THB DAILY FREE FRESS. Publlihd r THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PUB. CO. Entered at P. O. M second claw mail matter. W. S. HERBERT, - Editor. The statement that Capt. Clark, of the battleship Oregon, is an ex-Confederate, is a mistake. He fought on the northern side during the civil war. and tell oar naval commanders and army officers In the field to go ahead according to their best judgment. If this was done we think that something would be ac complished and the war quickly ended. It is unfortunate that such a tool of the money power and monopolists as McKinley is president of this country; un fortunate that our chief executive is such an undecided, vacillating man. If Bryan bad been president we believe this war would have beeu ended--and with honor to our country long ago. It is a pity that we haven't such an you," an. Walter R. Henry, Topulistrfor-ofBce, at lost gets a slice of political pie. He has been appointed national bank examiner energetic, vigilant, pushing, decided man for North Carolina,' vice Col. Burgwyn, as Bryan in the chair. resigned. McKinley has allowed politics to gov ern his actions, regarding the war and appointments of officers, entirely too much. There are several cases of yellow fever at McHenry, Miss., caused by last year'a germs, but as prompt measures were taken to stamp it out, it is hoped that it will not spread. It is stated that Secretary Alger de serted during the civil war. lie would be freely forgiven for that great offeuse if ho would only quit his post now, and give at least one chance in a thousand , for McKinloy to appoint a competent man for the place. I 111 The Dingley tariff is a failure. Customs receipts in May, 1897, under the Wilson law, $17,000,000; in May 1898, under the Dingley law, f 18,466,584. Dingley's lauded measure was a good thing for the monopolists whom it protected. An a revenue law it is a failure. . John Wanamaker will go to the front as lieutenant colonel of the regiment he has raised. George R. Snowden will serve as colonel. Wanamaker said that he locked military experience and he pre ferred to have an able man in command. This causes us to think more highly of John Wanamaker. ; "There are seven negro postmasters in Halifax county," said Capt. Kitchen at , the Democratic State convention. That's what those so-called Democrats who voted against Bryan are getting for their mistake. They are disgusted that is, all : of them are who are not fond of negro postmasters and the like, and that's all who are not going into the Republican party. News-Observer. The lack of money seems the worst of j all the difficulties the Spanish govern ment nas to race. a or a limited time a bankrupt nation can carry on a war on credit, but armies and navies cannot be long maintained without cash, and the Spanish resources are so nearly exhausted and the country itself has been so im poverished by wars and rebellions and general disturbance and maladministra tion that the present situation of the! STATE NEWS. Interesting Items In Cardinal'! Stories. Tm afraid I can't tell rwerea uarainai Wiseman on some one asking the names of several choice plants on the table. "I am. often as much puzzled by botanical nomencla ture as the old lady who said she couldn't remember all the old Latin names. The only two she had been able to retain were aurora borealia and de lirium tremens. " The cardinal thoroughly enjoyed hu morous stories and often told them at his table, "I have seen Father Jteber, " writes the author of "Social Hours With Celebrities," "at the cardinal's table, laugh, till the tears rolled down his face." A story which the cardinal enjoyed much was that of an Irishman, who, while taking a barge up the Shannon, was asked what goods he had on board, and answered, "Timber and fruit." "What kind of timber and what sort of fruit?" "Well, an if ye must know, the tim ber is just birch brooms, and the fruit, well, it's pretaties," - . - An Irishman averred that the habit of Irish landlords of living outside of Ireland was the great grievance Ireland had to complain of. , "Oh, yes, " answered an Englishman, "that's the old stalking horse. I don't believe in your absentees." "Not belave in 'em I Come to Dublin with me, and I'll show ye 'em by the hundred. Why, the country just swarms with 'em." Why Elephant Pear Mice. It seems incredible that so small and harmless an animal as a mouse is able ! DR. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, V KINSTON, N. C. ' lar-OFFIC OVIB DlK QCIMBKLT'S 8T0BI, IM TBI MOSILIT BOIIDIHO, NlIT TO PBJSQBM VOX. . AWN MS For. A New Line of Ladies' Shoes. Residence Windows or Store Fronts Samples of 20 ; different colors shown, on application, at your home or place of business. , Awning Frames and Covers, ' all complete, put to your windows by: vVK-i''t BELL & SONS. WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ;;V , TRAINS GOIXQ SOUTH. North Carolina Condensed Form. The secretary of war has decided that Col. Carr coold not pay off the North Carolina boys at Jacksonville, Fla.,so all will have to wait for awhile. The Democrats of Johnston county will celebrate July 4th by opening their cam paign on that date. Governor Jarvis and Cbas. B. Aycock will speak. It is reported at Raleigh that Judge Norwood nas resigned. lie on several occasions on the bench has been under the iufluence of