f 1 TUTSI t DAILY FREE PRE PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDRY. Vol. I-No. 159. KINSTON, N. 0., MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1898. Price Two Cents. THE B 1 111 White Miners Attack Negro Miners In Indiana. E III x Roseburg and Myrtle Point Stage Held Up And $1,000 Secured From Registered Mall Sack. Dr.tiuilford,the Bridgeport Murderess, Held for Extradition. Washington, Ind.. October 3. Masked miners, it is believed, have gone to the mine southeast of the city thm morning, where more negroes "are living, with the intention of driving them out and mal treating C. Howlaud, the white boss. Shots were heard in that direction this morning. The negroes are armed and well protected. Stage Robbery in Oregon. Empire City, Oregon, Oct. iJ. At 4 o'clock Sunday morning the Roseburg and Myrtle Point stage was robbed, one mile west of the latter place. The robber secured the registered mail sack, contain ing f 1,000. Female Doctor Held for Extradition. London, Oct. 3. Dr. Guilford was ar raigned in extradition court this morn ing and was held to await the arrival of a detective from the United State. Sur gical instruments of a mid-wife and med icines were found in her room yesterday. GEN. LEE INNEW YORK. He Expects To Appear Before the Inves tigation Committee Wednesday, and Then Prepare For Garrisoning Cuba. New York, Oct. 3. General Lee, now in the city, said this morning he expected to appear before the investigating com mittee at Washington Wednesday, and then return to Jacksonville to prepare work for garrisoning Cuba. Harrison Will Not Participate in the Re publican Campaign in New York. New York, Oct: 3. Ex-President Har rison is in the" city, and declined to ex press an opinion on the events of the last few months. He said he would not par ticipate in the Republican campaign in New York on account of engagements in the Venezuela boundary case. Baltimore's Chaplain Suicides. San Francisco,' Oct. 3.- Advices from Japan state that Rev. ThaddeusF. Free man, chaplain of the cruiser Baltimore, committed suicide by jumping overboard from the steamer Zealandia in Nagasaki harbor. He was mentally depressed through failing health. Shatter Takes Charge Department East. New York, Oct. 3. Gen.' Shatter came from Montauk Point last night and left the city this morning to assume charge f of the department of the east, with bead quarters at Governor's Island. Five Men Reported Murdered. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Oct. 3. Five men are reported to have been murdered in the north portion of Cannon county by John Hollingsworth and friends. The sheriff and posse are now in pursuit. . New First Assistant Secretary of State. Washington, Oct. 3. The president appointed David Hill, of Rochester, first assistant secretary of state to succeed - John Baesett Moore, resigned. GenMerritt In Paris. Paris, Oct.. 3. Gen. Merritt arrived this morning and will confer with the peace commissioners during the day. Postponed Until Tomorrow. Washington, Oct. 3. The session of war investigation committee has been postponed until tomorrow. $600,000 In Ccld From Europe. New York, Oct. 3. Six hundred thous and dollars in gold were received today from Europe. . I ROBBERY (III OLD Ml S Interesting North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. Col. W. II. Burgwyn has gone to Wash incrton in a vain effort to get the second regiment kept in service. It is a sure waste of time. The Boone Democrat says that J. I) Bryan, presumably of that town, has sold his patent car coupler to a JNew Jersey firm for $20,000. Judge Robinson removed the Rep. and Pop. registrars appointed by the clerk in JNew Hanover county aud appointed a lot selected by the Kep.-Pop. bosses. A convention composed of 75. or 100 negroes of Rutherford county met in con vention Saturday week, and nominated Martin V. Millar, colored, for register' of deeds, and William Logan, colored, for county commissioner. The Rutherford negroen are very much disgruntled, and ar fighting their white allies. The railway commission suspends ac tion regarding theenforcementof reduced rates on loon cotton in car load lots, it is lauivalent to a rescinding of the order. The order relatiDg to passenger rates on the Wilmiugton & Weldon railway is so modified as to apply only on the mam Hum and not on branches. The North Wilkesboro Hustler says that during the high waters in Wilkes last week, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Eller, who lived on a small stream 14 miles above North Wilkesboro, attempted to escape when the water began rising on their dwelling Thursday night, in the darkness Mrs. Eller was separated from her husband and drowned. DR. THOMPSON AT LEXINGTON. Made an Inconsistent Speech Dealing Principally in Viiliflcatlons. Lexington Dispatch. Can any man be influenced by such a speech , as was made by Dr. Thompson? He did not touch upon any subject of interest to