IlilJI SUBSCRIPTION rBICX I Om Waah. On Month, Tim Monthi, " tMn Moalh. ........ h f i ao $ Tbvuhdat Evening Fab. 27, 1902. Bst. D. B. Clayton will praaeb at XfoodiDgton the third unuy in hvcil I Tha town tax collector asks us to state s -.': , i.. rr tmii tlx nromrtv jctf all those who have not paid their faxs by nsii weei. i. i. r TTanffnflr. who waa out in fail in defanlt of bond, charged with 4KealiHg tODacCO iruiu wn Trw- ' Mr. J. W. Dixon ataodjng his bond. s lfr.'C. T. Chamberiain baa assumed ' - Management of the dror atore of Dr. C B. Woodkj A Co. Dr. Woodley ia bav in bia ofllos in the atore painted and re- 1 P fitted, and win devow ma num mum vu ' ' ut practice ol meaicme. k r Miller and B. J. Bean. Hormone, are tn Kinnton making ar rangements to hold the wtni-annnal eon renceof the Mormon church of eaatern North Carolina in Kinaton. roe con ,- Jerenea will ba held March lltb. We eall attention to the adrertlnement of Hunan Supplj Co., INewbern, N. V , ' who carry a complete and up-to-date i'4 tock of machinery supplies. Oar read - "i era may depend upon receiving pood treatment and pror aervice when deal tng with the above firm. : - Jin erenliisr of enjoyment la promised all who attend the performance at the opera bonce next Monday night, when Fabio Bomani will be present!. Tb8tatpa- ' vera comment very favorably on the play. Reserved seats will lie placed on 1 aale Batnrday morning at Dr. C. B. Wood- ley Co.'e drag atore. There never waa a bigger in intake asade by any merchant than for him to think that be had reached a point whet be could do without advertfaing. Ba :. , . . nay not realiie it, but when he atopa the : more enterprising merchant is gradually taking hie bnciwaa away from him. Jacksonville (FJa.) Metropolis. t Mr, F. M. Harrington, of New York, came yesterday to accept a position tn .! the bnftinem iVpartiwnt and on the atafl ol Tbb Frkk Kkkml He hae bad much : anperieno in the publishing business, cornea highly recommended and we an ticipate that be will aid ua largely in the publishing of a better newepaper. The Kinaton Building and Loan asso- 4atlii la getting plana in readiness for the leaning of a ttecond series of etock, which will be done May 1 2th. The asso ciation eo far baa bet-a a decided success aot a sing's aubacriber to first series of stock baring dropped off the list, and but one etock transferred. The officers of the association will endeavor to make the . second laaue of stock as large aa possible, as the greater the amount of etock eub scribed the greater benefit will ba done to Kinaton. The family of Mr. J. F. Jarman were tadly frightened last night about 9 o'clock by a noiae aa if someone waa breaking Into the barn. They gave the aJarm and several neighbors investigated ' and found that some person had really broken in and carried on a lot of hay, This was all that waa missed, but It ia probable that a lot of corn was also taken. Mr. Jarman waa away from home at the time but waa notified and went hurriedly to the scene, but the thief had made good bis escape. This makes fonr or Ave times that feed atuff boa been stolen from two or three families in that neighborhood. " Miss Anna L. Howard, daughter of Her. C. W.Howard, of this county, super intendent of education, was recently elected representative of Randolph-Macon Woraana' College, Lynchburg, Va., which school she ia attending, to the ' fourth International convention of the student volunteer movement for foreign missions, and la in attendance at present at the. meeting which convened at To ronto, Canada. Feb. 20 and will bold , to March 2. Tills is a large body, being International, and the honor conferred : upon Mlea Howard aa the representative of her school ia quite a pronounced one. Mr. J. W. Black haa a dog that he is bragging on. Mr. Jaa. F. Parrott shares ' the pride because he once owned the dog and has others of the same etock. Mr. Black la telling of one instance where hie dog showed almost human intelll- genoe. Mr. Black owns a cow that haa no fancy for the dog. The other day the cow made a mad lunge at the dog and almost succeeded la reaching him. Mr. . Black waa a witness to the scene and re marked that he would have to buy two knobs for the cow'a horns to lessen the danger of Injury