a rm daily : PRE N "1 PUBLISHED ElfERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDHY; Vol. II No. 116. . ; BJNSTON, N. 0., THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17, 1899. 7 Price Two Cents 1IIB it Interesting North Carolina Items In . . Condensed Form. f II lULU ' or Items That Will Interest North Carotin lans. Some News, Some Politics Al Of Some Interest to True "Tar Heels." -.Edward Roderick, a huckster ofWil mington, took two ounces of laudanum Tuesday and died Family troubles' said to be the cause. 1 4 ' . Virgil, the - six-year, old boy of Jake ' Garrett, was knocked down by a freight " train near Paint Rock Friday evening , and instantly killed, says the Asheyille Citizen, ..; u ft f jfV The Llncolnton Journal says that Lum Jetton, aged about 35. years, com mitted suicide at Lowesville, , Lincoln county.on the 4 tb.by drinking two ounces of laudanum. . , . Charlotte's new -,r Methodist church, Trinity, will be open for - the , first time the first Sunday in September The News says that Bishop Candler will preach the opening sermon. ' f ' The three-mast; schooner Aaron Rep pard, from Savanah to Philadelphia, was wrecked off Gall Shoals, on the North Carolina coast. Wednesday. Five of her crew of eight were drowned,,." , , ' . - The Citizen says that Asheville had two attempts at suicide, on Sunday,,', A negro woman jumped Into a well In ten . feet of water but was rescued. A white woman took a dose of I laudanum but ;v got over ifc'l - The Wilmington Star quotes Col. Geo. L. Morton as saying there was no foun dation for the report that the Hornet would be sent to Maryland. Thet Hor net will stay with .the North Carolina Naval Reserves. 1 ' ' " Immigration Commissioner Thompson has a letter from a man named Esler from Michigan who wants to settle in western North Carolina to raise apples; ' says he raises apples and ships them herefrom Michigan, so thinks , he will ' save freight by raising the fruit close to the market. , ,.4.t v , j ,? . . , " The Wachovia Loan and Trust com pany, of Winston, gets the $60,000 North Carolina ten-year four , per cent, coupon ; bonds which were authorized by the leg islature for the purchase of the Caledonia farm. The price was $62,250 for the is sue, equivalent to 108.75. The bids were opened Wednesday. , , ,' " , A ''conference" of negroes is called to . meet at Raleigh September 27 and 28 , to discuss matters, industrial, educational and political, affecting the colored race. It is probably for the purpose of taking r steps to fight the constitutional amend ment, as notice of the meeting was given out by a negro clerk in Collector Dun can's office, V"-;-" ' , ;- 'V- Dr. Cooper Curtice, - the State veteri narian, will r commend for better con trol and. suppression of splenic fever to the federal government a stricter quar antine and better defined quarantine lines, and to the State authorities he will recommend that the drivicsr of cattle from infected, f ree-raxecounf es to un infected, stock-law counties be prohibit ed. , , . ' The Stata board cf education Wednes day raat:i aa cptlon to Capt. E. S. rincb, cf CLailotta, on all the eTraisp horroJly tie T! ) lzli i -areata alout CC0.C : ) c;r: czl tls I ) r 1 r " c i i " T' r '. ? i r c:r:. ' V: z t. I'ich i3CivcatL3 cC.:i fcr c:. 2 j. :r. II 3 eip-:t.3 to f :". t'...3 t ":t!r? I.;r:p I 3 n r ?r'' "rn f-r- " -' f v . 1 1 dm cYPiiniiffl hum LAUimi lands contain valuable timber, while others are covered with several feet of water. The State will not permit Capt. Finch to sell less than 1,000 acres at a time.-v i On King's creek, Caldwell county, last week, lightning struck the corner of the residence of John Barneft, tearing off part of the roof, running down the cor- ner part and tore off the celling on the first floor, which fell on the bed on which he and his .wife were sleeping, but the head and foot board saved them from injury.; A iron in the corner of the room had its stock torn off but did not fire; At Alt. Airy last Saturday ' nignt there .