THE DAILY FREE PBESS. ) ' subscription prices: One week...... ............10 oentf 1 One montD...... .....86 M . Tbree months....... .................1.00 Xwelre monibs ...................... tl.00 Fhiday Evemso, August 35, 1899. Court convenes at Snow Hill next Mon day. ,. , ' Wflliam Seameter was before Mayor Webb yesterday for drunkenness. He was fined 2 and costs. '.'".V. There was a nice i crowd at the Are engine house last night at the Ice cream supper, me proceeas amoantea to -no. . About 180,000 pounds of tobacco was sold here today. The prices were low, but as high; as on any market. The Carolina Warehouse, "the Old Reliable"! sold 40,000 pounds. . , r .; Rev. C. W. Blancbard returned from Castoria yesterday. He had been assist- ing Rev. M. P. Davis In a revival meeting thtre. Twelve additions have been' re- ported sofar, but the meetlnghasnot yet closed, - - . , . . ".'' ' Last Tuesday there was a serious ac cident on the Iron bridge. The vehicles ofMissSallie OuUaw and Mr. A. T. Howard collided,' causing three of Miss Outlaw's ribs to be broken. Dr. W. T. l'arrott was, called and rendered necessary medical attention. tlje Persistence is only good when you are lucua auu wivuk uieuiuuso uiau.rau t swamp any concern. Be sure your ad vertising matter and methods are as near right aa constant study and good judg ment can discern, and then everlastingly go ahead.Tbe Wheel. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr .T H TTInor want t.n fJpnrJHfl tWa .Mr. .1. C. Nplm lpft thla mnrnlnf fnr I . . - a Huttoifi, v a. . Miss tiara tireene returned to Newbern I this morning. Mr. A. D. Ward came from Newbern .v,!,,. o vupi. owiio uttuuwajr rtJiurucu iuoiiuw 1 Ilia this morning. 4 Mr.W. H. Hickson returned from Fay ettevllle yesterday. Mr. Murray and Misses BesBie and Ruth Whi taker returned to Trenton today. Miss Anna Pittman, of Grifton, came . yesterday to visit at Mr. G. B. Webb's. , Mrs. R. P. Montague, of Newbern, is visiting Miss Audrey Wade, near Kinston. MIm Hftlm Wil who hftfl hTi vlaitino- V ,T"". ,""0 : . . -"i boro this morning. Mr. Dave Jones, of Raleigh, came from i Newbern this morning. He is stopping atMr.J. Q. Jackson's. , ; Mr. W. A. Weaver, of Birmingham, Ala., came yesterday to visit his schoolmate, Mr. G. E. Koroegay, Jr., Misses Eula Bay To wnsend, of Alabama p. and Connie Dixon. of near Seven Rnrlno-n. are visiting at Mr. A, T. Redditt's. Mrs. William M. Dulin, who had been I visiting her brother, Dr. a. r. Miller, re- turned to Statesville this morning. I t.. j. c.-. w m vvmi VJ VV UV 4IU uwu uuuus iuioa auuio bvuHon, leii I this morning returning to her home at a , . Tantego. , ; Misses Pearl Hardy, Penina Beaman, t Mil. tl.-t ' II .. ... I ijinw rarser, oieBs. veu jjassiter ana Me- j nan Patrick, of Greene county, left for Morehead City yesterday. They wlll re- turn Saturday. I National League Games. TnrnspAv. , Pittsburg 1, Boston 3. Chicago 3, Brooklyn 0. , f St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 6. ; Louisville 4, Baltimore 4 called on account of darkness. Cleveland 2, New York 0. Statesville Landmark: E.' D. Hargler, colored, editor of the Charlotte Enter prise, said to be the only Democratic papcrin the State edited by a colored man, was in town yesterday in the ln tereit of his paper. Tbe Enterprise is in favor of tbe constitutional amendment and the paper and its editor areendoreed by a Eu'niber of the prominent citizens of SUPERIOR COURT. G. H. Moore Acquitted of thi Charge of Buraltry. Report .of Grand u Jory. Tweedy Murder Case Continued. Talk Ofa Special Tern to Try Two Harder Cases. The argument of counsel In tbe case of State re. 0. II. Moore