TM DAILY FR PUBLISHED EERY EVENING SUNDRY, Vol. I-No. 144. KINSTON, N. O., THUBSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1898. Price Two Cents. EE . PRESS. : III IllB . Appalling Loss of Life and Heavy Loss of Property.. IT II It 11 Winds, Rains, Tidal Waves and Landslides Totally Devastated Islands of Windward Group. 300 Killed and 20,000 Made Homeless at Kingston. Tndnn ?Anf i k AiivW tM mnm. the destruction of itfe and property b.v the hurricane which swept the Barbadoes, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and other islands of the Windward group were not exag- gerated. 3' Indeed, appalling as the details 'are, mey iau no represent an adequate iaea oi . I . .... . .1 . ' ' J ' A !J the terrible havoc wrought by the storm. The estimated loss of life is believed to be tar short of the actual number killed, while the number rendered homeless is greater than first stated. The aggregate damage to property cannot be estimated even approximately, as the winds, 'rainfall; tidal waves and landslides completely "' devastated the" ; s" ; - , It is believed that the dead at Kings ton, the capital of the island, which was totally destroyed, number 800, and the homeless 20,000. T J. i aA $ ' The British man-of-war Alert went to sea to , escape the storm. There was I heavy loss of shipping. . Guadaloupe suffered heavily. ACTIVITY OF VESUVIUS. Violent Outburst Nearly. Reaches Bar - racks..' Part of Railroad Destroyed. Naples, Sept, 15.A violent outburst has taken place in the activity of Vesu vius volcano, and has now nearly reached j thd barracks of the Carabineers ; and has destroyed part of the Finicular railroad. Insurgents Evacuate Suburbs of Manila. f Manila, Sept. 14. The insurgents evac uated the suburbs today, with colors fly ing and shouting "Viva Americans, viva Philippines libre." J,A better feeling exists between the in surgents and Americans, Their leaving was ; at the request of the "American author! ties,' t , ben. muss is oics. ? t , .an all Washington, Sept' 15. Gen. Miles has finally succumbed to the effects of his ex- -. periences in Cuba and Porto Bico. Today , be is sick in bed and is unable to do further work. He hasbeen desperately trying to wara on tne disease. Jo ap prehension is felt for his life. Existence of Strained Relations Denied. Havana," Sept. 15. Rumors 'to the effect that strained relations exist be t tween the Spanish and United States members' of the Cuban commission are : absolutely unfounded. There have been ' several little incidents, but no real hitch. I More Talk of Japan-China Alliance. - Pekin, Sept. 15. Marquis Ito, rthe Japanese statesman who has arrived for the purpose of arranging an offensive and defensive alliance,' was received by . the ' notables specially ordered for that pur pose by the emperor. . ... Last Day at Camp Black. " Camp Black, Sept 15. This is the last day of Camp Black as a military post, for the three battallions now herd are under , orders to leave this afternoon. Two go mint mm ; to armories in New York and one to . Roohester. -" --'v v--- ;- Senator Kyle Recovering. ' ; Cleveland, Sept 15.-Senator Kyle con tinues to improve, and tnere is every chance for his recovery from the stroke of appoplexy. Cancelling stamps, to cancel revenue; stamps on checks, etc., ordered at low prices by Tee Fueic Press. ' 'tD Interesting North Carolina Condensed Form. 'The sword and personal effects of Lieut. Shipp, who was killed at Santiago, hare been eeut to his wne at lancolnton. v Mr. Ernest W. Cobb, of Mt. Olive, who enlisted at Fortress Monroe, died at Mon tauk Point of typhoid fever. He served and suffered at Santiago. Capt Clark, who commanded the Ore gon in tne naval engagement witn uer vera's fleet, is in Ashevifle for his health. He arrived there last week with his family. . . . , ... ; Sam Leeper. 