- . - : . ... was a ciasn- between a military company and a, civilian. The Granite City guards were out on parade, when a citizen be gan guying the soldier boys. Captain Bel ton got mad, wrote out a warrant and notified his subordinate officer to ar rest the man for deriding the company. The citizen resisted and a fight followed between a corporal and thecivilian, when a policeman came up and arrested Capt. Belton, his lieutenant and the corporal. The three were given a trial before two magistrates and bound over , to the su perior court. In 'default of $500 bond each, they were committed to jail. A tel egram was sent to' Gov. Russell Monday, notifying him what had been done and asking what disposition should be made of guns and property of the State. : He replied: ; f.'Hold the property until fur ther Instructions." til MURDER NEAR JASON. Nancy Smith, a Negro Woman, Shot Mr, John Bnrrns,iWh Died From Loss or diqqu wreanesuay Morning. . - 1 LaGrange,? Aug. 16. Monday night Justice John W.' Sutton trled,vMr. John) Barrus for -whipping Nancy Smith, col ored.' : Mr.'Burrus plead guilty and was nnea 1U cents ana costs. - - l It is said the, parties left here in the same buggy and returned , to tfie scene of j the fighting, Mr. Allen Carter's, near I Jason, where Mr, Burrus again whipped Nancy. " " '-. , , , " J At about 11 o'clock Nancy, after slip- ping into Mr. Carter a and getting his gun, came near Mr. Burrus and shot him n the thigh, and then snapped the gun at Mr, Carter. Nancy escaped and has not been appr hended. - ,,? Dr. J, M. Hadley examined the. wound and. pronounced it serious! Dr. J. M. Kirkpatrick was also summoned and was begged by Mr, Burrus to Amputate his leg, but did not d3 so. Mr. Burrus lived until 4 o'clock Wednes day morning and died from Ipsa of blood. I ? a txt n a a vnnnff man i oKa4- OA waahm nl I "w " - w"" r rr : Bai Vl who is a good and respected citizen. BONUS ITEMS. , , August 16, 1899. .Mr. U. 1. Taylor lost one ofhia tobacco barns by fire last Friday, Miss Annie Waters, of near Doveris visiting Miss Lula Gilbert. Mrs. Carrie Isler and Miss Carrie Woo- ten fepent Sunday at Mn J. C. Burt's. Mies Jennie Kornegay, of Duplin coun ty, came Friday to spend several weeks with Miss Emma Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bart and little Etta, of Trenton, spent several days in tlte vicinity vi&l tlcg relatives and frienda. , Itev. J. W. Beam an began a protracted mcctirs at thady Grove on Sunday, as- eistcJ by Mr. Howard, of Ocrac&ie, aid lir. Dixon, of near llrcr(M. We ex- pected l!r. Eecton, tut 1.3 f, lei to co 39. Your ::';r-.3Eor: yC trr!i'eCc':3,C:x! j. J.E.IIocJt 7 t- a ara rot f lt .3 evcrvwlrrj r . 13 1.' ; I": I : . v : If B. E. STANLY DEAD. 0ns or the Host Popular Yoftng Ilea la the State. Loved by All Who Knew Him. . Mr. BenjaminlB. Stanly died yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, at his home near Graingers, of diabetes. I . , , ; ' He was 27 years of age this month. The burial will take place inthecemi tery here tomorrow morning between 10 and 11 o'clock. The pall bearers will be Mess. W. B. Coleman, Carl Fridgen, E. B. Lewis, E. R. 1 Tui M. Jones ana W.: V. jfonocic. The bereaved relatives havethe sympa- VT , I I . lion Kfanlv nrm mnr. i Ben Stanly was more ' widely known and loved than perhaps any other young man in Lenoir county. Educated at Dr. Lewis' school, Horner school and the University of North Carolina, his circle of acquaintances was wider than that of most school boys. And they all, without a single exception, loved, him. Studious ftnd hut WMck Ssp auj euwjcvu. uuu i uo nan auis w np c. high place in his classes. ' His athletic qualities made him t hp I idol of the less studious and more sociable, and in what ever department of school or college work he found himself he was surrounded by loyal friends and devoted followers. ; ; He graduated, from the University in 1896, with - the degree of B. S., and , re turned to his home here to farm. In the summer he would ' usually spend a few weeks playing baseball with some friends in i northern . athletic clubs, and though repeatedly sought by managers of the big leagues,, would never give up his standing as an amal eur sportsman. For the. laiit vearhe has beenfailinar in health. but U9 genial,; kindly rature' knew; no chantre. His appearance on the street was the signal for the gathering of many friends, who, tbOnshfcrv'.'I-jrt ep- tarentiailinar' health; admired