TiiE DAELY M . PRE PUBLISHED EMERV EHENING EXCEPT SUNDRY. KINSTON, N. a. SATUBDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1809. Prico Two Cento. in irn n r liriff ft I1T 1 1 fl I ' L F ' L 1 1 1 II f 1 1 ! V 1 1 L f 1 V I II 1 J 1 i 1 1 1 i J W fV 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 II UUIkVllllb llbllU ' 1 1 Mill Hatters cf Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. 111 The Pitb of the World's News That Might v Interest Oar Readers. Some Is Fresh, I borae nay, He &any, ui noi pom. There has been a lot of r'oting in tfrus- eels, bat the situation is becoming more quiet , - - ' The will of H.B. Plant leaves his estate I tied up in the hands of trustees to the I fourth generation. Dreyfiis has arrived at Bennes, France, on inns a rumor tnac ne naa commiwea omciuei iuob wihi uu uvrmu, uunvjunv, eu tnrns out to be false. - nesday night. Twelve people were lost. Boisie Abies, a negro rapist, was legally .,11niaJ n.Tlou (la Prtdnv Wa hA I v!nn.ivnfpHPd. . I ' . : t i t i ti..b.nf. W. Tavlor. a disaooointed office seeker. Taylor also kitled himself. r . .... Dr. E. Y. Mullens, of the Newton Centre Baptist church, Boston, has been elected to the, presidency of the Southern Baptist Theological seminary at Louisville, to succeed Dr. WbUsett, resigned. Ten of the meu charged with lynching .l; .i... tt i-J- i ns. t.- me iurw auuipurB iu committed to jail witnout nan. i nree oi Hou.Chas. F.Collier, of Peterburg, Vsu, shot and killed himself Thursday. H sunereairom insomnia, mpjancnoua auu .nervous prubuanou. u wh iuuiuW of the Confederate congress, was mayor six terms and at one time was president oi tne Houmern rauway. rr 1 iu:rr i u x rt-eiueub u.UKr, unu imuST(w,uwi iuusioou wiii w a.., w wmui i i arrangement made by the executive eoun- j "cil acceptable to the British high commis- sloner, Sir Alfred Miller, and the British government. It is believed that the ar- OETTIKGER DnOS., 17 &. 19 N. Queen St. I . ' : Ladies' Chirt Vaiots, ncady-Hado r 1 1 ITf Wkill IsJm ..AND... ' , Ladies' slin Undonvcnr, ...NOW AT... Crcatly . 1 1 W 4 t C w vl "It will pay abont t!:-"i. you tD cons and raugement grants u seven year retrospec tire franchise to Uitlanders, resident in I the Transvaal before 1890, who will Im mediately be admitted to burgberehip, with other modifications in the natural ization laws. Dr. A. M. Cashing, of Springfield, Mass., ! is quoted as saying at a meeting last week - of the American. Institute of Homeopathy, at Atlantic City, that if I tnc pnysicians wonia give consumptive j . pauenis nye or six eggs in lemonaae i eacn nay tney wouiq nave no luueraw. The treasury officials at Washington Are now Confident that t.hA flAfinit Fnr thA present fiscal year will not exceed $90,. 000,000. One week ago the estimate was a little short of 100,000,000, but during the last few days the receipts have been rather above the estimates, while the expenditures have greatly falleu off. The steamer Margarita 01 will, owned by M. P. Sinith,'of Cleveland, went down "eluding Capt. John Brown,hl wife and BOD " JiaiQWlH, a passenger, Xne I Olwill, of 554 tons, was bonnd from Kel i..t i.i..i rn;-.i:. witt. '"J' B"U" " MBvwuuq wim limestone. , B HC " AtNew Xendon.Conn., Thursday liar- i vard won all tbreeof the boat races from Ya'e. Harvard's university eight won from Yale over a four mile course by six and half lengths in; 20 minutes, 57 seconds.: Harvard's freshman eight won from Yale over a two mil cnnnw hT t.nrn fttul h(llf ,1B.hM Sn o minnfM an1 oV seconds. Z Harvard'n HiibatltnU fnni. .ni. from TaIe oyep ft tw0 mI,0 by rfi BQ 0 ihe pffrb troo th.rVfttv itl San Francisco to embark for Manila, left the traio ftnd rj.ided - .alon..MPkl the baf fttjd ttQU what lianor waa in .ht. Cbrl Dp1 th hnrir ahot dowu by QDe ot thfl ioldierat Thoge wWnmmiArfH... Antra., fl ' "7 "r . . . .T " me train, i ne train was quickiv sur utnw, uuu every cDori wHH maae to lorce the urrerider of the guilty parties, with- out success. The train was held un til 1:30 o'clock Friday morning, and the officers in charge claims that by delaying lb train the expedition for the PliiliD- Pioes was delayed ' Feibay. Pittsburg 11, Brooklyn 10. Louisville 9, Philadelphia 13. . ' Cleveland 1, Boston 3. Charts II. Alarko. while actincr in th cacity or nuwe at the Second DiviHion TFMr.r.it.)nltl,..t!(L . . . IiaS tuna, used a lewbottles of tha m- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ivemeu.v lor aiarrnop a and found It to wnrlc libA m phnrtn ' . i This remedy h lor sale by J. E. Hood. BOARDING! Mrs. E. B. Eewis desires four more boders. Apply at once. j my isr, 1899. 