MBE : PRE i ? PUBLISHED EVERY Eif EIHlNb EXCEPT SUNDRY. Vol II No. 27. KINSTON. N. ., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6. 1899. Price Two Cents. II. Filipino Enyoys Admit They Came From Aguinaldo. tniK 18 II The Filipino Dictator Knows Defeat Is Certain, Bit Will Ultimate Continue Tbe Float If Not Given What Argnelles Calla Peace With Dignity. Assaulting San Tonus. N . Manila, May 3. The Filipino envois Mni. Manuel Arguelles and Lieut. Jose ; Bernel, hare abandoned tbe pretense no - der which they , came to Gen. Otis that they represented Gen. Antonio Luna, and today they announced that they came as representatives of Aguinaldo himself. i The two emissaries lined all their wiles to secure a reply from Gen. Otis to tbe prime minister, and minister of foreign affairs in the dictator's cabinet,' which they presented to Gen. Otis yesterday but Gen. Otis refused to make any reply ; on the ground that to do so would be ; equivalent to a recognition of the eo-call ed government of tbe Filipinos. - Maj. Arguelles said tbat Aguinaldo knew be would be overpowered, in time, but that be would be able to continue the fight for months, and that be would do ' so unless be " were given what Arguelles termed peace With dignity, . Mr. Schurman, president of the United States Philippine commission, expresses by Gen, Otis to the Filipino envoys will have a good moral tffect, as tending to convince Aguinaldo's representatives that the American authorities mean to give Filipinos a good government, and not one of the Spanish sort. Certainly it has had a civilizing influence in inducing them to abserve tbe amenities of war and con gent to the Americana furnlsning food for American prisoners. ay niiing in tne roaas wbere it was required putting canoea on the rivers and plowing fields south of Malolos, tbe American army is in fine position for tbe ' expected decisi ve bio w. Gen. Mcirtbur has moved his head' quarters ' to! Ban Vicente across the Bio trrande. Gen. Wheaton's' brigade has advanced beyond Apalit. Gen. Hale has ' returned to co-operate with Lawton. A Spanish prisoner who escaped into the American lines, reports that after Gen. Hale's advance ; on Quingan, 200 Filipinos were buried, 85 iu one trench, and 27 in another. This is tbe largest number Of rebels that have been killed in any ergagement for several months. Assaulting San Tomas. . Manila, May 4,Noon.--Gen.McArtbur Is now assaulting thetown of San Tomas, about five miles northwest of Calumpit, The Americans are, fighting for the bridge, ' and the rebels are burning the town. The Supreme Court to Adjourn Saturday. Raleigh, May 8. There was much dis appointmentyesterday when the supreme court failed to hand down decisions in any of tbe office contest cases. The court will meet in consultation .again Friday. One of the justices tells me that either on Friday or Saturday morning all the opinions to be delivered this term will be 4ianded dewBr -Tbs-eourfe-expectato adjourn Saturday. Crib's E:-?r:i!j Cr-'-rti Fcrf;!l:J. a 7eir-tc'nJ May 3. The District of CoJut'a cornacJary cf the Loyal Le- pon tccf.-.t dec!zrc3 forfeited tbe mem l:rshipcf Gen. Chirks r. -E:i3, com r 'esary grneral of g-atoLtcsce, wbo was c:":t-r"t;",M, t:t rv.ci eer trace cf cL: ':-l vu3 coL.-.r-l;Jtous; :'.-:cx I m m MARRIAGES IN LAGRANGE. Two Beautiful Marriages. : Murchlson Dillon. Davls-lsler. Thk Fiubb Press Bviosav, LaGbahgk, N. C, May 4, 1899. HKCHISON DILLON. Perhaps at do future time in the history of our little town will two more beauti ful marriages be celebrated than those on Wed need ay of this week. iii re tne appointed Hour, iu:la a. m arrived, . tne JPresbvterian cburcn was filled with people assembled to witues tbe marriage of fc iss Celess Dillon to Mr. John Malcolm Murchison. Artisticbands for several days had been arranging and blending beautiful flowers and evergreens until it seemed that no touch was lacking to make the scene one of raoe perfect loVlitlf8. . Miss Almeta Kennedy, whose touch to the keys brought Mendelssohn's march ont in beautiful strains, wasvtbe signal, and in came Tan. and Reginald, little