itheforti- tude that kept his spirit .steadfast and his eve nndimmed; No man in North Carolina had more friends, and no death of recent years will cause more unfeigned Borrow than hl. 1 Bot and man ha was my friend faithful and Just, and no words can -describe hia taking off better than these of the great poet of humanity: "Scarce nad be need to castnla pride or Biougb the dross of earth; E'en as be trod that day to God, so walked be on the earth, Inl8!mp:eness and gentleness and honor, "nd clean mirth." ; . . r : r ' , : : . -, ' v , E.B. Lewis, BRYAN APPROVES IOWA PLAN. Anti-Trust and AntK Expansion to De the Issues, and Slxteen-to-Cne to Be Kept la the Background.. v Dia MninAB Tnwn. A tiff. 1 K, At fnnr . . .. different meetings today William J.- Bry Democrats in planning their campaign this fall by dropping 16 to 1 and sub stituting therefor anti-trust and anti- expansion. , In an address to county chairmen he said:! ' "The Chicago platform; was written for all time, and the Democratic party is not under obligation to reiterate Its de tails, but as new issues arise we may turn our attention to them, take them into the family and fight on .them without apologizing for any former fight we have made." V '. , : r. y' Later, before the State central' com mittee, with whom he lad a conference concerning the platform which will be adopted tomorrow, he repeated ; this statement, giving his approval to the money plank which cont-Jns a simple .icrscr.cat of o platform out giving attention to the" ques- tloncf ratio. In two af Ircsses tonight d be- i:;:3 !:. ,3 c-:c-c3, 1'r. I ryaa cava rJ cx; two i:cuc3 , QZ1'.2 t 3 i : "a, 13 i 3- .: :i!on. 1 C :.'.';a to tr:3 - that f 73 utmost i;pc;t: v. c: 3 c f f 3 a i 1 r. DOVERJJEMS. . Augustl6, 1899. , Mr, J, F. Carpenter and family went on the excursion to Morehead Tuesday. Miss Lucy Hatch, who had been visit ing relatives here, left for home tonight. ' Miss Maggie Tucker, of Newborn, was visiting Miss Georgia West last Sunday. r Miss Meta Outlaw left tonight in com pany with her cousin, Miss Lucy Hatch, to visit at Mt. Olive. :, The Goldsboro;Lumber Co.'s new build ing is almost completed and is awell ar ranged and embellished building. Miss Minnie Arnold, of Newbern, who bad been visiting at her uncle's, Mr. W. W. Arnold, left for Ft. Barnwell Tuesday. ' An ice cream supper was given at Mr. F. P. Outlaw's. Tuesday night, compli mentary to Mies "Lucy Hatch, of Mt. OUve. ' Bev. J. B. Jackson came Saturday to fill his regular appointment in the school house Sunday, but on account of the protracted meeting in the Methodist church he did not preach but attended the Methodist services. . .,....,.vfi.., ,,. ,, ; .ii. j...t. AV.Aii-s,;!,!.-.;.'''. Bev. C. O. Durant has been conducting a religious meeting at tne - JVietnoaist church for more than a week. He was assisted t by Bev, Porter. Some interest was manifested and we hopo that good was accomplished. The meeting closed Monday night. ,;" . , . j- ; , Mr. R. F, Croom has, resigned his posi tion . in the Goldsboro Lumber. ; Co.'s planing mill . here and left Tuesday for Tarboro, where he has accepted a posi tion. "Flay," as be was familiarly call ed, has been in Dover for five years and has made many good friends. He is a clever, whole-souled young man. Suc cess to him wherever he may go. : h m lit. Joe :, Berry,' bookkeeper for the Goldsboro Liumoer to., was summoned before G. V, Richardson, J, P., Tuesday for failure to work the public road. Mr. Berry claimed that he was not a citizen of, this State, and also pleaded the uncon stitutionality of the road law, . J udg- went was rendered against him, and : be appealed to the superior court. ,We be lieve that Mr, Berry Is right and .hope bs will carry his point if he has to carry it, to the supreme court, which he has the grit to do. Two colored men were made to pay f 2.50 and f 4.50 respectively, be cause they failed to do servitude without compensation, and yet, "no citizen shall be held to involuntary servitude except for crime." .. .. , : , , ' , To1 Consolidate the Roads of The Sea v ooaru Air Line. . . s Atlanta, Ga., August 15.A meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad company will be held at Raleigh, N. C., September 