22 years old, wno was temporarily in charge of an elevator in the Debnmor block Jn Asnevuie, was tne Dennmor block in Asnevuie, m.w.iaati. ..... Robert P. Dick, XL. D., of the. I U. a. district court, died at Ureensboro A 'riL "JJZ,'";ZZTZ h R72 when h wi annnintwl n. S. dia. 1872, when he was appointed U. S. dis- trict judge by President Grant, which 'SA.1 I I 1 A. I T L. - i posiuoa ub resigueu ium Bpnug uwttuw of poor health. A good man has gone. Fire at Eeidsville Tuesday before day destroyed a lot of wooden buildings. A body charred beyond identification, sup- )osed to be a negro -woman, was found n the ruins. The origin of the fire is con sidered incendiary, and foul play is sus pected. A crowd of drunken nearo ex cursionists from Winston was in town till late that night, and it is thought this woman was one of the number, who was murdered and. the building fired to con ceal the crime. , NO MORE TO BE MUSTERED OUT. The Government's Final and Emphatic Declaration on the Question. Washington, Sept ' 13.-Tremendous pressure is still being brought to bear on t he war department to have more troops mustered out or the service. Efforts in this direction, however, are of no avail. It was announced today with emphasis, that there will be no more troops mus tered out The situation does not admit of anv further reduction in the arm v. and efforts are being made to put those vol-1 uuiscib nuw ni. ivuuucu m lun oci iicvh i near as possible to the footing of the regu lars in the matter of drill and discipline. , a little over yo,ouu nave already been mustered out, and it is announced posi tively that there will be no more mus tered out, no matter what influence is brought to bear. Negro Preachers Putting on War Paint. Wilmington Messenger. The Methodist negro preachers of the Wilmington district conference are neither peace-makers, nor wise men. Their very warm and pugnacious indorsement Of the Daily Katttesnak?, paper thai maligned the white woman of North Carolina and the south, shows their belligerent pro-1 clivities and their willingness to brinir on a fight in this part' of the State if it be necessary to do so to uphold the said Rat tlesnake. , Listen to these fellows who do not know the first pnnciplein the religion tneyproieae: We assure you that you have our . ap proval and endorsement and pledge our selves to ever stand by youtothenarard ing of ourselves. We think you a grand man, we tmnk your paper is tne paper that every negro should support as long as she stands forth in the. protection of our ladies or our race." That reads like an inspiration of oid Items Is I . Satan nimselL i tns conference of negroes resignation, at tms time, is utterly jm is indeed warlike and meddlesome, and probable. ; Others, however, say Gomez they issue a pronunciamento not in be- resents the putting of the Cuban army half of decency and truth and law. and under the authority of the American gen order, but seek evidently to widen the erals and claims the Cubans should resist crowing antagonism between the two I races, and to-even orecioitate a bloodvl conflict VThey are public disturbers and are a great iniury to their deluded and isruorant followers. Preachers of oeace laising about "Hazarding tneir lives'' to protect b lying, slanderous fellow! in5 his wud, infernal slander of the white women of all southland. If there shall most for tunately be no war between whites and negroes it will not be because of these negro preachers influence. They ought to d as named or tneir want of sense and propriety. They are no better than the foul slanderer they indorse. ' If the white ministers in this section were to lend themselves to the tmrnoseof lawlessness ana 6ianderers and liars, and in con venton assembled were to nana irritating, ioonsn, devilish resolutions the purpose and intent of which was to intensify public passion, and arouse their race to war, they would be repudiated and denounced by every white man of decency and sense. It is discrustinir and disgraceful for men calling themselves ministers of Christ to be trying to blow into a. dreadful flame a spark of anger and indignation. - - The Whole Business Portion of Tha ? Place Burned. mm win William James Hammond Pays the Death Penalty for Murderlnn His Wife j To Secure $1,200 Insurance.' Troopa Re turning From Porto Rico. Toledo, O., Sept, 15. A special from uubwww iwi uuu wi mai (a. ag u- Woye1 DJ nre tDlB morDlpg a Hanaing at Bracebrldge. Bracebridge, Oot. Sept. 15.