for burglary, be4 gan on yesterday afternoon and contin. ned this morning1. Mr. N. J. Boose opened the argument on yesterday for defendant and was fol- by JMn theState. v Me8g. Aycock, , Wooten & Sbaw followed for defendant and Solicitor Duffy closed for j the State. X , v'',? ';. . , Tbe juds;e began his charge to the jury at flfteen mnnteB tol2 o'clock. Thecase was given to the jury at 12:05 o'clock. The speeches of all the counsel were good and of a higb order. The matter has been closely contested by both State and defense, and counsel 'or both State and defense have reflected rooeh credit upon themselves by the able manner In which they have conducted thecase. The jpry returned a verdict of not guilty at 12:85 o'clock. The grand jury having finished its work, came in court this morning, made its report and was discharged. The jail was reported to be in bad condition, 1 filthy and infested with vermin and ini need of repairs. Tbe public roads were reported in very bad condition. The Judge referred the report to the solicitor to take such action as he thought proper and ordered a copy to be served on the chairman of the board of county commis sioners. Judge Bryan has decided not to take up the Tweedy murder case, as it could not be finished this week. The special venire was 'discharged. There is some talk of having a special term to try ths two murder cases on the docket. As the 1 I . J - 1 I M""" " uwu cuuwuuwi ttuuruejrB P( with tfiA mnrrlfir nf TuvAnrlv. Iiata nnlr. ... . . .. .. if,,. in nor a Tr lor, T.ho nriannora nut (in I bond ond Judge Bryan hag the matter under consideration. Special NotiCGS. Smoked Sausage for sale at J. B. Cum mings . Two six-feet oak Show Cases for sale. L. B. Cox & Son. . ; Butter and Cheese on ice for sale at J. B. Cummlngsv If you want good substautial Shoes buy oij. U. uummiogs', 1 Extra fine stall fed Beef at Bond's Market for Saturday and Sunday. 'Phone 14. The Fbkk Press has just received one shipment of 65,000 envelopes bought at low prices mcaseiots ior casm Jfrlces lor Ukim. J.1.1 J l . fi.uu ior ouu, fi.&u ior l.ouo. tJend in your orders for all kinds of printing. KINSTON MARKET. Prices quoted tor Country Produce are those Beeswax per pound...... .......... . 20 Corn per nusnel ...... Meal per bUBhel....... 0 c. sides per pound ex aamB counirj new per pound . iX Icu,peVpV.!."!!!."'ll"! cnicicens per pair.......,..,,......,.,.... 25 to 50 ffiuushei:::.,:::::;::::;:::::: ?J sheep.",..... ........, i.$o Lamh TtAtm Jt-m t ui. 4 to 10 Hides I 1 crreen...... . ... .......... ; . k Bee! on root fat "4 to 5 W - - - -- w- - WWW u Pork fresh .. 5 SoSsS ':;:: V ' ,., W W OV wrar .. ........ ........ ..... .... ...,4to 4.V6 GET YOUR PRINTING .: from a printer. who is willing and capable, and who will in- , terest himself to the extent of making ; your printing best suited to your particular needs, j Artistic Printers, who exercise good taste, use appropriate type and. newest ideas, are few. To this class we strive to belong. We d6 printing ior most ot the best uusincss ana proiessionai men in,this section, and would like rr rr vAwro 1 ry rr:w I tie Hree Press. POINTER WANTED! - A ober, competent printer can steady job. Write at once. Dialing wages cjtpcwicu ttuu vnai you can do. THE FREE PRESS. Dissolution Notice. The firm of H. T. Bass & Co. was dis solved by mutual consent August xst, l8oa. - A. K. Umstead and D. J. Walker returner, u.i. gass continues tne busi ness under the same firm name. H. J. BASS, ' A. K. UMSTEAD, VW-v V'V D. I.WALKER. Kinston, N. C, Aug. 23, '99. , - TIRES! TIRES ! 