brothers of tbe bride, then the bride and Miss Blanche Murchison, the bride carry ing Marechal Neil roses; at tbe same time the groom, ou tbe arm of Mr, Geo, Stan ton, entered by the chancel door and met the bride at the altar, where, stood Bey. James Thomas, of Wilson, wbo at once proceeded in a soft sweet voice to make them one. " The ceremony over , the bridal party . ' . i - f ' ' -'-V. : ' . bade loved ones good bye and took tbe morning train for Washington, D. C. Of the groom it is a. pleasure to say tbat he is one of our beBt young men; energetic, polite, possessed with splendid business qualities, he has a bright future. Thejbrlde is a beautiful blonde, modest, re fined, a graduate of Peace Institute, and of good disposition. She was beautifully attired. At tbe train (showers were thrown' upon her.5- ' D4T1S ISLES. From the Presbyterian church some of the flowers were taken to the Baptist church to complete the already elaborate and beautiful decorations, and at 4:30 p. m., the church was packed to witness iu uiornaKv ui mien .name isier iu mr. Herbert W, Davis, at 5 o'clock Mrs. Hunter, accompanied by Rev. Mr..,Davi came in and Mrs. Hunter began at once the rendition of Mendelssohn's wedding march, and the bridal party came in in the following or der: Mr. Ed. Darden and Miss Mabel Wooten, Mr. Sim. Wobtcn and Miss Ora Bizzell, Mr. Fred Isler and Miss Eflle Davis, Mr. Sim. Isler and MissCarr. Tbe groom, escorted by his brother, Mr. John Davis, came up the the right aisle; while the bride, accompanied by bereister, Miss Katie, entered by the left aisle. " When all had reached the altar, " a circle was formed encircling the preacher, Rev. Mr. Davis, who m a pleasant and impressive manner united the destinies of the con tracting parties. ; The scene was beauti- lui ana inaae one regret tnat tne cere mony was not longer that the vision might feast on its lovliness. i The bridal party, accompanied by the Fin de Seichrliterary club (of which Miss Hattie was a member), repaired to the elegant sew home of the groom In Trent township', where a'host of friends and relatives welcomed them. Supper was served about 0 o'clock and the substan tial and delicate viands were enjoyed in a manner that reflected credit on the cul inary art. Until a late hour music, par- or games, side glances and little looks and expressions wereendulged in. while Mr. and Mrs. Davis looked on contented ly, seeming to wish God-epeed to those of the company who still bad to battle with ove's caprices. Mr. Davis is noble, generous, courage ous and kind, and of good judgment, as exempted by tbe selection of Miss Hat- tis, wboiaacor2t!nat!cnof beautyt o- comr!:;liments and practical Hity. '.3 s a graduate of Salem, that old 3 C3- tatllobed educatioaal , irst;t-tion. was married ia a beaztf ul gray cc -' 1 ill I Interesting North Carolina Items In ' Condensed Term. 11 IUL0 Of Items That Will Interest North Caro llolans. Some News, Some Politics- All of Some Interest to True "Tar Heels." N'jwbern elected nine white Democrats and three negro Republican aldermen. Mrs. Pattie D. B. Arriqgton sues V; H Arriugton, once her busbaud, for $7,836 alimony. y Tbe Roanoke News is 33 years old Rut few papers live to that age. And tb Roanoke News is a good weekly paper- one of the best In the State. Vs - - Raleigh is now engaged in the pleasant (?)task of enforcing compulsory vaccina tioo. Two new cases of smallpox were reported there Wednesday morning. . At Lexington, Monday, the dispensary failed for lack of a majority of qualified voters. There was no Interest taken : in the vote,' only 24 voting for it and 2 against; , ; - ',1 The Davidson Dispatch has begun new volume, being IT years old, an old age for a newspaper. We congratulate Brother Varner on bisl successful man agement. , , . .. Newberu Journal: - No little damage was done to peas, corn and other grO w i eac jreriecuontUA tAU jwaa wpeciauy heavy and damaging. , v i The GreeneCouaty Standard has begun volume fourth,, being three years old. Editor Jordon publishes a good countr.v weekly, and the wonder is that he can give as good a paper as be does with tbe Lm,inntnfnttf rrtnofra.van lf -Raleigh Cor. Messenger: Rev. John E White, secretary of the Baptist fatate mission board, today received a telegram announcing that the debt of theSouthern Baptist mission board 'had been entirely cancelled. This news is gratifying to all Baptists. 