liquor and a year ago came near being impeached by the legis lature. It is said he is again drinking. The second regiment; at Raleigh, has 1 1 J A 1 ll 1 L J - Deen oraereu 10 urm nu uuurs eauu uay. . .... , . . . . i t-t vi- J 1 except Sunday, and that two hours of .to. fnfifcten an elephant almost out of DlaCK and COlOrS. this time be devoted to practice march ins three miles an hour. Shoes, under clothes and rifles for the men have at last arrived. Wilkesboro Chronicle: A young fellow by the name of Mark Atkins, in Lewis Fork township, got into trouble recently by marrying, lie married a Miss Shep herd against the will of the family, and the boys followed him until they caught him and then, giving him a severe thrash ing, took the girl back home. I Wilmington merchants tried to get the . J -L- - 1 11 rauway commission xo compel me ran We have just gotten in a brand new line of La dies' Shoes, manufactuj ed by John Kelly. We have them in But ton, Lace and Oxford, the latest styles of toe, in DATED rf . rf . rfSjj - . rf . May :5th, 1898. Sk 5Sk Sis dS p3 o3 e3 o3 Q jz; Q ZjQaO (5 Q BO A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. P, M. Leave Weldon... 11 60 9 43 Ar. Rocky Mt,... 1265 10 86 Leave Tarboro... 13 29 0 00 Lv. Rocky Mt.... 100 1086 6 46 540 1257 Leave Wilson.... 168 11 13 7 19 022 J 20 Leave Selma 250 1168 Lv. Fayetteville. 4 85 1 07 Ar. Florence.... 725 815 , P 2fe JLm 3ft Ar. Goldsboro 8 00 Lv. Goldsboro 7 01 805 Lv. Magnolia.... 805 - 413 Ar. Wilmington 980 640 Pa If A. JA9 P Tillm TRAINS GOING NORTH. can only I t-j . l; hi a 1 1 on which they are feeding will etam- ineSO SO.O0S an cjitiro herd. In their native VG had in TCinsfvni frnm Florence auuu iueru v.vv uuxo amu:tuis, Known as I - , - ' . chacanas, which feed cn a small, sour US, and WIO DrlCeS are after the manner of prairie dogs, under fr 7 j -gfr- mvery pair is guaran- aS 55ft Lv. Fayetteville Leave Selma.... Arrive Wilson.., Lv. Wilmington. Magnolia.. the berry bushes. ' -; When feeding, the elephants trample the little towns, and the chacanas, in their fright, run up the tubes-of the ele phants' trunks. ' Their long, sharp claws Lv. Lv. Goldsboro. Leave Wilson.... Ar. Rocky Mt... teed, and if a pair is not UiriveTarDoro.. toe ran- . t . 7. . V r . " t.j. :j. j 1 1 roads to issue 1,000 and 2,000 mileage v m tne nesn ma tne7 cannot do VVUHb lb IS represented XO books, interchangeable, at 2 cents a mile, The commission agreed to allow rail ejecieo. xne more vioienuy tne mon- 1 WA rill ster blows through its coiled trunk the ww w o w 5 6 o vuu' au- Lv. Ar. Rocky Mt. Weldon.... roads to sell mileage books at present more firmly the hookedclaws of the lit- other Pah. 845 11 10 1285 117 1 O on tt P. M 117 2121 1229 812 825 P. M, A. M, 5 001 5 15 6 45 a 93 P. M, 835 1085 1144 1219) A.M. 12 19 1257 Li 671 148 A Ma! 2 9 P. M 715 8 55 10101 P. M, Jl 15 1167 P. M. o3 S5 985 1101 12 03 P. M. 12 49 : 180 rates, bat to make them interchangeable among members of one lamily, provided the names of the family are recorded on the ticket. The Seaboard sells 1,000 mileage tickets for $25 and 2,000 miles for $40. The Southern and Coast Line sell 1,000 miles for f 25, but get $50 for 2,000 mileage tickets. WAR NEWS NOTES. Admiral Dewey recently cables the gov ernment at Washington that the fight ing is all over and that all he needs troops for is to inaugurate the new ad ministration of the United States control at Manilla. m. i ta . 1.1.. u.. s.j responsible officials is reslly pathetic- Segai; for p uuwu u uuiuoi. oi taking on a coal supply, is reported as 'mm I having sailed Saturday, her next port It seems as U north Carolina will get being Honolulu, and irom there the mon no brigadier general lathi war. We are itor KeB to the Philippines, onrrw Onn TTfttA rlia nnt, om flfc Advices from Jacksonville, Fla.. Satur- next best man for SUCh appointment hmrhLee. who accomnanien tha wnedl. would be Gen. fioberts, but it Is said Congressman Pearson will oppose him, and also Judge Whi taker, in the hope of getting it for his cousin, Tom Settle. Judge Walter Clark Is also mentioned for brigadier general.' It seems, however, that North Carolina will not get any ap pointment for general. There are too many small calibre poli ticians in control of affairs both at Wash ington and in this State. These poli ticians are comparable to the old smooth bore, ; short-range guns, and even the effectiveness of such are leadened by their excessive dirtiness. A dirty gun does not shoot far nor accurate. The dirty poli ticians in control of affairs in North Car olina and the nation are equally ineffec tive, considering the immense resources of men, money and materials at their ; command. ' v- , The policy of our government is now said to be "silence." The government's policy also appears to be "inaction." If our fleets in the gulf were not controlled by the government at Washington they would undoubtedly. have accomplished something ere this. Dewey is the only one of our men who has accomplished any big result, and his success is attrib utable to his great distance from Wash iron preventing the alleged strategy board there hampering him down with focllib. ia3trmctions. About the best tLirg for the country would be to abolish t!:3 incompetent board at Washington tion. will become the military governor on tnat island as soon as tne expedition