'TIRES! From $2.50 per pair tip, and we will mend punctures in 1 any tires 101 "5C ' ' . V for 75c; other re- f-" r J. FRANK WEBB, TheBikeman. RUTH BHGK Seed! , ;ALL " r -iUS-: '':v:r SIZE PACKAGES, .AT. HOOD STOfE. KINSTON, : N. C. A Fine Shirt needs' fine laun dry work to make it look nice and - wear well, Just the , same with all your garments. We do not use an inju rious cnemical; do not rot out your linen and can save you the wear your garments usually sustain,. , . r ' viau 10 nave you ry our worK. KinstonSteamliaandFV Glad to have you try our work. Phone 10 or a postal brings our team. A Large Shipment OF.... Fine Box Paper, . ; Society Stationery, Bath Sponge, School Sponge v And 2 Carriage Sponge, 1 n wnn 3.1 or:: i urn mm uuyu .u&i.. i mi : 4 4 4 I OETTINGER BROS. 17 & 19 N. Queen St. FOR YOU DAUGHTERS AND sons, who are, shortly to be offjjj . ior couege, we now show , New Dress Goods And : Trimmings, Nov Ready-Made Clothing, Undervear,v Notions, Etc., Etc. New Assortments inn Blankets, Trunks and : 1 Valises. , OETTINGER BROS Fourteen Varieties NEW CROP ITapnip Seed j Just Opened, AT V fcSTWliolesale and Retail. Desirable Residence and Farm I will lease or rent a four-horse farm, half a mile from Kinston, in a high state I of improvement, with a good, two-story aweumg seven-rooms; Darns, stables, j three tenant houses and a gin house, an engine and all machinery for conmne and peeking cotton. Also my tarxn in Jones county, near Trenton, containing about 400 acres of open land, good dwelling house, five tenant houses', barns and stables. Adapted to the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, corn, etc. E. H. E.F. PERRY, - , KINSTON," N.C 1 1 B.F.Cox.Pres W. C. FiKXDS, V.rPres R. C. Strong, Cashier. Tljr TIRI1? (YT IfniOTfl' Hit lul Of lllilolD. CMDOefiSed Easil28SS PaPSh 1, 1897 Established upon a rock foundation officers are bonded and full insurance against safe robber. Accounts with farmers, merchants. dealers in leaf tobacco and others solic ited. ; , v A nicely furnished private room, witn stationery free, for the use And conveni ence of our friends. Come and see us. Board of Directors : B. W. Can- ady, W..C. Fields, T. W. Mewborn, E. P. Cox, J. W. Grainger, J. E. Hood, Jesse Jackson, X. Harvey, W.L.Kenne dy, D. V. Dixon, S. H. Abbott. , The Ingcrsoll I DOLLAR WATCH ! Guaranteed for one year. TdTnnloJToi fnn Ml luwyiiomi OUU Just the thing for tobacco carers. , . FOR 5ALR AT . . DEflpnniv's,- 71 13 Ju ( wawl j KINSTON, - N. C. tZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2Zi II It Pays to Tiodeat The HigStoie o Big Remnant : Sale This Week. - o o o o - o I f ) o .-!! o I A vast accumulation- of j, Odds .k and Ends and , short JJ ; lengths in o Percales, Ginghams, Silks, , ' : Dress Goods, Domestics, , Calicoes Lawns, Curtain Goods, Embroideries, &c. All measured, marked ' in J plain figures , and displayed J easy Duying, at prices 11 Ik UCXl IO ' I Half Their W i r This is the best bargain It s opportunity of the year, and J J j first comers will get the best ' J 1 1 choice. ' Don't miss a good jj thing like this. 1 JJ THE BIG STORE, KINSTON. N. C. (f I a a n I n fl I I Cdl 1 1 1 1 U ffle Field ! Our summer fiarvest ig over. We are now glean ing the field. This i3 al ways : a profitless task,, but it is good business according to our notion, and we propose to sell our entire stock of Liauuns, Opgondicc, : Piques, . madPQQ Cloths, PcfcqIcs, Cheviots,' Fans, PattQSOls, Liodics' Oztiqpdz'r (in Black and Tan), and all other summer fSll lent values, and if vou como in timo you will get tho best of them. n, 1 ClT.rlr.t:?. ; . . , . kinston, N. c.i phona 50, Er i : Clcsk Cornet 7-.i. . o.

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