' ; THE DAELY FREE PRESS -1 ; 1 1 , 111 , 1 , n i i i i l .i i 1 1 , . i , i i i .,. i i i 1 1 i j i . 1 1 ; ' ; , 1 . 1 .''.'.,." ..... ' PVBLISHED EERY EiZEsNING EXCEPT SUNDRY, yol ij-No. 271. ' KINSTON, N. d; TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1899. ; Prico Two Cents, - ? V' " ' t .. t '.. . House Qalckly Pastes BUI to Withdraw 'v " Supplies and Fay from Penitentiary Till ' Day Gets Oat. Klottoa Graded School . Bill HasPused Both Hones. Impeach ment of Norwood. Raleigh, . Feb. 11. The house itoday paesed a resolution requesting the senate . to withhold all bills carrying appropria v tloufl until all appropriations to State 'y institutions shall have been considered by ; the appropriation committee. Mr. Winston, of Bertie, Introduced a :t bill to freeze Capt. Bill Day and hie - crowd out' of the penitentiary, wltb- drawing from them all supplies and Bay !' aud forbidding sale of crops It was ; quickly passed. . v ., Capt. Cairaway Introduced a bill, to ; ' amend section 12, laws 1893, declaring Neuse river and Contentnea creek a law? , . ful fence. Also to amend chapter' 632 .,. laws J.897, as to local option law for , ' LaQ range. j CapfSugg, Of Greene, introduced a bill to make legitimate certain children of .,' Joseph Hi Brinnon. Also a bill to pro ; vide bettergovernmentforGreenecounty. . Mr. Alien, of Wayne, Introduced a bill , ' to amend chapter 122, laws .1897, as to . A.&N. C.R.R.' . , r . . 1 - 4 ' By a vote of 60 to 31 resolutions of j-l Impeachment - were - preferred ? against .. ' , Judge Norwood,, and, trie trial will take .place neiore ine senate. , ; , "V ' i SKlfATB. ' ,,,' ' y' v No biHs of general interest Introduced .- in t.ne senate tooay. . The bill passed to create graded schools ' lq Kinatom - . Raleigh, Feb. 13. At 12:40 noqn to- v! day the committee in the house, Craig. Allen and Fouehee, appointed to preeent : the articles of impeachment; against , Judge Norwood, appeared before the sen- ate chamber, and announced a message ' from the houita. Tbe seoaturs all arose. - and the president commanded: t, "Silence, : under pain of imprisonment, while the house of representatives preeent the ar- tides, ol impeachment agaiust Judge '.- Norwood for h'gh , crimes and, , misde meanbrs." Mr. Craig made the addrenM - for the committee, and submitted, the v formal articles of impeachment in wri i -i ting. The case was made a special order : of business for, tomorrow at 11 p clock. The anti-trust bill passed the house. , It was amended to. allow the State educa tional Institutions to hold their present investments in stocks of trnst companies. Wake Forest college has 1 50,000 in the y Standard Oil company's securities. Mr. : Thompson, of Oaslow, wanted to force all colleges to sell their front stocks. It was. announced today that the in surance hill would be made the special order of business tomorrow. The committee on the flh and ojBter : interests is ready to make its report to the house. , The calendar is very large. Already 241 '; - bills have become laws. ; - Rsttsr Star;s, C!3, CtS. . ; 'The Fekb Peess has taken thf agency .. fcroneof the largest rubber sta.p and r tr-J factories in the country, and Ispre r - red to show cuts .of. and quov low f ' 's on mbbor stamps of all -kinda, t' 'k ptrLrciora, ccrpcratioa aid 100 rj public eoa?3, steel stamps, stenclb, etc r. Ilsson, the Marcbant Tailor, tz3 ei epv7 cin:;!c3. V.slta Biada to 3 C , HUUANE SOCIETY UEETIN6. Permaaeat Orfianlzatloa Perfected. Uem . ters Earolied. Relief Headquarters a v Oaa Qalneriy's. ' 9 j ! The citijpns met at tho town hall In masn meeting oionqay nignt at a o'clock The meeting was cajled to order, by -the temporary chairman, Dr. II. D narper. On motion of Dr. Whitaker. the tem porary organization was made perma nent ' ' On motion of Rev. C. W. Blanchard it was decided that the regular meeting o the society shall be held on the first Mon day nigh t of each month. Rev. C. W. Blanchard was elected rice- president. ' i t -l y The following wore enrolled as members of the