THE DAILY FREE PBESS. subscription prices: One week.. 10 cents One month 35 Three months. f 1.00 Twelve mon.ns 14.00 Thcrhday Evening, Sept. 8, 1898. TO SUBSCRIBERS. If you fail to receive your paper please notlf, of the fact that evemntr. or as early as posai z as of the fact tnac evening, or a we. We cannot tell when you misa me paper unless you make It known. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L. C. llHoo.DEN. Kinston Academy. Einstkin linos. For Early Fall Wrap pers. It ban rained very hard .today, flooding the streets. W call attention to the advertisement of Kinston Academy, Prof. L. C. .Broa den, principal, which opens in the public school building on October 5th. Mr. It. E. IMzzhII came to Kinston from Goldsboro yesterday. He returned from a trip to Jacksonville, Fla., about two weeks 'ago. He says all the Kinston I boys are getting along all right in the first regiment Ed Mai row, a colored man, who had bmi working at t he Eagl warehouse, wo found dead in the warehouse, where be slept, this, morning. Dr. Parrott made an examination of bis body this morning and found that death was caused by heart trouble. The body wus taken to Oxford this morning. A patron in a neighboring town sends an order for job printing to The Fkee Pmthh nnd exDresses himself ns much pleased with a lot of work done for him a j, snort wnue ago. ne sa.vs w uurpnsea bis people in Norfolk with the work- being so good. The Free Pbebs does as good printing as can be obtained any where, ana better man most places. Hon. B. F. Aycock, of Wayne county, will be with Hon. .Locke Uraige at La Grange next Tuesday morning and at Kinston tbat night, and will also speak. Both are splendid speakers and thewhite people should turn out to near tbem Alter the speaking the white men of Kinston precincts Noa. 1 and 2 will orga . nize a joint W biteOovernment Union, and every white man is urged to be on haud and become a member. ; Naval Reserves Dance. The ouera bouse waa nicely decorated last night for the second annual dance of the Kiuiton JSaval ueaerves. ine Dunt- iug. neatly and plentifully festooned over- bead, presented au inspiring appearance. The band was on the stage, which was decorated with ferns and flags. The dance was not so large an affair as that of last year, but there were as many couples as could wen get on tne floor. The rousio by Borjes' band was excellent, and the participants all had a splendid time until about 3 o'clock in the morn ing. The dance was a success. The following couples were in attend- ; an: ; Mr. E. Oettinger and Miss Eva Einstein Mr. Bob Moye, of Greenville, and Miss MaeOettioger. 1 ...... Mr. C. L. Pridgenand Miss Helen Gray. Mr. T. B. Bunn, of Rocky Mount, and Miss Mabel Borden, of uoldsboro. Mr. Fulford, of Washington, N ft, and Miss W innie Skinner, or Ureen vine. Mr. S. G. Tayloe, of Washington, N. C, and Mibs Kebecca worthington, oi ureen' ville. Mr. F. W. Hoyt and Miss Carrie Bur- bank, both of Washington, N. C. - Mr. S. J. Woodward, of Greenville, and Miss Julia Jordan, of Washington City. Mr. L. D. Buliuck and Miss Helena Bat tle, both of Rocky Mount. ; . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wooten. v Mr. and Mrs. C. Felix Harvey. Mr. Wayne Mitchell and Miss Claypool, of Newborn. Mr. H. II. McCoy and Miss Bradford Hvman. of Newbern. Lieut. W. D. Pollock and Miss Lossie Barnes, of Tarboro. Mr. J. A. Long and Miss Carolisa Pen nington, of Tarboro. ; ' Mr. Hoge Irvine and Miss Nannie Moye. Mr. i Prentiss Wooten and Miss May Harvey. 1 Mr. C. Suggs and Miss Herring, of Qreenecouuty. - Mr. Bennett Bunn,' of Rocky Mount, and Miss. Mamie Daniels, of Newbern. Mr. C. F. Dunn and Miss Gertie Dill, of Morehead City. Mr. A. Einstein and Miss ,Sadie Marks, of Charleston, S. C. N Mr. Frank ' Hyman and Miss - Belle Marks, both o! Newbern. Mr. Harry Marks, of Newbern, and Miss Daisy Oettinger. Lieut. Tom Daniels, of Newbern, and Miss Edith Oettinger. , Mr. Clarence Oettinger and Miss Pearl Ilornaduy, of Greene county. y .; Mr. E. Einstein and &. iss Sadie Korne gay. ' ' ' -'- M r. S. Einstein and Miss Katie Haskitt. Mr. Virgil Rountree and Miss Florence Einstein. , - ' . 1 . ,.. Another big lot of fine note paper for commercial printing lust received. The Fbee Pk$sr carries the biggest stock of piper for printing purposes of any estab- iHhmentin tne fotate east oi tne W .