1 . . ; J ' i. tF3 PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDHY. Vol. I-No. 12. KINSTON, N.O.. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 189a Price Two Cents. DAEL TrTTrt POW ESS If Spanish Reports Are Certain. But These Reports Are Perhaps DEBATE Several Senators Make For War. Tilt Between Daniel and Quay. Talk of European Inter vention Not Seriously Regarded By Senators. United States Will Firmly Decline to Accept European Suggestions. Today's news from Madrid says that European powers will intervene in favor of Spain and make a naval demonstration in support of such intervention. This is undoubtedly a Spanish lie. The American people will submit to no such unwarranted interference. If attempted it would surely cause an awful war. . We feel sure England would not take part in such in tervention, but would takeour side. It would be the Anglo Saxon against the balance - of fc the world, and the Anglp-Sax- on would win. We believe the news of the nature of the intervention, if there is to be any intervention at all, is distorted and twisted ' to suit the Spanish ; rabble, to i quiet the mad animals so they ! will not rush to their destruc tion by forcing their govern . ment to go to war withj the United States. The senate has not yet acted, ... and will probably not reach a vote before Monday, though it will be in continuous session ; until a vote is reached. Spain makes a bold reply to, the indictment of her by this country for her cruelties in , Cuba and the Maine disaster, and says that after exhausting ; every effort for peace she will accept the issue of war. . This f is brave tali, but we suspect f it is mainly to appease the Spanish populace. NO ACTION BY THE SENATE. Expected to Finish Debate Today and " Tonight. The Senate Peace Syndicate. Orders to Secure Transportation for Troops to Cuba. Contracts for Ambu lance Wagons. Weyler Commander-in-Chief of Spanish Army. Flying Squad - ron Returns From Practice. - The Span , Ish Reply Is Bold, and Saucy. ; v By Telegraph to Thb Fbii Fbis. ' Washington, April 15. A telegram from Philadelphia says that the monitor Nabunt left for New York this morning. ' The ambassadors 1 offhe European powers, after another conference with Bishop Ireland, held a v meeting this xnorniog aud will send an emphatic note to President McKinley for the purpose of aaving Spain. ' ,c ' . - Orders to, Secure Transportation - for Troops to Cuba. . . Secretary Alger issued an order this morning directing Col. Kimball, chief IT 1 True About Such Intervention Then War Is Allaying the Spanish Rabble. IN TH E Warm 'Speeches. Tillman quartermaster of the department of the east, to arrange to secure transportation to be used in conveying troops to' Cuba, This order is an emergency one, and the quartermaster is directed to use every endeavor to let the contract immediately. Expected to Finish Debate Today and Tonight This is expected to be the last day of debate on the Cuban resolutions in the senate. Notwithstanding the early hour Of meeting and the bad weather, the galleries are densely packed. ' To Secure a Vote Before Adjournment 1 . Monday. Thesenators who favor the recognition of Cuban independence insist that they will senure a vote before the senate adjourns next Monday. . - ,, An all night session, is likely. Twenty members are scheduled to speak during today and tonight.' Most of the speeches will be brief. ! ' Senate "Peace Syndicate." Senators belonging to the "peace eyn- dicate" may talk long and hold many conferences of the factions that have failed ot agreement. Notice. has been given in the senate that it will sit Con tinuously. Senator Cullom Makes a Strong Speech in Favor of Avenging the Maine. Senator Cullom began the debate with an impressive speech in favor of the majority report. He declared that the Maine disaster was a deliberate and atrocious murder of our sailors by Span iards. He said the people of the United States demand that this crime , be avenged, and that the blow be struck without delay. He further said that if Spain is permitted to pursue her coarse in Cuba she will destroy all the patriots of that country. ' Senator' Piatt presented resolutions adopted by the Republican Editorial as sociation of New York, approving the president's course. " . Berry Applauded So PresldentThreatened , , to Clear the Galleries. f Senator Berry, of Arkansas, was the next fpeaker. He argued in favor of the j recognition of the republic of Cuba, $ ; He closed amid deafening applause from the gallery. The vice-president jumped to his feet and cried angrily that there must be no more of this. He would be forced to clear the galleries if such a demonstration is repeated. , ' Senator Daniel Speaks. Senator Daniel, of Virginia, toliowed Senator Berry. He said that' diplomacy is ended and we stand on theedgeof war. He spoke in favor of the Turpie resolu tion. He accused the president of Insin cerity in Lis recommendations concerning Cuba. ' ?