society: E. F. Cox, J. F Prldgen, J. A. Fridges, L. J. Mewborne, Dr. R. Ii Temple, Einstein Bros., G. E. Kornegay, Dr. F. A, Whi taker, E. W. Chad wick, J. H. Bell, W. J. Moore, T. W. Mewborn, Hubert Bell, Plato Collins, J. F. Taylor, R. M. Jackson, Oettinger Bros., Dr. JJM. Parrptt, J, J. Gilbert, W. D. LaRoque, E. B. Brinson, A. J. Philips, W. B.'CoIa. man, K. Denmark, H. C. Harrison, U. Irvine, C. K. Bailey, W. G. Johuston, C. W. Blanchard, Dr. H. D. Harper, C. M. Jones. No admission fee was or will be charged, but nearly all those who joined contributed liberally. Alt the cit izens of the town are requested to become members. On motion of Rev, W. G. Johnston a committee of three were ap pointed to prepare a constitution and by laws to be submitted to the next regular meeting. On motion of Rev. C. W. Blanchard it was decided to co-operate with the Hay makers in the work Of relief. On motion of Rev. C. W. Blanchard the officers were empowered to act for the society in adopting ways aud' meana for giving relief. . t-t . - It was decided to establish headquar ters at Dan Quiaerly's stores ' The citizens are urged to contribute to this fund, ' ..." Adjourned to meet the first Monday night in next month. , , ' ' Da. H. D. Haepib, President W. G. Johnston, Secretary. Short Talks op Advertisings Charley Austin Bates. . . - 1 '' . 1 'Advertising is business hews. "It Is of more ascount to the'frugal housewife to know where she- can ' get certain necesary commodities at a less price than usual thau to know all the troubles iu Siam or Alaska. ) " "It you can only advertise in a smalt way, pick out the best paper in your ter ritory and spend all of your advertising money In that. "Don't scatter. . , l'When hunting for bear, I would rather take the best gun I bad and load it prop erly than to scatter my powder In , a dozen poor guns. x "It is continuous effort that pays in advertising, as in every thing else. " , , "People are very forgetful. ; They have to think . pretty hard to . remember the vice-presidential candidate ' two cam paigns back, and yet he was pretty well advertised at the time." : : "The best paper in a community al ways brings ample returns to its advert tisers. : The best paper covers the cream! in any section." yky ' 0: "It will do no good to advertise some thing nobody wants. Find out what there Is a'demandforand advertise that.'! "The beet place to advertise is la the paper'that enjoys the conSdence cf the community.';! believe the standing'! ries." '" ". J'---r -. i-; Newbern was turned crer Eaturdy to tt trustees appointed 1 7 the lcsilatre, tla ncput!Icaa govebr :t tsrnic: ever municipal aHairs witbG" t a protest The tlty of Newbern eeosc j i - cxlat for a f .w days, ially, this tc!..r cccrcr-rj la crr to pat Democrtj iac'-'w A iiiiiii 1111 f ; Mi t - Wtsrjq Jcrth Carolina Items In Of Items That Will Isterett North Caro llalana. Some News, Some Politics- AltofSoae lateretttoTras "Tar Heels.' The home of Mr. J. K( Prince, at Le noir, was burned Friday night. . ' G. W. Bobbins has been nominated by President" McKlnley laa postmaster at Rocky Mount. k The BUpreme court passed 20 out of a c'ass of 52 recently examined for license to practice law. r j Revenue officers , have made another Taid in Johnston con ijr and destroyed three illicit distilleries! Mr. Hugh McLean, if, Harnett county, one of the oldest twna living he and his brother being 90 years old died on The decision bi the Wilson case was unanimously. In favor of Maj. Wilson, who was removed as railway eommis sioner by Gov. Russell. . t BUIs are now under way in the legisla ture to take from the f ueionists control of every institution or department save those in which the incumbents were elect ed by the people. , i , r The proposition to take 600 of. the State convicts and employ them on thren 01 tnettoanQgejirinaiBngar Dee t grow ing la. renewed,, but tha authorities do not take to the idea. , . : . ', .. 