THE DAILY FREE PRESS. Published by THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PUB. CO Entered at r. O. as wcond clasa mall matter. W. S. IIER15KRT, Kditor. It is Baid that thn guuncra of the Vh euviuH are bo expert that they can liit an obiect the size of n shin every time at the , distance of a mile The end of the romance in wbich Miss Cora Belle Fellows, a Washington belle, floured as a heroine h few years uo by marrying a full-blooded Sioux Indian came recently when her Indian busbund was placed in the iteuilentiary under a two-year sentence for stealing. She is now doing family washing for a living. Toor, foolish woman! The Populists have nominated the He publican candidate Oliver Doelcery for congress in the Wilmington district. Pockery had repudiated the Populist party. The Republicans seem to bp. run ning the Populist portv as h little ide show to the main circijH, to draw extra votes out of the public. Honest, true white men will have nothiug to do with Interesting STATE NEWS. Items li North Carolina Condensed Form. The board of trustees of Trinity college is to meet this week, and it is reported that the board has nailed on Judge Walter Clark to appear before it. and prove his charges against J. C. Kilgo. Goldsboro Argus: Oue of the growing and profitable industries of this section which find always a ready market in Goldsboro is cattle raising. There is not a week, of late, and hardly a day, that droves of beef cattle, of more or less pro portion as to numbers, are not brought to this city and sold. Many of these are shipped in car load lots, on the hoof to Norfolk and Philadelphia, while large numbers are slaughtered right here and served out to the city trade, or shipped in piece to near by towns. Goldsboro has a State reputation for the fine ouality of its beef. wab'notes. such an aggregation. Ih a very saucy editorial article the Lokal Anzeiger, of Merlin, d dares "that the interference of the uerm ni cruiser Irene with the operations of tie Philip- nine rebels in Subic Bay was none of Dewey's business." Continuing, the Lokal Anzeiger says: "We don't care a fig if Dewey feels inclined to make com mon causo witii the insurgent leader Aguinaldo." Perhaps not; but if the Germans felt inclined to make common ause with the Spaniards they proved their discretion by slipping out of range of Dewey's guus. Philadelphia Record. Over 1700 troops sailed for Manila on Friday last, and nearly 4,000 will go this week on three large transport ships. With the latter expedition the fleet of transports available will nave been ex hausted, and the next expedition will be forced to await the return, early in Au gust, of the first fleet, which set from San Francisco on May 25 last. When all the expeuitions now afloat and fully prepared shall have landed at Manila General Mer ritt will have under bis command about 23,000 United States troops, including an ample force of field artillery and a strong engineer and signal corps. Such an army should be adequate to enforce whatever regulations may be promul gated by the new military governor of the Philidpiues. SHALL NEGRO RULE CONTINUE? We invite the careful attention of every true white man to the following from the Wilmington Star, and urge that it be read slowly and thoughtfully: The ijegro was never as assertive in North Carolina politics as he is now, and this is as'mlghtave been expected, for .ie has never beforebeen so recognized and so pandered to assbe has been by the Republican-Populist combine wfiich is now in control of the State. The colored ora tor who spoke in tnat ltepublican con. Sampson's last bombardment of San tiago, before the surrender, wrecked fifty seven bouses in the city, causing heavy damage. Gen. Shatter left the city of Santiago in possession of the municipal authorities already in power, Bubject to the control of Gen. McKibbin, who was appointed temporary military governor. Gen. Shatter says that upon going into Santiago he "discovered a perfect entan glement of defenses. Fighting as the Spaniards did the first day, it would have cost5,000 lives to have taken it." In some quarters there are reports that Commodore Watson will sail without his leaving time being made public, so that the first report of this action will be from the Spanish seaboard, where his fleet will make its appearance. . Fully 600 cases of yellow fever in the army are under treatment at Santiago, but the disease is of a mild form, and the physicians say it is now well in hand. Only five deaths have occurred, the low mortality being remarkable and most en couraging to Drs. Guiteras and the other fever experts, who had grave fears when the disease first appeared that the death j rate would be very heavy. WILL CAMARA COME OVER? TRY A PACKAGE OF Duffy's Peanui and Cocoanut Brittle. For Sale bv t. E. Hood, agent for Kinston. Heady Fop Business To Furnish Lumber Promptly I Have put in a new planer and every thing is in shape at my lumber mills to fill orders for Rough or Dressed Lum ber of any dimensions promptly and satisf Actoniy We furnish Oak, Ash, Long or Short Leaf Pine. A bie lot of No. i Air-dried Pine is od hand ready for immediate delivery. KINSTON, N. C The B9Gk onston. Close of Business JWy 14, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $22,260.58 Overdrafts...... .27 Due from Banks, .17,432.73 Furniture 4nd Fixtures, 547-5Q Cash Items,. 66.84 Cash on Hand, 8,236.52 $58,544.43 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $20,000.00 Undivided Profits, Net, 820.39 Deposits subject to check, .... 34,243.40 Due Banks ". . . 2,913.64 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 567.00 $58,544.43 Clos of Business Bay 6, 1898. RESOURCES, .,' Loans and Discounts, . , . . . . . . $49;332.7o Overdrafts................... 279.09 Due from Banks, 63,868.80 Banking House... 