. i ' ".J. : PROPOSED INDUSTBtAl, ISSUE ur People Will Co-operate With lit Wi Will Get Out a Paoer That Will Be A,tredlt to tbe Best Town In th8 State. ,LTflB Fbeb Press in 1897 cot out a ten- ' ... . -. V . T. 3 pare,! BeTMi coinmns-jq ine-pagH kmibs- trhl Iaue. This wad our' first ; tffort la , $pt ' line, and -.. It -: was gotten out rrtber hurriedly, r We found toward tbe dose that we bad not calculated enough pace to get in the matter desired, and Were forced, as the Iastforms wereeloscd, to cut out some of the rending matter gitiDg the' bUtoncaf kketctf vtriolr f county and Kiostonj bm ulso'eoaie of the I advertising.' We werec unable fcpjtur ' nlsh extra space Unit 'some ;of : bur" busi ness meii 'desired..' .-'f pit has been two years since tfift- Indus trial Issue was gotten out.'1 ,; Since'-then Kinston has grown wonderfully, fulljf 25 f per cent.' and we think an Industrial Issue : would do our town generally, and ' busk ; ness people especially, much good." y ; .. While we think the other ? Industrial Jssue was a, very creditable one, In tend, with the co-operation of, our busi ness people, to make this even more cred liable to this community and a means of ; accompJishiDg greater good, to tlie town,; "We purpose issuing 'n paper of yfortjf pages, five columns to the page, in some what of a magazine form. ' It will be printed on a good quality of j white hook paper.' We have ordered . new drcsft of type for tbia purpose and with new rollers and careful press work " we hope to get the very best print. ' r It will contain a historical sketch of . Einston and Lenoir county, illustrations and write-ups of Kinston's manufactur ing industries, principal business houses, tobacco warehouses,' churches,- court house, city ball, street scenes and leading public, professional and business men. ' .- We intend to secure competent assist ance to aid us in the write-up of our- bus iness nod professional men. j . To get out such an Industrial Issue as we contemplate will necessitate going to great expense, and we-will only be able ' to do so by the liberal patronage of our business and professional men. v 1 This will bo an excellent medium to ad vertiso in, and we have made the' rates very moderate, r , ; , ,.. a : We ask ,tbe co-operation of our people that we may be enabled to get out paper that will be a creditable one. CHICAGO'S LEUTGERT NO. 2. Becker, Who Is Accused of Murdering His Wife and Boiling Her Body, May Escape v Through a Faulty Indictment. ; - ' Chicago, June 29. The trial of August Becker, the sonth-side butcher, charged 'with haviog murdered and then diemem- bered and boiled the remains of bis wife, In order to leave him free to marry Ida Sutterlin, a 17-year-old girl with whom he .become .infatuated, came to a sudden end today, when it was found that the indictment named Mrs. Becker as Eliza beth when it should have been Theresa . The court at once nol prossed the in dictment.: The jury had been sworn in, and the defease asked for a discharge o the prisoner on the ground that Becker had been placed in1 jeopardy and, there fore, he could not be tt-ied again. .The court denied the request, however, and a bench warrant was issued aud Becker re arrested.,-A new indictment will at once be drawn up. The , discovery that the indictment was faulty created somewhat ; of av sensation in the court rbom. The result may be, however, that Becker will escape punishment, as the' case is tnbwin such shape . that the prisoner's counsel are confident of a reversal by the supreme court, if a verdict of guilty is re turned.; The jury had been sworn in and part of the evidence of ; the first witness heard, when the attorneys for the defense moved that the- prisoner be discharged and the jury Instructed to return a ver dict of not guiltyas the evidence pro duced related to the killing jOf j Theresa JLccer, wnue tne indictment alleged tne U.lzz of Elizabeth Becker -. ; i TLa grand jury this afternoon voted another indictment against Becker. -'The jzrers chosca to try Becker were kept to- f rr and when the casa is eain cvV.cl tcorrow nearly all ci tiea will prola- t IIf:,'-i Bc;ct, TLurs.:.;y Liz !- CrccLer, c.a pnploye of the I ... f.:.:tcry. shot JoeJaii.r:a r -. - ;. 