to the dog it ahe ehould some day catch him unawares and ac compHab her wicked purpose of tossing him in the air. The dog overheard the remark and evidently understood, for be i disappeared and returned later carrying; ' and placing at the feet of Mr. Black two knobs for the horn of his enemy, the cow. . .. . Mr. T. W. Becton, who lives nine mifee north of Kinaton, was in Goldsboro yes terday afternoon looking for his son Joseph Becton, who left home Saturday . with a dark bay mare mule and had not been seen or heard from since. The old gentleman made Inquiry at all the sale stables here and finally learned that the boy had come to Goldsboro late Satur day afternoon and had offered to sell the mule at the stables of Edgerton & Hoi . lowelL The offer was mads to Mr. Wal- i ter Holmes, who very quickly asked the boy where be had stolen tbe mule. The young man did not relish that kind of chat and be mounted bia mule and rode off. He did not make another attempt to sell tbe anfmal here in Goldsboro and - has not - been seen since. The boy's father seems much worried over bis son's disappearance, and said that his wife, the bor a stepmother, did not get along well with him, which be thought had caused tbe boy to leave home. He said bis boy waa about 18 years old. Golds boro Argus, 25th. . tlx. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheu matiaxo. '.' 'During the winter of 1898 V was so lama In my joints, in fact all over my body, that 1 could hardly bobble around, wln I bought a bottle of Chamberlains TaLa Balm. From the flrat application I Lpgun to frt Tell, and waa cured and f 1T9 work"-! et-'adily all the rear. R. Vetfi er. Northwood, N. Y For sale I j J. K. iiood crugglet. razsoitax MKSTIOS. Miss Mollie Nana went to Ayden this morning. Mr. D. Dawson left for Greenville this morning. Rer. J. L. Burns went to Greenville this morning. Mr. C T. Randolph went to LaO range wis morning. Mr. J. B. Pollock, of Trenton, spent to- aay in a.inaton. Rer. C. W. Blanchard spent yesterday afternoon at Dover. Meedames 8. and L. KInatein left for Raleigh this morning. Mr. Abe Einstein returned from More- bead City this morning. Mrs. II. E. Carr left for Aurora morning to visit relatives. this Mrs. W. T. IIuDter went to Dover this morning to rfait relatives. Mrs. Lam Fields, of LaGrange came tbie morniog to visit relatives here. Mrs. A. E. Arment, who had been visit ing in Kinaton, returned borne yesterday Mr. W. J. Pope came from Grifton laat night and went to Ivewbern tbta morn ing. Mr. (1 P. MiMm. of Newborn, came vea- terday to make a lengthy visit to Kine- eton, n!a old noma. Miss Louise Noreom, of Morehead, who had been visiting Mrs. W. 8. Her bert, returned home yesterday. Mrs. E. 8. Green and daughter. Miss Elisabeth, of Greenville, came to Ktnston and went to LaGrange laat night. Meee. W. B. and W. K. Harmll, who had been visiting their brother, Mr. J. T. Harrell. returned to their home in Bertie county this morning. A Xewbera Nearro Arrested. James Mitchell, colored, waa arrested at Kinaton thia morning, from causes we will leave to tbe reader to judge from the relation of tbe following circumstances. A Fuck Pkvs reporter entered Mr. Geo. B. Webb's shop looking for newa. Seeing two pollcemeu atanding, and a corpulent negro anting on a rncn, apparentivcon tented, smoking a pipe, we made in quiry if anything was the matter. The poliiemen replied that we could ask him." We did so and be related the fol lowing story: "My name ia Mit bell, and I have been working in Mr. Jewel's barroom at New born. Last nlaht atkin game waa goiug on up stairs above the bar. While com ing down the steps from watching the game 1 saw a policeman. I hollered 'boy a here comes the police.' It seems they didn't have eenee enough to blow out tbe light, and in consequence were arrested. I got out of tbe way and wasn't." Tbe negro's relation of the cir- ciimatances now grew rich In language to tbe extreme. He said, "I was like the rabbit who went to school ten years and didn't learn but two words, 'be particu lar so thinking thoee negroea might turn State evidence and lie on me, I evaded tbe officers at Newborn and took the train out tbia morning. On arriving at Kinston I was arrested by a smart Alecky nigger named Joe 