THE DAILY FREE PRE PUBLISHED EyERY EVENING' EXCEPT SUNDRY, Vol. I No. 50. K3NSTON, N. 0., MONDAY EVENING, MAY 30, 1898. Price Two Cents. n At Concord, for an Awful Outrage In Cabarrus County. : Then Their Bodies Riddled With Bullets. They Outraged and Murdered Miss Emma Hatsell. Another Hitch Between Gov. Russell and the Secretary of War. War Department Wants 783 Men Under Second Call Added to First and Second Regiments. Russell Says " He Has Thousands for Other Regiments But Not a Man to Add to First and Second. fepeclal to The Free Press. Raleigh, N. C., May 80. Iq Cabarrus - county yesterday afternoon Miss Emma Hatsell was 'outraged by negroes, who then murdered her by cutting herthroat. JoeKiserand Tom Johnson, young ne groes, were arrested and jailed in Con cord. " ' u - The jail was attacked at 10 o'clock last sight, and both negroes were hanged on the same'tree, and their bodies were then riddled with bullets. " . ANOTHER HITCH BBTWKEN GOT, BUS8BIA' ; 1 AND BKCItETABY OK WAB. . . It does not appear that the call for the third regiment to mobilize here on June 7th will be made, as. there is another bitch between Gov. Russell and the war department; ' . ""' The secretary of war telegraphstbe gov, ernor that 783 of the new quota under the second call will be required to fill the first and second regiments 'to the full : strength of 1,350 men eacb.: ; . -, The governor replies that While be has thousands of men for other regiments, under their own officers, he does not pro pose to use a single man under the new call to fill the present regiments. ' The question now is, whether the secre tary of war will instruct the colonels to recruit their regiments or employ recruit ing officers to get men for them. To Move On Spanish Possessions Now. By Telegraph to Tie Free Press. ;;;-,. Washington, May 30,Tbe receipt of positive information in regard, to be presence of the Spanish fleet at Santiago brought to a head the preparations for the immediate invasion of the Spanish possessions. - - .,..-.,;.,. Gen. Miles starts for Tampa tonight. Troops are being prepared to leave to day. It is stated that their departure will not be postponed beyond Thursday. The president spent a quiet day and Lad but few callers. Sightseers are nu merous and national airs are heard throughout the city. .. r , ' . HcKinley on Memorial Day Observance. By Telegraph to The Free Press. Washington," May 30. The president nent letters of regret to the committee on memorial exercises at Gettysburg, which said that time only enhances , the lasting value and demonstrates anew the true significance of those inspiring and pat riotic observances to those who con tended on this historic field. Their de ecendants , are mustered today, willing to make any sacrifice for the honor of the nation.'.."--.---i- ' X Czpposed to Have CI:;:$.tchcs Frca Sch!:y. ; By Cable to Thi Fem Pmss. Cape Ilaytien, May 30. Warships .Lave just signaled from the mountain observatory. They are supposed to have dispatches from Schley. ' !I:rrI: J Cnf;rs ta tha St. Lculs. By Telegraph to The Free Press. New York, May GO. It is rumored that the auxiliary cruiser St. Louis is hur i ; :! j ordered to pail tV3 raornirg with t :t waiting for tie iz) that were to be : ' 3 1 a L .r. IB HE 1 IE GOOD NEWS, ; Cervera's Fleet Is At ' Santiago. ' No Other News of Importance, Is Good News. By special to The Free Press. Raleigh, N. C., May 30. The Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera is finally, lo cated at Santiago de Cuba. No other war news of importance in the morning papers. i SPANISH FLEET IN A BAD WAY When Seen By a British Captain Off Cu - racoa. X By Telegraph to The Free Press. ' . New York, May SO.-'-Capt. Hodgson,of the British steamshipliaughton, arrived today. He says he saw the Spanish fleet off Curacoa, and that the ships were in bad condition short of coal and provis ions. ... . . ' The St. Louis, 1 . Br Telegraph to Thi Fbii Psass.' . New York, May 80. The St. Lonis sailed for Tomkinsville at noon to await final instruct ionsfrom Washington. New guns have been placed aud she has been coaled and provisioned for a long cruise, 43ood From England. By Cable to Thi Fbki Puss. - , v Hong; Kong, May 30. A great change has taken place in England's policy. - Pro visions were allowed to bp put aboard of Dewey 's Jranspprt, which sailed for Ma nilla this evening. '"Memorial Day in New York. By Telegraph to Thb Fbbi Pbbss, i , - - New York, May : 30. Memorial Day was fittingly observed here. The weather is pleasant and unusual entnusiasm greeted the marchers down Fifth avenue. Observations Stolen and Otherwise. Written for The Free Press, - , - . The- average woman is pleased to death at receiving a note, but a tnau Ih most re luctant iu taking ' one-he prefers the cash. . . There is a woman on Railroad street who thinks that Hunter as a noHtmaster is a dismal failure. ; She baa sent twice a day for two.monthstothe postofflce, and he has not delivered her letter yet. The Fkee Pbess is a roost welcome visitor