'If. ... ' Raleigh cor. Messenger: The suprem" court will be called on to expedite the matter of bearing the case as to the title to the office of penitentiary superlnten dent. Both sides have able counsel. Super intendent Day declare that the court will decide the act of. the legislature rati fled January 26th uuconntitutlonal and void. The other side says Day will cer tainly be ousted and that be has no foot ing. There was a failure to agree on a test case. Day is now obstinate and says he will not yield an inch. , It ' is reported that J. H. Rufflnwho tried to kill himself, will recover. Lant summer Ruffin bad an attack of nervous prostration, caused by overwork. VLo took one or two trips off, trying to get well,; failing in which, be resigned as snperintendent of the cotton mills. 'and Mr. Thomas H. Battle was elected in hi place. Mr. Ruffin's present trouble Im melancholio, superinduced by nervous prostration. When Rr. Ruffin took hold of the Rocky Mount mills in 1886, it wa a small affair and bad not paid well. He made them one of the largest and most valuable of their kind in the south. ' COVER ITEKS. . . Feb. 13, 1899. i Mies Kathleen Griffin went to Kinston Friday to visit Mrs. W. T. Hines. - Mr. F. P. Outlaw has been visiting at Mount Olive and Goldsboro for several days.' ' . ' " Master Ben Hines, of Kinston, came Saturday to vioit Mr. W. M. Tyndal and will return today. v ... Mess. J. J.'Street, A. S. "Dixon, G. V Ilichardspn, and T5 L. , West attended court at Newbern last week. TTe heard an old man say thi3 morning that this was the hardest weather since 1 3 3. A 1 0 1 cf meat an d b rt a 3 au d other ratic-3 r:r3 borbt and d.Iiverci to the : -7 ty rpo 3 people here yectrrdiy. ' Yc:i rsa rrt tenter end I i:rr:ii'rg re 31m ;.n 1 urss at i ? f - cftrn lower, t-anyou psyt' :.afcr poorer vvcr. . ; .' Detea f Ilia Own Game. , VA few "days since." relates a solicit or, "as I was sitting with my friend JX in his Office a man came In and said: '. Mr, W., the livery stable keeper, tricked me shamefully yesterday, and I want to be even with him. .1 , 'State youx case, 'said D.. ; 'I asked him how much he'd charge ma for a horse to go to Richmond. He said half a sovereign. I took the horse, and when I came back he said he want ed another half sovereign for coming back, and made me pay it? 1 , "D. gave his client some legal ad vice, which he immediately acted upon, as follows 1 He went to the livery stable keeper, and said, 'How much will yon charge for a horse to Windsor?' ; "The man replied, A sovereign. "Client accordingly went to Wind sor, came back by rail and went to the livery stable keeper, saying: ' 'Here is your money. paying, him a sovereign. Where Is my horse V said W. ' 'He's at Windsor,' answered the client 'I hired him only to goto Wind sor. " Pearson's Weekly. Railroad Pronunciation. . "I. regret to say. " remarks a writer in the Boston Transcript, "that on th Providence railroad Wrentham has late-' ly become Wren-tham (a as in Sam) in the mouths of several brakemen. First we had Wal-thanv similarly twanged in the second syllable, and 1 fear that ultimately, we have to submit to Ded-ham in the place of Deddum. Thus do English names suffer in the mouths of those who are quite ignorant of their history, ot merely because it is English; but because it is logical and historical, (and because the word "ham" has Its : meaning. , Waltham should be Waltum and Wrentham Wrentum. A, return to the ' colonial pronunciation to this extent would, cf course, be toe much to 'ask, but still for a little space. O arbiters of the railway,, -spare, us that abarpainthe;thanir t " -. ; ' x. . , Umi:1 . Soap Mixed la (lt Donsn. i Epicures may be interested to know that continental bakers are in the habit of mixing soap with their dough to make their bread and pastry nice and light; The quantity of soap varie&Y In fancy articles, like waffles and fritters, it is much, larger than in bread. The soap is dissolved in water, oil is added, and the mixture, after being well whipped, is added to the flour. ' . " ' . : Not Very Comforting. , -. Stay leight- Tommy, do you think; your sister is