'The trustees of the BaptistFemale Dui versity met at Raleigh Wednesday night and selected the following additional members of the faculty: Psychology and Pedagogy-rPresident Blassingame; Eng lih Mrs. H.E.Stone,of Kentucky; Mod ern Languages Miss S.E.Young. of Ten neeeee; Mathematics -L. D. Waton, Uni versity; Greek Miss Evalina Kl Pat ten, of Nova Scotia; Musical Director (not .vet chosen); Assistant in Music Miss Julia Brewer, of Wake Forest; Principal Uni versity Academy Miss Lillian Eckloff, of Roanoke, Yai Tbe selection of remaining officers and teachers is left to tbe presi dent aud executive committee. SEVEN SPRINGS ITEMS. May 4, 1899. Mr. J. P. McCullen, of Goldsboro, spent this week here. Several of our people attended church at Holy Innocence Sunday. . Miss Livla Cox returned Friday from a pleasant visit to relatives in Pitt county. Mr. Oscar Sutton spent Monday night at Mr. O: W. Sutton's; in Duplin. - Miss Essie Ezzell's school at Pink Hill closed last . week and she Is at home again. . Rev. J. W.Rose will beia a series of meetings in the Baptist church Monday At the home of the brida's father Mr. J. r Hurvia end l!i:3 Ida DIl wera quietly c:arri:i Sunday afternoon. - Al'ce Ivej'a coratriecment will t3 liy :th. Dr. Sw!r.' '!, cf Cc!d tcro, will deliver tlaci-'r: 3. V H00KERTON ITEUS. A t . May 4, 1899. : Several from Monday. here went to Snow Hill . . .. V Mr. J. J. Edwards went to Klnston Wednesday. " i , .".'" Mrs. F. A. Simpson, of Baltimore, spent Wednesday night here.' Mr. 0. H. Taylor went to LaG range Tuesday and returned Wednesday. Dr. H. D. Harper will fill his regular appointment in the Christian church here Sunday. , . - . - Miss Alice Moseley, of Lenoir county, returned home Sunday, after spending several days with friends here. : Mr, and Mrs. Nannie Friizell, of Or mondsville, came Sunday to visit friends and relatives here for several dajs. Miss Ola Patrick, of Institute, returned home Friday, after sending several days here with her sister,' Mrs. D. H. Dixon. Mesdames Fannie Benton' and Julia Braxton, of near Graingers, came Friday to visit friends and relatives here and re turnedSuuday. . Mrs. D. T. Dixon and children, of Kins- ton, came Friday to visit friends and relatives . in and around here. They re turned Monday. Official Call for State Convention. Again the beautiful moutb of June draws near, and with it the associations of W. C, T. U. convention work. This year, by tbe invitation of thogood people of Greensboro, theeerenteenth con vention is called to meet In thatcity June 2 5 for a resume of the year's work, for new inspiration and to plan for better and more extended service, ' The basis of representation to this con ventiou is as follows: , .Tha general offi cere of the State Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, State Y. secretary and L. T. L. secretary, State superintendents of departments, editor of North Carolina White Ribbon, presidents of districts and presidents of local unions are. ex-officio memuers oi iub coavuuiiua. jlu auuibiua to this there may be one delegate at large from each local union, one delegate for each 20 paid up members and one dele gate for each L. T. L. that has paid $2.00 into the State treasury. Each union is requested to urge the attendance of at least one honorary member as a frater nal delegate.-; We need the strong arm of our brothers in this battle for tbefreedom of the home. Other christian organiza tions are invited to. send fraternal dele gates to encourage us by their presence and to help us by their counsel. , : Reduced railroad rates will be secured. Signed on behalf of tbe State W. C. T. u. ..