OA LY a ft',- PiBUSHgq E2ZERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY .H .V" y, ; ' Vol.1 No. 30. KINSTON, N. tJ.i PEIDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1898. 11 ' r That's What England Did to the Im pertinent Would-be Interfere!. Spaniards Intimating That Dewey Is En trapped by Spanish Gunboats Outside ofManmaVarbor. Thbiflftfr? Delwdeih'e foolish Furious Spanish Populace! Sampson to Attack the Ca naries. Br Cable to Thb Vbsi Pbbss. London, May" 6.-rEngland this morn ing snubbed the' powers 'advocating, in tervention between th'etTnft"States and Spain. Mf0 nrlou 'd Madrid dispatches say that the Spanish authorities are-intimating that Dewey is entrapped-.toy1 Spanish" fgnjibdata!con cealed outside of the harbor ol, Manilla. This is believed here to .be 'a foolish "at tempt on tbepartdf the Spanish govern ment to delude the infuriated populace. The British admiralty has been official! v advised iromWasMDgtbnr tbteniive British subjects from the Ciiia'ry: isbihds. Commander Sampson's flt is-expected to attack the' i Spanish' forces tfiereV REPORT ABOUT DEWEY. " That He Bombarded ManlllaVKllilng Many. Notbi n ji: Prove It AwW'ntjtyA By Catoleto Thb FbbbPbbm. . TTT . - vXondoD,LMay 4-bmmodore Dewey bombarded Manilla killmgany: fThi v was reported this morning over the cable from Sbanghl. There 1b 6thingp6ve the authenticity tf this report. -.-. , TWO ttOBt prizes. 11 -Spanish Schooners'Loaded Wtth Supplies w for Blanco Captured. By Cable to Tbi rH Pxxbs. ,Key We8C?Jlyx TT captnred ..schooners with supplies for Gen. Blanco . were brought in here this morning. - , Submarine Mines. By Telegraph to Thb Fbbb Pbkss. , ' s H i : Portsmouth, N. H., May 6. The min ,ing of the b arbor was completed! tbW morning. Thirty submarine mines each i containing 150 pounds of gun cotton, are , in position. ,' The Essex is docked at the navy yard. . ; Schooner Stopped by Fort Hamilton. By Telegraph to Thx Fbbb Pbbss. ; .Mew York, May 6. Fort Hamilton fired a shot across the bow of a schoonei i which tried to enter the harbor 'last anight, bringing her to. Cmall Untlitu fliilnlrlu GimiiMMtit f WMIHI MtHftlllJ UIVKI Wfl. tO0u..? Cable to Free Press. JI , ;Key West, May 6.-A small mutiny was quickly suppressed this morning, among I firemen and coalers of Alimo, carrying ; West Pint engineers to Cuba. Manilla's Capture By Dewey Confirmed By Dispatches From Singapore." By Cable to Thb Fbib Pbbss. London," May 6.-Private dispatches from Singapore confirm the report .'of Dewey's capture of Manilla. Newark Ordered Into Commission. By Telegraph to The Free Press. " US J v vNewport News," May 6.The Newark nas been ordered into commission, under .command of Captain Bakm- t; v , -: ; i; ' : r -". .'. ' :l"3 S, ; 1 Watson's Flag Over the Cincinnati. By Cable to Thi Fbxb Pbbss. ' Key Wwt, May C Capt. Watson's flag is hoisted over th cruier Cincinnati. ,: ' Spanish Gunboat Sails. By Cable to The Free Press. ff ,-.-'Baeno'; Aye, f,Ma f - 6. Th Spanish gunboat Temera rip stfiled this moi ning". Killing Bread Rioters. , By Cable to ThbFbbb Pbbss. v. " 'rfi - T , Bomp, May G Troops "itiia,1noriting killed four bread rioters at St-eto. ill III f I S LEES FROM WASHINGTON. . Fer Annexation of Hawaii. Dewey's Re 'pert to Be Published Soon as Received. Gen. Lee Will Go" to Cuba. Porto Rico Expected la. Btt Taken Tomorrew. - By Telegraph to The Free Press. - - Washimrton,,May 6. Congress is w ait ing for Democratic, senators to frame a revision of the Dingley revenue bilL A joint rescjlatioff has been introduced for the annexation of Hawaii. ) The cabinet assembled at 11 o'clock tbia morning, aud ; decided to publish Dewey's report as eoont as it is received, no matter at what hour it arrives. Sampson's movements are still an offi cial secret. .v It Is reported today from authoritative circles that the cable to Manilla is work ing all right. '.-i a' Gen. E well will command the volun-. teers that are mobilized at - Washington. Gen. , Wheeler will command the volun teers at another point; Gen. Lee will go to Cuba. . .- It is expected by the administration that Porto Rico will be taken tomorrow. A cabinet official said this afternoon that Important news is coming, Sunday. ! " LaG R ANfiEN E WS. ' Insurance Paid. ' Mormon Elders Nuraer . ous. Meeting Town Commissioners and ' Election of I Officers! - Death of. Mrs. .iparkie. . ;.