daughter, Florence?" f?.' fi-t-V'r "She is also well and happy. You know she got ber divorce on tbe 10th." Washington Times. Ai Aeeommodatlas Ckemlat. Chemist (to poor woman) You must take this medicine three times. a day after meals. ; y r:,-' -j ' , r, y Patient But sir, I seldom get meals these -'ard times. Chemist (passing on to tbe next cus tomer) Then take it before them. London King. . ... -; ' i . . . , -.-: Ubelr Hare It. 'He likes excitement," said the young man. : . v.v So I supposed." replied 'the dear girt ' ' - , ' , . " whyr . ... "Well, his choice for a wife made that the natural Inference." Chicago Tost - . " -. Clerk's Wise Suggestion. I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and sour stomach," writes M. 8. Ulead, leading pharmacist of AttVboro, Mass. "I could eat hardJy an.vtLinflr without suffering several hours. My oierk snjriref ted I try Kodol Prppfpsia rire whk-u I did with most l.a; fv resn!ti. I Lave had no more trout !e and w hen one can go to eating mine r-:e. cindy. c bee and nuts, sVr fwa a t".T, th!r d. option mut I rretfy pood. I lnorpe Kodol Pppepsia Cure 1 arti'v. "Yon don't t ii or Tat a 1 the f 1 f od yon want bnt ri-.n't orer'.iad tbe etomftrh. Kod 1 PrrT! Cur Ci-ts jour fooj. J. E. II:od. I AMUSING ARCHIBALD , Letitla was to go to her club, and 1 was to take care of our son Archibald, aged two years and eight months. She bad explained matters to Archibald. It Is one of Letltla's most daring theories that if you cannot explain a thing to Archibald it is you who are stupid, not he who is too young. "It wonderful of you. Gerald, dear." "Nonsense, Letitla. He is quite old enough to be a companion to his fa ther.' ; A vague look settled in Letltla's blue eyes. I reminded her of the cab at the I iwr, nuu Bue ueu, vuu i uuiu atiui bald up at the window to ware. He did not cry at all. Archibald is a very self controlled child. He has my tern peranient ln that He stood on a Chair ln his coarse white linen smock, hts small pink face solemnly set, his blue eyes wide and dreaming, like his moth er"s. I felt a bit nervous. I get the feeling even with Letitla sometimes that though she is there she is some where very far off. "You draw me a gak an' tell me about "en," he commanded suddenly. turning upon me eyes that mischief makes three shades darker. I do not draw much, but I recollected how easy it is to please small children nd took out my pencil. What bother ed me was not being able to call to mind what a gak was. Natural his tory Is a subject I a boy; I collected stamps. Letitla would have known, of course. She is. like all the charmingest women, totally uneducat ed in the school sense of the term. A native ignorance starred with fantasy. perception, observation and intuition maKes her at once the cleverest and most incalculable conversationalist. She'd,, have known ail about gaka. Archibald danced very quickly at my elbow, and It flustered me. They go sereamin" about In the trees," he Shouted, waving his arm as though he saw them In the region of the frieze. Hm! Couldht be that extinct bird. then, the auk, of course no. Well, my eye fell on a Japanese fire screen, and I shamelessly and secretly adapted A stork from it. -.. "That itr 1 gave tbe leaf or my pocketbook to Archibald. Ills upper lip, the reddest, finest curved Up I ever saw, twisted into wonderful shapes as be squealed with Joy, ' "What does It say when It wakes?" "When It wakes?" "When It wakes r T hear, sonny. I hear, but" Archibald has astonishing tact "You draw me a ship sailin for far away,' Sensible of a reprieve, I outlined rap- Idly a vessel of heraldic simplicity, "Want a f wag on it !" I added a pennant Sinipkins, who got Into the Royal Solent Yacht club the year we were at Cowes, always seemed to have a pennant ln his pock et, bo I know a pennant. Tbe funniest gurgle arose from Arch ibald "At's not a "blue de peter f Ships sailin' for far away fwy tbe 'blue de peterr " Momentarily baffled by this nautical pedantry, my bands dived into my pockets, and my wandering fingers en countered a threepenny bit It Is a convention in our family not to spend threepenny bits. They are saved' up for Archibald.:? Letitla calls this "the drag on the wheel." , As his fat hand closed on tbe coin he forgot the "blue de peter,' but I was shocked to see his pink face crumple and his mouth be come square, . "I don't want tbe Marquish of Lon- don, to have en. c ne might shake en out of he's money box!" be wailed piercingly, ' x Archibald's first experience of a mon ey box was a toy one which leaked Saturday pennies all over tbe garden, If he cries, ring for cook," had been Letltla's last words from the cab. But I prefer to reason with the child, : He has a strange appreciation of reason. Here again I trace my own character. lietma reasons, put ln a way .no one can follow save by the light of faith. "Mother says If X let en keep .mine for a lfttel while 'e marquish 'II give me some of e's thripley bits," Archi bald explained doubtfully. Now I regard this threepenny bit business as an out and out failure of Letltla's theory that everything can