11-3 are not tLcr'.t t, ..,1:1. ' 4 In the "good old days" a man's care for his health was "marked by the ' completeness of the armor in which he lock ed himself up. it was very un heal t h y in?l those i r merry days "of jovial robber baron, to be outside of ' the steel " case of knigthood. It was steel vsJ steal , every hour of the day In . our times"' a man -needs. to be. armed inside4 rather ; than" out The' Kentle srerm is like love in that he "laughs at lock smiths." ' You can't, lock him out, but" you can make it so mighty uncomfortable. for him that heir be glad to get out and seek tome other lodging. -t . ; ,'. r The greatest protection against disease , is a healthy condition of ! the stomach and other organs' bf digestion and nutrition. Health is the true armor', against ' the germ. The health of the stomach1 and allied organs is assured to those who use Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood, strengthens the stomach, nourishes the nerves and gives neW life to the lungs. "j- 4 f v There is no alcohol or other intoxicant contained in " Golden Medical Discov ery' . ; . - i ' 1 " I used ten Vott1 of Dr. JPierce's Golden Med ical Discovery and several ViaU of his ' Pleasant Pellets ' a ye'ar ago thia spring, and have had no trouble with indigestion since." write Mr. W. T. Thompson, of Townsemt, Broadwater Co., Mon tana. "Words fail to tell how thankful I am for the-relief, as I had suffered so much and it seemed that the doctors could do me no. good, I got down in weight to 125 ponuds, and was not. able to work at all. Now I weich nearly 160 and cam do a day's work on the farm' ---.-.,' , Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. T.V.nowborn&Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, jjo i-- (Wholesale Only.) s 1 fw"KINSTON. N. C tSTOur pficls favor our customeis. DR. H, D HARPKK, DRNTAL SURGEON, " ' CINSTON, N. C. l fpSTVmoM ovbh Dam Qcikiblt'b Btoaiiiir Til J10B4lT oDJLDIiw, riBST TO mA JTMllj, OBM'BBTOBB , -f V;T. TARROTT, Ph. G., M.D., i. Physician and Surgeon, v :,-.'".t. kinston. n. c. OFFICK:-Temporarily located fct Dr. ' Jas. M. Farrott's. - ; 4 . DR. JAMES M. PAROTT, ' .-ri'-vPluician and Surgeon, ' : ".' .. 'kinstonn. c. Office near Court House. . . - Office Hours: . 8 to zx a. m.; to 5 p. m. 1 Paris (Green. Tobacco : Growers all want Paris Green. , , , I have it in every size package. . Gome to see me. U. E. HOOD KINSTON, N. C. . ? ' - . - .-. - '-- . r b Cloud afternoon-at 7, except Saturday. The Latest In .-. Sash Bi::'l23, rrr JTeck Glasp3, Beauty Pin3, ShirtPi-',, Placlict.. . ... M M C 4 t I IMF y i. A. C. A NICE 'ASSORTMENT .of;.- 'AX i -r rj 75crlipto$3.b6, ... AT.i SaTShops open at night until 9. 'Shirt ' 1 I'tr'i, 1 needs; fine laun- - dry work -to make it look nice , and wear well Just the same ' with i, all your garments. Wedo 0' ' not use an mju- ' nous chemical; do not rot out'Vour linen and can save ybu the, wear your garments usually sustain. ! - c j 1 . -.. - k Glad to have you try our work. Ifinstonteamltaandry Phone to or a postal brings our team I am still in the ice business, and will run a regular delivery wagon for the accommodation of my cus tomersl . ' - " , , . ' , l , The very best quality of ice de livered in any amount i - r 1 1 Half Cent a Pound. See, me for special rates in large quantities. t -j v Give, me your patronage and yon shall received tromtt and courte ons treatment.'1, J. c. 'AG1IER l-phone 26. , Notice of Election ! -r , 1 .V U.:..'.P: . Under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Aldermen '.IJ, the town of Einston, N. C, passed June 28th 1S99, in pursuance ot antnonty ot law, notice is hereby given that a special election will be held at the Court House in Kins ton, North, Carolina, on"" ' . Tuesday, the 1st day of Mast, 1899; for the purpose ot obtaining the consent and approval of a maionty of the quali fied voters of said town to the issuance of the bonds of said town of Kinston toan amount not exceeding,,.,- Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, of such denomina tions and in such proportions as the Board of Aldermen may deem advisable, bearing interest from the date thereof at a rate not exceeding six ver centum per annum, with interest coupons at tached, payable yearly or half yearly as the Board of Aldermen shall prescribe, at such tjmes and at such, place or places aa 'may be deemed advisable by said Board; said bonds to be of such form and tenor and transferable in such way, and the principal thereof payable or re deemable at such time or times, not ex ceeding thirty years from tbe date there of, and at such place or places as the Board of Aldermen may determine. That the said bonds are to be issued, if approved and authorized at said , elec tion, for the purposes and objects fol lowing: Towards refunding the indebt edness of said Town of Kinston: repair ing, enlarging and equipping the Elec tric Light Plant of 6aid town; drainage of the town; and for street improve ments in said town. - - " The registration bool:s v-ill be open for rerrlitratioa &t least ten ""ays before the cl:'on tsrein provided for andthe I: - ' rn on the da of election frr -1 f : . j o'clock in theriorr ;ng until -ct. ' . ,. Tlx-" "y.il ig the led for j.ird of i - r t t ? d i as above 4 "iicf tl J t.t l ' W : 1 T -i ':: i t t . At a: .i v; 4;:cti C. J. w . - ir-ycr cf It.it.'