fond of me? ; , ' Tommy I don't' know. She gave tne a quarter to set the clock half an hour! fast Jewish Comment. - No man should marry till he can listen to a baby crying , in the next room and not feel like ? breaking tha furniture. Exchanga , j . Eighty-five per; cent of the peopla who are lame are affected on the left tdda Cossumptioa never' strikes a sud den blow, it creeps its way along. First it is a cold: then a little hacking cough; then loss in weight; tnea a banter cotton; tnea tbe lever, the night sweats, and hemorrhages, letter stop the disease while it is yet creepics. vYou can do it with rin. .1 1 1 f m ! . w J Li i UAwwvJU I V a 1 omw-m ft-, mm -V V A errs is ha-.- 1 by tladr j ' Cr. AVer's Cicrry Tectrf il 1 1 r O jr. c. ATta co tovn. ium. fJ7 u G r BE Matters cf lnt:rc:t Ccndsnsed lab Brief P&r&cr&phs. , d 1 " ' " " " . . ' ' . 1 .. , -v . The Pith of tha Warld't News That Kishl Intereit Oar Rtatfera. Soma af It Fresh. Some May Ba "Salty," Bt Not Soollt. ; ' A bill has been introduced into the -Wrst Virginia legislature to suppress football. ' Col. John F. Weston, senior officer qf the subsistence department, Im 0 eucceed Gen. Eagan (retired) as com miliary gen eral of subsist ance. ' A cool 1 3 00,000 Is reqtilret to cover the, expenses for services ttndered and material furnished to the Agef white washing combination war investigation coinmlssion. s ' V y It is stated that the cases reported as yellow fever at Guannjay, Cuba, are only malaria. 'There has been one death from yellow fever among tha 202d N. Y, regi ment, but no new cases developed. 7 Memento-seeking fiends at Uavanastole the flowers and potted plmit placed upon the graves ol the victims of the destruction of the United State s battle-. ship Maine, which were placed thereby-; order of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Chas. H. Allen.- ' ; '. - - : f Ababin, constructed of cloth and cord ' age, apparently belonging to a balloon, has been discovered In northern Siberia, with bodies of three dead men near by, nnda- number - of Instruments around. themIt la believed the bodies are tbose bf Andree and his companions who left for the north pole In a balloon! ' ' The Americana captured Caloocan Sat urday. The Americans lost 8 killed and 82 wounded. The Filipinos loss waa heavy. After theeh!pa and artillery bad ' shelled the euemy half an hour, firinis ceased at a signal and thf Americana charged gallautly and captured the one' mieV entrenchments. It i said t he Amer icans will probably reach Mulolos, the , capitol of the insurgent iu a week. A mob of marked men forud their way Into the jail at Leeeburg, G., at mid midnight Saturday,' took therefrom three y. negroes who were held for murder and ; disappeared with them iuto the woods. The sheriff telegraphed to Gov. Candler . that he was compelled to uive up the ne groes to prevent a wholesale butehery. The governor, who bad been warned of the intended lynching, ordered a company . , of militia to Leburg, but they arrived; too late. K FLAG Of THE SECOND. To Be at Reanloa of SurvivOri at the 1 ; ,t Newbern Fair. News-Onserver. Capt. Matt Manley, of Newbern, is in the city. While here he called on the ad jutant general and : requstied that- the flag of the second reKimeiit, recently returned ' from ; ; Chelsea, Mass., be given over tothecustody of the t-urvivora bf the second regiment ou th 22d of thla -month, which will be Wednesday of tno Newbern fair. The fair authorities will have it on exhibition there, and a meeting of the ' survivors of the second regiment will be held on that date. Mr. Manly pays that the outlook for a -great fair at Newbern is better than ever before, and that bfesw preparatlpns are being made. - , ( . : . : Capt. Manly, who earned his title on the field of bat;leca commander of Cca pany D, Second ITorth Carolina rr;r zi, C. 8. A., Bzi was one of the brav: t cf the brave, saya til the ssrvivcrs cf tii old company will be iavitsJ to tla rs-u-toa ttl";wtera,wl:r3 it Ijprcr- to hold a fornisl rcctption cf tls el J C; I