f i '! ' ' f, - '. . Y THE DAILY FREE PRESS. - i m UNI.-1 . - i i ...I ' i. 1 1 m. I., . i . i- i I, ii .1, ; "y" i 'n 't r t'tit " ; ' ',l',l7"v '!,? ' ' -n -i 11111 PUBLISHED EiZERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDHY, Vol. INo. 48. KINSTON, N . C., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 27, 1898. Price Two Cents. 11 Spanish Story of Her Disablemen Officially Denied. One Among the Many Suggestions, Is to Send Oil-Laden Ships Into Santiago Harbor. . The Cablet Cut at Santiago Believed to Have Been Only Dummies Miles Goes to Tampa Tomorrow. An nexation of Hawaii Offered as Amend nent to War Revenue Bill. No Offlcia Confirmation That Spanish Fleet Is A Santiago. By Telegraph to The Free Press. Washington, May 27. The story c the disablement of the Baltimore is o flcially denied. Among many suggestions received to day at the navy department for destroy ing Cervera's fleet at Sautiago, is the fol lowing: Send a dozen oil-laden ships iu to the harbor when the tide is running in and set them on fire. The burning oi will float over the bay, destroying all shipping inside. It is reported that the cables cut by the Nashville and Marblehead at Cienfuegos bare been repaired. It is believed now that thy were only dummies. President McKiuley, with Secretary Air ger and General UWts and his stuff, wil Tisit Camp Alier tomorrow. Genera Miles goes to Tampa tomorrow nights Washington, MayU7. Senator Lodge offered Newlaud's resolution for the an nexation of Hawaii as an amendment to the war revenue bill. The senatorial an nexationists declare that henceforth the twq measures must travel together. When the cabinet convened today it was without any important official dis patches throwing light on the situation Throughout the day a throng of public men have been in consultation with the president in regard to war appointments. The Post says there are no new advices from the front, from Cuban or from the Philippine waters. Secretary Long said he had no confirm ation of the report that the Spanish fleet is at Santiago. lie said Schley is lying in wait at the entrance to Santiago. Long ays he has no reason to doubt the ac curacy of the statement that the Spanish fleet is at 'Santiago harbor, beyond the fact that several days hive passed since the report and it has not yet been offic ially confirmed. MAKING PREPARATIONS. France Gives Directions to Prepare For Eventualities That May Arise. By Cable to ThrFbii Press. Farie, May 27. The Matin says that the ministers of war and marine have re ceived directions for the organization of the national defences in view of eventual ities that may arise. BRITISH STEAMER DETAINED And Officer Held as Prisoners By Span- lards. ... ; By Cable to The free Press. . , 1 Kingston, Jamaica, May 27. The British steamer Adola, which went to Cuba to bring away refugees, baa been detained at Qeafuegos. The officers are reported as being held as prisoners. ' - ' - Ai Infamous Organization, ry TelPgTptJ to The Free Press. Philadelphia, May 17. The Universal Peace Union will probably be expelled from Indttiendence II all today on account ct tMr sending a letter of sympathy to Eax&ata. ; Ctveri! Killed la a Railroad Wreck. tj ? Vr;l W The Free Press. Wr.,aiantie, Conn., May 27. Several ere iv.crteJ ki:!l in a serious wreck on tl N?w ltsUaJ railroad at Booth IIPII GERVERA GOVERNING WATERWAYS And Submarine Mines. Fred Grant and F. V. Greene Nominated Brigadiers. Sampson's Official Report of Bombard ment of Santiago. By Telegraph to Tbi Frii Press. Washington, May 27. Secretary Alger sent the senate a letter, transmitting a draft of the bill providing for the protec tion of submarine mines and regulations governing Ihe waterways of the United States in time of war. The regulations will be published. They impose a fine for violations. Commanders of government vessels are authorized to detain suspicious boats. President McKinley this afternoon nom inated Col. Fred Grant and Francis V. Greene as brigadier generals. ' ' t The navy department officially bulle tins Sampson's report of the; bombard ment of Santiago. The attack began at daybreak and lasted threebours. It was intended only to ascertain the strength and location of the enemy's defenses. This information was obtained and Sampson withdrew westward. Samp son lost one killed and seven wounded. 45,000 AT CHICAMAUGA. Number of Troops Continually Increasing. Sore Arms From Vaccination. By Telegraph to Thi Fbii Press. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 27. The volunteer army herenow numbera 43,000 and is continually increasing. Today's arrivals in camp include the 69 th New" York, first Arkansas, fifth Mis souri, and three troops of the third vol nnteer cavalry. The'fourth Ohto regiment; is practically incapacitated for duty on account of sore arms, the result of vaccination They have been suspended from drill for a few days on this account." - The Pennsylvania soldiers are jubilant today over the announcement that they are to receive pay for the time spent in camp before being mustered from the state. Pipe , lines were completed today throughout the park, hence there will be no more shortage of water. PREPARATIONS AT TAMPA. Shafter and Fifth Corps Will Be First to Land In Cuba, tee's Corps Numbers About 8,000. By Telegraph to Thi F rii Priss. Tampa, May 27. The formation, drill ing and other preparations for the regu lar volunteer troops in Florida, arranged by a general order Vwterday, continues being executed today. Maj. Gen. Shafter and the fifth corps will probably be the first to land in Cuba. This corpi is composed of mru- lars, with the exception of the seventy first New York and second Massachusetts. The corps also embraces a cavalry divis ion, composed of the first and tenth, and the third, sixth and ninth under Wheeler; also an artillery brigade under CoL Ban dolph. ' In all 18,000 men. . The seventh corps, under Lee, embraces all the other volunteers here and ; at Jacksonville about 8,000 men. HAS CEIRVERA LEFT? Belief Growing That He Left Saturday. Schley Heard From. Three Yellow-Fun neled Warships Sighted and Small Squadron Goes to Meet Them. By Cable to Thi Fri Priss. ' ' . Key West, May 27. The belief is grow ing that Cervera left Santiago on Satur day. ; . Schley's dispatch boat has just arrived. The flying squadron was off Cienfuegos Sunday. .Five rifle shots were fired from the shore. Only a few small boats were n the harbor. The squadron headed for Santiago. V . Three yellow-funneled warships are re ported having been sighted off Sandy Key light. A small squadron left to meet them. ' -'.'. -. " . . Discomforts of Rainy Season. By Cable to Thi Fris Priss. Key West, May 27. The fleet is exper iencing the discomfiture of the violent rain storms of the present rainy season on the Cuban coast. n Democratic Convention Respectfully Declined Populist Proposition. Ml Burst of Cheering Greeted Committee's Report. Executive Committee Instruct ed to Entertain No Further Proposition. Only Three or Four "Nays." A Strong Platform Adopted. .Synopsis of Plat form. Butler Now On a Trade With Republicans. Special to The Free Press. Raleigh, May 27. The Democratic State convention was in session today five hours. It did grand work for the party. Everybody is delighted. The chief feature of toe work was the prompt, complete and' final refusal to fuse with the Populists;, Mr. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the committee on platform! and resolutions, read the report of the committee, recom mending that the convention adopt the following resolutions in respect to fusion: "Resolved, That the proposition for fusioii submitted by the Populist com mittee, be and is hereby respectfully de clined. I' y . "Resolved 2nd, That the Democratic executive committee be and the same is hereby instructed to entertain no further propositiqnor fusion." ' The buret pf cheering wjych followed the reading of the,above lasted fully half a minute. Then the resolutions were adopted. Only three orjour "nays" were heard. Then there was another demon stration. TBE PLATTORM. The platform is long. It ratifies the last national Democratic platform (adopted at Chicago). Denounces the Republicans for passing the Dingley tariff bill. Favors an income tax. Denounces the Republican party for defeating the Teller resolutions, and for its determination now to issue bonds. Demands that the silver seigniorage in the treasury be coined. . Declares for, free silver coinage at ratio of 16 to 1. Suggests that greenbacks or . treasury notes be issued to meet the expenses oi war. , ' - - t Deplores the war, but pledges earnest support to the government in prosecut ing it to a successful conclusion. Favors a union of the silver forces in congressional elections, to carry in effect national Chairman Jones' letter. Commends Wm. J. Bryau's great and gallant fight during the lost presidential campaign. Denounces the scandal, extravagance, incompetency ; and corruption of the present Republican State administration. Denounces" the laws of the last two legislatures turning cities and towns over to negro domination, and pledges the enactment of such laws as will give security to property and to the people. denounces the placing oi negro com mitteemen on public Bchool . boards to supervise white schools. Opposes the removal of cases from the State to the Federal courts, and favors legislation to prevent it. ..-A- Favors fair and just election laws. Favors rule by the white men of the State. -:r--T ? ' Condemns free passes over the rail roads. , . ;' Favors the election of United States senators and State railway commission ers by direct vote of the people. 