7 "NTTVTrT7 lililQ PUBLISHED EBRY EMBIlNG EXCEPT SUNDRY. Vol. II No 101. KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31,1899. Price Two Cents a- II It Interesting North Carolina (tens Iq V Condensed Fcrcv OMR HO ffilffi Of Items That Will Interest North Carotin , lans. Soma News, Some Politics AI or Some Interest Jo Trne "Tar Heels." Donald Laesiter, a desperate negro, was coovicted at Oxford last week and sentenced to be banged October 4tb, for a burglary committed 18 years ago. , tempted ; to rape a colored girl at Cbfna Grove Thursday. He was arrested and ' At Marion, Saturday, a verdict of 16,000 damages was given against the three C's railroad for killing Mrs. Knipes. The road appealed to the supreme court. . ' Snmn rif tha Tlannhlfon am trvintr tn ,.-T- , . v- ..J."6 w have Mr. W H. Chadbourn removed as postmaster" at Wilmington," because he told the truth about conditions in Wil mington last fall.' - - It is said that the corporation commis sion will order the Southern railway to give better division in compliance with - the Jim Crow car law to furnish a ser vice similar to the A. C. L. and the Sea board. 1 - , Louisburg Times: The old Methodist church building is being torn down this week,, and work will soon begin on the new church-. -Welearn that tbe Method late will bold services in the court house while the new church is being built. - Mr. Bass Lewis and Miss Jane Fulghum were going home from a picnic at Lee's Chape), Wilson county, one day last week, when a tree being cut down fell in the road, contrary to the woodman's cal culations. It killed the horse and broke both legs of the" young man and young may. : Raleigh sues the Soathern railway for f 3,222. A young lady, the victim of a runaway accident, received' her injury by being thrown against a trestle support. She got damages from the city. Now the latter sues the railroad, alleging that the distance between the trestle supports nuo iuJi1 uici uai I u w .''n: , Iiufus Alston, Robert Rankin and John uapp, au negroes, were arrested Satur day at GreePBboro charged with criminal assault on Roberta McMurray, the 10 year-old daughter of a colored female school teacher. There was ; evidence of conspiracy among the three negroes. They are confined in tail to await trial in A ugust. The girl is badly injured.. Fayetteville Baptist: If the Dnkes were to give all they possess to Trinity College they could not atonefor the dam age they have done to the boys of the country. The cigarette is an evil, and no amount of philanthropy (?) by the.man ufacturersof them will lessen this evil. So long" as the physiciaas declare the cigarette a neck and neck evil with whis key we cannot help classing the manufac turer of the cigarette with the whiskey distiller. - . ' i ' Considerable Interes t has been developed at Hickory by the disappearance of D.W. Y.'hitener.a well known citizen of Cataw ba, who lived near Hickory. Without any warning La left on tha west-bound traia I'osoy z'zt. Eonia dr ir j tb ports alo-t tiaccniuctLaTetccalccLir j cat ever t':a. Ila was eroc-icr for tLa f:tii3c!T7n. IIa:;3 i .! I v . i r . rt tl; V.-i I ';r3t'.3c :: !,c-J is is 3ii Vi cc- a r : 1 to r'vsal.:-' r.liala The Trust Business Not Doing Se Well Cbarlotte Observer.. Every now and then we have evidence to support the belief that the trust busi ness is being overdone and that It is pos sible that the evil will largely take care of itself. " The New York Journal of Com merce has recently given a list) of such concerns which have suspended and an Other which it calls thodoubtful list The suspended list includes: ' ? ' V- - ' - , Proposed " - Capital National Woolen Co.,....M......t50,000,000 Sheet Steel andiron Mills..... 80,000,000 United States Varnish Co .... 50,000,000 Carpets..;.,- ..'. 50,000,000 American Ry. Equipment Co. 22,000,000 Champagne nouses.... : 50,000,000 Plumbers' Supply & Lead Co. 85,000,000 Eastern Jewelers.'............... 25,000,000 Gas Fixtures ; 15,900,000 Bostot Breweries 15,000,000 Pacific Coast Biscuit Co....V.. 5,500,000 Saratoga Mineral Waters..... 4,590,000 Plow Manufacturers.....-.. 6,000,000 Connectbut Ojster Plants.