HE DAILY FREE PBESS. Cutrred at 4'. o. as second class mail matter oubllihstf r THE KINSTON FREE PRESI PUB. CO W. S. II HUBERT. - Editor. ANNEXATION OR DENOE. INDEPEN- A few dayH ago the statement was telegraphed ovi-r the country that Mr. McKinley wan exceedingly anxious to see civil government established In Cuba, and to call our troops home. This was intended for effect at home, where there is much dissatiHf action with the dilly dallying in Cuba, and the failure to fix any time for recalling our troops and recotrnizinir the independence of that island. There are abundant evidences that the eipansion boomers, who are now urging the expenditure of many millions of dollars and thousands of lives to establish American supremacy over the Philippines, also have their eyes on Cuba and have no idea of recognizing her independence if any pretext can be found for not doing so. There are a great many people in this country who do not believe the Cubans are lit for self-government, as there are a great many who believe that the peo ple of none of the republics south of us are fit for self government, and they are probably correct, and It will in all prob ability be a long time before they are The Cubans are just about as fit for self- government as any of these. That is none of our business. But this will be the pretext for refusing to recognize their independence and for finally absorbing the island and calling it annexation. Wilmington .Star. "If cotton goes to iu cents, as it now looks like it will," remarked Col. A. C Davis, of Goldsboro, at the depot, "the raising of tobacco in eastern North Car olina will be a thing of the past. The people in that section like cotton farming better than tney do tobacco raising. They take to it as naturally as a duck does to water." News-Observer. The price of tobacco is low too low The acreage in tobacco will be greatly reduced Unless it goes up in price, result ing probably in a big crop of cotton next year and lower prices. Tobacco is v sell ing too cheap, and its cheapness is due to the American Tobacco Trust. Down with the trusts I According to Robert IV Pattison, president bf a Pennsylvania life insurance, company, there are 15,000,000 people who carry life insurance in this country or about one to every family, and the aggregate amount they carry would buy every railroad, with its equipment, on the continent and leave a balance $3,000,000,000. Every pound of cotton 'manufactured in the mills of the south Is that much better for the fanner that depends on cotton as a money crop, and those them-who are so fortunate as' to have surplus capital could not pdsslbly'tfo'bet tetxf'safrai'tt' iiit1jMii''tiiilei' truly save the Durham Herald: v notes Uft la Wathlutos. At breakfast the other morning a Washington young woman found a lit tie note at her plate saying that her aunt had arrived from the east the night before and was at a well known hotel. About 0 o'clock 8be went to the hotel indicated and asked the clerk whether the newcomer bad been down to break fast yet. The clerk informed her that lie did not believe eho had been down und offered to send up u card. "Oh. never mind. doing that 1" she replied. "Yon just tell me the number i)f her room, and I will go np. " "No. ," promptly replied theclerk, and the yonng woman took the elevator. upon arriving at the door of No, . instead of rnpping, he softly put her i'ir to the door and listened in order that she might not disturb her nnnt. if Jie were asleep. She heard no noise find so took on t one of her cards, and nfter writing. "Will come a. 79 in i at 10-r-Jane." she tied a little bunch of flowers to it and left it on the knob, where it would fall into the doorway when the door was opened. At 10 o'clock she came again. The clerk had not seen her aunt and did not believe that she bad left her room. , So. after looking about the parlors in vain, sho went to the door of No. and soft ly tapped. "Who is it?" came a gruff voice, and at the same time a man opened the door and stepped out into the hall. , "Oh. yon are the paTty who was coming again at 10. are, yon?" contin ued the man smilingly. "Well, what can I do for'yoqf' ., "Nothing, thank yon," she replied, "unless you come down stairs and help me thrash that hotel clerk. " Wash ington Post 0k. H. D HARPhK. DKNTAL SUUGKO. KINSTON. N. V or r ton ovsa Dm ucihi ? -m. ., . m