DAILY' FREE PR PUBLISHED EERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY. Vol. I No. 153. KINSTON, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1898. Price Two Cents. THE v m i The Bridgeport Murderers and Ac complices All Under Arrest Except One. 11 III II Failure of New England Loan and Trust Company Announced With Capital Stock Of $800,000. It Loaned Money on Western Mortgages. Bridgeport, Sept. 26. The Gill mystery is now solved. All alleged to be impli cated are under arrest except the person whose hand brought the victim to ber untimely death and who subsequently dismembered the body, which the police states, is Mrs. Nancy Guilford. Harry Oxley haH coufessed to complicity. The Daytona have also confessed their knowledge of the crime. It is alleged that a search will be made for Dr. Guil ford. A Big Failure In New York. New York, Sept. 20. The failure of the New England Loan aad Trust Co. is an nounced today. The capital stock is 800,000. Debenture obligations are secured by mortgages amounting to about 5,000,000. The company has been in the business of loaning mouey on western mortgages. WAR INVESTIGATION. The Commltte Holding Preliminary Meet ing to Map Out the Work. Washington, Sept. zb. All the mem bers of the war investigation committee assembled promptly at 10 o'clock this morning in a room at state, war and navy building. Gen. Dodge, chairman arrived after a majority of members had gathered. Dr. Connor, of Cincinnati, arrived this morning and had a conference with the president previous to attending the meeting. At the opening of the meeting the de liberations of the investigation commit tee was taken up where they left on Sat nrday, wheu the preMminary session was held. The real work of the commission , wil not begin before tomorrow, the meeting today being occupied in a discussion o methods proceeding of the regular work The commission will shortly change its quarters to the Lemon building, within a short distance of the war departmen t. PETROLEUM DISCOVERED On the West Coast of Newfoundland Abundant and Good Quality. Montreal, Sept. 26. Petroleum has been discovered at Port Au Port, on the west coast of New Foundland, on land included in the grant to builder Reid, o this city. The oil is said to be abundant and of good qualify. . CIRCUS TRAIN WRECKED. Forepaugh's Circus Train Wrecked and Two Men Killed. Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 26. Fore paugh's circus train is reported to have been wrecked and two men killed at Wil sondale this morning. Colored Trooper Shot and Killed. Camp Wikoff, Sept. 26. Private James Twisby, colored, of troop F. tenth cav airy, died this morning at the regimental hospital, from gunshot wounds inflicted by Lindsay P. Holt, a fellow trooperjof the same company. The shooting was a result of a quarrel over the possession of a gold Spanish coin. - Forest Fires In Wisconsin. V Cheyenne, Sept. 26. Serious forest fires are threatening the best Wisconsin tim ber lands. Several hundred acres have been destroyed according to the latest re port. A large force of rangers are fight ing the flames. BIG FAILUR HI 010 1IH SII" 118. Interesting North Carolina Items la! Condensed Form. Rev. J. L. Burns, keeper of the capitol at Raleigh, denies that he has poisoned dogs. A fatal dipuase has appeared amongthe cattle m Northampton county, home of i the farmers have lost from e'vJht to eleven head of cattle each A colored child in Northampton swal lowed the heads of fifteen or twenty matches a few days ago and died from phosphorus poisoning. The penitentiary directors exonerate Lewis Summeiell, supervisor of the "Northampton" farm of charges of cruelty aud 3nd that Jim Sears, the guard who has fled to Virginia, beat Lowe, a white convict, to death. It is now said that the second regiment furloughs will be extended from 30 to 60 days so that the government may be sure they will not be needed t before they are musteredout Congress may give each volunteer soldier three months pay. There are now sixty-eight convicts making shirts in the penitentiary, for . a New York firm. The monthly product is now 2.400 dozen, for which the State gets $330. The convicts employed in the taotory are nearly all federal prisoners. The penitentiary direotors order a re- formatory for convicts under the age of 16 years, at the "Anson" farm, near Wadesboro. There will be two buildings, one for white, the other for negro youths. Of thesH there are about eighty. The last arrival is a boy horse thief, only thirteen years old, from Henderson county. A cyclone visited Mt. Airy Thursday night, unroofing the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley railroad depot, blowing down several buildings and doing considerable damage to telephone and telegraph com munications. Three miles west of Pilot mountain the railroad trestle and one hundred feet of track were washed away. Congressman Pearson puts out a "fake" Htatement thai it is an indictable affair to be an independent candidate unless one is the. representative of some organized party, and that it is indictable to dis tribute tickets. Now this Is quite the reverse