THE DAILY FBI PRESS. Publish kf THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PUB. CO, Entered at P. O. as second clasa mall matter. W. S. HERBERT, - Editor. a JJjJNow thnt Spain threatens to send squadron to tie American coast, an ex change sajs it will certainly be sighted off the New England coast forty fight hoars after the Madrid announcement is made. Venezuelans display base ingratitude, The Uuited States interfered a few years ago to protect that country from de mands made on it by the British govern ment, yet it is said that in all Venezuela there is but one paper that does not side with Spain in this war, aud that is, a paper owned and edited by an English man. A rather amusing case has been decided by Internal Revenue Commissioner Scott. The proprietors of a well known brand of bottled whiskey affix to the cork of each bottle a statement in the form of a promissory note that they will pay 1 cent to the purchaser of each bottle. Commissioner Scott holds that this in a true promissory note and that each one must carry a 2-oent stamp, twice the principal sum of the instruni"nt. A dis appearance of this feature of tic business is looked for under the operation of this decision. The little American gunboat Haul) is a "corker" and is making it hot for Span iards along the part of the Cubau coast His blockading. The San Domingo, re cently destroyed by the Eagle, had two 5-inch guns mounted and loaded, but devoted all her euergies to au attempt to escape the much smaller guns of the Eagle. The German newspapers are becoming more friendly to the United States. It is further stated that assurances have been received that have in a large measure re moved the grave apprehensions hereto fore entertained that Germany would offer obstacles to the execution of Ameri can plans in the Philippines. Well, Uncle Sam is willing to be friendly, but Ger many would do well to send instructions to their admiral at Manila to quit his foolishness. STATE NEWS. Istereitloa North Carolina Items la Condensed Form. Two boys, sons of Mr. Dudley Gooch of Granville county, were killed by light ning Sunday. Tbey were returning from the orchard and took shelter under an oak tree. The two deserters Robert Carver from company H.and William Miller from com pany M, were sentenced to 8 years in Erixon, but on account of tbeiryouthand experience the sentence was reduced to one year. They will be carried to Ft. Mc- l'nerson. . The Wilmington Star says a small boat capsized Monday afternoon, lltb, on the Cape Fear river between Fort Caswell and Southport and four of the six occu pants were drowned. The men were re turning from Fort Caswell where they had been to get paid off. The board of trustees of Triuity College met in Durham Monday but did nothing much toward nettling the Clark-Kilgo controversy. Arrangements wn-e made for taking some depositions and tnen too board adjourned until August iu. ine Droceediusrs of the board will be kei secret until auch time as the members cide to make them public. In the Pitt county Republican conven tion a resolution against Skinner was in troduced, but Revenue Officer Perkins was presiding and a substitute was adopted. The resolution recalled Skin ner's assertion in the court house two years ago that "the negro is not fit to hold office," and added that "his actions since that time have proven that he meant what he said." SH00TIN6 AT JACKSONVILLE. - ' An Illinois Private Shot Three Times by Private McClain of the First North Car olina. Jacksonville, Fla., July 19. Private Thomas G.Lake, of the second Illinois regiment, was shot three times this afternoon,- by Private Henry McClain, of the first North Carolina regiment. Lake is now in the hospital, but is not seriously wouuded, two of the bullets entering his right arm, and the other his right hip. McClain is under arrest. There seems to have been little provocation for the shoot ing, although McClain claims that he fired in self-defense, thinking that Lake was about to draw a weapon, although he had none. McClain also fired one shot at Lake after the latter had fallen. ss,. - LOUSIN SWAMP ITEMS. July 20, 1898. Miss Hattie Parrott is visiting Mrs. J, F. Mewborne. - Mr. Errol Dixon, of Kinston, is visiting Mr. Li. O. Mosely. Mrs. 8. B. Taylor visited relatives over the river last week. Mr. J. M. Harper left Saturday to visit Mr. Robert Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mosely spent Sunday at Mr. Parrott Hardee s. Mr. Marvin Ortnond, of Ormondsville, was in this section a short while last week.