raa MnsBLhT UviLoma, Nixy to J. A. Paio it's Brosi JOHN p; STRATTON'S, 1 j Comfort, tali aoi Si 3- T Iraperter and Wholesale' Sealer la all kinds of m MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, J.!?!! 8TRATTON CO. catalogue 62 Grand St. New York. are what you want in a pair of shoes. Try a pair of our Patent Leather VICIS.jand youjgetlall 1 three combined. We have them in button or lace; Price $5." f s To make room for fall stock we will reduce the price every pair of Tan Shoes in stock. of Jieca Carpets We are just in receipt of our NEW SAMPLES OF CARPETS in all grades for the coming season. .It will be to your advantage to make an eaily inspec tion nf them, even though you do not intend to purchase until later. You will find our goods and prices compare favorably with those of any H-.use in the country,, as we are direct agents for the largest manufacturers in the United States. We are in a position to quote special prices for Hotels, Lodge Rooms and Churches. Carpets may be cut at the Mills and I DntrnnS7P Hnm lftld (in voiir flrx.r twnilavc aftr nlarincr I Ul 1 1 E,Z 1 1UIIIG .7 . - - - J l ' the order. A few pair of John Kelly's Ladies' Fine Shoes, former price was $3; they go now at $2,25. All new styles. Oome quick, as they wont last long. ... . , DAN QUINERLY, Queen Street. KINSTON, N. C ; : ' u : . 1 ' " Li r r 1' .. : ;f UmmMi Vault Grow Sew Kit? Th tnataraliiard of.Kealan4 (4 sua to oe one ox me most ancient soma ox anlnal life now existing, fit original' If fbwem&toutrfjw bat- now has to be contented with bat two! . It lays eggaV and these take nd less than it month to natcn ontrthtf embrtde pasBlflg the winter la a atate of hibernation: '. These remarkable animala are'fojundj only in one ex twb places in thtfonft uu mcj are rapicuy oecommg acarce,, - tJt collectors from every jwurt orthe. wonja; are- contannaliy.oni'thelr track; They are about 18 inches in leagthi and. llk; many of the ; lizards, are aald to nave the characteristic of being able to replace, portions' of their 'limbs, 'etc;, which have been destroyed! One 6wned by Mr. Carl Hanser of Awanni Had thi .11 ini suun IK! jae au V DUUIO tlUiQ SgUW and now a complete new eye,' as perfeci aa the': undamaged one, has" grown' In the'place of that lost :J v - . : .While the eye was' deYelDpinar1; fnt lizard seemed to be no more inconven fenced than a human being ii in tht growiz? cf finger nails 6r hair. ' Actloa repeated becomebit' Habit Jng continued becomes tTe&nd nahifs. r a are ' today what we were acen. I ed to do yesterday and the day b- fore. Lyman Abbott L, Some Cum of Kleytomamtaw ; . Here are spme strllclng cases of klepv ... r-t . . - -J'J? i':'.im: V toiaiwiB : a series 01 - cneiis was: com mitted in' some of tbe best jhonses ' in New York. The culprit turned out to j be a young woman connected by birth and marriage with the owners. : There after, when from a household which ehe had visited anything was missed, the owner would go to her, kiss her and ask it back. It was quite a family matter. At that time thero was a journalist about town who was both a social fa vorite and an able man. He kept a bachelor establishment in which it was his amiable habit to entertain those who had entertained him. f ?There of an afternoon or of an evening people would i gather and take back from his drawing ! room things which he had taken from theirs. There was f never'' VworA ' ex .1 j 'it.-- .'4. i ' ' t ' . -. ' I tuaujjeu on iu&. suojeci. jrerrecs cour tesy prevailed. Then there was a yonng fellow whose name figures in the early history of the United States. At a dinner which ho attended a ring -handed about for in spection disappeared. So much was said that later be returned ; it ;with a state ment to the effect thai it bad caught In the. lining of his sleeve. . A few daya aitejcwara we beard alboysr-dead since, but not forgotten ordering coat of, a tailor whom we patronized in common and .eipreasly stipulating that Buouja noi nave inai amaox Bieeve. : In each of these' instances the case belonged not to jurisprudence, bat to pathology. KleptomaniiOs a disease. Uke influent only thank; f ortune, less MMxuuacvi, luuug aowa iwsa ,atree &co; . . . .dealers in )y oods, Closing, Ftiiisli Goods, KINSTON, - N. O. ? JOHN F. STRATTON qp.l and 5a ve Money! Impotiar ftWholeanle Dealer In all kfndaof ! MUSICAL) M ERCH AN DISE, violins. Guitars, Banjo, Acordont , Harmonica. All kinds of HtrlDtra.