be explained to the child. She has not made clear the working of the postofflee savings bank, and she has imbued Archibald with a profound mistrust of tbe Marquis of Londonder ry which may cling to him through life. Cook's appearance with tea diverted Archibalds mind from dwelling on the The LaeJ Heard of It. "My little boy took the croup one night and soon grew so bad you cpuld hear him breath all over the house," eaj s F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, O. "We feiml he world Jle, but 0 few doses of One Mimite Couph Cure quickly relieved him and he went to eleep. That's tbe hwt we heard oi the croup. Now ien't a coiih enre l'.ie that valuable?" One Llicuta CotiE-h Cnre is absolutely pafe and ai ts immediately. For coughs, col!s rroup, grp. bronclti and" ail otbe throat and inrg troubWs It is a cere Very i !.",-- r-t. t take. The lltt'.t enc-s i!e !t J. L. Hood. i nature of his securities, , 's "I must'n' leave my cwusts," be re marked in a voice which showed that he was quoting nurse,- and he built them carefully around the rimof his plate. 'The little fwushes never do. The llt1e f opens 'eir mouths an' shuts 'elr eyes when Mrs. Fwush feeds en." . Archibald punctuated with mouthfuls ,of strawberry sandwiches and milk. "If she gives en a capper- pillar, 'ey are pweased, an' if she gives en a cwusty beetle 'ey never put eu out" $ ; 't ieutta s rancy ana ArcuiDaia s are so similar that it is difficult to say who l am listening to. , " 'But the moral training concealed In the "cwustj; beetle" figment suggests letitla. i "' . " "An when they have sore fwouts she gives en swugs." Now I know that Is Letitla, but it is quite likely to be truth as well. "Why must we eat bwead an butter first an Cake after?" asked Archibald, turning upon me eyes which would de tect the slightest hedging on my part. That's fust the sort of thing I dread being asked. Why the deuce do we, anyhow1? Thank heaven, at that mo ment I heard Letltla's key in tbe door: (LOVE'S SACRIFICE. .a Basaaemeait RIb Which Aayt. v Itatea a Flaser Joint. Ethnological experts agree that with most Australian tribes every woman is betrothed in infancy or even in antici pation fit her birth. According to some mysterious law of their own, this is arranged by tbe old men of the family, the women having no voice ln the mut ter. The age of the proposed husband la not taken into consideration, so that ft frequently happens that by the time the girl is of a marriageable age her intended is an old man. If ln the meantime some younger-man has set his heart upon her, this means a fight in which tbe unfortunate bride to be, as she is dragged a was, la certain to come In for a share of the blows which the rivfel suitors deal out to each other. Iri some of the coast districts, where not all the girls are promised In infan cy, the betrothal of a young woman to a man who follows the occupation of a fisherman compels 'her to lose the ! first joint of the little finger of her left hand. This slow and painful opera tion -1 performed by a stout, string bound tightly about the Joint an en gagement ring with which one would willingly dispense! A marriage li cense, equally unique. Is common in some sections, where the chief gives to the prospective groom a peculiarly knotted string, possessing which he Is free to seek the wife of bis choice- Woman's Home Companion. ' Bow Mnakrata Are Trapped. Trapping Is one of the modes by which muskrats are secured. The traps are made of boards about six : Inches wide and three feet long. These are nailed together like an ordinary; box trap, tbe open ends being secured by swinging doors of wire network, fasten ed to the upper part of both entrances, These doors allow easy Ingress to the trap, but once in tbe rat cannot get out without opening tbe door by pulling It to him. which secret they seem very slow to discover. These traps are put in the leads running from tbe houses to the water when tbe tide is at low ebb and the rats are out feeding. On the return they crawl up the leads, push against one of the wire doors of ths trap, which immediately opens Into the trap, but tbey cannot go farther, as tbe next door opens toward them. Before tbey can gnaw out tbe tide makes up, and they are drowned ln the trap. A Story Told hr DtaraolJ. Disraeli once said: "You know I have the honor of being one of I tbe elder brethren of the Trinity House. 