THE DAM FREE PRESS. SU BSC R I PTI O N PR ICES! on' month .10 cent Thru- moiitns J " Twelve months ,-"u Tt i:hday Evkninu, Sept. '27,1898. TO SUBSCRIBERS. If 3 ou fail to receive your paper please notify us of the fact that evening, or as eany as possi ble. We cannot tell when you mlas the paper unh'HS you make it known, Five cow were killed by the excursion train 1 1 .M r Sunday iiourCoie ("reek. Two car loadn of tobacco undllv of merclmmiie camtt yeHterday afUrnoou, to Kiiwtou on the A. C. L. freight train. Mr. H. H. WilHon, mail clerk on the C Ij. jmnHenger train, left this moni ini? for New York. Mr. J. M. LancaHter, of Norfolk, Va., will fill Mr. WUhoii'h pom tion during his atwHUce. Mwis. Eugene liertrani and lltwHett Willard, of New York, came yeHterday evening to begin the ri'henrnnl at once "for the performance of "Captain Dick" on i J l.'..;.!., (Int.liur f'i.7 1 Olirmiuy. unu rnuaj'nun ... .. The Carolina Telephone company has ireeived a new switchboard, which will be put in in a few days. It, is twice the hz.; of the old board, which was filled up. Tie-company is putting up several new polo and putting the Kinston exehauge in thorough repair. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Matt Carr went to (irifton this morning. llev. 1. H. I'etreu returned from Wilson yesterday. Mr. J. H. I'arhnm spent yesterday in Gnenvillo. Mrs. .1. W. Grainger returned from Wil son yesterday. Mr. A. K. Umstead returned from Dur ham yesterday. Mr. W. Y. White left this morning for Charleston, S. (. . Mr. Virgil Uouutree returned from Oriiton yesterday. Mr. S. I. Wooten, of near LaOrange, was iu Kinston today. Mrs. W. S. Herbert returned from More head City this morning. Mr. L. T. Tupp returned from Hillsboro and Durham yesterday. Mr .lumen Iarv. of Texas, who is vis Ring in Tieutou, wasiu Kinston yester day. Mr. lani8 Mcl adden, of McCall, S. C., came yesterday to tlx machinery in the new cottou mill. Mr. D. W. Hell, manager of the tele phone exchange at Washington, wasiu Kinstoju Uiis morning. Miss Mnttha Carter, of Kaleigh, who had beeu visiting at Mr. S. II. Loftm s, went to LaGrange this morning. Mrs. S. M. Harding and Miss V. B. Patrick returned from visiting at John Bon's Mills vesterday, accompanied by Mrs. N. C. Hughes, of Chocowinity. WAKE COUNTY REPUBLICANS. The County Convention. The Negroes Snowed Under. None Allowed on the Ticket. Kaleigh, N. C, Sept. -4.-The ltepubli vpntion rnotninatHl tbe old county ticket and J. P. H. Adams for senate and J. I . L.. Harris ior lue uouow A hot fight was waged over a nomina tionof a negro on the ticket. J. C. L Harris defeated O'Kelly, the negro can Prof' Capehart, colored, in a speech de th.if tha tuurroea had been eacri- flo d by the promise of two $1, 800 jobs in the agricultural department and one in the colored blind institution. John Nichols said the negroes were sold out .wi.iro1 t;her wprp entitled to reDre- OUI UL' iu , -. geutation. Loue Capehart and other negroes bolted. Jim louug ueviaiou miinut nnminn.tiniranecrroon the ticket. He eaid he was going to urge the same policy in every county mtueiMaie. declared that too many negroes bad been nominated in Craven and other eastern counties aud that some of them should be withdrawn. An Outrage. Cor. Fayetteville Observer. iiv.nT. K. f' Sent. 14. 1898 kid- Whiln in Fflvetteville on Tuesday last I carried a lady in tbe flrst j.aj itnanh nn tha'nnnthbond train on the A. C. Line. Very close to the seat -r.r.iaA hv tho lnrtv wtui r necTO soldier who occupied two seats with bis feetop in the air. I remarked to the lady that i Jiii- tA her so near to a negro soldier. On leaving the car the negro followed me into the next car and pulled V: . ma fnr tho rPTDArk I madetO the lady. The conductor interfered to prevent trouble ana lorceu iue uejjiw Knlr n liia nam CP. I B.CCI a white man and I am not going to be run over by any negro, even il be be a major-general. "All coons look alike to me." Had it not been for the conductor, the coroner would have had a iob. . Youra for white supremacy and De- O ft W- LAGRANGE NEWS. Vm k Phkss I!i iti:.i , IiA i ItA N'll-, Sept. -id, lN'.IN. Treasurer D. M. Stanton, oi the A. N. (J., is here today. Mins Sallie l'arks is sjiending today with Mrs. K. M. Ilarjier. Mrs. (. Il Richardson, of tJoldsboro, is here visiting her parents. Miss Maude Dawson, oi Institute, re turned from a visit to Miss l.ela l i-lls Monday. Miss Mamie IMwut-ds. of Pit t , vnnu to day to visit Miss Lizzie