1 116 DAILY FBBB PBESS Entered at P. o, at seoooa class mail matter PubllshtS by THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PUB. CO W. S. HERBERT. Editor. t REMEDY rOR'RAPE. 7- N. C. JOBBERS AND MANUFACTURERS A We understand that at an early date a convention of the jobbers and manufacturers throughout the State will be held for the 'purpose of effecting a permanent organiza- k tion for the advancement and pro Section of their interests. ' . This is an excellent move. It is 1 Something North . Carolina has jiieeded for a longtime, and we pre- ?-'CV -diet that much good will result 'V ' i '! &om it. As we understand it it is , not to be restricted to any particu- - j lar line of trade, it is to be hoped v, , that every jobber and manufacturer will give the movement his hearty support. , '' There are many subjects urgent ly requiring the attention of such , v an organization, but most promt- ' v 'nent among these are the questions 1 of general legislation, taxation and freights. , ' Comparatively fevVofour manu facturing and jobbing enterprises are able to cope single-handed with conditions of today. The struggle for existence is fierce; the, weak fall, and those who hesitate are left x behind. There are trusts in trade, pools in transportation and lobby ists to look after every legislator. To deal with these, organization and concert of action is absolutely indispensable. While North Carolina has been hesitating, our - sister states, by favorable legislation and taxation, have drawn away from us valuable . ; industries and much needed capi tal; and their wide-awake jobbers and manufacturers have, by their ' organized and persistent efforts, se , cured rrom the railroads what are called "gateways," to which points freight is handled at remarkably ( low rates. For instance some ar , tides of freight , are hauled from , Chicago to Richmond, nearly as cheap as they are from Richmond to Raleigh. . . Such conditions should not exist and will not if the proposed organ ization is prosecuted with vigor and intelligence. News-Observer. v ' A KENTUCKY TRIAL. A Novel Method of Punishment Proposed For . Perpetrator ; of This Terrible Crime. Communication. . ' . Rapes and IjtiicIiIdks seem to be agi tnting the public tniod very much at prcnt. It may be opportune to state 8omn facts In regard to dealing with rape that hare come to my knowledge. . Dur ing the last fifteen years three rapes bare been committed within twenty-fire miles of Kms'onand on the south side of Ntuse river. The criminals have been daly punished; the victims saved the dis masting and uaueeous notoriety that would have beeu inflicted on them by a public trial. In each case the rbpist has been caught and held until au experienced castrator could be Kent for. On his ar rival the rapist bin bmi offered atrial by jury or custra tion they always chootse the latter. - Thin kind of proceeding probably would not suit some people but it has been highly satisfactory in the neighborhoods where the remedy has 1 been used. It effectually cures the rapist of bit libidi nous propensities. It ' enves bin poor victim uu ordeal almost an trying us the ntpe. It saves the country the Ji arrow- fig detail of a hiiieoos crime. AH parties are um near' Mutinied a they mu be. TIkr" castrations, bavt ln conducted ,v ru'ii uf prudence and .determination, onl.v a very few being preeut or knowing unythiug about it. Rape is not a. rare crime. In the ma jority of cm sen, when the victim is a woman of character and standing, she prefers to tmr her misfortune in hilence rather have all her future life marred uhd made miserable by publishing 1 he fact that she has been put to such usage by u vile brute. lt'n hare more castrations and' no l.vnchings.- Two or three of the victim's riends can avenge her and not trump her misfortunes to the world. , DR. JAMES M. PARROTT, Physician and Surgeon, -KINSTON,' N.C. Office near Court House. - V Office noun: 8 to zz a. m.; a to 5 p. I 1. 17. newborn & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' (Wholesale Only,) v. s KINSTON, N. C ' ISTOur prices favor our customers. A Good,, Durable OR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, ' DENTIST. Office Ilours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. . Rooms over the Bank of Ktnston. with a Belf and the necessary tools For only $18. Also a . full Hne .of BICYCtE Time Of VCQP SUNDRIES for sale by A Rooms over the Bank TAX MSTIflG T All persons are hereby notified that Z will be at the court house on June 1st, and every day thereafter during the month of Tune (except Sundays) for the purpose of listing the real and personal property and polls of the town of Kins ton. By order of the board of aldermen. ' M. H. WOOTEN, , Tax Lister. KlnstoftCycle Company. THTG I TATfi SPRINGS WATER APSOLU1 ELY CURES Indigestion, Dyspepsla-In fact all dis eases of Stomaon, Liver and Kidneys. 