at our house, but when it ay& May 25 that The Daily Fbeb Pbess has come to stay, we must really beg to be excused; just at present. ;. It is so hard to get anything ; fit to eat, we have no cook and the baby is down with measles, Tbe Fbeb Pbess Is justly proud of its handsome appearance, its accurate news, its reliable telegraphic service and the Erotnpt and efficient manner of its diste ntion. But what we admire most about The Fbee Pbess is its extreme modesty. To this cause we must regard its pro found silence regarding an enterprise of the utmost benefit to its patrons. We run a risk of betraying tbe confidence re posed in our integrity, but the interest of the matter is of such vast importance that we deem it unjust to withhold the facts. Newspapers frequently meet a dis agreeable situation, when there is no news, none to be had and none to bo told. A dilemma of that kind may not bother the New York disseminator of false and spurious tales, originating in the abor tive brains of special reporters on the spot in the office. The Fbee Pbess could never stoop to such low, dishonest and false methods never never 1 Nevertheless it rises equal to the occa sion,, and, regardless of terrible risks and immense expense, has organized and es tablished at an enormous outlay of treasure to the country and fearful dan ger to the parties engaged, a gigantic system and scheme for .the manufacture news. t ' The directors at the head of this scien tific branch of newspaper industry are well qualified by 'the requisite courage and experience, and those serving under them may be trusted as turning out good and true and solid work. : The managers are as follows; W. T. Sampson, George Dewey, Fitzhngh Lee, Teddy Roosevelt, Stonewall Pollock and others, to be mentioned hereafter. Readers should wait with patience. Our assortment of handsome news is in a fair way of production, and as soon as each job is nicely and neatly finished it will appear onthefirRt page of this paper. Send ia your subscription. Cc!:rcd Trc:pst3 Fort f'acca. Af;wi:! train of five coaches parsed through tlU afternoon overtbe A.&N.C. R.R.,trivirT on hmrj 100 colored troops from r..-,! ' i, 1C0 fro-! Charlotte end CO from Wi' . "ton. " 1 y were c:i t!-ir way to l.rt .' ., .r : lortLuad City. Schley Says "I Have Got Them and They Will Never Get Home." Schley Persuaded the Spaniards That Ho Had Left the Region of Santiago In Dis gust. The Dons Took the Bait and En tered the Harbor. Schley lias Acted On His Own Judgment for Six Days. Schley's Squadron Is Jubilant. ; By Cable to The Free Press. Aboard : dispatch boat, off Santiago, Sunday, May 20. Schley is holding Cer vera iu the harbor here, . ; ' By brilliant manoeuvring Schley per suaded the Spaniards that he had left the region of Santiago in disgust. The Dons took the bait and en tered the harbor. Schley approached this morning and saw the Cristobal, Colon, Maria Teresa and two torpedo boats, and believes that the entire armada is undoubtedly there. ' . Schley has acted on his jndgment for the last six days, ignoring the vagaries of the strategy board. He sat on the after triangle of the Brooklyn this morning until the discovery of the armada and then went to breakfast, saying: "I have got them and they will never get home." The St. Paul arrived this morning and was sent to Mole St.' Nicholas with dis patches. She captured the coal ship which was sent to Key West. Tbe coal was intended for Cervera. It ia believed there is very little at Santiago. The nquadron is jubilant over having located the SpanTsE armaria.. " Trv7 The temperature here is 110, in the shade. The heat in the steel turrets is beyond imagination. The American ships here are the Brook lyn, Texas, Ohio, Marblehead and Vixen. SANTIAGO TO BE ATTACKED By Land and Sea Immediately. Gen. Miles Ordered to Send 25,000 Troops Thither at Once. BvTelegrapn to Tbe Free Press. New York, May 30. A special to the New York Journal from Washington says that Santiago is to be ' attacked both by land and sea immediately. Gen. Miles has been ordered to send 25,000 troops thither at once and more are to follow for occupation. ' ' ' For Jersey Naval Reserves. Telejrraph to Tbe Free Press. . New York, May SO. The auxiiliary cruiser Bkdger has arrived at the navy yard to take on ammunition for the Jersey Naval Reserves. . Soldiers Die of Pneumonia. , ByTelegrapb toTHSFBM PmssT' Chattanooga, May 30. Several deaths occurred today among the troops at Chicamauga from pneumonia. ; STATE NEWS. . Interestlsa North Carol!: Iteas la Condensed Fern. . At Shelby last Friday Mit Sadler, col ored, was hanged for the murder of ' Will Wells, white, on the 8th of last January. The supreme court has decided that the tax of IK per cent, on gross receipts of hotels in excess oi ?a,uuu is legal ana not discriminative. The senate rejected CP. Anthony, the negro saloon keeper appointed postmas ter at Scotland Neck, and the president and colored congressman, White, will ap point someone else. . . . Bishop Fitzsrerald has been assigned to hold tbe Western North Carolina confer ence, which meets at Winston November 16, and the North. Carolina conference, which meets at Elizabeth City November 30. The adjutant general says that in ad vance of the second call by the governor for volunteers he had on !e tenders of twenty-six companies of i:;f.?,ntry, two troops of cavalry and one lattery, but that only the infantry would leaccf jied. lie hv.3 : r 1 nil the tenl:rs h crd 'r of t!.