6th,to consider the terms and conditions : upon , which that property may consolidate with the Seaboard and Roanoke, the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line, the Carolina Central, the Georgia, Carolina and Northern, the Durham and Northern, the Roanoke and Tar River and the Louisburg. The con solidation of these roads Is preliminary to the formation of the Seaboard Rail way company, which will include the Seaboard Air Line system, the Georgia and .Alabama Railway company, and the Florida Central and Peninsula Railway company. - - ; v : The financial details are being arranged by Mr. John Skelton , Williams, of Rich mond, Va., and J. William Honderdorf, of Baltimore. , ' ' ' f.'atlssal Lcs;s3 canes.. v ' TUESDAY. . ' . PLilad Jphia 9, St Louis 4. Wasnir-toa 5, Pittsburg 7. . ' NeAvYcrk7,C:ncianatil. v Boston 0, Loatovilla 3; 2d game Bos- tcal2, Lcu"3vill3 5. ' ,; ; Cleveland 2, Broclljn 13. LI -ant iob rrir.llr;: is turned out at T:::: 1'r.zs L'r.z. 3 cCce, at low prices. ti Matters of Interest Condensed Into v , Brief Paragraphs. The Pith of the World's News That Mlaht Interest Oar Readers. . Some Is Fresh, Some Hay Be "Salty," But Not Spoilt. The parsonage o! the First Baptist church at Florence, S. C, was ' burned Tuesday. ,;,.' Anti-Goebel Democrats at Lexington, Ky., Wednesday nomicated J. T. Brown for governor, , v ' . ' ; Secretary Root has asked the governors of the states to name two officers each for the volunteer regiments. . ' Delano Wood, a 15-year-old boy, while bathing in the river at Panama, Fla., was bitten by a shark and died from his injur ies Tuesday. It is reDorted that letters fonnd nnder stones at San Isador tell a fearful tale of suffering by the American prisoners in the hands of the Filipinos; that they had been starved, beaten and bound and were inrags. .. ' . - . Commodore Cromwell has notified the navy department of an outbreak of yel low fever in the marine battalion of 40 men now at Havana, Asa precaution ary measure the whole battalion Will be brought to New fork at once and placed in quarantine.., . ; "..-. j . , ; A Kansas ACity , man; R. H. Davis, ' is being sued by his divorced wife for breach of promise. Ifc appears that Mr. D vie, after the law had severed . the tit i hut bound him to Mrs. Davis, met h-r uguin, and again felt the thrill of that old pas sion which had caused him to marry her. He proposed to her again, was accepted and then hung back. Mrs. Davis wants ' f 10,000 damages for thus trifling with her affections. ' Geo. R. Davis, a messenger of the Southern Express company, shot and wounded George Leonard, a Pinker ton defective, at Washington Wednesday. It " i statsd that a package containing $1,000 was recently lost on an express run between Washington and Atlanta, of which Davis has charge, and he is sus pected of having taken the package. When charged ' with the theft he did the shooting. t Davis is from Farmville, Ta. In Jackson county, Ky., two Mormon elders were run out of the county. In Taylor county, Tean.,' two Mormon eld ers were arrested for refusing to pay poll taxes. The elders said they were preach ers and exempt. The judge said from the bench that he refused to recognize then as preachers ' and assessed a fine. They had no money and were started off for jail, but succeeded in getting the jailor to accept their watches as security until they could send money to pay their fines. President Rich, of the Southern Mormon society, will proceed in the courts against the Taylor county judge. ! , , f . The war department has arranged to Send two more ship loads of supplies to Porto Rico. The steamer Evelyn, of the New York and Porto Rico line, will sail from New York next Friday with a full cargo of supplies. The use of the vessel was tendered by the steamship company free of expense." The government trans port McClellan is scheduled to leave New York for Joan Wednesday week. The auxiliary cruiser Resolute will also be utilized in case it is found necessary. Tfca Old Dominion Steamship Co., the Atlac'j Coast Lk:a end Postal Tele-re h-Cal! 3 Co. have tendered the freecr3cf ttcir lues' for rt".vi: j tte d.'strers ii Tcrta Rico. Literal donations of trrricra teins raada from all partd cf tlecc-trj. MiinnviB