& W, II. it., and dooij aa nice printingaa isdonej any where. Uur prices ore low. . PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. II. Johnson camefroiuGriftbnyes- terday. Sheriff Sutton went to Wilmington this morning. Mr. J. B. Dawson returned from Green ville yesterday. Mr. Albert Rountree came from Rich mond yesterday. Miss Bessie Claytor returned from Chapel Hill yesterday. Miss Mabel Borden, of Goldsboro, is visiting Miss May Harvey. Miss Nanuio Moye returned from visit ing at Greenville yesterday. Miss Helene Battle, of llockv Mount is visitingwiss Nannie Moye. Miss Julia Jordan, of Washington, D. C is visiting Miss Nannie Moye. Mr. E. A. Johnson, of Quinerly, washere today selling a lot of tobacco. Mr. N. J. Roane went to Trenton yes terday and returned this morning. Miss Berniee Wooten returned from Bal timore and Washington yesterday. Miss Bertha Dawson, of near Grifton, eft Kinston this morning for Italeigh. Misses Sidonia Weyher and BessieKor- negay left this morning to visit in Pitt county. Mrs. M. A. Quinerly, of Greenville, came yesterday and is visiting at Mrs. I). Oet- tinger's. Mr. H. E. C. Bryanti of the splendid Charlotte Observer, was here today writ ing up politics. Miss Pearl Hornaday, of Willow Green, who had been visiting Miss Susie Kil- patrick, returned home this morning. Mr. L. II. Haskios, of Jones county, took thecars here today for Lexington, Ky., to finish bin course in the Bible Col- ege. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. Jurors for November Court. Amounts Ordered Paid. Order About Listing Taxes. The county commissioners Monday drew the following jurors for the term of superior court that begins on Monday, November 14th: first weeh. ft ft Tyndal, F. I. Jones, F. ft Loops Julius E. Sutton, G. L. Taylor, T. G. Sutton, N. E. Smith, J. L. Tyndal, S. R. Dunn, W. S. Sutton, F. M, Wade, E. W. Jackson, T. J. Parker. Benj. Wayne, A. L. Dawson, W, E. Taylor, C. M. Jordan, B. 8. Creech, David -Walters, ft P. Bar row, J. I. Faulkner, A. W. Whitfield, E. F. Oglesby, J. T. Harrison, Juuius Stev- enson, M. . r waller, tstepnen u. Har ris, J. L. Daugherty, G. L. Hodges, D. Q. Wiggins, John Cauley, John Willis Sut ton, B. F. Jones, S. C. Cauley, T.J.Emer son, J as. W. Daugherty. . second week. : Geo. W. Tall, J. P. Tucker, J. N. Sut, ton, Franklin Dail, J. M. Aldridge, E. J. Brooks, William Sutton, Seth Clark, Paul A; Hodges, J. J. Dunn, Stephen Lassiter, W. O. Taylor, W. I. Herring, Stephen uarraway, i. K. uunningnam, K. Al Harper, D. F. Spivey aud H. B. Waters, Payments were ordered amounting to f 304.44 from the general county fund $477.22 from the road fund, $4.75 from the fence fundtotal $786.41. , A. W. Whitley was released from pay ing iya taxes on account ot bodily in firmity. , It was ordered by the commissioners that all those who have not listed their .taxes in 1808 can list them to the sheriff, on or before November 12th, and pay single tax and save cost. A Defeated Candidate. Communication. M R. Editor: As I am one of that class I want to say I am as true to the white man's party as any man who was noml naied. i went in tue neia and made a fair, square fight and got defeated fair and square. I never saw conducted a more open and fair convention and I am going to pull on my coat, roll ap my sleeves and neip elect oar ticket. We all could not be nominated and I for one am going to do my duty. It is mighty easy for a defeated man to find some fault why be was not nominated, Dnt i am not one ot tnat number. " This is the time for all white men to stand together. Wo hare a first-class ticket, from top to bottom, and we are going to elect every man on it. Yon will near of no kicking from me, but I am going to work for the ticket until the sun goes down on election day. ' Truly, ' A Defeated Candidate. A Sad Commitment. m. c. Pilot. i: ; On Monday last an aced ladv from Harlowe, Mrs. Mary Ann Saddler, the widow of the late Shedrick M. Saddler. Esq., was committed to jail at Beaufort pending . correspondence , between the board of county commissioners and the authorities of the Raleicrh Insane aevlum looking to her confinement in that insti tution. Mrs. Saddler is G(J years old, and for more than 80 years has been mentally alflicted. About 18 years oro her hus band died, and since that time she has been under tbe tender care of Mrs. Taylor, widow of the late Furman Ta.vlor.' who now turns her over to thecountyauthor itiesforpafe keepine:. Mrs. Tavlor fear ing that in some moment of delirium Mrs. baddler may do ber tome bodily harm. SPECIAL NOTICES. Country Hams, Cheese and Bologna for sale at Hub Cu minings'. Try Henry Clay flour, as good as ever Was milled, at Dan tiulnerlys. If you are going to get married, don't forget The Fbee Pbebs can furninh your wedding cards in the very latest style, and on the shortest possible notice. Strict secrecy guaranteed. KINSTONMARKET. Prices quoted for Country Produce are tnose paid Dy aeaiere. , Turpentine, yellow alp,. f 1.65 . " ' scrape 1.40 Beeswax, per pound, SO Corn, per bushel, . 