f t ll DAILY FEEE PRESS Kuten d at P. o. as w-cond cl&as tuaU matter. Publfohert 6r IHE KINST N FREE PRESS PUB. CO. VV. S. HKKBBRT, Editor. ; More than one thousand bills have been introduced during the present session of the legislature. Of course not( half of these will becotrie Jaws. . i Moalo d Katin, - 1 dincdtho otbcr day at1 a restaurant wberu bedinner ' is served to tho ac couipuriiuieut of a q orchestra. We had "King Cotton" with the oysters and rag time with the soop. Then the or chestra slid into that always boaatifaj interin'ezzo oi "Cavalleria Rosticana.' They played it ranch more slowly than I remember, ever to have beard it be fore The head waiter fidgeted and gnawed bis Jip.- There was 'misery in bis eye. At last be difappeared in tbo direction of tbo musician, and a mo ment later the Intenuezzb besan to gal lop along, presto,' prestissimo, and at tbo end of it tbo orchestra struck tip a two step. The bead waitci came back relieved. .. .. . "We can't have slow .tnosio hero, madam, " be said to me wbefr I asked him u I on tit. " We'd never get through, A Wewff Leaf. too slow when tbey plays slow' And when I looked around knives, forka and spoons were to tbo tempo of tbetwostep. Everybody was hurry iu. The head waiter knew what be was about. Washington Post "And ye Paris! Ho v. "A la Plain DcaU Atnrally. r.ay yon ato horse ateak in vaa it served! .. of course." Cleveland Seiiatoi Tinman, sprung a good. one toe omer aay wnen ne asteu in the senate how, men wh,p were receiving pensions tor physical dis ability could enlist and engage in the war against Spain. The Raleigh Post says: This month of February ' is the time to prepared tobacco-plant beds, Get the.best seed, of the grades suita ble' to, the soil to .be cultivated, and prepare for good, healthy plants. Good tobacco is and will continue I to be in demand, and it is only the good that pays. As Japan and other countries are beginning to buy our good brights, it would be well for our farmers to prepare for raising the best, and thus get the best price for their labor. The Liberty Register says that in 1898 there were shipped from The Atlantic ocean is crossed monthly that place 94,000 chickens, 6.j6 7 w l.OQOaMp crates of "eggs, ' 25,000 crates' of on inns, sn.rw hnsriAl rf nntntrws . , 1Ar I have moved from my office on Court and 11,000 pounds of butter. The House squan to the office formerly oc Asheboro Courier says that for P1,, ,,r- v"na nr. woomey.on f j r t 'u i. Caswell St., east of aud near Hotel Tull; vwy v"ic suippcu irutu jiuci iy ; ' N. J. ROUSB, one dealer. Mr. W. "R. Teavne Counsellor. at Law. shipped five from Staley. These QR. H. D HARPKR; are significant figures and show DENTAL SURGEQN, Hereafter -all parties ordering lumber from our mills who are ndt legally responsible must ; sen inoney;'with order. ' It 'requires cash to .run ou business,; aud don't matter how good ypu xnay.be your accouncwui agt pynour pjis We wish to express oiy tVinkj to alt cash customers for their lib eral patronage in the past and - so licit a continuance.' To those who and I wants togetoff early. People eats' owe us we feel tha3V that the ?f music." j amount j. is j no, larger than it is. I saw that May G0d bless ydu;'W we cau'ti '6 moving! . . x.; : ' . ; .U ; lie Wn "On." ! The Count I hnf lofod your daugh tair from ee fairst tinio we tSet. Her Father Who had told you that I was rich 1 Chicago Newa The tallest shaft or pillar in London or tho neighborhood is the London mon ument, which ia only 202 feot high. Notice of Removal ! the rapid growth of this business. The egg and the chicken are big ger weal t,h -producers than cotton or tobacco, says an exchange. We commend the course of. the News-Observer in its continuous, consistent and wise course of advo- KINSTON, N. C. arorrw Otib Da Qcimeily's Btobi, id ' TBI MOMtST BUILDIKO, NUT oik's Btobi. 