of facti Anybody can be a candi date, but it is indictable tor such to use the "device" of any party's nominee. In Chatham superior court Thursday a verdict for $1,250 was awarded W. B. Dowdj against theWestern Union Tele- graph company. , It was a "mental an- guiu case. air. lowaj receivea uns telegram while away from home: "Baby very sick, come." ' The telegram was de layed in deliverance and in the meantime the child died. Mr. Dowdy brought suit and was awarded $l,2o0 damages Raleigh Cor. Star; Chairman Holton has gone to the western part of the State to look after some political fences. A Republican, who came from the western part of the State recently, had a talk with Holton and Duncan, and he gave a very blue picture of things in the west, ile tola them that Kutnerford and sev eral other counties in that sectiou were lost to the Republicans;- that Montgom ery county would go Democratic because of dissensions,' and that the Rads were hopelessly split in Alamance and other counties. . , ,, . . - . a.uuy,M m wrolcI 1" Ui l" State Friday caused serious damage. In Caldwell county the rainfall was six inches in twenty-four hours. The Caro lina and Northwestern railroad tracks are two feet under water in one place. Trains have been delayed ou the Western North Carolina by washouts. The river bottom corn crops are covered with mud and are rained. The hay crop is also seriously damaged. Some families have been driven from their houses to the hills by thefreshet Lewis Moser was drowned in the Yadkin near Donnaha, while at tempting to rescue pumpkins that were i floating down the stream. Buried t Santiago. "Few students of Napoleonic histo ry," says tne ljonaon Uhronicie, "are aware that Dr. Antomarchi. who at tended upon Napoleon I during his last illness at St. Helena, is buried in the cemetery at Santiago de Cuba. He had a brother living in that island, and after the emperor's death proceeded thither and lived at Santiago, exercis ing his skill as an oculist gratuitously among the poor. After his death in 1825 a publio monument was erected to his memory in the local cemetery. " It is an old saying that those who were born in the last six months of the year will have a great change of expe rience every seventh year, and their dreams will have significance durinar the full of the xnoon. Makes Public Its Report for a Re vision of the Case. Who Is Confined on a Lonely Pestilential Island. The Whole City of Paris Quivers With Excitement. Parisians Shout And Cheer the Commission. Paris, Sept. 26. -After a short and final meeting this morning, while Paris waited in such suspense as has not hung over the city since the Franco-Prussian war, the Dreyfus commission made public its report for a revision of the Dreyfus case, The whole city quivers with excitement, 4. ........ . . ' pesnienuai lsiana, wnere poor Ureyfus is bo cruelly imprisoned. I . t ' . . ransians anoui ana uneer.tne Ministry. .raris, fcept. Ub.Urowdil of people on the ouside of the ministry! of interior, where the cabinet council w - held, loudly cheered the ministry with many shouts of "Vive Brisson, Vive le Revision." Mme. Dreyfus' Petition to Be Laid Before The Court of Cessation. Paris, Sept. 26. The cabinet has or dered Sarrien to lay before the court of cessation the petition of Mme. Dreyfus for a revision of her husband's case NEW YORK REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Roosevelt Adherents Are Confident and Black's Followers Cheerful. Saratoga, Sept. 26. The early morn ing trains brought maiy delegates to the Republican state convention. Roosevelt delegates here protest that there is not a question of Roosevelt's availability as a candidate for governor. Legal opinions regarding the eligibility of Roosevelt will be Dresented to the state committee tonight at its meeting, and afterward will be given out for publi cation. The Roosevelt adherents are confident and the Black followers cheerful. The faction refuses to recognize Quigg. Gov ernor Black arrived at eleven this morn ing. VAN WYCK FOR GOVERNO R Of New York State. The Syracuse Dem ocratic Convention Will be Largest Eyer Held. ri f T7 ia aa'D ton. ing to the fact that it is the scene of the biccest HtfttennvntW .vm MH ai. nA r u,.- mauj iuwji vruiutittu ore ossein uuuit hem. Hnt! MwnmtnnilA Hnna ,ln,W taken, and many more persons are ex pected than can be accommodated in the city. All appearances indicate that Van Wyck will get the nomination. Negro Lynched In Tennessee. ; Mountain City, Tenn., Sept. 26. One hundred men overpowered the jailor and lynched the negro Williams who seriously stabbed Sherman Dunn, and assaulted Mrs. Mollie Shelton. French Capture 400 Prisoners. i'aris, Kept. 2b. News has; Deen re ceived that the French defeated Chief Sameryonthe Ivory coast, capturing four hundred prisoners. , Bayard Falling. Rapidly. Dedham, Sept 26. Mr. Bayard isnow failing rapidly .He can take no nourish ment and death must occur within a few hours. ' ; Fine Printing, The Yrkx iPeess office prints elegant stock certificates, bonds, diplomas, bank checks, etc.; in fact almost anything m the printing line in the very best