THE DAILY FREE PRESS. Published by THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PUB. CO Entered at P. O. as second class mall matter. W. S. HERBERT, Editor. Shafter reports tk loss In the bottles ofJnlv land 2: Killed 22 officers and 208 men; wounded 81 officers and 1,203 men; missing 79 men. The promotion of Theodore Koosevelt to be colonel of the "Rough Riders" will give general satisfaction. He is a gal lant, splendid man, even though a Re publican. Spanish Premier Sagaata still talks for war. He is not at all sagacious. The best thing he could do for bis ruined country would be toseek peace as quickly as possible. This war with Spain has shown that for patriotism, valor and splendid fight ing qualities the American nation still leads the world. The United States is y far the greatest country on earth. The president is determined to promote Sampson and Schley both, and to con tinue Sampson in command of the fleet at Santiago. The credit of the victory over Cervera is due to Schle.v. a southern man. Admiral Cervera and the other cap tured Spanish officers are quartered at the naval academy at Annapolis. The .prisoners are treated with the utmost kindness and consideration, which is the proper way to treat a conquered but brave foe. Cervera is quartered where Hobsonwas recently quartered while a cadet. The News-Observer truly says: "We fought and won the Revolutionary and the Mexican war with paper money. The Civil war was fought and won with paper money. Because the Democrats and Populists insisted upon waging this war in the same way, they are denounced as enemies of their country by the bond grabbers and their allies and agents, they are unpatriotic, so were Washing ton, Zach Taylor and Grant. In those days the people had a, voice in goveru- men t. We had not then sold ou t the tax ing and fiscal policy of government to the syndicates and trusts as we did in 1890." A political campaign is on. It is only a few months to the election. Interest in the campaign is almost swept away by the absorbing interest taken in the war with Spain. Uut white men must not forget their duty to their good old State North Carolina has been most shamefully misgoverned by the set of politicians put in charge by Rep.-Pop. fusion. This is a truth that no truthful, intelligent man can deny. It is the duty of all true white men to come together in the Democratic party and help restore white rule in North Carolina the only rule that has ever given the State good government This is a white man's country and must be ruled by white men. Gen. Toral, Spanish commander, offered to surrender Santiago upon condition that his army be allowed to march away under arms and with flying colors. The offer was declined with thanks and the information that only an unconditional surrender would be accepted. The flghi ing was renewed Sunday and was con tinued Monday, and doubtless will be continued until the Spanish army is cap tured or destroyed.; Tre fighting will probably be done mostly with artillery, until the Spanish fortifications are demol ished. There is no telling bow long this will take, but we will not be surprised any day to hear that Santiago has fallen. Reinforcements have arrived for the Americans, who now number 27,000. It is said the Spanish force in the city is 2,ooo. .,; A Leading Question. - t Tammany Tunes. '--.J-'- i'.? j: f ' f Dr. Soonover examined the patient's tongue carefully and said sternly: J 'Ton might as well own np. You have been taking some patent medicine for your biliousness." . "I I I tried a bottle of Dr. Getthar's Miraculous Uver Renewer and Bile Dis courager."; . "I knew it," exclaimed the doctor ex citedly. "Do you want to murder your self some day patronizing those poison ous quack medicines? What do you sup pose we doctors are for?" Subscribe toTnE Daily Fuee Fbess. Interesting STATE NEWS. Items North Carolina Condensed Form. in The second rejrmient rankn are now full, having 1,830 officers and men. The Asheville Citizen's account of the Cherokee Republican convention says that sneechen tvere made by Hoola- Iioom. F. P. Axley and an intoxicated Indian. The Republican judicial convention of this (the sixth) district is to berteidon July 19th at Warsaw. It is said that C. P Lockey, of Wilmington, is to be noml- nated for judge. The Elflrd Cotton Mill at Albemarle, which besran ooerations a little over a year ago, lias declared a 5 per cent, divi dend lor the