-William Bracebridge, Ont.j Sept. James Hammond was hanged here this James Hammond was hanged morriing for the murder of v his wife. tie 1 - ' - . ' - ' 1 - . ' - -i. " i murdered h?r to secure f 1,200 insurance i on her life, Troops Returning From Porto Rico. New York, Sept. lo.The transport Concha, with Gen. Wilson and biH staff of the sixth coi'ps of Gen. Miles' army, ar rived today from Porto Bico. It sailed September 8th. - The troops aboard in elude a detachment of company C engi neers, an unattached battery of artillery, battery A of the twenty-seirenth Indiana volunteer artillery and battery B of the Pennsylvania volunteer artillery " - 9 ' Senator Gray to Washington. Philadelphia, Sept. 15. Senator Gray, a member of the commisHion, went to Washington this afternoon. He has been attending court here. , Roosevelt to Entertain. ' CampWikoff , Sept. l5.-Co, Roosevelt left today for his home at Oyster Bay where he will entertain company and bis O 111 Ctrl O. Shatter Commands at Montauk. : NewYork, Sept. 15, Gen. Shafter started for Montauk Point todiy to take command, j .-t, t ,., GENERAL GOMEZ RESIGNS. Asa Protest Against American Military .- Domination In Cuba. Santiago de Cuba. Sept 18. An uncOn- tradicted report ws received by General L-awton last nignt tnat lieneral liaximo Gomez, the insurgent commander-in-chief, has tendered his resignation of the com- mand of the Cuban array to t he Cuban government at Camaguay, and that it has been accepted, uomez. it aDnears. has been protesting against the Cuban srovernment yielding tne control of the af fairs of the island to the Americans and the explanation for resigning was his dis approval of "nnpassive submifsiott ? to conditions tending to the practical .dis crediting and retirement of the Cuban re public, as such, and the establishinir of tne absolute . dominion oi he United States." ,-,;:: . , : i The Cubans at Santiatro were ninch ex cited by the report. It was disbelieved by many who say that General Gomez's even by force of arms if necessary. Generals 'Cobreco, Castillo. Pedro. Perez and other insurgent leaders have turned over their commands to General Lawton, : Object Lesson of Negro Elevation. The Wilson News says that while Mr. Larry Moore, Democratic candidate for solicitor, was speaking at JElm City, "a negra mounted the platform and insisted upon having his say, raising qui te a distur bance before he was put down. After quiet had been restored, the speaker pointed to him with the remark that 'this is a living exampleof negro rule.' " The man who votes against the white man s party votes lor just such impu dence and riot-breeding conduct , Fine Printing, The Fkb.x Pbess office prints eleeant stock certificates, bonds, diplomas, bank checks, etc.; in fact almost anything in the printing line in the very best style, and at moderate prices. Anything from a visiting card to a newspaper. For good work sendyour orders to The Feee Peess, Kinston, N. C. (I AT III DOVER ITEMS. September 14,1898. 1 Mr. William Evans lost his only horse last night' He died of lung fever, we learn. , ... The weather, bere is flue for hay-saving and cotton picking, which Is the order of the day now among our farmers. , : : Mr. Braswell Ferrell, an old ad highly respected citizen, died Monday night at his home, about five miles from here, . k Miss Maggie Kornegay returned last week from a Visit of several weeks at Goldsboro, Mt, Olive and Seven Springs. Miss Meta Outlaw left today for Wood ington. , She will preside at the organ during the session of the Universalist conference, which begins there on Friday. Chickens, eggs, fresh meats and most all things palatable to a dainty appetite are scarce in the market here. We nave bread and meat for breakfast, meat and bread for dinner, and for a change at supper we have some ditto. -r" " v.. i ; v : ' ;v We understand that the marriage bell will jingle at Ft Barnwell next Wednes day night, and that one of Dover's sweet belles has been selected to preside at the organ as it peals forth t the sweet strains of the wedding march. ', ,; y 'W Rev. II, 0. Judd, of Macon Ga., came last week and joined . his wife on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Duguid, who has been critically ill. with typhoid fever; but we are glad to know that she is con valescing. 