-- 5,000,000 While the doubtful list includes con cerns proposed to be capitalized in the aggregate at f 275,000,000. . Not only have a good many plans been suspended, while others are doubtful, but there are yet other, consolidations which are going through at half or less than half ttte capitalization originally pro posed. For instance, the United States Worsted com pany, w hich incorporated for 170,000,000, is glad enough to begin business with 136,000,000; the American Hide and Leather company will be satis fied with f 41,000,000 instead of S70, 000,000, and the manufacturers of fine writing papers, we are told, took: out a charter for 28,000,000, "though f 42, 000,000 was counted on at the time&f organization.'; And so there is hope after all of deliver ance from some of what the Louisville Courier-Journal calls "this brood of dev il's chickens." f - , Tee Much Taken For Granted. The publisher of a newspaper has one thing to sell and one thing to rent. He has the newspaper to sell and the space in his columns to rent, says the San Diego (Cal.) Tribune. Can any one Inform us wby he should b expected to give away either the one or the Other? vHe can if he so chooses, and be does as 'a matter of fact, furnish a great deal of space free. But it does not follow that he ought to be expected to do so. 'It ought to be recognized as a contribution exactly as would be the giving way of sugar or cof- :ee by a grocer. But, strange to say, it is not looked upon in that light at all, and yet everybody knows that the ex istence of a newspaper depends upon the the rent of its space and the sale of the paper, as a merchant's success depends on selling his goods instead of giving them away. ' National League Games. ,-Satued'ay. 4 Pittsburg 6, Washington 5. St. Louis 3, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 9, New York 8. Chicago 6, Philadelphia 7. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. , . .Won. Lost. P.C. .684 .613 .593 .588 .588 .548 .506 .500 .422 .415 f .172 Brooklyn. ............... 59 27 ostoii,... 53 82 hiladelphia, ............... 51 35 35 35 33 43 St. Loula,................,.. 50 Baltimore, ................... 50 Chicero 46 'ittsbur, 44 Cincinnati, .... 42 42 New York, ................... 35 48 Loi-isTilla,... ..... 34 , 43 T7Ei:rton, 32 57 CivCazi, 15 72 Tnstar: :ib.3 jz;t rccivc 1 C-3 '.t Ct if-: h,;t(" ox. a 1 LI J f-r : C1..C.) f;r 1,C:.). JOHN R. SMITH 01 THE STAND. 1 - He Relates An Jnterestlcj . Story .V Per : euaded to Swan Pisces - acd Then No -is Given Promised Raise erSalary. ' . Raleigh; N. 0., I July SOJbbA;; R. Smith, y ex-commissioner "'t of agricul ture, was the .witness ' today. . ' be fore the Investigating com'njittee, and was on the witness stand three hours He said he had been requested by mem bers of the board of agriculture last De cember to put some . more ferulizer in spectors on duty, on the ground that there were frauds, the suggestion coming from members of the board. He' put on three more, the latter t be members of the board, and put. on Brady, Flow and another. His Idea was ;that . this was done to give the board men lobs. He said he did not know of JVM.. Allen's bill of flS for , buying and Inspecting carpets and spittoons, v As : to Tarmers insutaies ae eaia iv was u vuovuui v find out about wnat their expenses wouia be and give them ' a check - in advance, and then make up a report. He had no control of any money at'alV be said, ex cept 1760 for farmers" institutes. There was some money, about 1450, drawn from ths treasury by persons who held institutes. D. Reld Parker got S4 a day for 68 days. John R. said he not only bad no control of any money, but had to look out lor his own pay. He was asked to show his itemized account of expenditures for institutes and said he had one, but did not know where it was. Secretary T. K. Bruuer said he had made search for the account, but could not find it. 1 John R. said Loge Harris took a great deal of interest' in the department, ! but that he J thought Loge was pretty well paid for his in terestr-John R. eald rumors l&l cilfava- gance had come to him, but that he had nothing to do with them. - He, expressed the belief that the agricultural depart ment could be run much ' more cheaply than the fusionists had run It John R, was asked why he had changed his of fice, from penitentiary . superintendent to commissioner of agriculture, and in reply told a very ; interesting story, to the effect that Logo Harris went to the penitentiary to see him and suggest that he make the change; that his salary would be increased to f 2,500,- so he would lose nothing by: the deal. John R. said he bad never had any .direct con versation with the governor; that the governor and himself were not on good terms then. Judge W. 8. CB. Robinson had also seen him at Goldehoro and a as his friend and the friend of the governor had advised him to - make ' the change; had in fact Insisted on his : making it. Then Wm. U. Chadbourn, also. a friend of the governor, had telegraphed John R. to go to Wilmington and - see him. John R. went and Chadbourn assured him that the change would be better for him and that the - governor 'desired it. John R. finally decided to make the change and placed his resignation as penitentiary superintendent in Judge Robinson's hands. But his salary was never ; increased, ne torn tne com mittee. He did not say anything about it, save to suggest to the board of agri culture that the latter ought to fix it. Matters went along, and there was yet no raise. Then he talked with a lawyer here about it. The lawyer talked with Loge Harris and the latter told John R.f hat he thought it would be best for him at that juncture not to press the matter. So poor John R. was buncoed out of bia money. - When he and Loge had . this talk it was after last fall's election and tLis3 looked mighty bilious. J . Tks rurs Peec3 has taken the egcacy or one cf the largest mil r etasp and :1 factories ia the country, and 13 pre- rirci to t!:ow cat3 of crj q:ove low '::3 ca rallcr etams ci all kinu.i, j--r!crators, corporal!: a rniLoa- ",'.;! Eta: - BONUS ITEMS. Mr. Joe S pence, of Dover, is visiting his uncle, Mr. Jim Giw. ? ; ;! Miss Laura Green spent the past week with Miss Ida Phillips and returned home yesterday. v , ' , Miss Ida Harrison has returned from Olivers and Newborn, where she bad been visiting friends and relatives. Rer. C. E. Forlines preached a very In tereeting sermon at Shady Grove yester day and at Lynwood last night Let's Vote Bonds and Have Progress. Some have an idea that it is showing manliness and big will power to fail to vote for bonds,' because someone has told them not to, notice Intimations that they who oppose are "mossey-backs" and "unprogressive.' 1 We do not wish to offend, anyone, but it is a , fact , that Kinston's progress, especially !n establishing co-operative manufactories has been in spite of secret work against such movements blows sfruck in the dark at efforts being made by our progressive citizens , along that line. The Orion Mills and the Kins- ton Cotton Mills were successfully established in spite of such opposition, and now all of our people see what aids they are to Kinston's prosperity and what good investments they are to the stockholders. Vote for bonds tomorrow, and future results will testify to the wisdom of your vote. A Protest From Lear Tobacco Dealers. Washington, - July 28. A delegation from the uational association of - leaf tobacco dealers had a conference with the Internal revenue--officials-todays and protested against the ruliug of : the of fice that dealers who ; sells leaf : for de livery from one or more of their " ware- bouses in the several states, should pay the special tax as dealers for each of each warehouses. The main purpose of the government by this ruling is to se cure safe-guards against loss by revenue through manufacturers. Jt .is believed that no change will be made in theruling for the present at least. " Rebellion in San Domingo. . Cape Hay Uen, July 29. Advices just received from the Dominican frontier say that the insurgents bave cut ' the tele graph wires in the neighborhood of San tiago de los Caballeros and near Moca. The insurgents in the western part of San Domingo await the arrival of Don Juan Isidore Jiminez, under, whose leadership tbey intend to attack Santi ago. , A Dotf Story br Pepy. . ' The following story of a dog of the restoration