1,108.16 Furniture and Fixtures , 547.50 Cash Items,'. . . .............. f no.5 Cash on Hand, ......... ... . . . 21,121.3: V ' '. Y $136,368.22 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $21,000.00 Surplus. 2,310.00 Undivided Profits, 1,266.71 Deposits subject to check,. . . . 106,779.62 Due Banks,. . . . . , ,'. 3,156.72 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 1,855.17 " ' $136,368.22 m i . ni- i 1 Tin mi r Careful Attention Given To All Business Intrusted To Our Care. FOR SALE! At $1.25 per 1,000. Hines Bros Lumber Mill KINSTON, N. C. Spain Meets Our Threat of Bombardmen With a Bluff. Spain is to meet our threat of bombard mentof her seaconttt cities by Rending portion of Admiral Camara's fleet to the American shore. This is the information that reached the navy department yes terday through official channels. The dispatch, which came from an authentic source, said that Camara's fleet would be divided, part of it remaining at home, and the other part crossing tbe Atlantic for the purpose of jriving the people along the coast a taste of .what bombardment means. Washington Post, 18th If these vessels come, they will be met and destroyed. It is barely possible our navy might capture one or two of the Spanish warships. Spain's bluff will not prevent Watsoa going over to pay bis respects to the Spanish coast towns. He might meet Camara's fhip on tbe way an Face Any Fleet Exchange. According to the London Spectator the fight atf Santiago showed that so far as the fleet, is concerned tbe United States need not fear comparison with any conn try iti the world. , The American navy "could face even the far superior fleet of France without great risk c or disaster," says the Spectator. And as for tbe Ger main war fleet, a si niggle between that and the American fleet "would be verv veotion at JNasbviiie tbe other dayeuio snort, - - and It would surprise giied Gov. Russell as tbe man of the pbe- - S 1 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 uumiuai uui'Kuone, oecause ue nos ap pointed more negroes to office than all tbe other governors in tbe United States combined, which declaration was vocif erously applauded by the "savages" who were present. People who live outside of the colored belt do not feel it so keenly, but when they do see it they bgin to realize what it , means, as tbe delegate from Union county did, who attended the Democratic congressional convention in this city, as tntii hir tl.a Mnnrno Pnnniium 'A delegate who attended the congres sional convention' in Wilmington last week says that it is very humiliating to a white man to see negro policemen, who -were appointed oy a iusiou legislature, pulling white men around." . . , , . We have no doubt that this delegate, who was not accustomed to such sights, felt humiliated, and he probably felt very indignant, too, as he might, when he re. raembered that this thing was done by .the active co-operation of the Populist ' leaders in the State who used and abused the votes of honest white Populists in the the dicker with the Republican leaders,by virtue of which dicker the negroes were put on top with tbe sanction and assist ance of the Populist tools in the legisla ture. This is but the beginning. Let that combine be successful again, and we will have more negroes in office, for they have got a taste of it and will demand more and will get more. . A Raleigh girl has expressed much sym- Eathyfortbe soldier boys wearing the eavy uniforms. She says tbe goods are' the heaviest sbe ever had around her. Ex. v.. IT. V. Herborn & Co KINSTON, N. C. Wholesale Onlj. Emperor William, who , thinks himself invincible; but his self-confidence cannot alter history." It is very good of our British cousins to do bur bragging for us: Modesty forbids us to say more of the victory at Santiago than that, in the words of Commodore Schley, "it was a nice fight." ' . s- Yes ;They Have Arrived. Another lot of those $4.25 pumps. Driven. in. your yard. This is a strictly cash price. . , ; . Respectfully, BELL & SONS ; z ' .,r J . . .Electric Fans, Etc. Everything New and First-Class ......Meals, 25 cents. WILLENDRINIC'S Beslanrant anfl DMds Been, ; j , Hr Wxxasnbrink, Prop. " IM Middle street, and door from . Hahn & Co.'s Stables. NEWQERN - - N. C. M. HI Your Orders for Groceries and Provisions Solicited. CI We Mean to ose Out all of our Shoes, Slippers, Hats, Bonnets, Millinery, Trimmings, Lawns, lin ens, White Goods, Dress Trimmings, Notions. - Ladies' Parasols still left to go at cost. A few dozen fine, Vests for Ladies' to be sold at a bargain. ; ; , ; , ' A. R; YilLLEH, KINSTON, N. O. July 13. 1898. Keep Healthy this summer by having pure water. That can be had by using a PIHSBURG Brass -Seat Pump. For Sale By B. I. CAMDY, Tab Hardware nerciiaii KINSTON.N.C. Advertising ia the Keystone to Success. Babnum. 4? 4 6 o D D :) These are the days when the . man who does a successful business must realize ' the full scope and significance of the great verb, . "hustle."' You must hustle if you do any, .: business. Every man who has a dollar wants i his money's worth before he lets it go; .The v man who has bargains to offer must let the . . fact be known. If you have anything special to" offer advertise the fact, else the people will ; never know it. : : As a medium for .reaching 4. . the people the money-spending . classes A '.. The Free Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout ' , this and adjoining counties, and is read by everybody. An advertisement in its columns will prove a paying investment V Try it. . mm0 j A pentle Reminder !j t 6J DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKDt, r t lates Given On Application. - . t . . .... Correspondence Invited. " 1 J V J s-" -r T T ' V T T v J "OK t T 1 v c- 0 c 0

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