'Well there is a special uniform belonging to the office. One day I was about to attend a levee at St James' palace, and my valet laid out my diplomatic uniform ready for me to put on. Plac ing Implicit confidence ln him, I put It on and went to the levee. .On appear ing before the prince his royal high ness jocularly remarked: It won't do. You're found out' - 'In what sir? I In quired. Oh, said tbe prince, you've got tbe wrong trousers on.' . And to my horror, on looking down I found that I bad got my diplomatic uniform coat on with the Trinity House trousers. ' It seemed to amuse the prince immense ly." ' --- ;: Tbo Coat la a Rae. v ' 1 see that some English doctor or something says that we are develop ing into a legless race." , ;; ; "How could there be a race without legs?" - - - Easy. What's the matter with a steamboat race? At ths same time, it looks as If a legless race would be a great boom for politics." . How so 7" , Everybody would be going on ths stump." Cleveland Plain IWIer. Favorite Nearly Everywher.e . Constipation meansdal'nees.depreseion. tcvWhe, ppneraJ'.y disordered health. DeWif.s Little Early F.isers stinnlatcthe liver, open the bowels and relieve tl.ts condition. Sale, fp?edj and thorough. Tby tjevpr gri. , Favorite Pills. J. E. Hood. reaefeof? ot Tropical Kataro. "It Is very like a fairy story," said Esther under ber breath. "Very." said he. "And in fairy sto ries there are witches, enchanters an4 horrible things that come out of tbe forest are not there? ..Well, so it Is there ln South America. There ! a background of danger. One must keep one's eyes open. Here in England na ture Is safe and kind, eh? You can play with ber as If she were an old tab by cat but out there she Is a striped tiger, beautiful and fierce and never to be trusted, "There is everlasting strangling go ing on In the woods. Even tbe flowers are not kind and harmless. . Tbe or chids twist and perch and swing and bloom on branches they are bugging to death. You break a twig of something that looks like a vine, and Its milk raises a blister on your hand; you touch what you think Is a leaf, and It gal lops off on a hundred legs! Tbe ani mals pretend to be vegetables and tbe vegetables to be animals. Every liv ing thing is trying to protect Itself with all its little might and main and to get tbe better of Its enemies, just as the people ln towns da Oh. the high woods of the Andes are not moral, they are not Christian, I assure you! Na ture Is opulent, and she Is splendid, but she Isn't good." "The Allen," by F. F. Montresor. Crashed tbe Objector. Booker T. Washington told an amus Ing story of an old colored preacher who was endeavoring to explain to his congregation bow it was that tbe cull dren of Israel passed over tbe Red sea safely, while the Egyptians, who came After them, , were drowned. The old man said:- "My brethren, it was this way: When the Israelites passed over, it was early in the morning, while It was cold, and the ice was strong enough so that tbey went over all right; but when the Egyptians came along It was in tbe middle of the day. and the sun bad thawed the ice so that It gave way under them, and they were drowned." At this a young man in the congrega tlon, who had been away to school and had come home, rose and said: "I don' see bow that explanation can be right parson. The geography that I've been studying tells us that Ice never forms under the equator, and the Red sea Is nearly under the equator," "There, now." said the old preacher. That's all right, , Vte been 'spectin some of you smart Alecks would be askln' Jest some such fool question. Tbe time I was talkln' about was be fore tbey bad any jogafries or 'quators either."- .'. lone Baalish Ada, A general servant advertised In Bristol paper for a place tbe other day but required "no Inquiries, no caps or aprons, v every evening f out - good wages,", and a journalist advertised himself as of "no particular ability? as a recommendation. A clerk recently sought a place "where great strength. personal appearance or ability are not required." Geod butter, sixpence pound. Nobody can touch It was am' hlguous and may have been wrongly In terpreted by the public, and a Glouces tershire paper - which Inserted the advertisement "Our one and nine pen ny dinner at' 6:30 p. m. Funerals promptly Attended to," apologized next day for mlxlag up two separate and distinct announcements. . . But it is a fact that a church paper appealed lately for "Old ; man, lame, deaf, : epileptic Will any .Christian take him for a gardener?" and that, in a leading Scotch journal an advertiser asked for "05. to pay debts incurred through losses at , betting." London Standard. Unexpected Eradltloa. v "An absentminded professor of lan guages dropped Into a restaurant one day for a luncheon. v "What will yon have, sir?" asked the waiter. .--av' rijr t 0 , rFrled eggs," replied the professor. "Over?" said the waiter, meaning, of course, to ask whether be "wanted them cooked on both sides or only cue. "Ova?", echoed : the professor, sur prised at his apparent familiarity with lAtln. "Certainly. That is what I or dered Ova galllnjE.".: This the waiter interpreted as mean ing "extra well done," and that Is the way they came to the table. Youth's Companion. ,, . " . traJabt rarrowt Im Kaasaa. : . "How can you plow straight furrows over such an. enormous cornfield as thisr' asked the Englishman who bad never been in Kansas before. . : t ' "That's easy." said the native. "We follow the parallels of latitude and tbe meridians of longitude," Chicago Trib une. : ; .