-- ir rcct-;-f!o:i, and in that on!:r they v. ill I ? If any drop c-t, those L,,'.r ia tli lt will be advance J. BY BILMir ilMUMIifi NEWBEBN NEWS ITEMS. Colored Volunteers. Close of Crumpler's Meeting About 5Q Professions. Fed eral Memorial Services. . C. Wblt Gasklns, Vuuaer Newbern Depart .; menu v,, ; . Nbwbkrn, N. C, May 30, 1898. Quite a crowd of colored people from the adjoining counties are in the city to atfeud tbe Federal Memorial services. The meetings of the Rev. A. B. Crump ler closed last night. There were about 1.500 people out to beat him preach. Mr. Grumpier has been here about two weeks. There have been about forty or fifty professions. Lieut. J. T. Y'ork baa received his com mission us first lieutenant of theNewbrn Riflemen, 'and Saturday night received a telegram to recruit his company to CO men and proceed to Fort Macon today. A colored company from Wilmiugton also goes down today. CLOSS ITEMS. May 20, 1898. Irish potatoes and cabbage have made their appearance. ' Mr. W. T, Daughety has the finest calf ever seen in this commuuity. The heaviest rain of tbe season fell here yesterday injuring swamp corn. r - We heard yesterday morning that Sampson had destroyed the Spanish fleet. Closs' West was about to ring bis mother's farm bell, when The Fbeb Pkkss was received doubting it. TO PENSION MBS. BAGLEY. Congressman Strowd Introduces a Bill To That Effect In Congress. ' Washington, May 27. A bill was in troduced in the house today by represen tative Strowd (of N. C.) to pension Mrs. Adelaide Worth Bagley, mother of Ensign Bagley, of the. Winslo w, the first naval officer to fall fn the present war, at the rateoijiu per mom a. Disposition of Spanish Prizes. Key West, Fla.May 27. The prize commission today resumed its considera tion of the captured Spanish vesHete.- Tho court ordered the "Miguel Jover" and the "Catalina" released. An appeal was taken by the counsel for the government "Pedro" and tbe . "Guido" were con demned and ordered sold. " The "Panama" was condemned, and both ship and cargo were ordered to be sold. The. "Buenft'Venhirjii" wna nlr win. demned, but her cargo was Mealed. ' Any kind of printing at The Fkek Pbess orHne, , ,s is called to the fact that SOr.iETHIilG rilCE FOR YOU TO EAT , Our stock is full up with Fine Canned Goods, Mason's Cakes j. auu uatjtcis, anu aii Kinas oi urocenes max are jcept in a nrsi. class grocery store. ; , Our prices are as low as anybody's. Goods delivered free to any pare oi xae city. x ours to Next to l. Harvey & Son's Office. imilBii-lllUDM r - -.-mi,.. llli. PITCflEtyS V I 3 U Li fed 4 k D This Was Attempted by the Crew of a Captured Vessel. . I I. Or Bather Coal For Cervera's Fleet. Cap tured Off Santiago and Taken to Key West. Prize Crew Pumped Constantly To Keep the Captured British Steamer Afloat Till Port Was Reached. . By Cable to The Free Press. , ' : ; jvbjt eat, way ou. iub papers oi, mo Rritish ntnmaViin nnntniHid ftt Hantlnnrn with a cargo of 5,000 tons of coal for Cervera, show that it was boqndfrom Cardiff to Porto Rico. The. vessel evi dently received information that it was1 dangerous to attempt to enter Porto Rico ports, and was seeking Cervera's fleet at Santiago. . Just before capture an attempt was made by her crew to 1 scuttle the vessel. The prize crew pumped constantly until they brought her to this port. When boarded by quarantine officers this morn ing the captured vessel carried the Amer ican flag on her foremast truck, a British flag on her taffrail, and another British flag at halfmast amidshlp. , , . ... Reciprocity With France. -By Telegraph to The Free Press. .. Washington, May 30.The French, re ciprocity agreement was signed -today. It makes the following tariff arrange ments in favor of America: Manufactured ! and prepared pork and meats reduced from 100 franks to 50 per 200 pounds; lard, from 40 to 25. Table fruit, canned meats, dried and pressed fruit, common w6ods, paving blocks, strives, hoops, ap ples, peara, crushed, cut or dried, to the minimum French rate -the duty under tin redactions being half former rate. Angola to five per cent. ad valorem. Br.indies and other spirits to f 1.75 per tlvi gallons. Thirty-five cents a gallon. Fo reduction on champagne. - Subscribe to The Daily Fbee Pbess. we haye always in stock please, , y If 10 1 LOADED 1 FRENCH & SUGG, Kinston, U. C. ,U, ..iii.y, , ,r Tl 1 111 llll Ml itilit in H Llx and BOWLtS t ' handsome designs, at 90c. Complete J Toilet Sets, X ; good ware, at $2.50 - to $7-50- 'Dinner & Tea ' Set3, or single pieces. ' Lemonade. ' I,Iilli and Tea 3 u u