- j;.. v , r --v. : io 'f ". Free Pbbss Bubkau, LAGiti.NGK.ilay ,5 1808. Mormon elders are .getting numerous inxurtQwp. v .f (t : ; , , s ,.Dr, J. W. P. Smithwick is in attend ance at the medical convention, at Char 1 . FT- "11 J J. i' Y- loiie. tie win returu ioiikjitow rn Mrs."iTno, R. Peel, who for the past eight weeks has been in a Richmond.hoe- im "Mk'an ilrs. li. W. Ball, whose schoo at Mt. Oil ve hae closed, are here and wil spend their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. JosiahMrldttJ r'-S. Ti'HW f IThrdogiM L. Hartey & Son's sub WfatjMihT&ll. HBrperMrsJM.iAt Croom jteceirjecL, a check lor $5Q0 for in. snrance on her residence .recently de- ftwWi . '1 The bew boardf of commiseioners met Wednesday night and elected Mess. Aei Sutton mayor, and Jno. Hughes chief of police. Mr. O. Taylor resigned anLMrl Cv W. Joyner was elected in Ins stead. Key". B. H. Harper, colored, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Mr. Sutton (of the board) as mayor,, jtAfj-s. Chloe Parks, of Seven Springs; ex pressed a wish to accompany her eon; Dr. MrW. Parks, to the old homestead on Tuee'day, and after arriving there was stricken with paralysis and would have fallen bad she not been caught. She re mained speechless until Thursday morn ingwhen she died. She was a member of the Presbyterian cnurch, and was about 70 years old. She leaves two chil dren; Dr. M. W. Parks and a son in FlOr- idaVv' Her oft expressed desire to die, at the old homestead was providentially gratified. Her nearest neighbor told the writer that too much could not be said other many Christian attributes. Char ity, the greatest of the Christian graces, was dispensed by her to a degree equalled by but few. iier trials are past, her un alloyed joys just begun. WAR NEWS NOTES. r,Tbe reports that Senor Moret and Gen. Campos had been assassinated in Madrid turn out not to have been true. . It is reported that 200 men were killed or wounded on . the Baltimore, which stood the heaviest shock of the battle at Manilla: also that the Olympia with tor pedoes destroyed the shore fortifications and abutments. j ' $ It i fs said that the Australian and the City of Pekiti steamships have been char tered at San Francisco to go to Manilla to .carry supplies and to bring back Dewey'jS woundd men. It is 7,000 miles from San Francisco to Manilla. The navy department feels anxiety re garding the whwrnibouts of the torpedo boat kNOBon. If she does not return ;to Kr-y West very shortly an attempt will bf4nd to locate ber. There is some fear that she went down in a storm. "" A dini,ttfch"trom San FranciPco Vtates thiit Admiral KirkTrfnd 'has acablems Bdir tri'vinsr our loeeiikl be' Manilla fitrht as 50 tilled "ni'id 100'wounded;"o.1so that tbe Concord and Petrvl were badly dam aired, wp-cially in their uuDt-r works: also that JJtfWey ask-d that a hospital ship, 2,000 uifu and nipjlue for thrte niouilis bHeut l;im rani Over a Sand Pit at East Entrance To Matanzas Harbor.' ' 1 Many Cane i Fires Between Matanzas and Havana. Wearying Monotony; of the Blockade, But . Much ' Rejoicing i Over Dewfey's VI6tbryr The Hornet Will Stop That Little Flag-Flying and Fortifying. By Cable to THB FBBB PBB88. Aboard DiBpatch Boat off Havana, via Key West, May C The monotony of the blockade is very wearying to the officers and crews, but there is much rejoicing among them over Dewey's victory. . The Hornet reported seeing a Spanish flag flying over a sand pit at the east entrance of Matanzas, and two guns being mounted there. The Hornet will fire on thenv ajt sunrise to stop their work offbrtifog. (. if The e are many . pane fires between Matanzas and Havana. v BULL FIGHTERS ANO CATTLE THIEVES. An American Citizen Arrives in New York From Porto Rico and Reports the Depredations of the. Spaniards. By Telegraph to The Free Press. New York, May 6.