first naif year and o per. cent for the second. Oscar and Willie Wigge, of Goldsboro, who deserted from the first regimeut, have been sentenced to three years each impriMoument at Governor's Inland for desertion. The punishment was fully deserved. Two more convicts escaped from the penitentiary at Raleigh Saturday, a fede ral prison r named Matthews and a State convict named Dunlap. Putting incompetents in charge, as guards and in other official positions, is probably the cause of so many escapes. PRINTING THE TRUTH. Spanish NewspapersGlvlig Some Figures On Naval Losses. Madrid, July 10. Spaniards are enter ing upon a chastened mood. Papers publish accurate statistics of Spain's losses, which are placed at twenty-one warships, with a total of 44,740 tons displacement, and twenty-one merchant men. They admit that the American fleet is intact, only one trading vessel having been captured by the Spaniards. The illusion of attacking maritime com merce, or of maintaining communication with the colonies, is now dispelled. Senor Silvela's organ, El Tempo, asks if any one can still hope, after the de struction of Cervera's squadron, that Cuba can be for anything but an amphi theatre where the martyrs of our army will astonish the world by their suffering and heroism. The consensus of opinion is that Spain has displayed sacrifices enough to save her national honor. True as Gospel. Monroe Enquirer. W. T. Blackwell, of Durham, who has been twice poor and once rich says that when he had plenty of money he could hardly get down to bis office without be ing crowded by people inquiring about his health and in other ways showing their interest in mm, butnow be is a poor man he is not bothered at ill by DeoDle who are Bo anxious about hiswel fare. And, yet, Mr. Blackwell says that he enjoys tokens of friendship now that ne is a poor man mure tnan ne did wnen he was rich, for he knows that friendship snown now is sincere. So wags the world. There are thous ands of men and women who in days o! prosperity and success will extend to you the glad hand and profess unbounded friendship, but let the shadow of disap pointment and loss fall across your pathway and not a cheering smile, not a finger of help is extended to you by a great many of those who were your pre tended friends In the days of your pros Deritv. Puerile svcoDhauta thev are who desert you in the hour of trouble and yet you nave to contend with many of them in your journey from the cradle to the mi J T j . t grave, xae inenasnip oi iota oi people is like that of a mosquito, they are friendly simply lor trie purpose of bleeding you. Where They Are Hated by Lottery. It was a cynio who said that mar' riage is a lottery, but in the province oi Smolensk, in Russia, this aphorism has been reduced to a Quarterly fact. for four times a year there is held the most remarkable lottery ever devised. a cnarge ox a rurue is made lor a ticket, only one prize is to be drawn, and it consists of the entire sum yielded by the k.1o of tho tickets, amounting to 6,000 rubles. The lucky winner of the prize is bouud to marry a certain dam sel ; if ho takes " the . 5. 000 rubles. Should ho bo married he is at liberty to turu over the luouey and tho1 lady to any friend whom Lo may .wish to put iu for such n wood thiu. ; Should the lady, hownver, refuse to marry the win ner they ure allowed to divide the ru bles betweeii thuvi. DR. T. H. FAULKNER, J ' DHflTIST, KINSTON, - - N. C. OFFICB HOURS t 8 a. m. to 12 m z p. m. to 5 p. n.. t&'Ottlce Rooms over Harvey1 a In- r Bur&nce Office. Heady For Business To Furnish Lumber ? Promptly 1 Have out in a new planer and every- thing is in shape at my lumber mills to fill orders for Rough or Dressed Lum ber of any dimensions promptly and satisfactorily. We furnish Oak, Ash, Long or Short Leaf Pine. A bie lot of No. 1 Air-dried Pine is on hand ready for immediate delivery. KINSTON, N. C The Bank of Winston. Close of Business Jimy 14, 1807. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $22,260.58 Overdrafts,. .. . . .27 Due f rem Banks, . 27,432.72 Furniture and Fixtures, .... . , 5475 Cash Items, 66.84 Cash on Hand, . ; 8,236.52 ; $58,544.43 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $20,000.00 Undivided Profits, Net, ...... 820.39 Deposits subject to check, .... 34,243.40 Due Banks,. , . . .". .". . ... ..... . 2.0H.64 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 567.00 $58,544-43 Coss of business Hy 0, 1898. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts,. ... , .. . $49332.70 Overdrafts, ...;....,......,... 279.09 Due from Banks, .... . . . ... . . 63,868.80 Banking House... ............ 1,108.16 Furniture and Fixtures, H i 547.50 cash items, v. ..........., , 1 10.5 Cash on Hand,, .v.. . . . . , . . , , . ,21,121.3 $136,368.22 LIABILITIES. , ' Capital Stock, $21,000.00 Surplus. . . . ; ..... ........ ; 2,310.00 Undivided Profits, ............ 1,266.71 Deposits subject to check, .... 106,779.62 Due Banks,. . . . . ............ A.i;6.72 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 1,855.17 ' $136,368.22 Careful Attention GI?en To AH Business Intrusted To Oar Care, Yes! They Have Arrived, f Another lot of those $4.25 pumps. Driven in your yard. This is a I strictly cash price. Respectfully, BELT, & SONS DR. H. D. HARPER, 1 DENTAL. SURGEON, KINSTON, n. c." tVOrvici ovib Dam Quikiilt's Btori, m jam auuuir SUIUIV8, filXT TO rBID6IM VOX. - TRY A PACKAGE OF Duffy's Peanut tndCocoanut Brittle. For Sale by J. E. Hood, agent for - - Kmston. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 5. Eistbound. 9 3rf 6 80 5 40 6 49 600 6131 6 21 630 6 43 664 7 00 725 7 60 763 8 05 8 18 824 8 89 843 8 60 P.M. ; 11 STATIONS. Wwttboand. AH 710 7 43 8 08 8 20 014 8 28 1015 10 40 11 15 1181 .180 212 220 243 812 825 881 861 401 840 400 409 420 4 441 460 502 614 6 201 645 610 613 6 688 644 6 49 7 02 710 P.M.I .Goldsboro,. .. i: XJ6Sl 8,.. . . .LaQransre Falling Creelt,. ...junaion,.... ... casweu, .. ... Dover...... . Core Creek.. ...Tuscarora. .... Claries,... .... Newborn. .. iuveraaieM. ...Croatan,... ...Haveiocic,... ...Newport,... ..Wild wood,.. ...Atlantlo... MoreaeadClt7n Morebead City. 813 783 nm 6331 617 613 618 420 400 888 820 10 41 1010 1000 040 90t 847 8 8E 8 It 7 60 A.M. 1 1 'LT' r ) Keep Healthy this summer by having pure water: That can be had by using a PITTSBURG Brass -Seat Pump. For Sale By B. I. CANADY, KINSTON. N. C. Toe Hardware IlerGflan :oept Sunday. MondaT. wedneadav and Friday. tDally e Monday. ; Tuesday, Tn and Saturday. DILL, Superintendent. WILHIHGTOI AND WELDOH RAILROAD CONDBNSED SCHEDULE. Advertising is the Keystone to Success.-" Barnpm. TRAINS QOI1TQ SOUTH. J " DATED jt sfSJ . . j . May 15th, 1898. h y Sk3 3ij 3is j of o3 dgg 63 of I gfl Kfl gQao Kfl KO A. M. P. UL. P. M. Aa M. P. M Leave Weldon... 1150 043 ...... .. ., Ar, Rocky Mt.... 1355 1080......... , Leave Tarboro... 1229..... 6 00 ...... Lt. Rocky Mt.... 100 1086 6 45 540 1267 Leave Wilson.... 168 1113 4 19 622 J80 Leave Selma..... 260 1168 Lv. PayettevlUe. 4 85 1 07 Ar. Florence.... 725 815 . P IMTt a h Ar. Goldsboro... .... ...... 8 00 ...... ...... Lv. Goldsboro... ...... ...... 701 80S Lv. Magnolia 805 418 Ar. Wilmington. ............ ...... 080 640 " P M Ac If P WW 1 j Gentla Reminder ! j TRAINS GOING NORTH. Lv. Florence... Lv. FayettevlUe Leave Selma Arrive Wilson.. Lv. Wilmington. Lv. Magnolia.... lv. Goldsboro. Leave Wilson... AT.. Rocky Mt.. Arrive Tarboro., Leave Tarboro.., Lv. Rocky Mt... Ar. Weldon. 63 oag o3 63 845 ...... 885 1110 .. ... 1085 ...... 1285 1144 117 1219 .. ... V?:. A.M. P.M. ...... 715 ...... ...... .. 8 65 ...... 6 00 .. .... 1010 P. M. ' ; A. M. P. M. 1 17 6 88 12 19 11 15 212 615 1257 1167 6 45...... ...... 1229 ...... 212 ...... LI 67 ...... 825 148 IP.M.I A.M. P.M. 4 A.M. 085 1101 12 03 P.M. 1249 : 180 . These are the days when the man who i does a successful business . must realize the A, full scope and significance of the great verb, "hustle." . You must 'hustle if you do any V Dusiness. iivery man wno nas a aoiiar wants . his money's worth before he lets it go. The man who has bargains to offer must let the fact be known. If you have anything Special to offer advertise the fact, else the people will never know; it. As a medium for reaching the people the money-spending classes 1 Thb Fkeb Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout ftllC 1f A17 AAMm1!a. ' s.mJl It. -mm. A V. everybody. An advertisement in its columns will prove a paying investment. Try it. us 6- l ' DAILY AND CE Ml-WEEKLY, ' l Traill OH thA ITtnctnn RnnnYi Vna4 Iaotta SiA1,5 t- "., UaiiXax 4:30 p. m., BrrlTca at 50 p. m.. m. Keturnlnsr leavt s 1 Grecnvi::ef 7 p. uauiaz at 11.18 a. tn.. ftpi.ion tirsa. m - i :. UM " ... 3 t p-MERON, Gem Pass. Aent RENLT.Oen'lMsnp-Tr. T. M. EMERSON, TraCic i-anascr Iates Given On Jlppllsation. Corrcspondsnse Invited. O ( T