1 TO J. A. PBI0 H.C. STRONG, Cashier. Stockholders' Meeting. The second annual jneetinsrTof the stockholders of The Bank f Kfnston for eating and urging economy by the tae eiecuon 01 omcers and the traisac- ' ti, , 1 1.. j Uota of such other business as may come legislature. The largely increased before the meetiiir, wiirbe held at its appropriation to the deaf, dtimb baiiking house in Kinston; N. C;t and blind school , would be all Iftld&y, Jlareh 3, '99,at 2 o'eloekl P.13, iixui u iuc oiaie coma anora it fti,i,i ,t, ,:n ut there are .other deserving char- p'ease give their proxy to ome other for, and it was not right to spend such a big sum on one and then not be able to increase the others. In fact, the Democratic platform promisea economy. 1 ne taxes are 'already as large as tfie people can stand. The charitable institutions snouia oe prpvwea tor liberally, The remedy isa VegeUbte Tompound but we think the nnnrnnrintinn fn Extract of Roots, Herbs and Barks. n auvivc uDiuuuua is iuu large, out the Poisonous Acids tbat cause, the The appropriations for all the in- disea- Cwea 98 per cent, of the pa: auiutions 01 me otate ought to be We are now preparing lumber for Cabbage $6xe, ; ' land are ready to receive orders. We are always in the market for Logs and Standing Timber, when accessible, for which we pay cash at market prices. ' We keep Shingles, by the car load, for sale. f . Hlnes Bros. Lumber Co; , KINSTON, N. C. Jan. 23d, 1899 Atlantic & N. C. ltailroad Eastbound. ' Si A.M. 1 10 7 43 8 CO ft 281 914 0 81 111 16 11 SI 18 05! a a P.M. 2 STATIONS. Westbound.. .L. J. HILL,,, Boot and Shbe'Maker, xinston.n. c. "A stitcn in time aaveu nine." Have that pair of Shoes repaired in time--it will save you money. Harness repaired neatly. Shop open until 9 o'clock at ! Artistic , JqbiPrintiiig ' The Free Press Office. f V J .Removes Curb, Splint W Cappid7 Ilofck.' g M P It nrlU Kurlv kill a. Spavin and the war it relieves Sore Tendons is marvelous. Re- p member this' U ot"a heapk,1wsb:;itui a B '('? PAIIH RGLICVCR, and wonder In its penetrating powers. 5; r'- ThlMLIaixitnt will oot Scar or BllMter. . ; S , ; . )AjyerQoftlM Wmmtfd. lilt; Price, SOe. a4d 11.004 bottle.' Sold by all Dries'' . , 5 . ? iid Oouera in meoicine. . , tj ! Prcparcd Dr. EARL 8. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS., U. G. A. $ V'-'. :.. - - f . ', j v The Gold Weather Is Here ! 5. SO IS THE.. and Elrrirjaood Heater's. IAaM'i 710 T43 8261 1016 1C40I II 15 19' 18 880 243 8121 8 25 S81 61 1 P.M. Km 8 401 4 00 4 00 4 80, ...Goldabord.7. .i....K(t'S... ... Labrange... .Faiunfforees: 4 82L!t,,.KlB8Mn1... M dot STovarJh1f 4 4 46 4 65, 6 6 e sol '616 6 IS 880 43 49 6641 T07 16 P.M.I uover.... : .Core Creek,. . ..Tuscarora.. ... Clara's..... ...Newbern.. ....Rlverdale... o.croatan.... . .HawiocK ....NWTKf' ...WlldWOOd.. AtianMo... orebead City orehead 0111. 1043 7 1082 7 10221 633 1012 13 960 SIS 9481 40 4 01 47 1010 J000 940) 9V( 888 816 760 AJdL are the beat and most economical J TTftatftT TYlnHft nnf. OYrvonaiTro - Alan "Rrv otiH i Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves and Store Ityrni ture, Stove BoardsiPipe and EeDairs. .Wood Saws. Cross-cut and HaridTSaws. Hard- I ware of ai kinds. r B.'W. UANAUY. x '..i'i-i -,. , i--.H all your neighbors JiBOU the wonderful new constitutional cure For RHEUMATISM. considered collectively. Economy (but not penuriousncss) should be the watchword. . The name is . v' , and it kills Rheumatism. f " Sold by druegists generally. Price i,oo per bottler '. -"k' ' sou in Kiaston Bf J. E. Hood. EKyptLam Ovrlals. It has hitherto been supposed that in Jigypt the practice of embalming th. bodies of the dead and formintr them into mummies was the most ' ancient method of j sepulture, but Professca iinaers remo, tne wen tnown gyp rSA4-' I .