60 Heal, per bushel, 00 L. O. Bides, per pouad, 1H Ham, Country new, per pound, io to 11 Salt, per aack,,. ,. 75 Lard, Country, per pound 9 Chickens, per pair,. sstoeo EgB, per dozen, 10 Bweet Potatoes, W Peanuts, per bushel 60 to .5 Sheep i.e' Lamb, Hides, Dry,. 4 to 10 Hides, ireen, 5 Beef, on foot, fat 4 to 5 fresh Pork.......... 5 Fodder k 75 to0 Molasttes, ,iMoM' Flour U0to 5.75 Cheese ift Butter .2ftto 30 Hess Pork, per barrel, " 1 1.50 jwbw i8 - 75 TAX NOTICE ! I received the tax list of Lenoir county for the year 1898 on Monday, Sept 6th, and request the people to come lorward and pay their taxes promptly. . KeBpecuuiiy, BENJ. SUTTON, . Sheriff of Lenoir County. c. WOOTIN. H. B.SHAW. WOOTEN & SHAW. Attorneys-at-I,aw, KINSTON, N. C. Practices iu State and Federal Courts. Reference :-Banks and business men of Kinston. Fott Sheriff. I hereby announce myself an indepen dent Democratic candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lenoir county, and respect fully ask the support of all my friends. If the people will elect me I will serve them to the best of my ability. W. Sv FIELDS. Kinston Academy will open October 5, 1898. The building will contain six rooms, arranged and furnished' with new pat ent desks. ; ; r i Thorough and progressive work will be our aim. . Competent and, efficient Instructors will be employed. Tuition at moderate rates . L. C. BROGDEN, Prin., KINSTON, N. C. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5, 1898. Thorough education with cood home lnflu ence. Special advantages In Music and Arc The Misses Swell, of New Yorlt Cltr. W1U have charsre or the Music deDartmenc School found ed In 18131 For catalogue address. H. D. BROWN, MRS D. Q. GILLESPIE,: . - Principals. No Longer Any Excuse. t tiava all cost fi ve montha (in cnhs. and fso ; (boardinc rates Enelish course at RI5HON HMH SCHOOL. Thorough preparation for college or tor life'M work. , Sncrial arlvantacrva in tnusic. Fall term begins Sej . 5, 1898. xor particulars apply to , w. a. KiiuuKS, fnn., , TRENTON, N. C. The Special K is good, so they say. The Girard is in the lead. " The Victor is the best . Is there one at BELL & SONS? Yes. f you don't believe it, come down and see it. It's on exhibition every day. Tarooro Female Acadeiy 1 Alarm Clocks. A Guaranteed Time Keeper FOR $1.00. ( Keut in repair for twelve mouths Free of Charge. t THE JRVRLKR, KINSTON, - - N. C. Just received at E. S. PITT- MAN'S. A new supply of Heavy Groceries, Cukes aud Candies, Breakfast Wheat, Flawed R,ice Puddine, Dissertine, Shred Cpcoanut, Rice Popcorn and Vienna Sausage. Very Best Butter kept on ice. Heady For Business To Furnish Lumber . Promptly ! Have put in, a new planer and every thing is in shape at my lumber mills to fill orders for Rough or Dressed Lum ber of anv dimensions promptly and satisfactorily. We furnish Oak, Ash, Long or Short Leaf Pine. A biij lot of No. i Air-dried PineJs on hand ready for immediate delivery. Z. EDWARDS, KINSTON, N. Cfl emembcF THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF FLOUR. STOCK'S BEST PATENT AND OTHERS. When you want the best ask for Stock's Best Patent, The price may seem a little high, but? ?? ask your grocer for it. If he hasn't got it he should have it. . T, IV. newborn & Co KINSTON, N. C. Wholesale Only. , ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL LINE of Laces and JUST RECEIVED. Beautiful in Quality and De signs, and At Prices below their Real Value.- Come quick and avoid the rush. Yours to please, KOnnEGAY'S, Fhcn3 4. Cn t!.3 IV Embroideries lit Pa ra to Trade a t, The nitrStorei ; jFor EarlyJ Fall Wrappers we are showing , a , beautiful line of both Cotton and Woolen "Pfl "hrip.a in "nln in sun A fancy desierns at l yard and upi Our line of -Fleece Back Twilled. Vi- 2 cugna Cloth, in sev eral colors and pat terns, at 10c yard, is worthy your atten- tion. Come and see. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON. - " N. C. I HAVE Just Received Two OF rices Cguarantccd. See or write mo beforo buying. In) v i h 1 m j m ' .. ' mm' Mil, KIITSTON, N. O. 1 1 i I! 31

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