-" ; f . The farmers in this section are very busy curing tobacco and laying by the other crops, Miss Bessie Harding, who had been vis iting in this vicinity, leftforOrmondsville last Saturday. KINSEY SEMINARY, I WILSON, N. C, Offers best, advantages. reasonable. Terms The Bank of Winston. Clos of Business Jlay 14, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, ........ $32,260.58 Overdrafts, .27 Due from Banks, ............ j7.432.72 Furniture and Fixtures, ..... 547-5 Cash Items ". 66.84 Cash on Hand, 8,236.52 $58,544-43 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, ............... $20,000.00 Undivided Profits, Net," ...... 820.10 Deposits subject to check,. ..." 34,24.4o Due Banks ...... 2,913.64 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 567.00 158,544.43 Clos of Business JJay 6,1898. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts,. ... . Overdrafts, Due from Banks, ............ Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures,. .. .... Cash Items, ................. Cash on Hand,'. $49;33-7 279.09 ; 63,868.80 1,108. 6 547-SO ... 1 10.5 ... 21,121.3; $136,368.22 ' ; LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, .......... ... . . , $21,000.00 Surplus 2,310.00 Undivided Profits, ........... 1. 266.71 Deposits subject to check,. . . .106,770.62 Due Banks, 3, 156.72 Cashier's Checks Outstanding, 1,855.17 $136,368.22 Careful Attention Given To AU Business Intrusted To Our Care. TRY A PACKAGE OF Duffy's Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle. I For Sale by T. E. Hood, agent for Kinston. 1 mmu MmimmMiMM) mm.i nww I DR. T. H. FAULKNER, DHriTIST, KINSTON, - - OFFICE HOURS : 8 a. m. to 12 m 1 p. m. to 5 p. n N.C. tSS"Ottice Rooms over Harvey's In- K sura nee Office. Heady for Business To Furnish Lumber PromDtIv ! Have trat in a new nlaner and everv- 4 thine is in shape at my lumber mills to I mi oraers ior .ougn or xjressea iuxn- 1 5 ber of any dimensions promptly and sausiacioruy. We furnish Oak, Asb, Long or Short Leaf Pine. A big lot of No. 1 Air-dried Pine is on 1 EDWARDS, KINSTON, N. C DOVER ITEMS. July 20, 1898. Mrs. J. W. Sutton,; of LaG range, came last week to visit ber brother, Mr. F. II. Dawson. Mrs. Fannie Richardson, of Goldsboro, . came Monday to visit her son, Mr. Dau Richardson. Mrs. Qatlin, of Vanceboro, came last week to visit her brother, Mr. A. S. Dixon, and left today. Mrs. A. P. Thomson and Miss Sidney West returned last Friday from a week's visit in uoldsboro. Misses Dora, Bertha and Mollis Taylor, olTrentou. were visiting relatives and friends heie Sunday. Rev. E. D. Brown filled his regular ap pointment at the I'resbytmrian church last Sunday morning and night. Mrs. C. L. Broom, of near Fort Barn well, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E." Kornegay, and other relatives here. - Mr. G. V. Richardson had Cuba spread all over the floor of bis store Saturday afternoon.. A barrel of Uuba molasses had bu rated, letting the sweet stuff out, and there was a general dipping. ' We think that vegetables, fruit and melons were hardly ever so scarce as now on our market at this season of the year. We would like to tackle some of that-, nlnntifnl annnltr at Cnai.nii Mr. W. A. Wilson has (added a soda fountain to his cool drink department. and Mr. W. A. Tyndull has placed an ele gant refrigerator in his store, where he will keep fresh meats, butter, etc., in cold storage. . . . ... ... If that man who circulated the report here Monday that two fine beeves were struck by tbe train just below here, had been overtaken by the crowd who took the long, hot walk in the hot sun to skin and save them, and found it was two geese, maybe he'd a thought the Span iards had bim. , s , s At least one of the colored troops of Kortn Carolina, wboennsted in tbe army. can claim that he was wounded during tbe war with Spain. nue a train load of the soldiers was passing here some days ago, Mr. Derwood Outlaw was standing on tbe platform, and one of the men reached out and grabbed at his hat. Derwood happened to have his knife open in his hand, and stuck it into the fellow's hand. As