Anderson, oi near here. Misses Pearl Hardee and Mabel Wooten attended the dedication of the new church in Wilson Sunday. Miss Carraway, from Wayne, is in town soliciting subscriptions to the history oi Spanish-American war. Miss P.essie Rouse left tc day for Greens boro, where she will visit before return ing to school in New YorK city. The "Pink-tea" parry was largely at tended and reflected much credit on the getters-u p. The receipts weic Rev. .T. W. Rose announced that he. as- VI r Port er of Newhei l), would begin a series ot mwnngsiu iu--Baptist church here the fourth Sunday in October. Milton Walter, alias "N. C. I etc, . . . f K' 1 I, ! i. fit.llilllttr 11 says "the A. ! wu..u.f, platform at the eiul ol tl.e oif oepoi, to help the farmers and krp them from lifting the heavy bales of cheap cotton. Swanni.', the infant daughter of Mr. ri Millar. lijd Saturday and wns interred in Fair iev cemetery Sunday afternoon, Kev. 1 . i. luoiuwn p.rforming the sad funen.I rites. Suffer little children to come unto Me and for bid them not. for of such is tne Kingdom of heaven." The feeUe condition of Mr. and Mrs. Miller mid their daughter, makes this sad stroke of Providence very distressing. AN ULTIMATUbTtoThe SULTAN. Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy Have Decided to Settle the Cretan Ques tion Immediately. Rome, Sept. "21. Within twenty-four hours Great Britain, Russia, France and Italy will uppend their signatures to an agreement for the pacification of the island of Crete, including a plan for co ..:.. ,.f iw. siiiif.'in into submission. The scheme has beeu drafted for some time, but its enforcement was delayed, to invite the participation of Germauy, which country declined. At the begiuuingof the week tbe four powers will send an ultimatum to the ..n.,..i TnrL-ov Hiinimonincr him to ac- minu" " iu. cept the project and informing him that unless he does so measures will be taken to enforce his compliance. mi... ..,n.o Kurni i riwncn 111 v decided tO settle the Cretan question immediately, and will not hesitate to sena tneir neeis to the Dardanelles and beyond, if neces sary. Died. d dHuirhter of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Hodges died yesterday. Tlie remains were interred in the ceme tery yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Mollie A. Dawson, aged about 47 vears. died Tuesday morning at thehome of her father, air. ooim miem, ; Hill township. The burial .win tane place tomorrow; evening at :i o'clock at the family burying grouuu. special notices. I Ready For Business A I..n t tier Ked . At)t)lv ... J I'.iii Sai.k. A nice Feather Red. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Hines. Country Hams, Cheese and Bologna for sale at Hub Cu minings'. Try Henry Clay flour, as good as ever was'milled.'at Dan Quinerly's. I wish to buy or rent a Are proof iron safe. J- I''- Tayloii. Russ' Cafe, opposite- Carolina Ware house, is the best place to get something good to eat. Ladies are among its pat rons m other ladies can feel free to call for a snack or cold drink. Open all hours Horn early morn to 10 at night. Prices reasonable. KINSTONJflARKET. Prleea quoted for Country Produce are tnose paid by dealers. Turpei-tlne, yellow dtp 1,65 " scrape Beeswax, per pound, 20 Corn, per busnel 60 Meal, per bushel L. C. Bides, per pouud 7 Ham, Country new, per pound 10 to 11 Salt, per sack " Lard, Country, per pound Chickens, per pair,... 5 to N Eggs, per dozen sweet Potatoes 51 Peanuts, per bushel 50 to 75 Sheep UM) Lamb Hides, Dry 4 to 10 Bides, ureen 6 Beef , on root, tat 4 10 5 Fresh Pork 5 Fodder 76 to90 Molasses 35 to 50 p-lour ' 4.50 to 5.75 Cheese 15 Butter 25 to 30 Mess Pork, per barrel Pflas 7f To Furnish Lumber Promptly ! Have put in a,new planer and every thing is in shape at my lumber mills to fill orders for Rough or Dressed Lum ber of anv dimensions promptly and satisfactorily. We furnish Oak, Ash, Long or SLort Leaf Pine. A big lot of No. i Air-dried Pine is on hand ready for immediate delivery. Z. EDWARDS, KINSTON, N. C1, Remember there are two kinds of flour, QR JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, KINSTON, N. C. fSTOffiec opposite A. R. Miller's store. It f'iys to Trnrfent. The Hig Store. SPECIAL VALUES in DRESS GOODS. Ten pieces all wool Novelty Suitings, very pretty and stylish and especially suited for children's wear, 25c yd. TAX NOTICE! I received the tax list of Lenoir county for the year 1808 on Monday, Sept. 5th, and request the people