'r',;-'V ."V:.:.'". .We are" bleased to 'welcome amontr Dover's circle of charming young ladies, Miss Catherine unffln, of JNewbern, 1 who came last week to teach school for Mess. Z. T. Brown and Seth West. Though we as yet have only had a casual glance at her, we feel warranted in pronouncing her an accomplished lady and efficient teacher. . . We are clad -to see the name of that sterling gentleman, Mr. John C. Wooten, placed at the bead of the Democratic ticket in our good old mother county, Lenolr. in her many gallant sons, we believe that none would mora certainly lead to victory, and after victory be more generous to foe as well as friend than he. Nothing more commendatory can be said of a man than that be is a genuine gen tleman, and such we believe is the unani mous verdict given Mr. Wooten by all who know him- .. ',' . On last Wednesday night as the stock holders' train, returning from Morehead, was moving off from here, some boy squirted ammonia, from what we learn is called an ammonia pistol, into the eye of Mr. Geo. M. Street, causing him most Intense pain for several days, and serious lyperhaps permanently in jurinc: his sigh t We learo ; that it has been found out who did it, but we are not informed as to what will be the consequence to him of this seriously mischievous act It has caused Mr. Street much financial loss, as well as much suffering. With fast power presses, new faces of type, and plenty of paper, envelopes and materials of all kinds, The Free Pbess is better than ever prepared to do first- class printing at low prices. ' Send or bring your orders to The Feee Pbess.' " 'We have just received mm m mm wwv L . : We cany a nice line of Canned Fruits, Vegetables' and Meats, ! L and invite Vour inspection.' ' ' 1 MYERS & MIDYETTE. (, JK3"Goods Dewvered Free. ... xst Door North City Hall; t, T .J! Ji Ji T? J5mXJ'tJrt,J'))Ji . Rugs.- ORIENTALS,.........: " . it it MOTLEYS . U " , ,f EMPRESS,...;..,... ...... , . Grey and White : -m Big lines , MATTING and O AEPETS now m. Not Shown the Documents On Which He Was Convicted. . II la October to Again Take Up the Fight la - Behalf of Dreyfut. :": Paris, Sept. 15. The Matin says that the ministers have definite proof that the secret documents which figured in the original Dreyfus trial were not shown to the accused officer or his council. Gen. Mercier, then minister of war, is held re sponsible for this. The Echo says Zola will return to Paris in October, when he will issue another manifesto regarding the Dreyfus case. Rubber Stamps, Seals, Etc. The Free Press has taken the agency' for one of the largest rubber Btamp ana seal factories in the country, and is pre pared to show cuts of and quote low prices on rubber stamps of all kinds, check perforators, corporation and nota ry public seals, steel stamps, stencils. " Points to Considenj : There's only one kind of print- j 1st Ing we don't do. That's the poor fekind. That's the kind you don't ( ( want. But when you do want ii something that is neat, clean, ) right-up-to-date, printed on good ( -0 53 i ner in short, when you want Vsi strictly first-class job, 1 y ' just send your orders to' ,, THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. til Our Price Are Law. 'i ' Hi i i w Satisfy Our Customer. ' f-. a nice assortment of " t Js Js J Jl , 7i i J"t JTj . X Ti JF, JT, T1 Jti . ...;.i8x4oat 85c. 21x52 at $1.15. ..30x64 at $1.85. :....J36x72 at $ 15x36 at 45c. ..21x50 at 1.05. .....64x30 at $1.75. 18x45 at $1.25. , Fur Rugs, $2.50. N.C. mm nmimi m nnn o i ILL nC I Unit I U rflnlu v paper, with fine ink, from type ) if! that is new and of latest face, set 1 fg) in an artistic and intelligent mat r 1 -