-:':v -: Tilt Between Daniel and Qoay. Senator Quay arose to defend the pres ident. ' S ' ' -: ' . Senator Daniel asked Quay if it was the purpose of the president to send an army to Cuba and turn our guns to face Gen. , IjllOl? For the Purpose of SENATE; Makes a Red Hot One Gomez, thus crushing a glorious resolu tion? ' 46 r Senator Quay answered that he would bang his head in shame if he thought such were the intentions of the house resolu tions, favored by the president. Tillman Makes a Red Hot Speech. At the conclusion of Daniel's . speech senator Tinman made a red not war speech, and yielded temporarily to Sena tor Gray, who wanted to make himself clear about his position on the Cuban question. . jT . . ' . During a repartee with Daniel, Tillman said: "Populists "Republicans, Demo crats are we, but ail of us are Americans to make Cuba free.". . ' To. Continue In Sessjpa Till a Vote Is Reached. The senate is pledged to remain in con tinuous session until a vote is reached on the Cuban resolutions. Contract Fot Ambulance Wagons. The war department has closed a con tract for ambulance wagons for the army to go to Cuba. Will Firmly Decline to Accept Suggestions. The concensus of opinion of t he officials in the state department is that if the Eu ropean powers present a note after the senate passes the resolutions under con sideration, the government will firmly de cline to aecept any suggestions. Secretary Day said he does not believe this country would entertain any over tures from powers seeking to change the programme arranged. , European Action Not Serioasly Regarded. " Efforts to induce renewed action for intervention by European powers are not regarded seriously by senators. It is not believed that any complete coalition can be secured in any very radical protest against the course of the UnitedStates. Nine Republicans will oppose the Davis resolution. ' :'- Weyler Commander Is Chief of Spanish Army. It is rumored here that TYejIer has been appointed commander in chief of the Spanish army. Orders to Naval Reserves. irruers uavv vrcu laouwu oj I no navy department to the Naval TirvMntv0, Orders have been issued by the navy York, Mas8acbusetts,Ilhode Island, Mich igan and New Jersey to hold themselves in readiness to man the auxiliary cruisers recently pun-hosed, viz: Pratice, Yankee, Dixie, ; Yosemife" and Venezuela. They will not be required to go aboard until hostilities have occurred. Massachusetts Appropriates Haifa Million for War. By Telegraph to Thi Tbbi Fbiss. - , ,T" Boston, April J 5. The general-assem bly of Massachusetts this afternoon ap propriated 500,000 for war purposes. Opening Ball Season Postponed. By Telegraph to Thi Fbbi Pbxss. Philadelphia, April 15. The opening of the baseball season here today was post poned on account of rain. ' THE SPANISH REPLY. Sayt All the Troubles in Cuba Originate Through the Clamor of American Sugar Manufacturer. Indignantly Denies Re sponsibility for Maine Disaster. Says United States Consuls Were Cuban Bebel Agents. Says Spain Is Reluc tantly Compelled to Fight for Her Rights And Honor. By Cable to Thi Fbh Pbbss. London, April 15. A dtapatch from Madrid this afternoon says that the note of the Spanish government to the United States will review the whole Cuban ques tion, pointing out that all the troubles with the United States arise through the clamor of American sugar manufacturers, who, it is claimed, fomented and organ ized the entire revolt. In this note atten tion is called to the alleged unmolested American filibustering, and it is asserted that the chief insurgent leaders are not Cubans, but adventurers of all nationali ties, whose sole purpose is that of plun der and robbery. This note was presented this afternoon. It indignantly denies that Spanish officers are responsible for the destruction of the Maine. Minister Sagasta says:. "Such an in famous calamity would merit the repro bation- of the world. All nations and many Americans know the true cause o! the disaster. For the American people to base their plea for intervention upon heartless calamity of this character is to rebel against reason and justice. It is impossible' for the United States to pro test informally that they do not Impute the destruction of the Maine