lands. ; , , Secretary Alger states that the colored regiments may Belect their own officers, from the rank of captain on down the line. This will be good news to the col ored soldiers, who were under the im- Eression that they would be commanded y white officers entirely. ':;r:-y'--;:.; Nine hundred marines were landed Fri day in the bay at Ouantanomo, with tents and general supplies, and estab lished a base of operations at Cainamera. Over the blockhouse, the American flag was noistea oy a colored sergeant, Kich ard Silvery, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The Cape Haytien cable to Cainamera is to be. at once repaired and put in good working order for the use of the Americans. The navy department has sent orders to Admiral Sampson to notify Cervera that if the latter destroys his four armored cruisers and two torpedo boat destroyers to prevent their falling into our hands, Spain at the end of the war will be made to pay additional indemnity at least equivalent to the value of those vessels. It has been realized all along that the Spanish admiral, rather than permit his fine fleet to be added to the United States navy, might at the last moment, prefer to blow them UD.Derhans going so far as to carry himself and his men along with them. A la( Pulverizer. Wilmington 8Ur. : There is a captain of a Kansas com pany named liobalikcywy Pizybylow witez, who stood the physical examina- wn notwithstanding tne load he has oeen carrying. tie animal become imbedded in the flesh. Inflammation and death are the result In captivity the elephants think they are in danger of the deadly chacanas when they see a mouse. New York Sun. Ways of Actor. In the country one has few opportuni ties of meeting these children of nature. Occasionally one sees' an individual or a company at the railway stations, and then it is curious to note how instinc tively they treat the platform as a stage and take Tip the important positions on it. 1 1 wonder it acting now is as lucra tive a profession as it was under Eliza beth. Shakespeare, we' are told, got notning to speak of for his plays, but made nis fortune as an actor, and Al- leyne, another actor, after providing for t i - 1 S'. M ' 1 . . . . . . out uuniiy, lounaea inuwicn school Another curious point about actors Is that they should not be content with their own names, like painters and writers, but take names, the ladies es pecially, that belong to other people. Is there no property in names? N. told me of a model of his who wished to go upon tne musio nail stage and whom he ask ed, "What should you call yourself?" "Oh, Alice Burne-Jones, certainly.' iwnniu .Magazine. Dan Quinerlv. Train on the Kinston Branch Road leaves ! Weldon 4:15 p. m., Halifax 4:30 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 520 p. m., Greenville 8:57 p. m.. Kinston 7:55 p. m. - Returning leaves Wins ton 7:50 a. m., Greenville 8:53 a. m., arriving Halifax at 11:18 a. m.. Weldon 11:33 a, m.. dally except Sunday. , H. M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Agent . J. R. EENLY. Gen'l Manager. i T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager 3 flfp Advertising is the Keystone r to Success. Barnum. nil . jt 4 ' ' " I A Gentle Reirder The Travellna: Treoehnuui. , The Petit Jpurnal of Paris Bays that; nothing is so curious and instructive as to observe the Englishman when travel ing as compared with the Frenchman. The former is calm, punctual, precise and with only the necessary quantity of baggage. He will journey through Unina with merely a valise. He is not impatient. He loves travel. It is to him an inclination and a felt want On the other hand, the Frenchman when jour neying, is restless, nervous, impatient bored; the entire time he spends looking furtively at his watch or consulting the railway time table. He is always crowd ed up with parcels in addition to his portmanteau. He is, as a rule, in cumbered with many useless! articles. In fact, he dislikes travel, which he finds an ennui and a fatigue. . - Patriotic Souvenirs at Dinners. Even social functions are tinged .with the war fever. There is actually a "cor ner" in the supply of dark blue bach elor's buttons. These are in demand for dinner table decorations, in combination with red and white carnations. At a big dinner pasty in Nev;, York the other jnight enameled American - a,?s wcra Subscribe to The Daily Fuee Tkess. I liveaassouvenirs. -Pitt .-lurgDirpatch. -K3 " 1 1 -K3 4 J 4 s D 3 4 1 : 9 : V . Thesb are the days when the inan who does a successful business must .realize the Ay .' ' t . . ..:. . . - e 1. v x. i -. K" rnii u?one ana sienincance 01 ine irreai vcri. .-. ,u - "hustle." You musthustle if you, do any business. Every mpi who has a dollar wants his money's worth before he;lets it go. The man who has bargains to offer must let the fact be known. If you have anything special to offer advertise the fact, else the people will never know it. As fa medium for reaching the, people the money-spending classes The Free Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout , this and adjoining counties, and is read by everybody. An advertisement in its columns will prove a paying investment; Try it. DAILY AND Kill. 1 5 SEMI-WEEKLY, - i ? 5TOH, H. C , : j: m tates Given On Application. Corrcspondcnse Invited. ( i T V J 3:

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