to come torward and pay their taxes promptly. Respectfully, BENJ. SUTTON, Sheriff of Lenoir County. FOR SHLE1 374 acres of good land, two miles from Kinston, on the Goldsboro road. Also a ten-room house in Kinston. For further information apply to F. C. LOOPS, July 13th, 1898. Kinston, M. C. STOCK'S BEST PATENT AND OTHERS. When you want the best ask for Stock's Best Patent. The price may seem a little high, but??? ask your grocer for it. If he hasn't got it he should have it. T.W. Newborn & Co KINSTON, N. C. Wholesale Only. Eight pieces 38 inch all wool Serges, in all the new and popular Fall shades, 29c yd. Eieht Pieces 38 inch Fancy Dress Goods in mixed, check and Bayadere effects all this seasons T styles. Regular 50c goods, 39c yd. Pop Sheriff. I hereby announce myself an indepen dent Democratic candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lenoir county, and respect f.,n,r act- thf siiDDort of all mv friends. If the people will elect me I will serve them to the best of my ability. W. S. FIELDS. Our Fall and Ulintetf 1898 Dress Goods. Thirty-eight inch Black Wors ted Crepon, the so popular ma terial for skirts as well as entiie suits, a good 75c value for 59c yd. Samples mailed on request. THE BIG STORE, KINSTON, - N. O. i.'. 00 ruura tliP Democratic oartv ad ministered the affairs of the State wisely . :i iw, Ctotu irnvurnmeut was the best in the union yes, even ia the world. 1 he present auK is a disgraceful failure, and u w.r,rr,i iha Stiitp ffovemmMit in such a manner that we are not respected by other states -we are nsumm;u iur uui annfham sl-fltPS to knOW of the dl9- graceful condition of our !?tate. Hon. .1. A. Lockharc. T. C WOOTKN. H. E.8B1W. WOOTEN & SHAW. Attorneys-at-Law, . kinston, n. c. Practices in State and Federal Courts. Reference: Banks and business men of Kinston. QR. H. D. HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. Iff urrivi . - . it" nr., !mrm 1-n .T A.PalD. OIK8 8T0BI. Desirable Residence and Farm I will lease or rent a four-horse farm, half a mile from Kinston, in a high state of improvement, with a good two-story dwelling seven roomsr Darns, stables, tv,r tenant Vinnsps and a crin house, an engine and all machinery for ginning and packing cotton. Alan (tit farm in Tones countv. near .J ' ' open land, good dwelling house, five tenant nouses, earns anu swum. Adapted to the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, corn, etc.- E. H. E. F. PERBy. TRY A PACKAGE OF Duffy's Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle. For Sale by J. E. Hood, agent lor Kinston. White Government nion Buttons We are now showing our Fall and Winter Dress Goods exceed ingly attractive Novelties, as well as a grand collection of Plain Fab rics in this season's newest shades. Now is the time to make your selections . Most everything comes in dress lengths, making your dress exclusively your own. Our new Dress Trimmings are ready for you. I tl ( - Cc each. t : i 1 1 Call and Get One at, ' V !jj THE JEWKLKR, KINSTON, - "J'l J; i Race Question Again ! i 1 KORNEGAY'S, Phono 4. On the Corner remembef We sell 15 feet Galvanized Pipe, 1 Point and 1 Pump, and drive it in your yard for $4.25. And don't forget that Bi cycles are for hire, sale or exchange at BELL & SONS 111 11 1 i Just received a't E. S. PITT MAN'S. A new supply of Heavy Groceries, Cakes and Candies, v Breakfast Wheat, Flaked Rice Puddine Dissertine, Shred Cocoanut, Rice Popcorn and Vienna J Sausage Very Best Butter kept on ice. And if you want to be in the lead, buy a Standard Bicycle. Quality unsurpassed and the price is lower than ever. I am prepared to do any kind of Repair work cheap. . Just received a new line of Sun dries, Bells, Tires, Lanterns, Ce ment, and anything pertaining to a wheel. .-.'. ' - FRANK WEBB, "The Bikeman," Kinston, N. C Boys' Clothing. op Hittle Boys and Big Boys. The schools have opened and the boy's thoughts are strongly centered on having a new suit so as to appear as well dressed as his school mates. . - At my store you can find any kind you want at prices to fit your pocket book. ; f . Now, I want you to bring your boy to my store and kt us show you what I have in stock. We'll dress the young man up, and it won't cost you much either. ( . - Respectfully, . ; DAN QUINERLY, kinston; n. c. Queen Street. - IUQSWUi XI. " mm 1 I 1 '" .i . . IV V 3r V - V mocracjr. jj. o. Subscribe to The Duly Fkeb TeSss. KINSTON, N. C rwwwwwww -

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