has been taken from the vo racious Fepys under the date Sept 11, 1681 1 "To Dr. Williams, who did carry me into bis garden, where be bath abundance of grapes: and be did show me bow a dog that he hath do kill all the cats that come hither to kill bis pigeons, and do afterward bury them; and do it with so . much care that tbey shall be quite covered, that if the tip of the tail bangs out be will take up the cat again, and dig the hole deeper. Which is very strange; and. he teQs me that he do believe that he hath killed above a hundred cats." 1 "The Best Man That Eyer Live." .After hearing so many women ex press themselves upon the subject we have come to the conclusion that "the best man who ever lived," if he ever marries, will have to take what be can get The ordinary, everyday sort of man will probably continue, as hereto fore, to gather in the cream cf the fair eex. Boston Transcript - vIIotlr Exotics. "YThat treraenuonsly tall men your "Oh, no! Nearly all cf then ccs cut t era &ni grew up with CLlcc. " Clizzr.o Tribune. Hatter? of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. m ikii;s The Pith or the World's News That Ulghf Interest Our Reaeere. Some la Fresh,' Some May Be "Salty," Bat Not Spoilt. - There is Bald to be a combine of the duck cotton mills with a capital of $16, 000,000. ' ; The glass trust has raised the price of glass another 5 per cent, making en ad vance of 80 per cent, since June 20th. , The plant of the La Crosse, Wis., Wallis Carriage Works -was destroyed by fire Saturday night. Loss $75,000; insur ance $25,000. , Bry son, Jameson & Co.'s timber yards and, Samar & Co.'s grain warehouse, at Hull. En&land. were destroyed bv fire Saturday. Los 120,000. ! ' The work of theSamoan commission Is said to be of no real effect. There are renewed hostilities between the rival candidates for the kingship, A trolley car ran away while going down a hill at 'Spring City, Pa., Satur day night, and dashed into a building at the foot of the Incline.! At least 25 per sons were more or lees seriously injured. In an Interview at Houston, Texas, Friday, Hon. J. W. Bailoy said: "I am fully persuaded that the national admin iBtralJoo,:hasefitet?jd,'into"afull and complete agreement .for an alliance be tween England and the United Kfats. This alliance, in my opinion, is to be Ui h ' offensive and defensive. I thiuk the reason It has not been published to the world is that for political reasons the president is afraid to do so." f ' f ; TbeWashingtoa Post says: Gen. Miles will ask Secretary Root for a speedy de , oision as totherelationsexistlng between' the general commanding the army and the secretary of war. He Is now prepar-' ing bis side of the case, which will be submitted to the new secretary! .The', condition' which has existed in the war department since-the campaign in Parto Rico Is reviewed, showing that Gen. Miles, while major general commanding, the army, has bad little or no voice in the management of the affairs of the army, and it is stated that with the incoming secretary he hopes the present condition will improve. , A special from Jackson, Ga., says the three Mormon elders who were taken away from the home of Wm. Cunnard at Newton factory, Jasper county, Wednes day night, escaped from the mob while crossing a creek in that county and are now safe near Jackson. They are suffer ing from -many bruises and injuries sustained In a fight with their captors. They swam down the creek, hotly pur-r sued by the mob, finally escaping and making their way through the country to the home of friends. It Is not thought here that the mob intended to lynch the Mormons, but was intent on escorting them out of the county. Danville Statfced Herself. Durham Herald. All other markets in this State and Virginia having refused to join the Dan ville warehouse trust, there ia a great Qeal of curiosity to know what that town will do about it and how the would-be trust is goiEg to control the tobacco markets of the two states. At - present it looks like that DanviL's, ia her atteript to crush the other carkcta, has czlatcntlcnally received a stab frcn which it will fca Lard to recover. Old papers for eala at th;3 cdzs. ' f