-A Porto Bico steam ship, which sailed from St. John, Porto Hico, .. on. Aprik 30tb, arrived here . this morning. ' Among 'its passengers were W. Borda, his wife and two sons, and -aQaerr'his'felkt Bdrda is an American citizeu.aiid. was obliged to flee frouPrto Rico. He owusa.large stock faroi and sugar plant, tro miles from St John. The Spanish authoritiesquartered a large- number of spldiers on him and laughed at his demands for reimburse ment. They killed all of his cattle, for which he wants indemnity; Japanese Account ef Manilla Battle. By cabjeto.TBK Fbu PBBfla, r , f . .rfn ' jpohdpn May ' 6. A dispatch from Shanghai published today purports to give the Japanese report of the battle oi Manilla, received via Formosa, it says that Dewey, after thrashing the Spanish fleet and silencing Cavite -guns', ,bom ablaze everywhere, the work of the In surgentsT That there were great fatalities among the Spanish residents'1 J ' Communication With Manilla Still Closed Bt Cable to.The. Free Pressiwia - Hong-Kong, .May 6. Communication wih Mamlla is still closed, ii y tn i The Spanish Throne lit Danger. London,;' May. 5. A epeclaJU dispatch from Vienna says the idea of .the resigna tion of the regency by Maria Christina is seriously considered, here in,, the hope it may save the throne. A special dispatch from Madrid says the covernment would be content to cede Cuba to America, but would not pay an indemnity, because unable. , . , , , A special dispatch front Madrid: says all the elements of a long civil war exist in Spain: : Conservatives and Carlists are the great parties of the future, i Tbe con- Cienfuegos Bombarded. New ldrF.'May A. X special to The Press from Key West says:' Cienfueiros has been: bombarded." Not ;only did - the Marblehead silence, the battened of tbe town on tbe afternoon of April 29th, but sbellKi the town itself,1 playing 'havoc with the buildings and driving thousands of inhabitants to the interior, ? ' . r The shooting at the forts, was at 4,000 yards. . As soon . ns the forts ,were dis abled, Captain Manila ordered that tbe HiiH'h gnns , be .'givi n nn elevation to reach 8,000 ynniK. Firing, began -with the starboard batteries, followed by the port. ' .r ' -". Tug Fuer Puxm has iunt received and othr largi; lot of inr, both ruled and on mind,': for'; lob .printing The FfiKK Pbkss probably carrta th lareestsnp- ly of papT, nvelopnf ftc. for printing of miy t.tutili.-iliiii-iir ept 4 the W. & W. I 1. II. ifnu along your order. - - NEWBERN NEWS ITEMS. Marine Notes. Signal Corps Sent to E. " City. Assistant Surgeon on Nantucket. Episcopal Sunday School Picnic' A Sailing Party. , ' C. Whit Gas&lns, Manager Newbern Depart ment. Newbebn, N. C, May C, 1898. Mr. Leymau W. Hancock spenttheday in Goldsboro. . t. The Daily FuekPiikss is for Bale by all newsdealers. ' The schooner Ida E. Conily is in port with a cargo of steel rails for the A, & N. C. H. 11. . The schooner Ella R. Hill is in port with a cargo of corn for J. A. Meadows, from Baltimore. The schooner Mary, Capt. Geddes, cleared today for Washington, ' D. C, with shingles from Ellis' mill. " The schooner Harland W Huston, Capt. Huston, is discharging a cargo of steel rails at the A. & N. C. depot.1 ,: Mr. C, K. Bailey returned to his 'home In Kinston this raornbig. Mr. Bailey has been here working 6u the Trent rrver bridge. " - "( ' r; Mr. U. S Mace is building a board walk in front of his stores on lower Middle street, whfch makes a big im provement. u '.' ; '.',11, Drl R. S.. Primrose left this morning tor Wilmincton. where he Koes on? the Nan tucket as assistant surseon of the North 'Carolina battalion of Naval .Reserves. : - The steel draw has'beeri placed in Jposi tion in the county r bridge across Trent river, making It cbmplete.i Mr.- E; G.Hili was the first to cross the bridge, going across itf a' trMsfeV.1.' ' t ' ; 'Miss ; Annie;' Fowler; gaye ""a sail to a party of 1 her 'yoiing friends yesterday evening. Everyone' spoke 6f it as a high ly enjoyable affair, land Misjs Fowler sus tained hefrrpfitaticmas1 a" ryromoter of i the pleasures other Wends. - iM ' f . Mrj W. H.'lJaggs, quartermaster of the Wilmington iNsYWiiBPferyesj ;left. Jast night on the schooner Virginia Dare for Hatteras, wbeTie will be wet by foilf meri from'' the Elizabethdtdlvisioni They will be stationed there us fi'sihal corps,-, 1 vj-.rr ':!, tt l. " The Episcopal Sunday scbool.had their ano ual picnic yesterday, The steamer Carolina tdok' "them up T'nt'HYerio Fdy's mfll;"where th hatf diuueV'It was"' 'beautiful Hay 'dnd everybody m joyed themselves very much,' though jufti before leaving for home' an occide'nt ha ppned, , A little girl about to aboard. fN steame rijppeltrpm' the gag. boord farungin theriver. She was qun jily W cued try Mf I'Mttrk" Dissway 'aii 018'' She w-asliothur't; !'