- ... , . v'v ' ji If you think others talk too much. you are putting yourself under the same head when you say so. Atchison Globe. : v - Oct What You Ask Fori When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you eet them. Genuine tablets stamped C C. C Never sold in bulk. , A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Bewarf I Ail drjist?, ioc . . . r STATE fJEVS. In teres ting North Carolina Items'' In Condensed Form. " Mount Airy News: A big fruit and berry crop is expected this year. Elisabeth City Carolinian: Owing to tbe difficulty in making suitable prepara tions ln due time, It Is announced that the Roanoke Island celebration will be posponcd until 1903. Tbe New Orleans papers announce the engagement ot Miss Nichols, daughter of the chief justice of Louisiana, to James Richard Young, insurance commissioner ot North Carolina. The date of tbe wed ding will be late in April. . "Pink" Long, a negro accused of mur dering a negro in , Caswell county, was arrested Saturday at tbe Little Run Baptist church, near : Springfield, O. Long boasted that be would not be taken back. The governor has sent req uisition papers for the man. A special from Salisbury says: Rich Blanton and Dick Fleming were con victed in Rowan superior court, charged withrrimlnal assault upon Mrs. Belle Llvina-ond, a widow, who lives about 15 miles from Salisbury. They were sen tenced to be hanged April 11th. An ap peal was taken to the supreme court Washinston : ' Proirress: Thursday mprntng Julius Parmele struck Joe Lane on the bead with an axe, crushing his skull. Tbey bad had a difficulty. There are various statements as to the facts. Tbey are both colored . boys about 17 years of sge. Parmele is In jail, and It is not known whether Lane will recover or not, ' "''"'.. A special from Greenboro conveys the gruesome information that it was dis covered Saturday that tbe dead body of a dissolute woman had lain in a house -of ill fame in the eastern part of town for three days.' One ot tbe - woman's com panions solicited money to defray tbe expenses of a funeral, ; but )' applied the money to ber own use and went to Sal isbury. The body was -buried by the , cit . . . , ' ' Concord Standard: In Salisbury on last week there was a case in which a white lady of unimpeachable character, who was the victim of assault by three negroes, was on tbe stand. She asked tbe court to be allowed to testify only before such as must necessarily bear the . . . -r . n. ... had no right to com pell the people to withdraw, but be requested them to do so, when all save a negro woman of the spectators complied gallantly. Late last Thursday evening near Beck -Station, eight miles north of Mocksville, Davie county. Mamie Stafford. : ased fourteen, while on her way home from school, was assailed by Lewi Gray, a negro, but before areorapilshing his pur pose, the screams of the. young lady at- , tracted the attention of citieens, who , went to her rescue. The Besrro fled with a posse in pursuit. Orav was arrested a 7 few hours later and jailed. Th young lady is a daughter ot Mr. Lee Stafford, and Is ot a splendid family, t Gov. Aycockon Saturday settled the cases of the six men sentenced to be hung next Wednesday, February 26th. As a result, two ot the Emma burglars, R. 8. Gates and Barry Mills, get life sen tences In the penitentiary. Gates is a white man, and Mills a negro. ; The other two, : Johnson and Foster, will hang, as will also Andrew Jackson, at L'ncolnton, and John Henry Rose, at Wilson. In all of the cases except those ' of Gates and Mills, the governor merely refused to Interfere with ; the course of . the law. Mr. B. N. Duke has given another on hundred thousand dollars to Trinity college. The announcement of this gift was made at tbe civic celebration held in . tbe memorial hall Saturday eveninsr. and . came at the close of ths exercises of the - evening.. The donation was made in this way; Mr. Duke has arlven to the cnlleo r the funds to employ four new professors. These professors will fill the chairs of political economy, German, romance lan guage, and applied mathematics. In making the ' announcement . Dr. Kilgo said that it was equal to a gift of one : hundred thousand dollars to the endow ' meat fund of the college. ' This makes ' more than 1700.000 that tbe Duke famil v ' has given to Trinity. ' , . A special from Middieton. V. T Mrs. Caroline Holley, who was an sm ploye of the treasury department at Washington and who died raenntlv at the age of 7 4, left a remarkable will. It -was drawn up by herself, fn her own handwriting, and Is not witnessed hv anybody. Nor has any executor been appointed. , By the document nearly all the property Mrs. Holley possessed; valued at $20,000, Is left to Lucius B. " Eaton, 80 years old, of Warren county K. C Who. too. works for tha trotumrr departmentwho Is named as an adopted ' son. Mrs. Holly's relatives, however,, assert that she was infatuated with him. V Tbe will has been filed for nrobata hr:-'. Eaton. Attorneys for the heirs at law and next of kin are trying to have tbe ; will declared void. - H. W. SIMPSON, Architect and'Ci -, MAffl OFFICE, NE-K-EERN, C. 1 BXAKCH OFFICfe, KI.V3TO", N. C. Consult us on all matters r?rts.;Iagto building. We guarat good service. . :''' .C. C LI .CCLtJ. ' " Macr.r r K r-t ju O.Tce.

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