9 Iu the old days the onlv wav to treat a I neaciacLe was to "giu and bear it," 1 to ta&e a canseaticr curative. cr it - .. - 1 r .. . ... iu w icl, .j are l;;:tcu: 1 era IL' r nerves and ttcT.rxi. 1 r dcILc! tr IIic::' Headac:::: Ccr.. 'chloral, fiiy' cr esyda: DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Reports From Various Charge Show Progress Alonfl All Lbes. .Rev. N. ' Watson's Fine Sermon Last Nloh Cslegates to Annual Conference. ', fbtoay, 2:30 p.m. 1 The conference was opened with prajer. Minutes ot morning session were read and approved. , V , ' Reports of pastors wore taken up and r Rev.T. H. Sutton reported for LaGranire i circuit. J 1 prof. Newbold sobke to the conference concerning the Newbold Academy at I tMfltnnrra , TTa pnmmonrlod tha wnrlr rs Rev. T. H. Sutton 1ft the hiirheat terms. f Snow Hill circuit was called and the I presiding elder stated that the pastor was sick and would' hav to give up his work. Bev. J. A. Edwards, a loca I preacher from Snow Bill circuit, stated IthatMr. Holden had fought heroically against disease, ' hoping to be able to do the work, but he at last felt he must give it up. The presiding elder referred feel IW to r. tioiden'a condition and the : uuncu iu yi uj miu, tcu by Rev. D. H. Tattle. Rev. J. A. Lee reported for Kinston station Rev. D. C. Geddie reported for Grifton circuit. Eef. C. 0. Durant reported or Craveu circuit- i r Rev. J, M. Benson reported for Jones circuit. Prof. W. H. Rhodes talked to the con ference about his school at Trenton and Christian education. 4 Rev, N.'M, Ju'rney addressed the con ference upon the importance,, of Metho dists patronizing Methodist schools. Our obligations as Methodist demand tha we support ouriMtitnttns. HftPEa on this line waa a strong and forcible one. Rev. J. M. Lowder reported for Panv Ilco cirenitj t ? , ? Bev; C, C. Brothers reported for Car teret clrcoit.' v , i RevL,S. Massey reported for More . T head station. Rev. D. f f. Tuttle reported for Beau Rev. F, S.'.Bectoo reported from Strait's mission. - Rev. J. M. Carraway reported for Core Creek mission. . Upon motion the conference decided to elect delegates to the annual convention tomorrow morning.- Trenton was selected as the place for the next district conference. The reports upon the whole were grat ifying and showed development along all lines. , The conference adjourned at 5:30 p. m. FKIOAY EVENING. Bev. N. M. Watson preached a fine ser mon to a large and attentive congrega tion from 18th Ps. 35th verse . "Thy gentleness hath made me great.1 This psalm is supposed , to .have been written by King David in bis old ego. He wrote out of bis own life and ex perience and every one can take tbem and apply to- himself. The psalms are the product of experience. . In the first let us consider what is the greatness to which David refers. . Greatness is pre-eminence. One associates' greatness with the war rior, another with the statesman, etc. With David it was likeness to God and one is great in proportion to bis approach. to the Diviue character. Holiness in God constitutes his greatness. So man is prat ns he approaches tt!3 holiness and ty tLia is he measured by God. Christ ; j sot a warrior, nor t'll ha pcr.::c3 cy cl tro cLcracteristles ry wticn m I-.-rare crer.tncis.' Yet &H reccr- .3 1 to bavelxu tLd;reat:.i e-ti tlS ercr lived In the worli. As CLrist w&3 rczt ci cccorat cf L: r"?-cr-.iaenc8 cf wss a fine one and was appreciated by his bearers.' 4 8ATCBDAT MOSN0Q. ' The conference was opened with devo tional exercises at 9 a. m. . The following were elected delegates to the annual conference: Dr. J. F. Miller and Mr. Y.'T. Ormond, Revs. F. S. Bee- ton and J. W. Wooten. Alternates: Bev. J. A. Edwards, Mess. C. S. Wallace, Dempsey Wood and Daniel Lane. v The several committees reported. .-, The report of the committee on prohi bition and the use of tobacco evoked con slderable discussion. ,; - '. Bev.B. B. John preached a very fine sermon this morning. ' PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. C. Wi Howard went to Ayden this morning. " Mr. W. A. Mitchell left this morning for Old Point, Va. Prof. George Grimsley came from Chapel Hill yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Rogers left this morning re turning to Apex. ; v ' Mr. Sam Harris returned to Washing ton this morning. x: - Miss Addie Johnson returned to Green ville this morning. . , Mr. Larmour Parrott returned from Mt. Olive yesterday, . ' Bev. D. H. Petree returned from More- head City this morning. Misses Bliss and Susie Perry returned from Greenville yesterday. Mess. A. S. Copeland and A. S. Wooten spent yesterday in Goldsboro. Mrs. C. D. Bay and son, Master Marsh, returned from Oxford yesterday. MrTGny ebtrwenr tcr'Newbern yes terday and returned this morning. Bev. C. W, Blanchard and family left this morning for Varina, Wake county. Mrs. N. J. Bouse .and son, Master Robert, left this morning for Greensboro. Mrs. T. J. Turner and Miss Olivia Wa- tors, of Newbern, are visiting Mrs. C. T. Randolph, . . r , Mrs. J. E, Crow and Miss Nina Burch of Goldsboro, came yesterday to visit ft Mr. W. H. Cox's. Mrs. E. A. Hawse, who had been visit log at Mr. J. W. Buss', returned to Pen der county this moming. Misses Katie Moore and Mamie Bay nor, of Washington, N. C, came jester- day to visit Miss Mamie nines. AT THE CHURCHES. 