any man, white or black. His speech was as far below the standard of what used to be called a statesman as a bow iu the wallow is below the starry firmament. It is customary for great men to discuss some issue, to have some principle on which to base argument, and if there is anything in him or his party to offer it and give reasons for his convic tions. In this the speaker failed. ... He offered nothing. He proposed absolutely nothing that was of public benefit. For two and a half hours he abused his oppo nents aud vilified his predecessors. DoctorCyrus Thompson said there was no extravagance in the management of State affairs since the fusionists came in power. Let us see about this declaration of this great apostle of reform. The first thing that might be mentioned to show slightextravaganceis the creation of just 3,200 new offices filled by hungry officers who live off of the people. No 'extrava gance and useless cost to the people! No, no, doctor, this is nothing. Then you might name D. Reid Parker who gets ?o per day for playing the Judas act in voting for gold bug Pritchard after mak ing a silver canvass and pledging to vote for none but silver men. He only gets about" $100 per month the year round. No-extravagance in this. No extravagance, Dr. Thompson, in paying Stewart Brothers $5,000 too much for State printing. Oh no, no ex travagance here. No extravagance, Dr., in sending out dozens of guano inspectors at $75 per month, whose real business is not the inspection of guano, but rather to assist in fooling the people and getting them into fusions whereby these greedy and unscrupulous fellows may continue to feed and prey upon poor hard-working tax-payers. No extravagance hereno extravagance in Juo. R. Smith's adminis tration of the penitentiary although Gov. Russell said the. same was reeking with corruption. Surely the. angels from heaven havecome down to earth and are now running this State government. ' ' Truth and Irony. News-Observer. ' - - Sit down and survey each oue of these fusion leaders carefully and you will not find a mother's son of them who is now making the fight against whitesuprema cy wjio does not think that he sees some Eolitical pie ahead ' of him, which he opes to get ut the expense of the public good. Monroe Enquirer. How can you be so cruel and .onjust? The fusion leaders are fighting to save the State from "Democratic bull-pens." They are genuinely sorry that they are compelled to hold office incidentally , in order to save "our liberties." Every time an office is foeced on them by a gen erous people they 4 protest. The fusion leaders are patriots, "every mother's eon of them." There are not any other pa triots like them unconvicted. 111 I Minister Conger Says there Is No Serious Danger Yet Ef American Warships Have Been Dispatched To Tein Tsin. . Dewey Ordered Also To Send the Baltimore from Manila and To Communicate With Minister Conger. Washington, Oct. 3.-4The state depart ment received the following cable from Minister Couger, at Pekin, this morning: "No serious danger yet, but considerable anxiety for the future, The foreign fleet is assembling at Tein Tsin. Some of the miuisters are ordering marines to Pekin for legation guard." f In consequence of the reported rioting in the streets of Pekin the American war ships have been dispatched to Tein Tsin. Dewey ha been ordered to send also the cruiser Baltimore from Manila. The trip will take seven days. .Capt. Dyer, of the Baltimore, will communicateiminediately with Minister Conger and if found neces sary will send an armedguard of marines to protect the legation. Discredit Chinese Emperor's Violent Death. Londoi., Oct. 3. The Chinese legation discredit stories of the emperor's violent death. ' ' NEWS FROM MANILA. - Dispatches Received Front Gen. Otis. Four Officers and Eighty-Three Men Died During Past Three Months. Washington, Oct. 3. The following dispatches Were received thm morning at the war department: "Manila, Oct. 3. Deaths among the troops iu the Philipines during July, August and September were four officers and eighty-three enlisted "Otis." "Manila, Oct. 3. Steamer Scandia ar rived this morning without accident. Private Jacobs of the hospital corps, died at sea of typhoid fever. The re mains were brought here. "Otis." Peace Commissioners Begin Work. Paris, Oct. 3. The American commis sioners held a meeting this morning in their offices, preparatory to meeting with the Spanish committee, which began in the foreign office at 2 o'clock this after noon. The plan of work prepared by, the sec retaries is now being perfected, as the Spanish secretary did not arrive until today. , v Tha Oregon and Iowa Will Not Start for ' , Manila Until Next Week. Washington, Oct. 3. It wasannounced at the navy department this morning that the Oregon and Iowa will not start for Manila until next week, on account of the delay in fitting out supply ships. Another French Duel. Paris, Oct. 