the train moved on he was scon slinging his band and the blood dripping. A few days before ons in passing had taken Master Lonnie Korne gay's bat and carried it offx . Wayne Negro Party Bossed by Negroes. Wilmington Star. - Tbey bad a republican convention in ly of a dark complexion, which was quite hand ready for immediate delivery. proper and in accordance with the eternal fitness of thing. There ? was a little streak of white visible in it as we learn from Tbe Argus, but. tbe colored brother was cock of the waitc and did the crow ing and ruled the roost. Of course they had to have some resolutions, and one of those resolutions resolved in favor of fusion with the Populists on ''honorable terms." A committee or twelve was, upon motion appointed by the chair to fabricate those "honorable terms ' and eleven of these twelve were brothers, the ter. Thus Wayne coun . I Pit- 1 I - t f . t Ll At . . t iwe. ia, waicu is propaoiy weir iair pro- 7AAnArannl n. portion, including tne Jfopulists, wltn o .oopoi o cauvi vcug- If i II Y v '1: X 0 JUHR.. V ... . .1. ' Keep Healthy this summer by having pure water. That can be had by using a PITTSBURG Brass -Seat Pump. For Sale By B. W. CAMDY, 1, KINSTON, N. O. 11 Toe Harawaie IlGrcban V mm siMinr 4 4 4i4iA4b of Baltimore, Hd., LVioS is accepted by the U. S. Ug liweUt!!ubei1Sft'hfPaBtm,li; Government as surety on the white Ilepublicans of , - , ,..r tiysecuredrecognition of one- tlie DOnCLS Ot DlStlllerS, JL whom these colored patriots will fuse on "nonorabie terms." we do not know how this strikes the white Populists of that county, who are thus told that if they are to be permitted to associate politically with their former colored allies it roust be on such terms as tbe colored sovereigns will consider "honorable" to them. . A Chinaman's Murderous Work. At Oakland, Cal.. Monday a Chinaman. who was resisting arrest after having killed a fellow countryman, bad fortified himself in the magazine of the Western Fuseand Explosive company. . lie threat ened to blow up the magazine if ar roacuea. tie Kept good his promise and ve deputy constables were killed, to- gether with the Chinaman, and a woman ! in a neighboring building, by the terrible I explosion, jrour houses were destroyed and about forty buildings partially ' wrecKed. t ourteen cars were blown into splinters. Democratic Commissioners Won In New Hanover. wiimimrton 8tar,20th. ' In obedience to the restraining order I recently issued by Judee W. S. O'B. Rob inson against tbe new Democratic board of New Hanover county commissioners the case was heard in chambers in the New Hanover court house yesterday at noon ana resulted in a complete victorv for Col. Roger Moore and his associate Democratic commissioners, in that the injunction was dissolved and the plaint- ins, r . v. osrer. . J. UemDsevand Moruaa ixuua oruereu 10 pay 100 COS La. ! Walton (to Fisherman f J ust throw me half a dozen of those trout. I isherroan Throw them? .' - Walton Yes: then I can tro home and ieu my wiie 1 cangni em. x may be a poor fisherman, but I'm no liar. Rox"- bury Uazette. Snbscribe to Thk Daily Fkeb Press. ers, ana ail revenue cers. Hates reasonable. L. HARVEY & SON, AGENTS, I vvriiuuug la me jt.ey8vone .w, I . to Success. Barndm. 0 I A Gentle Reminder! I 4 Your Orders for ,,' Groceries and Provisions Solicited. my These are the days when the man who does a successful business must realize the full scope and significance of the great verb, , "hustle." l You must hustle if you do any business. Every man who has a dollar wants his money's worth before he lets it go. The " man who has bargains to offer' must let the fact be known. ' If you have anything special to offer advertise the fact, else the people will never know it. As a medium for reaching . iii-c pcopic lac iuuncy-spenaing classes The Free Press is the paper par excellent. It reaches the homes of the people throughout this and adjoining counties, and is read by everybody. . An advertisement in its columns will prove a paying investment. Try it. 3V . ' ' - - :t T-U-DGiviiomuCo KINSTON, N. C. 4 : 6 o m 4 i 1 . J . J t J i. r r t T T T 6 - : " Hates Given On Upplication. Correspondence Invited. DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL( ixmnton, m c. T - v f -r r . K

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