to Spanish officials," The note further says that United States consuls were Cuban rebel agents. When autonomy was promised the island the American squadron went near Cuba and Inspired the insurgents to bold. out. All the contentions of the note are sup ported by documentary evidence, which, the Spanish" ministry asserts, completely proves that bad faith has been displayed by the United Slates. The note concludes by declaring that the Spanish government has exlmusred very means lor gaining peac, "d 1 that Spain is reluctantly compelled to pit-par for war and fight for the raaint nance of her rights and honor. FLYINB SQUADRON. Going Through Sguadron Manbuvres and Gun Practice. Returned to old Point Today. ' . . By Telegraph to Thi Fbii Pbbss. Newport News, April 15. Capt.Furne- man, of the steamship Cbickahominy re ports having passed the flying squadron off the capes, and that the squadron was going through squadron manouvres and gun practice., It is stated on excellent authority that the squadron will return to Old Point Comfort this afternoon. ' Later news is that the flying squadron has returned to Old Point Comfort. Gladstone Holding His Ground. By Cable to Tax Fbii Pubs. ' London, April lo.UIadstone is hold ing his ground and is suffering less. . Car load of Flour fust received. very low, at Dan Quineriy's. A - : - . TTYVtfo fit 25e to $1.75 the best values in New SHIRT WAISTS Percales, Madras Cloth, TrtrT- ;. rH -r-1 Grenadines anS Lawns. OEHIWGER All sorts of Shirt Waist 31 WILL EUROPE INTERVENE? The Pope Says He Understands Europe Will Intervene and Make Naval Demon stratton. - By Cable to Thi Fsii Pbiss. Rome, April 15. Pope Leo, of Rome, says he understands that the European powers will intervene between theUnited States and Spain, in favor of the latter. He adds that according to the informa tion he has gathered from well informed quarters, the intervention will take the form of a naval demonstration In which. all the powers will participate, v SUIT FOR DIVORCE. The Wife of Edward Addicks, the Million aire Gas Magnate, Sues For Divorce. By Telegraph to Ti Fui Fbiss. - Wilmington, Del., April 15. A suit was filed today for divorce by the wife of Ed ward Addicks, the millionaire gas mag nate, on the grounds of desertion and non-support. The suit will not be con tested by Addicks. SAYS FUSION WILL RESULT. Caucasian Thinks the Democratic an Populist Conventions Will Fuse. The Caucasian this week says that if the Democratic and Popuiistconventiona are representative of the masses of the people there will be co-operation of the two forces. : . In the editorial the paper says: "A large majority of the committee favor co-operation of all who are opposed to the gold standard and the election of an anti-monopoly legislature. , There . was, however, a difference of opinion among those' favoring co-operation as to the day on which the convention should be held. The Caucasian thinks it might have been best to have held the conven tion on May 25tb. If thecohvention had , been held on that date, then there conld have been no misunderstanding amoDar the people as to who was sincere and who was insincere, and as to who waa responsible for a failure to co-operate, if there should be a failure. But if all sides are sincere,' the date for holding, the con vention is all right. But the fact that the Populist convention meets one week ahead of the -i Deraocratio convention makes it neeessary for the proposition to, o-operate to be so fair and just that no honest man in any party can object ra it. If the masses of the People's party are properly represented in the People's, pnrt.y State convention, and if the masses of the Democratic party are properly represented in theDeraocratic conven tion, there will be a fair and honoraVfe co-operation that will not only equitably arrange the places of trust between the parties, but will also , make a great triumph for the principles of good gov ernment. For twenty years the State lpgilaturea of North Carolina have been dominated to a greater or less extent by corporations and monopolies. If corpo ration attorneys and the agents of mo nopoly, and men who would barter the welfare of the State for an office, control the conventions, then there will be no co operation, and the monopolists will win." New Barber Shop! When you need a Shave', a Hair Cut. or a Shampooou should go to . Thos. H. Green's New Barber Shop. on Gordon Street, second door from Temple's corner.- - Hal Cut in Any Style Desired. y material by the yard. enos. VvvvviVvvvvvvvvvvvv) 1 ' : Wf 1

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