! bddly f h'ghtfendwMch'she soon overcome and the start fdr home was made'He ral of our ydurig pedple droVe up to' the' j lciiic Gladstone. Steadily Declining. London, May;5;The;DaU,r Chioiiicle says' this morning;,; "Mr. Gladstone's strength -SteadilyqecUnes, though there is h o prospect of ap: , imined id te end. H e is confined to his' rq'bm. Now and then his !ninl reverts to critical p4ri6d. s in his career and to the5 legislation which cdst him the most anxiety, but the main tliirig tbdt fills bis thought"i' teligiOnV aiid' he sra.kH of death fti hlK'cWl.'j.. :.h i To Capture Porto Rico. ' ' London, May 5. A! dispatch to the Daily" Mail, from Key .West, sent by way of Taulpa in order to escape ceneorshlp. asserts of positive; knowledge.lhat Bear Admiral Sampson's fleet will stam. at full speed to Porto Rico,' either to destroy or to'bccupy the" coa'iog station, ns a navaf base before the Soanish souadroh arrives, and "then put to; sea' and try to euguge the Cope de Verde fleet.1 ,f: r & ; J IT'S EC0QIj!lY 1 v- to use ia;Remgerator' or Ice Chest. J Keeps your meat' fresh; : . k Your milkxoblj . ;i Saves your eatables for tomorrow. " l 'E'eixigera&ra cheapest because sale at If '.. K .f .t-' . , Tf.fv t !I French Vessel Captured Trying to Run the BiockadeJnternational Tl'ft '.'. -it .ill The LaFayette, an Armed) Vessel, Had on Board. 1 61 Spaniards and. ,12 Officers, Arms aad Ammunition .for Blanco ? To ft eka Ordered to Sail Tomorrow. r By .Telegraph to The Free piressT Washington, May G. It Is believed that France will protest against the capture of the French block ad v runner LaFayette last night by ;,the.gunbdat A,nnapqlis. The steamer carried Spaniards and 12, officers, and arras and ammunitioa for QtUt Bianco. i , ; w lV ; , - The LaFayette is au armed vessel car rying mounted guns , and .belongs to t the French , Nayoi .Resery . Interaational Complications ore feared, , : ... TheTopeka.has been ordered to sail tomorrow. . , , TENDER ALLEGIANCE. Consul WUdman Sends .First:, Dispatch. ' Leading Families of Manilla Petition for Citizenship. : Dewey Is Safe. : By Telegraph to The Free Press. i i . Washington, May .O-r-Secretary. Long received this morning ihe. first dispatch from Consul Wildnian, at iHong; Kong, since the battle of Manilla. t;The dispatch irea4sj (''Cortes iBosario, Donzaga and Basa, the wealthiest families of . Mauilla, tender their allegiance and petition , for dtizenship;";TJiewpe4; meooitig; of Nfefrt Deweyja safe. ' ';tl J r A Format Protest. By Cable to Tni Fbbji Pf isst ' u h3f Key WesMay.Oj-apt, Locbnpelain formally protested n gainst the capture of ,the 'JUFayetteand.t Remands .that the . prize crew be removed , ; , v , , ; Denial That Oueen Will Abdicate. By CabletoThe FtfeepeSsT H" - 11 . London, May 6. The Spanish embassy denies that tbe queen regent will abdicate. Mrs. Alban Greaves Held in High Esteem. Ata'meetirigof "the Daughters of the King held Thursday evening, April 28, 189$, tbe following minute' was recorded on I he secretary's book and ordered to be published in The Mission Herald and Thk Kinston Free Pkkbs: ' ' . .We the members of the "BUhop Wat son' Chapter" of the Daughters of the King, St; Mary's Parish, Kinston, N.,C, desire to place on record the high1 esteem we feel for our dear president, Mrs. Alban Greaves, and the deep sorrow which fills our hearts at losing her sweet council, and the example of her untiring devotion in the Sanday school, among. the sick and in i very work ; of the parish for the furtheruuee of Christ's kingdoni5 , May God give us grace to follow In the WBy which she hath led, "For His sake." Amen."- " " , ' ' - Miss Nannie Moye, secretary. When in need of printing of any kind hi in or tend your Orders to The Free Press dflice, which carries a large line of nil kiiid of papers and will do vou first class woi k at low prices, ( ; , Chests : are t ihe . y they are the best. On i v. ' COWlilMISH 'V v v vvv

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