1 ABOUT BUTLER, ( V ' , ' A prominent Republican said at noon today: "Senator Butler is on a trade with us right now." Congressman i owler was liutler s per sonal representative here during the con vention. Fowler If ft for Washington to- dav. He wonld onlr sav: "I am nnt. Pit Ml I disconcerted." lO TH REE SPANISH SPIES. Found on Government Reservation at Key West. Spies Shot a Sergent In the Arm and Escaped. Spanish Cruiser Sighted and Chased. Famous German Sharpshooters Accepted. Telegraph to The Free Press. New York, May 27. A Journal npecial from Key West states that three Spanish spies were found on the government res ervation at Key West by a sergeant of infantry. The spies shot the sergeant in the arm and escaped. A Post special from Key West says that , a Spanish cruiser ha.i been sighted fifteen miles hence and was chased by the Ban croft and Wilmington. New York, May 27. The famous Ger man sharpshooters who distinguished themselves at Williamsburg, two hun dred in number, were this morning noti fied that the government will accept their services. Two Men Killed by Powder Works Explo sion. By Telegraph to The Free Press. Hazardville, Conn., May 27. Two men were killed by an explosion in the powder works here this morning. " More Damage by the Hall Storm. The damage to crops by the bail storm Wednesday night was quite severe in some sections. . Mr. Jesse Jackson, of Neuse township, says his cotton crop was destroyed by the hail. It seemed to end at his place. It appears to have been a narrow streak from Mr Shade Jackson's via the Wil liams place to Mr. Jesse Jackson's. Mr. Jesse Jackson says i the weather is suit able within a week or ten days he wilt replant his cotton. If be has to wait over ten das for suitable weather, he will plant corn where the cotton was destroyed. , The residence of Mr. W. E. Taylor, in Neuse township, was struck by lightning, during this storm, on one end, tearing a window all to pieces, tearing a few shin gles from the roof and splitting some of the weather boarding. Mr. Taylor had insurance in the Farmers' Mutual com pany and his loss was assessed at $8. Mr. E. R. Rouse, a progressive farmer, who lives three . miles north northeast of Ktnston, informs us that a large tree was blown down in his yard, falling along side his house. The hail, he thiuks, ruined his tobacco crop. His cotton wan badly damaged, especially where it had been chopped out. Mr. Rouse my 8 his neighbors were damaged in about the same way by the hail. "My wife." said Tangle, "is a mind reader." "Pity my lot," said fangle. "My wife is a mind speaker." Tit-Bits. DR. T. H. FAULKNER, . DBJ4TIST, KINSTON, - - N. C. OFFICE HOURS : 8 a. tn. to 12 m x p. m. to 5 p. cz. tGBm Office Sooxas over Harrey In durance Office. c Burance Office. JrVb OET nmEPt B Sobral's Arrest Leads to Further Important Discoveries. E Two More to Be Arrested Immediately, Supposed to Be Jointly at the Head of The Spanish Service In America. Washington Spy Sent a Daily Letter to His New York Accomplice, and the Lat ter Cabled It In Cipher to France, Thence to Madrid. Fast Spanish Scout Ship Chased. By Cable to Thi Fris Press. Key West, May 27. In connection with the arrest of Lieutenant Sobral as a spy, two more spies, in New York and Wash ington, will be arrested immediately. One is a lawyer, a former employee of the. Cuban colonial government, and the other a merchant. They are supposed to be jointly at the head of the Spanish secret service in America. Both are prominent men. The Washington spy sent a daily let ter to his New York accomplice, , and the latter would cable the same in cipher to France, whence It would be transmit ted to Madrid. He was paid as high as $750 fora single cablegram to Havana, which asked that ten dollars be placed to the Credit of Senorita Maria. This was a palpable blind., , Ten soldiers arrived this morning from Dry Tortugas enroute to Fort McPber son. They said that a telegram was re ceived at Tortugas yesterday from Wash ington, announcing that Schley had bot tled up Cervera's fleet in Santiago harr bor. ,; - . .-. , Key West, May 27. The WilmiDgtoa sighted a Spanish scout ship yesterday afternoon, fifteen miles off Sandy Key light. The Spaniard was a three-masted; steamship, with yellow smokestack and apparently of 4,600 tons. The Wilming ton pursued her vainly. 1 Later the Bancroft spoke the Wilming ton and asked if she had seen the Span iard which chased the Eagle. While the. ships were speaking the Spanish venue, appeared. The Buncroft pursued her,, the Wilmington being on short coal sup-, ply. The chase went southeast. For three nights now a strange vessel has been hovering around Key West, dia-. appearing in the morning. She is appar- ently speedy, ' ' The Wilmington reports the blockade all quiet. mmmmm . THE MARKET. By Teleffraph to The Free Press, New York, May 27.-Jo.Iy cotton 6.53, July wheat fl.l4. Tone of wheat market bad. handsome designs, at 90c, Complete v ToHet Sets, good ware, at $2.50 , to $7.50. Dinner & Tea Sets, or single pieces.. Lemonade, Milk and Tea . Glasses. nm. v IB S s S s V W VV W -V V VVV "V V v V . S,' V V V