style, and at moderate prices. Anything from a visiting card to a newspaper. For good work send your orders toTfucFKEi IS Ell DREYFUS Press, Kinston, N. I. Republican Fusion Purposes Exposed. Raleigh Post. Th properly constituted authorities of Mecklenbnrgcounty proceed don theday net spurt by lav to appoint registrars of election. TIih law requires thar a repre sentative of each of the potitit-ttl parties in present conditions Democratic, Re publican and Populist shall be ap pointed. The selection of those men devolves en tirely upon the clerk of thecourt, register of deeds and sheriff of the county. The only restriction on these officers is that they shall select represent tives of each political organization, fulfilling the other requirements as to intellectual qualifica tion. It seems that Mecklenburg fossesses Republicans, who, though Republican in principle, believing in and sustaining the principles of tha party, are not in sympa thy with mgroizing the. State. They do not find in their party platforms, or dec laration of principles anything requiring them to turn their State, their property and their liberties over to the vicious elements of society, that element which destroys or scandalizes all it touches, such a the Hoi ton-Thompson combina tion is trying to fasten eternally on the State. Some of these Republicans, admitted by honorable as well as intelligent gentle men, have been chosen to represent their party as registrars. Therefore, and alto gether because they arrhonorable and in telligent, Chairman Holton and Thomp son, the "heavenly twins" in the present political iniquities of the State, have in stituted proceedings before Judge Furches of the supreme court to have these men set aside, and such creatures as they. Holton and Thompson, or taeir hench men in Mecklenburg, select, appointed. One of the boatn made in theAyer-Thompson-Holtou b mid book is that, in the election of 1896 the "opposition to the Democrats" made heavy gains in such counties as Mecklenburg, Union, Richmond, Robeson, New Hanover counties bordering on the South Carolina line. It is charged and earnestly believed that thousands of illegal votes were cast and counted in that election, and the "heavy increase" boasted of occurring in border counties sustains this belief. That the same method, under the protection ot the present infamous election - law -are relied upon now r overcome the honest white men of the Stare is evidenced by this objection of the combination to hon est Republican registrars in Mecklenburg county men, who though Republicans, are still honorable citizens who will not connive at such frauds as were perpe trated by illegal negro registration and voting in 18'J6. This in the whole situation as to the con lent before Judge Furches. We do not believe that he will sustain any such in famous pche me. But those white Republicans of the State, who want good government of state and local anairs and there are thousands such can see from this the desperate purposes of the combination which now degrades the State. This movement fully exposes the in famous purposes of the Fusionists. Old papers for sale at this office. FRENCH Jlext to I. Havy & Son's Office The Only Strictly When Lard, Cakes First-Class Grocery Store in Kinston. LACE CURTAINS and BORDIERS . in handsome floral patterns. , y In Guipure, Grecian, and fine Brussel Effects. Most any style, at most.any price. Cash or Credit. See about it. Of the Philippine Republic Said To Have Been Promised. 18 At Washington. Announcements Causing Much Uneasiness. Nothing Can Be Learned at the French Embassy. London, Sept. 26. A Globe dispatch from Hong Konsr nay that it is learned from a trustworthy eouive that France has promised to reconiz the Philippine republic. It is repo-ted that negotiations on this subject are now proceeding at Manilla, where there are three French warships. Report Discredited at Washington. Washington, Se;t. 26. The story of the coming Fremh recognition of the, Philippine repulilie is not believed here. The London announcements arn cuusing much uneasiness, however, but. nothing can be learned .it the French embassy. "If you'll hIm'kvh give me full swing," observed the pendulum, "you will never have any trouble w itli your bands." "I don't know," replied ti e clock. "If it wasn't for your g ii ig ln.ck and forth in my works I n v. r would have any strikes." Chicago TrU-ure. Points to Consider. There's only one kind of print- ; ing we don't do 1 hat a the poor kind. That's the kind you don't i i want. But when you do want i something that is neat, clean, i right-up-to-date, printed on good ' paper, with fane ink, from type : that is new and ot la test face, set i in an artistic and intelligent man- i ner in short, when you want a i ! strictly first-class job, .. Just send your orders to fHE KINSTON FKEB PRESS. v Our Prices Are Low. We Satisfy Our Customers. m & SUGG, you want the very best Flour, Butter, Sugar, Coffee, Mason's J! and Crackers, and a thousand and Rill one other things usually kept in a gro cery store, call or 'phone them. Goods Delivered in Any Part of the City! - - - ; - Onstcn. N.C.