6,000 tes timonials. For sale in Elnston by, TEMPLE- MAR8TONDRUQ UO. TC8TIM0MULS. Judtre Benrv R. Bryan. Newbern. fT. O.t "It doos me more gooi than any water 1 nave ever UtttSU." G. D. M. Cantrcll. M. D.. Little Rock. Ark.: "It l was ioe oniy ngem i zouna inai gave me reuei or chronio malaria." v. Mrs. M. A. Jackson, widow of Gen. Stone. wallJacKson, cnarlotte, N; 0.: "I can truly testify as to tne efficacy of your remarkable 1 waier." ' David Elrk president of McCalmont Oil Co., Pittsburg, Pa.: UI believe Tate Hprlng water is an lnfalHhlfi miM for rtvTsnflnala. - ; Incapacity of Hotel 603. splendid atmos phere finest Bcenery all tne comforts and amusements. t Wrlto for 40 page annoaj. . TnOMlS Prop'r, TATE SPRINGS, TENN. to have your children's hair cut Send the little ones down and we'll cut the hair right, and treat the children kindly and courteously. Only 15 cents. THOS. H. GREEN, Tte Barter. WShoD on Gordon St lust'back of Temnle- Marston'sJDrug store. . : , STOWEWARE! , ' ' ..v..such:as , Churns Jars. Jugs, Pitchers, And so on, - Money barrels and jugs for the children.' When in need of anything in this line call at THE CASH NOV . TEITY STORE. It is there. KRS.'C.'E, 3BIeRKE. ClTIZKX. Troops Guard the Court House But the 1 Shooting Has Not Begun. . ; Xoudou, Ky., Juue 5. The Baker mur der trial began ut Manchester today. The troops (sent to guard the court house are encamped , near the building, ready for actiou. Sentinels are on guard. to keep the Howards, Whites and Bakers out of town. The Whites nnd Howards also put out guards to pick off' the Bakers if they attempt to enter the town. . The Bakers are camped on Bear Creek, 100 strong. There are fully 100 of the : Whites and Howards. Col. Williams has only 100 soldiers. All the parties are heavily armed. There has been no shoot lag so far. The State charters the Patterson Tex- ; tile company; of Halifax, t The capital 1 ' stock is 1200,000. The mill will spin and I ' weave cotton and woolen fabrics. m m 1 " m 1 1 M MAKES BOTH MOTHER AND BABY HEALTHY strong! oak mm& IKSTITUTE. Nearly 50 Tears of Continnons Success. : 279 Students Last Tear. The lareest and best eaulnoed nrivate fittinsr school in the South. Enelish 1 the Classics, Mathematics; Book Keeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy, Typewriting Terms reasonable. For catalogue, address . r : - -i T.'A.& II, H. HOLT. Oak Ridge, N. C. I am still in the ice business and j "C!! will run a regular delivery wagon for the accommodation of my cus- tomers. . ?' : , , , The very best quality of ice de- K livered in any amount s . Half Cent a Pound. ; See me for special rates jn large quantities, AND A Purely Vegetable and Per fectly Harmless, Non-Alco ' :bolle andNon-Narcotlc ' Preparation. -' 1 j Give me your patronage and you shall receive prompt and cottrte- ous treatment:' 4 K J; C. WAG1IER ifPhone 26. Fine DR. H. J) . HARPER, DENTAL SURGEON, KINSTON, N. C. t3Torwc Ovte Dam Qmhislt's 8to, p. C. Corsets. ' , make'. '. American Beauties. Artistic, Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor . 4 caueo-on eat a fat nret It was a slight Strain and would soon be well, but it tic nuioo nuu tuo uoctor men said 1 1 1 1 r 5 -i had rheumatism. It conUnuod to growl JOD lrintlnff' wcr8eand I could hardly get around to . 1 ' vers.. 1 wen toaarns store and the crr-ist recommended me to try Cham- tali of a 50-cent bottle cured ine entirely. I j Th Pr F. A. Babcotk. Erl. Pa. I . You Can Find Them .... at - . . at A.n.r. . .i 4.-TS 4 J ; J woo Money 'refunded cflcr a four I have just gotten in my spring5tock and , I have the prettiest styles. - ?" ' , I wish to call especial attention to tlfe ' "Viscol" Patent Leather Shoe. If the vamps on these sh,oes break from reasonable wear I wilt replace theni FREE OF COST to the purchaser; . Call in and see the new line.; " 1 X J Respectfully, K ' ' " , 4 DAN QUINERLY,. w QueenStreet., ' - . , KINSTON, N C. !;; l : y V, ;;-;; ft V I 0 V. I lk : Summer Announcomcnfr a. w. CAfinoY. H. H. fJOSEliHY 1 I ' : . ' . ' Wire Cloth, Wire Screen Doors and Window Screens, Fly Fan3 and Trap3, . . ' , Fish H00I13 and Lines, ' . Fruit Jars and Jelly fjlacc cs, ' .. .V ' Ice Crc la Freezers, j v ,. E-.th Tub3, "... .; ' I ; i 1 - Tobacco T.l;:3 r.nd L?.nt:n3. r - 'V,' " 1'" ri It is for sale by E. Hood. . J ' ? Q 'weeks', trial if not .-ti::tcry.

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