8treet" A lew minutes later Street came in and when asked tbe cause of Mitchell's arrest said it was for stealing some of "In God We Trust." The police authorities have wired to Newborn notifying the authorities at that place of Mitchell's arrest and a reply was received to hold him until further In structions. Mitchell was lodged in the calaboose, but stoutly denies being guilty of anything besides being a witness to a "crap game." Jlotice to Stoekbolders. The Stockholders of the Kinston Furniture Co. will hold a sptcial meeting Friday, Feb. 28tb, at 2:30 p. m. in the Library room over the Bank of Kinston. All stcckholdcs are requested to be present cr represented by proxy. Business of importance will be transacted. L- O. MOSRLEY, Sec'y Dissolution Notice! Notice Is hereby given that the lumber manufacturing firm of Z. Edwards & Son is this day dissolved by mutual consent, by the retiring of Z. Ed wards. The business will be continued under the firm name of D. E. Edwards, who solicits the patronage of tbe public Orders for pine and ash lumber will be filled promptly and at reasonable prices. We thank our friends and the public for past patronage and aska continnuuee of same to the new Arm. Accounts due the old firm may be paid, and immediate payment is urged, to either o! the undersigned. Respectfully, Z. EDWARDS. D. E. EDWARD8. Kinston. N. C, Dec!. SI, lfoi. F. C. Corsets AMERICAN BEAUTIES We Ks-rs th.m in all styles and Kspss to it everylra, said vry corset le sold under thle most liberal W arrant "Money r i funded after four wee ha trial if corset ts not satisfactory. L00K r this Trade Mar IV on inside of corset and on box. KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sol M a ri e r" Kalamesoo. Mich, FOR SALE BY COX & CO. xnrsTOir mabkkt. PHcm oMl for Cosatry Prodaes era thow fail kf HlMtl Lorn, (atMM., ....... ... - ...... U Mof, .Mrbukai . St nut, MwnyMw, yn poua... ......... 14 Slt,prMck . Sj ura, jumvrf, pr poaaa. Clucknw, par paw., ,.... to 50 '-, par aoMa Swfct potatow 7- 7S ruoiu, par bwhal BXaaa , lmh i.aotoi.aj Hidaa. Dry to (O HuU, Ctm f Baa( oa foot, fat 1 a hmtf. Grou amt . a rnah Pork S Foddar IS to l-ao Molaaaaa...r. 15 to pa 4.7S M Special Notices. NOTICES UNDER THIS HEAD flVE CENTS A LINE FOR EACH INSERTION. PARTIES WISHING TO EXCHANGE, BUY OR SELL ANYTHING WILL FIND THIS COLUMN OF BENEFIT TO THEM. Fob Sale 50.000 Shingles. Samuel Abbott. Typewriter paper for sale at Tub Free Press office ' Stall fed beef at Haskloa' market. Phone 80, ring up. Finest Quality Western Beef at Bond's Market every day. 'Phone 14. H. W. SIA1PS0N, Architect and Superintendent. MAIN OFFICE, NKWBERN, N. C. BRANCH OFFICE, KINSTON, N. C. Consult us on all matters pertaining to building. We guarantee good service. C. E. LINCOLN, Manager Kinston Office. Proposal for School Building. Proposals are wanted until March 15th, 1902, for the construction of a Graded School Bunding at Kins ton, N. C. Each bid must be ac companied by a certified check for tbe sum 2 per cent, of bid. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of H. W. Simpson, architect, Newbern, N. C, and of L. Harvey, Secretary Board of Truslees, Kinston. N. C. h. HARVBY, Sec. Tailoring Establishment. I have just brought to Kinston a fine line of Woolens for Spring Suits. The goods are now open for vour inspection. Will ran an up-to-date, first class Tail 01 ing Establishment in Kinston. Ask a trial for your w.rk Bear a reputation well known in this part of the State for the best of tailoring. A fit guar anteed. 5. J. WALLS. I a Lof tin's building, upstairs opposite Western Union 'lemtrapn Office Matting . . . We are now showing the nicest and most durable Mat tings ever shown on this market. We have all styles and prii es from 11c up." We invite you to inspect ant compare our mattings and prices with those of other dealers. Remember we credit you here. 5 n We Are General Acentt for ; Atlas Engine Works, Erie City Iron Works, E . S :H None Better v --Prices Right ! i Saw and Planing Mill Alachinery. ; lirOnr stock of Supplies is complete and up-to-date. " IIYMAI! SUPPLY CO., i::v;t:ra, U. G. : BARGAIN GOMJJJII. A BORSBLES3 PROPOSITION, I have a fine Mule, Harness and Buggy that I wish to sell for cash or on time with good security. The Mule, Buggy and Harness are In good condition. The Mule is gentle, a good driver and will wor to anywung. Uome and look them over. v. U.BP1AK. The Bicycle Man. , YOU DONT MJDAX7 IT! I certainly do, and it Is good for either Bread or Pastry. How can he do it? He simply bought one car load at the right time and tbe right price, and it is right Flour 14. 