&e. end for JOHN F.STRATTON CO Catalogue. a Grand St. New Yoas. j The hose and half-hose made by the ORION MILLS, Kinston, N. C, are not only economi cal for yon to wear, because of their fine wearing qualities and comfortableness, but they are made at home. The man ufacture of them gives em ployment to people right in Kinston. Every dealer ought to handle them. Be sure to insist on having goods made at the ORION . MILLS. By. doing so you, will not only save money, but will be help ing a home, industry , DR. THOS. H. FAULKNER, OBflTIST. Office Hours: 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. Rooms over the Bank'of .Kinston. ( Good Printing is always done by de sign, never by accident. It re quires intelligence; , but need not be r high priced. Our superior Job .Printing costs no more than what you are paying- for poor or medium work. See our samples. ' ' '--.' FREE PRESS, Kinston, N. C. JA f in aaw the lolhlwjnt tnmca ! Wkgr&MR ihoH Tiew Withlfe He;winVf-lnS The" who Wdtl the Landseer. recognize him. proudly pointed out the won. At was ratiier an hatit ona. tm toucBiag'hii'fortihead Heout'bfhU mr:Wltw nerer "J& he Udeed t? aafcl lAndseer. '"I'm eorty' to: hear' that ? And - as he1 coming -away he noticed i a . vlanre rery was picture by Stanfleld. "May t ask what yon want for this Stanfleld 1'' i Whktn.' said J Laadseer. itonchlne ma xoreneaa ana imitating tne dealer s gesture. 'Is Stanfleld gone toor ' : ,..AW..VapWaaaat Diet, v j,'-t',' Mr. Dukane--Jonesv Indulged ; In a Ungulstic diet yestvrdaj :, . . Mr. Qaswell what do yon mean by that? !,.:-A.:r::iiri Mr. Dukane Nortbsfde mao hhu eat hla words. Pittsburg Chronlrle- X '''X i---:' t': i .,.),- ..VI' . v,Mf 'j.Vi V' ' " '' ''' ' l of Goods. I i is ' - : y . . . ; w TTatrtnrr 1 lutnnht Ant I tiiA.rl j I Having bought out , the stock of Redditt & 'Lee, Iv offer the entire stock AT AND BELOW.COST, Commencing 4and continuing until the stok3 fttricea offered nio cnobdi Will fee ' UCllVCiCU EXtCUl HI LUC SlUIC fri vapo.xtpne wiu t dc cnaxgea to anybody. Remember that;;the;?eritttej .'.1.-1-It .fAt.; A XTT-l TT '. LOW COST The stock con- ikikt nf 'rvwilfiriM r.f i T uryuoods, iNotions 1 AiviL-lriy. A VVf' ery, Tinware and small, lines of Hardware and Drugs. ; , MrMee will continue with us until the 5 stock is closed ! out ana wiu uen resume busi ness at the old stand for him- ,ielf.-. . . ; :....,. The object of the sale xs.jto A close out tne enure stocic as ; .the wndersighed will retire om business; . v . All parties indebted 'no v Redditt & Lee are requested o come forward at once , and? settle meir accounts, au wno ; have claims against the firm ? : of Redditt & Lee are request ed to present them for settled ment. - - . , 1 'i Prices of papers and envelopes have advanced largely in ' I price, and the tendencjris still upward. However, i we $will . l 'do pointing at the following low prices until j forced ; to raise , jjiitca Ham uy a sun imiaei auvaucc la.uat px . materials : r '5 f 1 OR- Ii AfGH riQTH HH AOS. 250 fot onIy.'....;err 500,." .-fi.001,;; i,oopi " . ... x.65.:. . 5oco u, 6.25. v 25Sfor only...$i.ooA.-). ..; 1.40.9 500. r i;ooo- 5,000 k II II STAJBISnilTS. 250 for only .50.' 500 " 00. i,ocov ' .... 5,000 ! ..r 6.25. 250 for only.....5o.t -SPa"' ...$Ktf5vr Akooo " ... 8.75. 1 h f ill ! . " frttw ft t- il&M and 6a. half of each.) . - 2so.sueets tor omv ....... - 50O II II ...t.ocvy x.05. ''."'''.--.' "S.COO. .' 1 . ' ............ 6.2. . j i i.. ! sjTne above prices include paper (or material) and. print ing, and are for:prdiniary jobs; ' In the few "cases'iere fancy or aimc;uii seung.u required ue coshTmAmigauyxugcer. ...If NoteHeads, Statements, Bill Head and Letter Heads j e desired put up in pads the cbst will be 15 cents per 1,000 j ! exuiOTo'ciW'5co , JUt above prices are for gooo;, material,! t We haTa'. fine - 7e' guarantee neat,' tasty, ele. can get in most. small-, cities. To obtain good printing at low orices send 'your orders, I accompanied by the cash, to i' ' ' ; '', wm mfMmm mB mm sr . aw sr .j V, :-V:; V. ; : : : ' : kinston,' n. c. tCyYour orders will be filled promptly and aatlsfac orlly . , j -jinAtejrial at .increased pricttl' ' I irgant prbtbettqr than you j i 1 j H !i Telegraph. : ;

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