'Presbyterian Church. Preaching both morning and evening. Rev. J.. M. Lowder will preach at the evening service, - ' ; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. t , 3 Episcopal Church. Services both morning and evening. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. . . KetJiotflst Church. Bev. L. S. Massey will preach at the morning service and Bev. J. T. Bagwell at the evening service. The Lord's sup per will be observed after the morning sermon. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. . Christian Chsrcb. Bev. C. 0. Durant will preach at the morning service and Bev. F. S. Becton at the evening service. . " : . . Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. The Young People's Prayer meeting every Wednesday evenirj. Cs:i!:tCrc!. Rev. J. T. Baswell will preach at the morning service and ReV. L. J. Massey t the eveciz service. . Sunday school, 9:C'J a, to. 1 B. Y. P. U. every L'crd-y evctlng. Ml U. - V ' III IS Interesting Ncrth Carolina Items la Ccndenssd Fern. Of Items Teat Will Interest North Carolla lans. Some News, Some Politics- All 0T Some Interest to True "Tar Heels. Tarboro beat,Wake Forest playing ball Friday, 29 to 2. Tarboro beat Wake Forest playing ball at Tarboro Thursday, 10 to 2. . The corporation vommiHHiuu boa in creased the tax valuation of railroads In the State by $10,000,000. The increase of railroad, telegraph and other com pauies In alj amounts to f 10,494,442. : The Davie Record says that Mr. Richard Campbell, of Bowan, Was in Mocks ville last week wearing a pair of shoes which he has worn about a year and which . were made out of the hides of six squir rels. . The Sampson Democrat says that Mr. B. C. Holmes received $4 per box for corn j shipped to New York. Tb farmers In, Ihe trucking section are studying the markets and diversifying their crops to meet the demands of consumers, ' Capt. Fisher has sold the Kite ot the burned Benbow House, at Greensboro, at a price believed to be $35,000, It Is rumored that the property was bought for some' Boston people, Very shortly; there will be commenced the beautiful new? hotel on the old fite. ' , " - ' Four persons have been arrested at Baleigb for stealing provisions from the penitentiary supplies. John HoltVnfMd; fireman at the. penitentiary, i ! -ot them. The roods stolen weie Pikuof flour, meal, sides of meat, corn, etc., which were sold to Walter A: Phillips, a grocer. A special from Morebead City I Kays: Preparations artr being made foryi big time at the meeting of thStat Bar as eociatiou which . meetH next Tuwday. Many members hav already engaged rooms for. themselves and families. Ex- Secretary of the Interior HokeSmith and family are expected then? next week. . ' Fayetteville Observer: Bev. V,' B. Johnson, of Cedar Creek, who i in tha city today, tell us that the army warm, bos long since made ita appearance and is destroying whole fields of corn. In some cases, he says, his neighbors have planted four crops, the preceding three having been destroyed by these pests. ' ThsGreensboro dispensary matter was ' argued before Judge Timberlake Friday on compteht of E. 8. Newcomb, who alleged that the board of managers was n contempt ol court in establishing a dispensary and asking for a temporary ; restraining order. The judge refused to grant the order and ruled that the defend ants could not be attacked for contempt. The steamer Mayflower, the passenger, mail and freight steamer which plies be tween Plymouth and Windsor, capsized and sunk in the thoroughfare between Boanoke and Cashi rivers Friday after noon. The crew and all passengers were suvect, except an infant, who went down with the steamer. The steamer Te'Jt carried the crew and passeErrers of tLa U-fated stealer to Plymouth. It 'u tzo- pesed tint Ha boat vrca ovcr!cr.Z:d. Lunitrrt-i Boicccrlan: It wc3 r ported hcri 'Hosfiy frt a . Crc-' named Ox: )f-nf3tr"'3wcr3t:: 3 t l -."3 t3 1 IV - 11 us :dy f - c. ;r tl-i r r, ra if jc:i -r. it, rc:! "ir'-- -1 Ecrriccs every C J'.y njorrJrjat 11 'C-M la ty J. II: . a Co., ! o'clock, at the cri t ily f:r: ' : : tt' e c!. j zi 7 p. c::c jpc: D J L. v.. v rc:

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