3. Andree Yervoort, editor in chief of La Jour, has challenged M. De Pressenz, who published an article insult ing Vervoort yesterday in Aurora, to fight a duel. The Republican congressional conven tion at Raleigh Friday nominated J. J. Jenkins, Populist. This was as agreed on, the Republicans having dictated the nomination of Jenkins. Kind Old Party (to sobbing urchin) My little lad. You shouldn't cry that way. Urchin What other way kin I cry? Rubber Stamps, Seals, Etc. Tub Fkee Press has taken the agency for one of the largest rubber stamp and seal factories in the country, and is pre pared to show cuts of' and quote low prices on rubber stamps of all kinds, check perforators, corporation and nota ry public seals, steel stamps, Btencils. AHX1ETYF0RTH Startling Figures. KalelgU Post. Under Democratic manage ment of the penitentiary for 1 89G, t lie wagen and enlarge amounted to 48,704.58 Mileage and per diem, direc tors 2,435.09 Total.under Supt. Lea!ar..?51,140.27 Under fusion management for 1898, wages and salarie8...$r7,019.95 Mileage and pr diem, direc tors. 3,165.00 Total, under Sopt. John R. Smith G0,784.95 Or a difference in favor of Democratic rule of $9,644.68, or 482 bales of cotton at pivnent McKinley-Russell prices. According to the State Auditor, Hal A ver'r report, the expenses of the State government, under Democratic rule, were: 1882 ,..$1,057,933.60 1893 1,319,648.10 1894 1,195,620.25 Total, tbreeyearn, Demo cratic rule $3,573,210.95 Under Russell-Fusion rule: 1895 $1,349,335.05 1896 1,246,566.27 H97 1,364,058.29 Total, three years, fusion rule $3,959,960.21 Or a difference in favor of Democratic rule, for the three years, of $380,749.26, or forgone year of $128,916.42. Allowing $40 per month for a teacher, this $128,916.00, which fusionists wasted, would employ 3,222 teachers for our poor children one month, or 805 teacners lor lourmontns. But take off the cost of the Legislature of 1897, $70,760.75 still leaves fusion expenses $31 .000 ahead of Democratic, or $105,000 each year cnougn to em ploy 2,625 flrst-classt nachers one month. Is iths the reform and economy hote.. Populists voted for? . Under Democratic rule the legislatures cost 189i ....'$ 63,081.01 1893 65,976.78 Total Democratic cost $129,057.79 Under fusion: 1895 $ 72,206.74 1897 70,760.75 Total ; ....$143,027.49 . Or u difference in favor of Democratic rule of $13,969.70. or.the amount of 698 bales , of cotton , at McKinley-Russell prices. v If fusion has cost the popl so much more iu the first three yearn ofits power, what may w not expect if the same power is continued? Just let the people vote this fall o continue Ruesellis'm ' and fusion iu control, in the face of the wan ton extravagance and debauchery of the public service of the past three years, and tne tmng tnat is saia to mive Droken loosein Georgia will not beacircumstauce to what our ld State will be fprced to submit to. Subscribe to Thk Daily Fuke Pbkps. I r FRENCH ritxt to ii. flavvty a sen's oill I The Only Strictly Lard, First-Class Grocery Store in Kinston. Cakes Goods A,!l c mm by 1 & niiii . v .- t u tut 1 rv,'& vAfrWM V J I. Gen. Aguinaldo Refuses to Takft Money Till the Army Is Paid. ill III Interchanges of Opinions of the Powers Regardlna an International Measure Against Anarchists. A Conference Will Be Summoned to Meet In London. Manila, Oct. 3. Gen. Aguinaldo re fuses to take any of the $75,000 voted him by the Filipines national nsoembly at Malolas until the entire army is paid. A sanitary board, headed by an Ameri can, has been established at Manila. The natives are grovving more friendly to the Americans. Combination Against Anarchists. London, Octoler 3. Dispatches to the Central News from Rome i.v the inter changes of opinion among the Powers re garding international measure against anarchists resulted in an expression fa vorable to such action. ' The Powers agreed that an international conference be summoned to meet here. ! Points to Consider, t There's only one kind of orint- m ing we don't do. That's the poor fel i kind. That's the kind you don't i want. But when you do want Jz5 something that is neat, clean, t3 i right-up-to-date, printed on good ' paper, witn fine ink, from type ! that is new and of latest face, set i in an artistic and intelligent man- (3 1 ner in short, -when yon want a Cf) ! strictly first-class job," , .'. .. vl fttct cn1 vnur nrHArt CJ PHE KINSTON FREE PRESS. Our Prices Are Low. Wt Satisfy Our Customers. SUGG, 1 POvERS AGAINST ANARCHISM When you want the. very best Flour, Butter,. Sugar, Coffee, Mason's and Crackers, and a thousand and jj one other things usually kept in a gro eery store, call or 'phone them. Delivered in Any Part of the City ! A Full Line of ( NECKWEAR, Tecks, Puffs, String Ties, Four-in-Hands and ; Bows at 50c, 25c, down to "IOC. A Complete Assortment of...... Gent's Kid Gloves. We solicit your inspection of them, and of our new stock of Fancy Dress Shirts.