60 per barrel while it W. ML CARROLL'S, Staple and Fancy Grocer. North 8treet. ANY SHARP-WITTED woman can see the economy La buying our yard wide Black Silk Taffeta for Skirts at $1.50 per yard. Wear guaranteed. OETTINGERS. OOMB UP, Yes, if you buy your Seed Oats from us they will beyond a doubt. We also have a large stock of Hay, Grain and Feed. We are headquarters for every thing in our line. Come to see us. NEDSE MILLING CO. W. A. LaRoque'a late stand. IF YOU ARB once a customer of ours you will always be. We keep a full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and can fill any of your housekeeping wants in that line. Giye us a trial. We'll treat you right. J. H. ALEXANDER, General Store. North Street. ! i r ? J WE LIKE TO EAT. So does every healthy person, espe cially when they have something nice. If you buy your groceries from us you will have it and it won't cost you more than it's worth either. Just stop our wagon or 'phone your order. It will have prompt attention. LaROQUE ft ROTJNTREE, Tbe Up-to-Date Grocers. SPRING HAS OOMB. We mean, of course, our line of Bed Springs. You should Inspect them. You will find them all bargains. We have a complete stock of Furniture and can supply any of your needs in that line. lerGiveua atrial. V QTJINN ft MILLER. ARE YOU ONE who is going to build or anticipates building? It so we wish to let it be known that we can furnish on receipt of order Framing and Box Boards, cut from Long Leaf Pines, also all kinds of Dressed Lumber. Come and examine our stock and get our prices before pur chasing. Thanking our customers fofj past patronage and noping to renew same, we remain, Yours truly, THE GAY LUMBER CO. Prompt Delivery. BARGAINS IN PRINTING. We have some more of those Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads and Statements In fine quality colored bond papers, pink and blue. They are good value for price charged. If in need of some stationery examine these goods before making your selection. Letter Heads 500 for f 1.75, 1,000 for $3.00. Note Heads 500 for $1.35, 1,000 for $2.25. Fine Old Hampshire Bond pink Note Heads 500 for $1.65, 1,000 for $2.65. Fine blue or pink Bill Heads, 7x8X inches, 500 for $1.40, 1,000 for $2.40. Statements, elegant quality bond papers In blue, pink, lemon or salmon, 500 for $1.50, 1,000 for $2.50. ; 3 0 I E s - . - I " 1st AT is Band and Saten finish. You can get what you want at HOOD'S DRUG STOflE. Do Voa Wont The Bci?t? l Inspection of my goods in- V, ; vited it does not in any ; X way imply an obligation to X buy. i BsWhen quality is con- f X sideredour prices are The i 2 Lowest. ji D9NMHRK, THS JKWKI.E, . O KINSTON, N. C. i Opera floase Monday, March 3d. 14th Year' of fllDEJl BEJIEDIGT'S FABIO ROMANI, A Romantic Melodrama of Surpassing Excellence. Greatest of Stage and Scenic Effects as Origi nally Presented in New York City. EITSi ATIE1CTIC31 HISS OLLIE COOKE in her fan:ou3 Serpentine?, Firo and Etcrcptic.m and 3rd Gf Sliiff Te one corset that , hss stood the test. A trial convinces you of it superiority over all oth- ' er makes and continues to add met it to its al ready establish d repu? tation. 1 .'. If for any reason a W. B O rset should prove un' atisfi ctory all you have to dois bring it back and get another"' fiee. 1 his is fair enough; don't you ihink.-, KINSTON, See the North Wio do w Dis play of REK POROUS PLASTERS, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia Plenresy, 'Attorn, Rheumatism. Lum bago, Sciatica, Bactachje and all Ache and Pains. We remind 0u agaio of the ret seller, "Acid Iron Mineral,' the wonderful Indigestion and . Dyspepsia Medicine. . SOLE AGENTS Phone 50. Brick Block. Our 10 Cent Une of Embroideries AND Insertions. The Bigxe.-t Values you ever aw. IOn account of the advance in price of Batter we will have to ad yance the price of Fox Rirer Eut ter to 35c per pourd. Cut. Q iki..l Cmw.iI ts Pin"p 1 N.C. EE TIE!