-. , Mahy E. Cabtland, Prest. . Maby E. M. Davis, Rec. Sec. . Raleigh at Wilmington. NewDern Journal, May 6th, Editor Stevens telegraphs from Wil mington that the cruiser Raleigh arrived and anchored in the harbor there at 6:50 p. m. yesterday afternoon. The splendid war vessel and her gallant, officers were met off the bar near Southport, by the steamers Hornet,4 Wilmington, Marion and Compton which were crowded with invited guests and passengers. These steamers with other innumerable craft escorted the Raleigh up ; the Cape Fear river to the city.' The people of Wilming ton are treating the distinguished visit ors royally, which means that the recep tion accorded tbe cruiser named in honor of our capital city, will reflect credit upon the whole State as well as Wilmington. 6se cultured clUzcua anr already H amous for generous hospitality. s. 7zz: -)ay. . ' Philadelphia 7, Kcw York 3. -Baltimore 3, Boston 4. Washington 1, Brooklyn 2. Pittsbnrg 6, Loc:3vil!a 0. aevt:cad4,d:c:33 7. ; Cincinnati 1, St. Lou;3 9. in in Matters of Interest Condensed Into Brief ParaGraph?, II in The Pitb.'of the World's News That Might '. Interest Our Resders. Seme of It Is -Fresh. Some May Be "Sjdty," Bat Not Spoilt . ; , Advices from Apia state that Mataafa has agreed to an afmistice pending the ; arrival of the commission now on its , way to Samoa. A dispatch, May 3. f roin Parin says v slowly but steadily the n?t is closing around tbe Frencn general staff in the Dreyfus revision inquiry. The evidence is conclusive of Dreyfus' innoceiice. ; Tbe Philadelphia Ledger bakes an an ' thoritative denial of the widely published ' statrmeut that a marriage was contem- ' plated ' bet weeen Mrs. George W. Childa and Gen. Joseph Wheeler, .The denial Of tbe truth of the renort is madebv MreJ1 Cbiids to Maj. J. M.Carson, the Washing ton correspondent of The Ledger. Riotous miners are leaving Wallace' Idaho, on every train. That locality baa been. placed under military control. A di-patcb from there, May 3d, says: Con stables are making arrests under'proteo- tion ji troops. Many miners have fled to the hills, . The town is wild with ex citement So far 60 arrests have been made. . ' v Th San Francisvo postoffice officials . Wednesday seize J 'some of tbe ptfmphlets -s-nt out by Edward Atkinson, vice prest-d-nt of tbe Anti-imperialistic League of Bostoi, Mass. The pamphlet' re ad dressed to Admiral Dewey, Gen, H. G. Otis, Gen., Miller and Profs. Schurman aud Worcester, the latter two gentlemen J , being members of .the Phillpme. commis sion. . At New York Wednesday Jas. M. Plumb killed Alexander! Masterson, a retired broker. . t'lumb accused the dead man of separating him froai his children and i'o during bis daughter to sue him for an accounting of her motherV estate, which v result d in endless litigation and conspir ing in other ways to ruin bitn. Master sou was a prominent Republican, and ' ones a close friend of Presldeot Arthur! - The A. & M. College. Raleigh, May 8. Tb legislative com mittee to reorganize the Agricultural and Mechanical college had a long session to day, W. S. Primrose presiding; R. L." Smith secretary. A. Q. llollidav, presW' deiit of thjB college, having advised the committee that he would uot be a 'candi date for re-election at the-lun meeting of the trustees, tbe committee re commended that he be elected professor emeritus of political economy with one year's leave of absence, as he propoWg to. visit Europe. If the recommendations of the , committee are adopted, the following positions will be opened to be filled at the June meeting of the board; President and director (one office); instructor of textile science and arts, salary $1,200; assistant professor of biob.gy, salary 1,200 to $1,500; instructor in experi meutal field crops, salary $1,000; clerk ot experiment station department, sal ary f 900; stenographer and clerk at the tatiou department, salary i $720; instructor in mathematics and English, salary $720. Textile work wiU be connected with the department of me chanical engineering, of which Prcf. C. W. Scribner is now in charge. The com mittee will be called tos ther by the chairman if there ia any need for eu:h a meeting before the full board meets, oa June 7tb, wtkh is tis date cf tls c-" coaiaencement. A LITTLE ABOUT MAN 18