. ::CO?ti:, Town Clerk. ton. IPS . '-. : If'. M- H ' f 10m 1 THE STATE. )t'i! ' OF NORTH CAROLINA '' Offers to young vomea thorough lltcrry, classical, sclentiao, and industrial euucatlon and special pfdacogioaltratnln?. Annual expense f 90 to SIM tot con-residents of tbe Htaio fl.W. f aculty ol 80 members. .Mora wan 4uo regular students. Has.. matriculated about l.7i' stu dents, representing eve j county In the State except one rracuce ana uoservniian cnooi of about 250 pupils To secure board la dormi tories, all tree-tuttloa applications should be made before August 1st. - Correspondence mvitd from, those. .desiring competent trained teachers. . -t 1 For catalogue and other Information; address, PRESIDENT McIVERl v . , , , , ' GBEENSBORO, N. C. v. - , . To parties that inteud buifdiue-stores, dwellings, or buildings of any kind, can find out-just what it will cost them to get a turnkey joby calling" to see 'iue, Office next door " to , Hodges' machine shop. Near' A. & N C,. depot! -", l j. fbaker; K - , Contractor and Builder. ' NOTICE to all parties n need of bund ing materials can keep posted as to what it will coat them to buid by calling and have us . quote you prices on such as Sash; Doors and Blinds; I'orch Columns, Brackets, Step Newels and ornamental Scrolled and Turning, such as Corner Perches.' Rosettes;' Stairway; Material, Hall Grills, etc. t We can make your Mantels so cheap it would surprise .von, or we can sell ou a Cabinet -ManteU Cabinet Tile, Hearth. Grate Chilled for S15. We also dress lumber as cheap as any one, and can furnish you your Door and Window Frames ready, to set, at a very low figure-. " t;:t -; J'vr:; ' Call and see us before' buying the above named material and get our prices We can not onlv save you bigh freights, but save you money by patronizing home manufacturers, and you can see just What you are buying. Your orders will have our prompt attention, i ! i. F. BAKER, O'BERRY & CO. tSTOffice next to Hodges' "Machine Shop, near A. St N. C. depot. ' Roanoke Female Collogo, Danville, Va. . , Fortieth Annual Session begins September 13th. An Excellent Home School for Girls and Yountr Ladles. Enlartred and improved. Boardlnir aclty Increased to 60 pupljs, Hot and Cold Batna, Lighted by gas. ' . Eltrht Academlo Schools. Music. Art. Kiofiiit.inn unit PhvHinm f!nitnr. r-hinn min Tnr nrinc China.- Experienced and cultured teachers and thorough training. Good moral and religious atmosphere. ' ExeeUent climate and health unsurpassed. Catalogue and terms lurnlshed on ap- plication. it t. Good i t - - - T i ' J.. We desire to say. to the public that we are still selling the ' 3 saine FLOUR formerly sold by J. A. Pridgen, and which ave.v3 such universal satisfaction, ' , J We Continue To Give the Same Iron-Clad . v Guarantee With Each Barrel. ! To those who wish to buy it great inducements in Dothing, C. I' II Af ' ,jl . I Bargains in AliJ ; Prihv (qood ....AT THE.:.... No. 41 Pridgen. Block, . kinston, - - yx:c. I - A2S 'TASTE Etn Ran SaS Bad IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICEOcts. Guaranteed by ill Dru?slsts to Cure Chills Fevers and Malaria EEV. C. r. JAMES, D. D President." f for cash we are offering some Hats, Shoes, Etc. ' ' IV. PRIDGEN d CO. To Farmers ! Tobacco is a weed That requires your attention And. to the farmers we do men . tion , That the baskets made by W. II. Snow Are for sale by us, at a price very low. , The baskets are here - " Awaiting your orders, Around. their edges Our advertising Ijorders. The quality is there, . ' "And that is no joke," ' They are made from the best Of steamed white oak. So purchase youi baskets Where you'll not get stuck, And use them every time In preference to a truck. Just give us a trial Our attention we loan, Then buy your baskets From .. "1 ;-l C: rr:,. NB7 YORK BACKET STORB V: 1 " :v:: 1 fts fat ipcy ft &tt$Wi- ' ' I . U . Li . : Li LM .11 1. r.n"!. Flour 1