-k.A ri 5 tologist has by recent excavation! Uet LOWCSt PriCeS. thrown ouito a new liffht uTvw i?J ? ' " " ' ' "V" question of the ancient method of dis posing of the dead Patrons At Deshasheh. a place about 50 miles south of Cairo, h paa discovered a series of tombs,v in thi coffins of which he has found complete Keietons trom wnicn the flesh has beer carefully dissected, evidently previom 4o burial ' The coffins are of admirabl wortmanEhip,' are made of sycamor tna are ,in perfect preservation ,not 'Withstanding their 5.OQ0. years; burial in the sand. It remains to be proved by iiu mer excavations wnemer tne mutila tion of the bodies was performed as a -ceremonial rite or whether this removal , VftX ' ALEX 1iTCflrt TIE 5f flesh from the bones points to canni- ' ' -H-UlUUi, ,; vcuou. vu ma jiox ui . uie axicieni peo- ' xuccu owcci,' .1 - ...... . v . i ' -wiauun dunrnu .i KINSTON, N. C. ' We are headquarters : for Staple pry Goods ' and Groceries,; and Shoes are one ioi our mazy speciaK pts. We have a store full of spec-.ialtiea-in fact weiiake specialties : of nearly everything, as we buy at the very lowest" prices by paying fl ad taking advantage of every . . juiatuuai in prices, uni '.stock is, complete: tlV hive' free delivery in town,ania free lot and .I stables for out country patrons. . ( rally except sanday. . , v 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday, r ' t Tuesday, THuraday and satunay. . Monday Wednesday and Friday. ' . iToesday, Tbursday and Saturday. 8. I. Dli Huperuitenden: AJI WILMIEGT01 AID Y. ELD03 RAILROAD - - - X)NDSN8KDCHBDI7LB. Advertising ia the Eeystuoe to Success. Bahnum. ' TRAINS GOlFQ 80UTH. t . : i' 'fx ' !fc2' ' DATED rf . 1 rf5 4 rf V Jan.. 15th,l889. 3k5 fe J5 J gft gQ gft KO ' - a; m. p m. p m. a. ii. p. it Leave Weldon.., ll 50 16 w ...... . .r- , Ar. Kocky Mt... ij!M low ...... Leave TarDoro... 1221....:.. 6 oo ...... ...... Lv. Rocky Mt.... 1C0 1030 6 4fi 5n 1259 Leave Wilson.... 16a 11 J4 7 10 80 843 Leave Selma.... ' 865 1167 ....... ...... Lv, Fayeuevllle. 4 3J '108 ...... ...... Ar. Florence.... 725 Sift . .... ...... ...... ... -v;-v, p.Jtf. A.M. -v- .-..-A- ,-r-Ar. Goldstooro... ...... T 60 ,..... ...... Lv. GoldBboro.., r70l , 881 LV. Magnolia .....t ...... .8 (ft1 ., 46 at. WilmingTon. .. . ...... 940 160 v:.yw jA. MjP. M. k . .. , t -. ii . -.1.1 . t . -A" ; GeiitlScpileiiiihtferl 4 TRAINS GOING UORTB. naton, )Ua.,.. Lv.. Florence.... Lv. Fayetteviiie Arrive wiisoa... Lv, Wllml: Lv. jnairno. LV, Gouluboro.. Leave Wflson.:.. AT. jxCOCKy Mt.. Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarooro,;. LvVRockyMt1!.'. Ar, Weldon...... d S A. M 1325 M 60; 985 8 Sol "4f P. M.i O a! n ...v. ..... . A.H. 615 5 60 615 . 7 Oil 6 H P. M. ,-74(H 4 1063 A.M. 11 SI 13071 1J07 12 fin A. M. p. nr. .700 8 84 45 rf- P.JH 1088 U85 P.M.1 3f A? MS 45 11 19 30t- P. M 118 ...... .....ar 1 Train on me Klp'n Erancn Road leave 1 Weldon 8:35 p. m., 1 a..Ta 4:15 P. m., arrive Bcouana eca at 6a 3 p.' n.t ureenvuiee ?7p. m.Klnston;5p. n. . rn'Ttilnj leaves Kins. ton VJM a. m., m ur' j a. ta., arrivlpg uauiax ac una a. ri.. , t ..,a iii a. m.oaoi u. m. e.m ? . ... v ft u i rasa. Avni, R. KKNLY, Geu 1 . '. r. .; . -. M. lUL&RSON, TrO anajer. o:. i, 9- 3 4Ti v . D i .. . a I V 4 v x S , ! ) 4 : JThksb are the diys when' the man . who aoes a successrui onsiness must realize tne v r lull scope' ancl significance of the great verb; j .Mhtt3Ue.?v'-.-3?Ip mttt-hiustie it "you. do any Q. i ' business; Every man who has a dollar wants s : v his money's worth before he lets it go. The !v man wb.9 has bargains to offer must let the .' Qj? ; -iv. fact be known, ' If you have anything special Jr " ' V to 2"er advertise the fact, else the'peopftwill y ' never know it. As a '.medium forreachmgi ? the people the money-spending . classes . v , . yiiij Fees Piiss is the' paper par excellent. -v, ,It reaches the jbo Qt ; Hrf this and adjoining, counties, and isread by ' everybody.1 An' advertisement in its columns L .4 ' c;. ' will prove a paying investment. , Try it. , v . -ill ' -f - - J , 1 A 4 m. 'V S V - T T T .-..( ( -.-( Hates Given On flppHsatibn. ( V - . f coPFespondanoa Invited. ' ( V T X T T v T